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# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org>
# This file is part of qutebrowser.
# qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Tests for qutebrowser.config.configfiles."""
import os
import sys
import pytest
from qutebrowser.config import config, configfiles, configexc
from qutebrowser.utils import objreg
from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings
@pytest.mark.parametrize('old_data, insert, new_data', [
(None, False, '[general]\n\n[geometry]\n\n'),
('[general]\nfooled = true', False, '[general]\n\n[geometry]\n\n'),
('[general]\nfoobar = 42', False,
'[general]\nfoobar = 42\n\n[geometry]\n\n'),
(None, True, '[general]\nnewval = 23\n\n[geometry]\n\n'),
def test_state_config(fake_save_manager, data_tmpdir,
old_data, insert, new_data):
statefile = data_tmpdir / 'state'
if old_data is not None:
statefile.write_text(old_data, 'utf-8')
state = configfiles.StateConfig()
if insert:
state['general']['newval'] = '23'
# WORKAROUND for https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/574
if 'foobar' in (old_data or ''): # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
assert state['general']['foobar'] == '42'
assert statefile.read_text('utf-8') == new_data
@pytest.mark.parametrize('old_config', [
'global:\n colors.hints.fg: magenta',
@pytest.mark.parametrize('insert', [True, False])
def test_yaml_config(fake_save_manager, config_tmpdir, old_config, insert):
autoconfig = config_tmpdir / 'autoconfig.yml'
if old_config is not None:
autoconfig.write_text(old_config, 'utf-8')
yaml = configfiles.YamlConfig()
if insert:
yaml.values['tabs.show'] = 'never'
text = autoconfig.read_text('utf-8')
lines = text.splitlines()
assert lines[0].startswith('# DO NOT edit this file by hand,')
assert 'config_version: {}'.format(yaml.VERSION) in lines
if old_config is None and not insert:
assert 'global: {}' in lines
assert 'global:' in lines
# WORKAROUND for https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/574
if 'magenta' in (old_config or ''): # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
assert ' colors.hints.fg: magenta' in lines
if insert:
assert ' tabs.show: never' in lines
@pytest.mark.parametrize('line, text, exception', [
('%', 'While parsing', 'while scanning a directive'),
('global: 42', 'While loading data', "'global' object is not a dict"),
('foo: 42', 'While loading data',
"Toplevel object does not contain 'global' key"),
('42', 'While loading data', "Toplevel object is not a dict"),
def test_yaml_config_invalid(fake_save_manager, config_tmpdir,
line, text, exception):
autoconfig = config_tmpdir / 'autoconfig.yml'
autoconfig.write_text(line, 'utf-8', ensure=True)
yaml = configfiles.YamlConfig()
with pytest.raises(configexc.ConfigFileErrors) as excinfo:
assert len(excinfo.value.errors) == 1
error = excinfo.value.errors[0]
assert error.text == text
assert str(error.exception).splitlines()[0] == exception
assert error.traceback is None
def test_yaml_oserror(fake_save_manager, config_tmpdir):
autoconfig = config_tmpdir / 'autoconfig.yml'
if os.access(str(autoconfig), os.R_OK):
# Docker container or similar
pytest.skip("File was still readable")
yaml = configfiles.YamlConfig()
with pytest.raises(configexc.ConfigFileErrors) as excinfo:
assert len(excinfo.value.errors) == 1
error = excinfo.value.errors[0]
assert error.text == "While reading"
assert isinstance(error.exception, OSError)
assert error.traceback is None
class TestConfigPy:
"""Tests for ConfigAPI and read_config_py()."""
pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('config_stub', 'key_config_stub')
class ConfPy:
"""Helper class to get a confpy fixture."""
def __init__(self, tmpdir):
self._confpy = tmpdir / 'config.py'
self.filename = str(self._confpy)
def write(self, *lines):
text = '\n'.join(lines)
self._confpy.write_text(text, 'utf-8', ensure=True)
def confpy(self, tmpdir):
return self.ConfPy(tmpdir)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('line', [
'c.colors.hints.bg = "red"',
'config.set("colors.hints.bg", "red")',
def test_set(self, confpy, line):
assert config.instance._values['colors.hints.bg'] == 'red'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('set_first', [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('get_line', [
def test_get(self, confpy, set_first, get_line):
"""Test whether getting options works correctly.
We test this by doing the following:
- Set colors.hints.fg to some value (inside the config.py with
set_first, outside of it otherwise).
- In the config.py, read .fg and set .bg to the same value.
- Verify that .bg has been set correctly.
# pylint: disable=bad-config-option
config.val.colors.hints.fg = 'green'
if set_first:
confpy.write('c.colors.hints.fg = "red"',
'c.colors.hints.bg = {}'.format(get_line))
expected = 'red'
confpy.write('c.colors.hints.bg = {}'.format(get_line))
expected = 'green'
assert config.instance._values['colors.hints.bg'] == expected
def test_bind(self, confpy):
confpy.write('config.bind(",a", "message-info foo", mode="normal")')
expected = {'normal': {',a': 'message-info foo'}}
assert config.instance._values['bindings.commands'] == expected
def test_unbind(self, confpy):
confpy.write('config.unbind("o", mode="normal")')
expected = {'normal': {'o': None}}
assert config.instance._values['bindings.commands'] == expected
def test_mutating(self, confpy):
confpy.write('c.aliases["foo"] = "message-info foo"')
assert config.instance._values['aliases']['foo'] == 'message-info foo'
def test_reading_default_location(self, config_tmpdir):
(config_tmpdir / 'config.py').write_text(
'c.colors.hints.bg = "red"', 'utf-8')
assert config.instance._values['colors.hints.bg'] == 'red'
def test_reading_missing_default_location(self, config_tmpdir):
assert not (config_tmpdir / 'config.py').exists()
configfiles.read_config_py() # Should not crash
def test_oserror(self, tmpdir):
with pytest.raises(configexc.ConfigFileErrors) as excinfo:
configfiles.read_config_py(str(tmpdir / 'foo'))
assert len(excinfo.value.errors) == 1
error = excinfo.value.errors[0]
assert isinstance(error.exception, OSError)
assert error.text == "Error while reading foo"
assert error.traceback is None
def test_nul_bytes(self, confpy):
with pytest.raises(configexc.ConfigFileErrors) as excinfo:
assert len(excinfo.value.errors) == 1
error = excinfo.value.errors[0]
assert isinstance(error.exception, (TypeError, ValueError))
assert error.text == "Error while compiling"
exception_text = 'source code string cannot contain null bytes'
assert str(error.exception) == exception_text
assert error.traceback is None
def test_syntax_error(self, confpy):
with pytest.raises(configexc.ConfigFileErrors) as excinfo:
assert len(excinfo.value.errors) == 1
error = excinfo.value.errors[0]
assert isinstance(error.exception, SyntaxError)
assert error.text == "Syntax Error"
exception_text = 'invalid syntax (config.py, line 1)'
assert str(error.exception) == exception_text
tblines = error.traceback.strip().splitlines()
assert tblines[0] == "Traceback (most recent call last):"
assert tblines[-1] == "SyntaxError: invalid syntax"
assert " +" in tblines
assert " ^" in tblines
def test_unhandled_exception(self, confpy):
confpy.write("config.load_autoconfig = False", "1/0")
api = configfiles.read_config_py(confpy.filename)
assert not api.load_autoconfig
assert len(api.errors) == 1
error = api.errors[0]
assert error.text == "Unhandled exception"
assert isinstance(error.exception, ZeroDivisionError)
tblines = error.traceback.strip().splitlines()
assert tblines[0] == "Traceback (most recent call last):"
assert tblines[-1] == "ZeroDivisionError: division by zero"
assert " 1/0" in tblines
def test_config_val(self, confpy):
"""Using config.val should not work in config.py files."""
confpy.write("config.val.colors.hints.bg = 'red'")
api = configfiles.read_config_py(confpy.filename)
assert len(api.errors) == 1
error = api.errors[0]
assert error.text == "Unhandled exception"
assert isinstance(error.exception, AttributeError)
message = "'ConfigAPI' object has no attribute 'val'"
assert str(error.exception) == message
@pytest.mark.parametrize('line', ["c.foo = 42", "config.set('foo', 42)"])
def test_config_error(self, confpy, line):
confpy.write(line, "config.load_autoconfig = False")
api = configfiles.read_config_py(confpy.filename)
assert not api.load_autoconfig
assert len(api.errors) == 1
error = api.errors[0]
assert error.text == "While setting 'foo'"
assert isinstance(error.exception, configexc.NoOptionError)
assert str(error.exception) == "No option 'foo'"
assert error.traceback is None
def test_multiple_errors(self, confpy):
confpy.write("c.foo = 42", "config.set('foo', 42)", "1/0")
api = configfiles.read_config_py(confpy.filename)
assert len(api.errors) == 3
for error in api.errors[:2]:
assert error.text == "While setting 'foo'"
assert isinstance(error.exception, configexc.NoOptionError)
assert str(error.exception) == "No option 'foo'"
assert error.traceback is None
error = api.errors[2]
assert error.text == "Unhandled exception"
assert isinstance(error.exception, ZeroDivisionError)
assert error.traceback is not None
def init_patch(qapp, fake_save_manager, config_tmpdir, data_tmpdir,
def test_init(init_patch, config_tmpdir):
# Make sure qsettings land in a subdir
if sys.platform == 'linux':
settings = QSettings()
settings.setValue("hello", "world")
assert (config_tmpdir / 'qsettings').exists()
# Lots of other stuff is tested in test_config.py in test_init