# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Loggers and utilities related to logging.""" import os import sys import html as pyhtml import logging import contextlib import collections import faulthandler import traceback import warnings from PyQt5 import QtCore # Optional imports try: import colorama except ImportError: colorama = None try: import colorlog except ImportError: colorlog = None else: # WORKAROUND # colorlog calls colorama.init() which we don't want, also it breaks our # sys.stdout/sys.stderr if they are None. Bugreports: # https://code.google.com/p/colorama/issues/detail?id=61 # https://github.com/borntyping/python-colorlog/issues/13 # This should be (partially) fixed in colorama 0.3.2. # (stream only gets wrapped if it's not None) if colorama is not None: colorama.deinit() # Log formats to use. SIMPLE_FMT = '{levelname}: {message}' EXTENDED_FMT = ('{asctime:8} {levelname:8} {name:10} {module}:{funcName}:' '{lineno} {message}') SIMPLE_FMT_COLORED = '%(log_color)s%(levelname)s%(reset)s: %(message)s' EXTENDED_FMT_COLORED = ( '%(green)s%(asctime)-8s%(reset)s ' '%(log_color)s%(levelname)-8s%(reset)s ' '%(cyan)s%(name)-10s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s%(reset)s ' '%(log_color)s%(message)s%(reset)s' ) EXTENDED_FMT_HTML = ( '' '
' '
' '%(cyan)s%(name)-10s' '
' '
' '' ) DATEFMT = '%H:%M:%S' LOG_COLORS = { 'VDEBUG': 'white', 'DEBUG': 'white', 'INFO': 'green', 'WARNING': 'yellow', 'ERROR': 'red', 'CRITICAL': 'red', } # We first monkey-patch logging to support our VDEBUG level before getting the # loggers. Based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/13638084 VDEBUG_LEVEL = 9 logging.addLevelName(VDEBUG_LEVEL, 'VDEBUG') logging.VDEBUG = VDEBUG_LEVEL def vdebug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """Log with a VDEBUG level. VDEBUG is used when a debug message is rather verbose, and probably of little use to the end user or for post-mortem debugging, i.e. the content probably won't change unless the code changes. """ if self.isEnabledFor(VDEBUG_LEVEL): # pylint: disable=protected-access self._log(VDEBUG_LEVEL, msg, args, **kwargs) logging.Logger.vdebug = vdebug # The different loggers used. statusbar = logging.getLogger('statusbar') completion = logging.getLogger('completion') destroy = logging.getLogger('destroy') modes = logging.getLogger('modes') webview = logging.getLogger('webview') mouse = logging.getLogger('mouse') misc = logging.getLogger('misc') url = logging.getLogger('url') procs = logging.getLogger('procs') commands = logging.getLogger('commands') init = logging.getLogger('init') signals = logging.getLogger('signals') hints = logging.getLogger('hints') keyboard = logging.getLogger('keyboard') downloads = logging.getLogger('downloads') js = logging.getLogger('js') # Javascript console messages qt = logging.getLogger('qt') # Warnings produced by Qt rfc6266 = logging.getLogger('rfc6266') ipc = logging.getLogger('ipc') shlexer = logging.getLogger('shlexer') save = logging.getLogger('save') message = logging.getLogger('message') config = logging.getLogger('config') sessions = logging.getLogger('sessions') ram_handler = None def init_log(args): """Init loggers based on the argparse namespace passed.""" level = 'VDEBUG' if args.debug else args.loglevel.upper() try: numeric_level = getattr(logging, level) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Invalid log level: {}".format(args.loglevel)) console, ram = _init_handlers(numeric_level, args.color, args.loglines) root = logging.getLogger() if console is not None: if args.logfilter is not None: console.addFilter(LogFilter(args.logfilter.split(','))) root.addHandler(console) if ram is not None: root.addHandler(ram) root.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) logging.captureWarnings(True) warnings.simplefilter('default') QtCore.qInstallMessageHandler(qt_message_handler) @contextlib.contextmanager def disable_qt_msghandler(): """Contextmanager which temporarily disables the Qt message handler.""" old_handler = QtCore.qInstallMessageHandler(None) try: yield finally: QtCore.qInstallMessageHandler(old_handler) def _init_handlers(level, color, ram_capacity): """Init log handlers. Args: level: The numeric logging level. color: Whether to use color if available. """ global ram_handler console_fmt, ram_fmt, html_fmt, use_colorama = _init_formatters( level, color) if sys.stderr is None: console_handler = None else: if use_colorama: stream = colorama.AnsiToWin32(sys.stderr) else: stream = sys.stderr console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream) console_handler.setLevel(level) console_handler.setFormatter(console_fmt) if ram_capacity == 0: ram_handler = None else: ram_handler = RAMHandler(capacity=ram_capacity) ram_handler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) ram_handler.setFormatter(ram_fmt) ram_handler.html_formatter = html_fmt return console_handler, ram_handler def _init_formatters(level, color): """Init log formatters. Args: level: The numeric logging level. color: Whether to use color if available. Return: A (console_formatter, ram_formatter, use_colorama) tuple. console_formatter/ram_formatter: logging.Formatter instances. use_colorama: Whether to use colorama. """ if level <= logging.DEBUG: console_fmt = EXTENDED_FMT console_fmt_colored = EXTENDED_FMT_COLORED else: console_fmt = SIMPLE_FMT console_fmt_colored = SIMPLE_FMT_COLORED ram_formatter = logging.Formatter(EXTENDED_FMT, DATEFMT, '{') html_formatter = HTMLFormatter(EXTENDED_FMT_HTML, DATEFMT, log_colors=LOG_COLORS) if sys.stderr is None: return None, ram_formatter, html_formatter, False use_colorama = False if (colorlog is not None and (os.name == 'posix' or colorama) and sys.stderr.isatty() and color): console_formatter = colorlog.ColoredFormatter( console_fmt_colored, DATEFMT, log_colors=LOG_COLORS) if colorama: use_colorama = True else: console_formatter = logging.Formatter(console_fmt, DATEFMT, '{') return console_formatter, ram_formatter, html_formatter, use_colorama def qt_message_handler(msg_type, context, msg): """Qt message handler to redirect qWarning etc. to the logging system. Args: QtMsgType msg_type: The level of the message. QMessageLogContext context: The source code location of the message. msg: The message text. """ # Mapping from Qt logging levels to the matching logging module levels. # Note we map critical to ERROR as it's actually "just" an error, and fatal # to critical. qt_to_logging = { QtCore.QtDebugMsg: logging.DEBUG, QtCore.QtWarningMsg: logging.WARNING, QtCore.QtCriticalMsg: logging.ERROR, QtCore.QtFatalMsg: logging.CRITICAL, } try: # pylint: disable=no-member qt_to_logging[QtCore.QtInfoMsg] = logging.INFO except AttributeError: # Qt < 5.5 pass # Change levels of some well-known messages to debug so they don't get # shown to the user. # suppressed_msgs is a list of regexes matching the message texts to hide. suppressed_msgs = ( # PNGs in Qt with broken color profile # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-39788 "libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has " "been edited", # Hopefully harmless warning "OpenType support missing for script ", # Error if a QNetworkReply gets two different errors set. Harmless Qt # bug on some pages. # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-30298 "QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must " "only be called once.", # Sometimes indicates missing text, but most of the time harmless "load glyph failed ", # Harmless, see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-42479 "content-type missing in HTTP POST, defaulting to " "application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Use QNetworkRequest::setHeader() " "to fix this problem.", # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-43118 "Using blocking call!", # Hopefully harmless '"Method "GetAll" with signature "s" on interface ' '"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn\'t exist', 'WOFF support requires QtWebKit to be built with zlib support.', # Weird Enlightment/GTK X extensions 'QXcbWindow: Unhandled client message: "_E_', 'QXcbWindow: Unhandled client message: "_ECORE_', 'QXcbWindow: Unhandled client message: "_GTK_', # Happens on AppVeyor CI 'SetProcessDpiAwareness failed:', ) if any(msg.strip().startswith(pattern) for pattern in suppressed_msgs): level = logging.DEBUG else: level = qt_to_logging[msg_type] if context.function is None: func = 'none' else: func = context.function if context.category is None or context.category == 'default': name = 'qt' else: name = 'qt-' + context.category if msg.splitlines()[0] == ('This application failed to start because it ' 'could not find or load the Qt platform plugin ' '"xcb".'): # Handle this message specially. msg += ("\n\nOn Archlinux, this should fix the problem:\n" " pacman -S libxkbcommon-x11") faulthandler.disable() stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack()) record = qt.makeRecord(name, level, context.file, context.line, msg, None, None, func, sinfo=stack) qt.handle(record) @contextlib.contextmanager def hide_qt_warning(pattern, logger='qt'): """Hide Qt warnings matching the given regex.""" log_filter = QtWarningFilter(pattern) logger_obj = logging.getLogger(logger) logger_obj.addFilter(log_filter) try: yield finally: logger_obj.removeFilter(log_filter) class QtWarningFilter(logging.Filter): """Filter to filter Qt warnings. Attributes: _pattern: The start of the message. """ def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__() self._pattern = pattern def filter(self, record): """Determine if the specified record is to be logged.""" if record.msg.strip().startswith(self._pattern): return False # filter else: return True # log class LogFilter(logging.Filter): """Filter to filter log records based on the commandline argument. The default Filter only supports one name to show - we support a comma-separated list instead. Attributes: _names: A list of names that should be logged. """ def __init__(self, names): super().__init__() self._names = names def filter(self, record): """Determine if the specified record is to be logged.""" if self._names is None: return True if record.levelno > logging.DEBUG: # More important than DEBUG, so we won't filter at all return True for name in self._names: if record.name == name: return True elif not record.name.startswith(name): continue elif record.name[len(name)] == '.': return True return False class RAMHandler(logging.Handler): """Logging handler which keeps the messages in a deque in RAM. Loosely based on logging.BufferingHandler which is unsuitable because it uses a simple list rather than a deque. Attributes: _data: A deque containing the logging records. """ def __init__(self, capacity): super().__init__() self.html_formatter = None if capacity != -1: self._data = collections.deque(maxlen=capacity) else: self._data = collections.deque() def emit(self, record): if record.levelno >= logging.DEBUG: # We don't log VDEBUG to RAM. self._data.append(record) def dump_log(self, html=False): """Dump the complete formatted log data as as string. FIXME: We should do all the HTML formatter via jinja2. (probably obsolete when moving to a widget for logging, https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/34 """ lines = [] fmt = self.html_formatter.format if html else self.format self.acquire() try: records = list(self._data) finally: self.release() for record in records: lines.append(fmt(record)) return '\n'.join(lines) class HTMLFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Formatter for HTML-colored log messages, similar to colorlog. Attributes: _log_colors: The colors to use for logging levels. _colordict: The colordict passed to the logger. """ def __init__(self, fmt, datefmt, log_colors): """Constructor. Args: fmt: The format string to use. datefmt: The date format to use. log_colors: The colors to use for logging levels. """ super().__init__(fmt, datefmt) self._log_colors = log_colors self._colordict = {} # We could solve this nicer by using CSS, but for this simple case this # works. for color in ['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'purple', 'cyan', 'white']: self._colordict[color] = ''.format(color) self._colordict['reset'] = '' def format(self, record): record.__dict__.update(self._colordict) if record.levelname in self._log_colors: color = self._log_colors[record.levelname] record.log_color = self._colordict[color] else: record.log_color = '' for field in ['msg', 'filename', 'funcName', 'levelname', 'module', 'name', 'pathname', 'processName', 'threadName']: data = str(getattr(record, field)) setattr(record, field, pyhtml.escape(data)) msg = super().format(record) if not msg.endswith(self._colordict['reset']): msg += self._colordict['reset'] return msg def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None): out = super().formatTime(record, datefmt) return pyhtml.escape(out)