Change Log =========== // All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to[Semantic Versioning], though minor breaking changes (such as renamed commands) can happen in minor releases. // tags: // `Added` for new features. // `Changed` for changes in existing functionality. // `Deprecated` for once-stable features removed in upcoming releases. // `Removed` for deprecated features removed in this release. // `Fixed` for any bug fixes. // `Security` to invite users to upgrade in case of vulnerabilities. v1.5.0 (unreleased) ------------------- Added ~~~~~ - The qute-pass userscript now has optional OTP support. - When `:spawn --userscript` is called with a count, that count is now passed to userscripts as `$QUTE_COUNT`. - New `content.mouse_lock` setting to handle HTML5 pointer locking. - New `completion.web_history.exclude` setting which hides a list of URL patterns from the completion. - Rewritten PDF.js support: * PDF.js support and the `content.pdfjs` setting are now available with QtWebEngine. * Opening a PDF file now doesn't start a second request anymore. * Opening PDFs on https:// sites now works properly. * New `--pdfjs` flag for `prompt-open-download`, so PDFs can be opened in PDF.js with `` in the download prompt. - New `qt.process_model` setting which can be used to change Chromium's process model. - New `qt.low_end_device_mode` setting which turns on Chromium's low-end device mode. This mode uses less RAM, but the expense of performance. - New `content.webrtc_ip_handling_policy` setting, which allows more fine-grained/restrictive control about which IPs are exposed via WebRTC. - Running qutebrowser with QtWebKit or Qt < 5.9 now shows a warning (only once), as support for those is going to be removed in a future release. - New t[iI][hHu] default bindings (similar to `tsh` etc.) to toggle images. - New `tabs.max_width` setting which allows to have a more "normal" look for tabs. - New `content.mute` setting which allows to mute pages (or all tabs) by default. Changed ~~~~~~~ - The `content.headers.referer` setting now works on QtWebEngine. - The `:repeat` command now takes a count which is multiplied with the given "times" argument. - The default keybinding to leave passthrough mode was changed from `` to ``, which makes pasting from the clipboard easier in passthrough mode and is also unlikely to conflict with webpage bindings. - The `app_id` is now set to `qutebrowser` for Wayland. - `Command` or `Cmd` can now be used (instead of `Meta`) to map the Command key on macOS. - Using `:set option` now shows the value of the setting (like `:set option?` already did). - The `completion.web_history_max_items` setting got renamed to `completion.web_history.max_items`. - The Makefile shipped with qutebrowser now supports overriding variables DATADIR and MANDIR. - Various performance improvements when many tabs are opened. - Regenerating completion history now shows a progress dialog. - Make qute:// pages work properly on Qt 5.11.2 - The `content.autoplay` setting now supports URL patterns on Qt >= 5.11. - The `content.host_blocking.whitelist` setting now takes a list of URL patterns instead of globs. - In passthrough mode, Ctrl + Mousewheel now also gets passed through to the page instead of zooming. - Editing text in an external editor now simulates a JS "input" event, which improves compatibility with websites reacting via JS to input. - The `qute://settings` page is now properly sorted on Python 3.5. - `:zoom`, `:zoom-in` and `:zoom-out` now have a `--quiet` switch which causes them to not display a message. - The `` setting now takes three values instead of being a boolean: `always`, `never`, and `when-searching` (which only displays it while a search is active). - '@@' now repeats the last run macro. - The `content.host_blocking.lists` setting now accepts a `file://` URL to a directory, and reads all files in that directory. - The `:tab-give` and `:tab-take` command now have a new flag `--keep` which causes them to keep the old tab around. - `:navigate` now clears the URL query. Fixed ~~~~~ - Error when passing a substring with spaces to `:tab-take`. - Greasemonkey scripts which start with an UTF-8 BOM are now handled correctly. - When no documentation has been generated, the plaintext documentation now can be shown for more files such as `qute://help/userscripts.html`. - Crash when doing initial run on Wayland without XWayland - Crash when trying to load an empty session file. - `:hint` with an invalid `--mode=` value now shows a proper error. - Rare crash on Qt 5.11.2 when clicking on `