[flake8] exclude = .*,__pycache__,resources.py # B001: bare except # B305: .next() (false-positives) # E128: continuation line under-indented for visual indent # E226: missing whitespace around arithmetic operator # E265: Block comment should start with '#' # E501: Line too long # E402: module level import not at top of file # E266: too many leading '#' for block comment # E722: do not use bare except # E731: do not assign a lambda expression, use a def # (for pytest's __tracebackhide__) # F401: Unused import # N802: function name should be lowercase # N806: variable in function should be lowercase # P101: format string does contain unindexed parameters # P102: docstring does contain unindexed parameters # P103: other string does contain unindexed parameters # D102: Missing docstring in public method (will be handled by others) # D103: Missing docstring in public function (will be handled by others) # D104: Missing docstring in public package (will be handled by others) # D105: Missing docstring in magic method (will be handled by others) # D106: Missing docstring in public nested class (will be handled by others) # D107: Missing docstring in __init__ (will be handled by others) # D209: Blank line before closing """ (removed from PEP257) # D211: No blank lines allowed before class docstring # (PEP257 got changed, but let's stick to the old standard) # D401: First line should be in imperative mood (okay sometimes) # D402: First line should not be function's signature (false-positives) # D403: First word of the first line should be properly capitalized # (false-positives) # D413: Missing blank line after last section (not in pep257?) # A003: Builtin name for class attribute (needed for attrs) ignore = B001,B305, E128,E226,E265,E501,E402,E266,E722,E731, F401, N802, P101,P102,P103, D102,D103,D106,D107,D104,D105,D209,D211,D401,D402,D403,D413, A003 min-version = 3.4.0 max-complexity = 12 per-file-ignores = tests/*/test_*.py : D100,D101,D401 tests/unit/browser/test_history.py : N806 tests/helpers/fixtures.py : N806 tests/unit/browser/webkit/http/test_content_disposition.py : D400 scripts/dev/ci/appveyor_install.py : FI53 copyright-check = True copyright-regexp = # Copyright [\d-]+ .* copyright-min-file-size = 110