# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Mode manager singleton which handles the current keyboard mode.""" import functools import attr from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal, Qt, QObject, QEvent from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication from qutebrowser.keyinput import modeparsers, keyparser from qutebrowser.config import config from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc, cmdutils from qutebrowser.utils import usertypes, log, objreg, utils from qutebrowser.misc import objects @attr.s(frozen=True) class KeyEvent: """A small wrapper over a QKeyEvent storing its data. This is needed because Qt apparently mutates existing events with new data. It doesn't store the modifiers because they can be different for a key press/release. Attributes: key: A Qt.Key member (QKeyEvent::key). text: A string (QKeyEvent::text). """ key = attr.ib() text = attr.ib() @classmethod def from_event(cls, event): """Initialize a KeyEvent from a QKeyEvent.""" return cls(event.key(), event.text()) class NotInModeError(Exception): """Exception raised when we want to leave a mode we're not in.""" def init(win_id, parent): """Initialize the mode manager and the keyparsers for the given win_id.""" KM = usertypes.KeyMode # pylint: disable=invalid-name modeman = ModeManager(win_id, parent) objreg.register('mode-manager', modeman, scope='window', window=win_id) keyparsers = { KM.normal: modeparsers.NormalKeyParser(win_id, modeman), KM.hint: modeparsers.HintKeyParser(win_id, modeman), KM.insert: keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser(win_id, 'insert', modeman), KM.passthrough: keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser(win_id, 'passthrough', modeman), KM.command: keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser(win_id, 'command', modeman), KM.prompt: keyparser.PassthroughKeyParser(win_id, 'prompt', modeman, warn=False), KM.yesno: modeparsers.PromptKeyParser(win_id, modeman), KM.caret: modeparsers.CaretKeyParser(win_id, modeman), KM.set_mark: modeparsers.RegisterKeyParser(win_id, KM.set_mark, modeman), KM.jump_mark: modeparsers.RegisterKeyParser(win_id, KM.jump_mark, modeman), KM.record_macro: modeparsers.RegisterKeyParser(win_id, KM.record_macro, modeman), KM.run_macro: modeparsers.RegisterKeyParser(win_id, KM.run_macro, modeman), } objreg.register('keyparsers', keyparsers, scope='window', window=win_id) modeman.destroyed.connect( functools.partial(objreg.delete, 'keyparsers', scope='window', window=win_id)) for mode, parser in keyparsers.items(): modeman.register(mode, parser) return modeman def instance(win_id): """Get a modemanager object.""" return objreg.get('mode-manager', scope='window', window=win_id) def enter(win_id, mode, reason=None, only_if_normal=False): """Enter the mode 'mode'.""" instance(win_id).enter(mode, reason, only_if_normal) def leave(win_id, mode, reason=None, *, maybe=False): """Leave the mode 'mode'.""" instance(win_id).leave(mode, reason, maybe=maybe) class ModeManager(QObject): """Manager for keyboard modes. Attributes: mode: The mode we're currently in. _win_id: The window ID of this ModeManager _parsers: A dictionary of modes and their keyparsers. _forward_unbound_keys: If we should forward unbound keys. _releaseevents_to_pass: A set of KeyEvents where the keyPressEvent was passed through, so the release event should as well. Signals: entered: Emitted when a mode is entered. arg1: The mode which has been entered. arg2: The window ID of this mode manager. left: Emitted when a mode is left. arg1: The mode which has been left. arg2: The new current mode. arg3: The window ID of this mode manager. """ entered = pyqtSignal(usertypes.KeyMode, int) left = pyqtSignal(usertypes.KeyMode, usertypes.KeyMode, int) def __init__(self, win_id, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._win_id = win_id self._parsers = {} self.mode = usertypes.KeyMode.normal self._releaseevents_to_pass = set() def __repr__(self): return utils.get_repr(self, mode=self.mode) def _eventFilter_keypress(self, event): """Handle filtering of KeyPress events. Args: event: The KeyPress to examine. Return: True if event should be filtered, False otherwise. """ curmode = self.mode parser = self._parsers[curmode] if curmode != usertypes.KeyMode.insert: log.modes.debug("got keypress in mode {} - delegating to " "{}".format(curmode, utils.qualname(parser))) handled = parser.handle(event) is_non_alnum = ( event.modifiers() not in [Qt.NoModifier, Qt.ShiftModifier] or not event.text().strip()) forward_unbound_keys = config.val.input.forward_unbound_keys if handled: filter_this = True elif (parser.passthrough or forward_unbound_keys == 'all' or (forward_unbound_keys == 'auto' and is_non_alnum)): filter_this = False else: filter_this = True if not filter_this: self._releaseevents_to_pass.add(KeyEvent.from_event(event)) if curmode != usertypes.KeyMode.insert: focus_widget = QApplication.instance().focusWidget() log.modes.debug("handled: {}, forward_unbound_keys: {}, " "passthrough: {}, is_non_alnum: {} --> " "filter: {} (focused: {!r})".format( handled, forward_unbound_keys, parser.passthrough, is_non_alnum, filter_this, focus_widget)) return filter_this def _eventFilter_keyrelease(self, event): """Handle filtering of KeyRelease events. Args: event: The KeyPress to examine. Return: True if event should be filtered, False otherwise. """ # handle like matching KeyPress keyevent = KeyEvent.from_event(event) if keyevent in self._releaseevents_to_pass: self._releaseevents_to_pass.remove(keyevent) filter_this = False else: filter_this = True if self.mode != usertypes.KeyMode.insert: log.modes.debug("filter: {}".format(filter_this)) return filter_this def register(self, mode, parser): """Register a new mode. Args: mode: The name of the mode. parser: The KeyParser which should be used. """ assert isinstance(mode, usertypes.KeyMode) assert parser is not None self._parsers[mode] = parser parser.request_leave.connect(self.leave) def enter(self, mode, reason=None, only_if_normal=False): """Enter a new mode. Args: mode: The mode to enter as a KeyMode member. reason: Why the mode was entered. only_if_normal: Only enter the new mode if we're in normal mode. """ if not isinstance(mode, usertypes.KeyMode): raise TypeError("Mode {} is no KeyMode member!".format(mode)) log.modes.debug("Entering mode {}{}".format( mode, '' if reason is None else ' (reason: {})'.format(reason))) if mode not in self._parsers: raise ValueError("No keyparser for mode {}".format(mode)) prompt_modes = (usertypes.KeyMode.prompt, usertypes.KeyMode.yesno) if self.mode == mode or (self.mode in prompt_modes and mode in prompt_modes): log.modes.debug("Ignoring request as we're in mode {} " "already.".format(self.mode)) return if self.mode != usertypes.KeyMode.normal: if only_if_normal: log.modes.debug("Ignoring request as we're in mode {} " "and only_if_normal is set..".format( self.mode)) return log.modes.debug("Overriding mode {}.".format(self.mode)) self.left.emit(self.mode, mode, self._win_id) self.mode = mode self.entered.emit(mode, self._win_id) @cmdutils.register(instance='mode-manager', scope='window') def enter_mode(self, mode): """Enter a key mode. Args: mode: The mode to enter. """ try: m = usertypes.KeyMode[mode] except KeyError: raise cmdexc.CommandError("Mode {} does not exist!".format(mode)) if m in [usertypes.KeyMode.hint, usertypes.KeyMode.command, usertypes.KeyMode.yesno, usertypes.KeyMode.prompt]: raise cmdexc.CommandError( "Mode {} can't be entered manually!".format(mode)) elif (m == usertypes.KeyMode.caret and objects.backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine): raise cmdexc.CommandError("Caret mode is not supported with " "QtWebEngine yet.") self.enter(m, 'command') @pyqtSlot(usertypes.KeyMode, str, bool) def leave(self, mode, reason=None, maybe=False): """Leave a key mode. Args: mode: The mode to leave as a usertypes.KeyMode member. reason: Why the mode was left. maybe: If set, ignore the request if we're not in that mode. """ if self.mode != mode: if maybe: log.modes.debug("Ignoring leave request for {} (reason {}) as " "we're in mode {}".format( mode, reason, self.mode)) return else: raise NotInModeError("Not in mode {}!".format(mode)) log.modes.debug("Leaving mode {}{}".format( mode, '' if reason is None else ' (reason: {})'.format(reason))) # leaving a mode implies clearing keychain, see # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1805 self.clear_keychain() self.mode = usertypes.KeyMode.normal self.left.emit(mode, self.mode, self._win_id) @cmdutils.register(instance='mode-manager', name='leave-mode', not_modes=[usertypes.KeyMode.normal], scope='window') def leave_current_mode(self): """Leave the mode we're currently in.""" if self.mode == usertypes.KeyMode.normal: raise ValueError("Can't leave normal mode!") self.leave(self.mode, 'leave current') def eventFilter(self, event): """Filter all events based on the currently set mode. Also calls the real keypress handler. Args: event: The KeyPress to examine. Return: True if event should be filtered, False otherwise. """ if self.mode is None: # We got events before mode is set, so just pass them through. return False if event.type() == QEvent.KeyPress: return self._eventFilter_keypress(event) else: return self._eventFilter_keyrelease(event) @cmdutils.register(instance='mode-manager', scope='window') def clear_keychain(self): """Clear the currently entered key chain.""" self._parsers[self.mode].clear_keystring()