# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015-2017 Alexander Cogneau (acogneau) <alexander.cogneau@gmail.com> # Copyright 2015-2017 Florian Bruhin (The-Compiler) <me@the-compiler.org> # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """Tests for misc.cmdhistory.History.""" import unittest.mock import pytest from qutebrowser.misc import cmdhistory from qutebrowser.utils import objreg HISTORY = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth'] @pytest.fixture def hist(): return cmdhistory.History(history=HISTORY) def test_no_history(): hist = cmdhistory.History() assert hist.history == [] def test_history(): hist = cmdhistory.History(history=HISTORY) assert hist.history == HISTORY @pytest.mark.parametrize('tmphist, expected', [(None, False), (HISTORY, True)]) def test_is_browsing(hist, tmphist, expected): hist._tmphist = tmphist assert hist.is_browsing() == expected def test_start_stop(hist): # We can use is_browsing() because it is tested above assert not hist.is_browsing() hist.start('s') assert hist.is_browsing() hist.stop() assert not hist.is_browsing() def test_start_with_text(hist): """Test start with given 'text'.""" hist.start('f') assert 'first' in hist._tmphist assert 'fourth' in hist._tmphist assert 'second' not in hist._tmphist def test_start_no_text(hist): """Test start with no given text.""" hist.start('') assert list(hist._tmphist) == HISTORY def test_start_no_items(hist): """Test start with no matching text.""" with pytest.raises(cmdhistory.HistoryEmptyError): hist.start('k') assert not hist._tmphist def test_getitem(hist): """Test __getitem__.""" for i in range(0, len(HISTORY)): assert hist[i] == HISTORY[i] def test_setitem(hist): """Test __setitem__.""" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="'History' object does not support " "item assignment"): hist[0] = 'foo' def test_not_browsing_error(hist): """Test that next/previtem throws a ValueError.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Currently not browsing " "history"): hist.nextitem() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Currently not browsing " "history"): hist.previtem() def test_nextitem_single(hist, monkeypatch): """Test nextitem() with valid input.""" hist.start('f') monkeypatch.setattr(hist._tmphist, 'nextitem', lambda: 'item') assert hist.nextitem() == 'item' def test_previtem_single(hist, monkeypatch): """Test previtem() with valid input.""" hist.start('f') monkeypatch.setattr(hist._tmphist, 'previtem', lambda: 'item') assert hist.previtem() == 'item' def test_nextitem_previtem_chain(hist): """Test a combination of nextitem and previtem statements.""" assert hist.start('f') == 'fifth' assert hist.previtem() == 'fourth' assert hist.previtem() == 'first' assert hist.nextitem() == 'fourth' def test_nextitem_index_error(hist): """"Test nextitem() when _tmphist raises an IndexError.""" hist.start('f') with pytest.raises(cmdhistory.HistoryEndReachedError): hist.nextitem() def test_previtem_index_error(hist): """"Test previtem() when _tmphist raises an IndexError.""" hist.start('f') with pytest.raises(cmdhistory.HistoryEndReachedError): for _ in range(10): hist.previtem() def test_append_private_mode(hist, config_stub): """Test append in private mode.""" hist._private = True config_stub.val.content.private_browsing = True hist.append('new item') assert hist.history == HISTORY def test_append(hist): """Test append outside private mode.""" hist.append('new item') assert 'new item' in hist.history hist.history.remove('new item') assert hist.history == HISTORY def test_append_empty_history(hist): """Test append when .history is empty.""" hist.history = [] hist.append('item') assert hist[0] == 'item' def test_append_double(hist): hist.append('fifth') # assert that the new 'fifth' is not added assert hist.history[-2:] == ['fourth', 'fifth'] @pytest.fixture def init_patch(): yield objreg.delete('command-history') def test_init(init_patch, fake_save_manager, data_tmpdir, config_stub): cmdhistory.init() fake_save_manager.add_saveable.assert_any_call( 'command-history', unittest.mock.ANY, unittest.mock.ANY)