// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY! // It is autogenerated from docstrings by running: // $ python3 scripts/dev/src2asciidoc.py = Settings .Quick reference for section ``general'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<general-ignore-case,ignore-case>>|Whether to find text on a page case-insensitively. |<<general-startpage,startpage>>|The default page(s) to open at the start, separated by commas. |<<general-yank-ignored-url-parameters,yank-ignored-url-parameters>>|The URL parameters to strip with :yank url, separated by commas. |<<general-default-page,default-page>>|The page to open if :open -t/-b/-w is used without URL. Use `about:blank` for a blank page. |<<general-auto-search,auto-search>>|Whether to start a search when something else than a URL is entered. |<<general-auto-save-config,auto-save-config>>|Whether to save the config automatically on quit. |<<general-auto-save-interval,auto-save-interval>>|How often (in milliseconds) to auto-save config/cookies/etc. |<<general-editor,editor>>|The editor (and arguments) to use for the `open-editor` command. |<<general-editor-encoding,editor-encoding>>|Encoding to use for editor. |<<general-private-browsing,private-browsing>>|Do not record visited pages in the history or store web page icons. |<<general-developer-extras,developer-extras>>|Enable extra tools for Web developers. |<<general-print-element-backgrounds,print-element-backgrounds>>|Whether the background color and images are also drawn when the page is printed. |<<general-xss-auditing,xss-auditing>>|Whether load requests should be monitored for cross-site scripting attempts. |<<general-site-specific-quirks,site-specific-quirks>>|Enable workarounds for broken sites. |<<general-default-encoding,default-encoding>>|Default encoding to use for websites. |<<general-new-instance-open-target,new-instance-open-target>>|How to open links in an existing instance if a new one is launched. |<<general-new-instance-open-target.window,new-instance-open-target.window>>|Which window to choose when opening links as new tabs. |<<general-log-javascript-console,log-javascript-console>>|How to log javascript console messages. |<<general-save-session,save-session>>|Whether to always save the open pages. |<<general-session-default-name,session-default-name>>|The name of the session to save by default, or empty for the last loaded session. |<<general-url-incdec-segments,url-incdec-segments>>|The URL segments where `:navigate increment/decrement` will search for a number. |============== .Quick reference for section ``ui'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<ui-zoom-levels,zoom-levels>>|The available zoom levels, separated by commas. |<<ui-default-zoom,default-zoom>>|The default zoom level. |<<ui-downloads-position,downloads-position>>|Where to show the downloaded files. |<<ui-status-position,status-position>>|The position of the status bar. |<<ui-message-timeout,message-timeout>>|Time (in ms) to show messages in the statusbar for. |<<ui-message-unfocused,message-unfocused>>|Whether to show messages in unfocused windows. |<<ui-confirm-quit,confirm-quit>>|Whether to confirm quitting the application. |<<ui-zoom-text-only,zoom-text-only>>|Whether the zoom factor on a frame applies only to the text or to all content. |<<ui-frame-flattening,frame-flattening>>|Whether to expand each subframe to its contents. |<<ui-user-stylesheet,user-stylesheet>>|User stylesheet to use (absolute filename, filename relative to the config directory or CSS string). Will expand environment variables. |<<ui-css-media-type,css-media-type>>|Set the CSS media type. |<<ui-smooth-scrolling,smooth-scrolling>>|Whether to enable smooth scrolling for webpages. |<<ui-remove-finished-downloads,remove-finished-downloads>>|Number of milliseconds to wait before removing finished downloads. Will not be removed if value is -1. |<<ui-hide-statusbar,hide-statusbar>>|Whether to hide the statusbar unless a message is shown. |<<ui-statusbar-padding,statusbar-padding>>|Padding for statusbar (top, bottom, left, right). |<<ui-window-title-format,window-title-format>>|The format to use for the window title. The following placeholders are defined: |<<ui-modal-js-dialog,modal-js-dialog>>|Use standard JavaScript modal dialog for alert() and confirm() |<<ui-hide-wayland-decoration,hide-wayland-decoration>>|Hide the window decoration when using wayland (requires restart) |<<ui-keyhint-blacklist,keyhint-blacklist>>|Keychains that shouldn't be shown in the keyhint dialog |============== .Quick reference for section ``network'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<network-do-not-track,do-not-track>>|Value to send in the `DNT` header. |<<network-accept-language,accept-language>>|Value to send in the `accept-language` header. |<<network-referer-header,referer-header>>|Send the Referer header |<<network-user-agent,user-agent>>|User agent to send. Empty to send the default. |<<network-proxy,proxy>>|The proxy to use. |<<network-proxy-dns-requests,proxy-dns-requests>>|Whether to send DNS requests over the configured proxy. |<<network-ssl-strict,ssl-strict>>|Whether to validate SSL handshakes. |<<network-dns-prefetch,dns-prefetch>>|Whether to try to pre-fetch DNS entries to speed up browsing. |<<network-custom-headers,custom-headers>>|Set custom headers for qutebrowser HTTP requests. |<<network-netrc-file,netrc-file>>|Set location of a netrc-file for HTTP authentication. If empty, ~/.netrc is used. |============== .Quick reference for section ``completion'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<completion-show,show>>|When to show the autocompletion window. |<<completion-download-path-suggestion,download-path-suggestion>>|What to display in the download filename input. |<<completion-timestamp-format,timestamp-format>>|How to format timestamps (e.g. for history) |<<completion-height,height>>|The height of the completion, in px or as percentage of the window. |<<completion-cmd-history-max-items,cmd-history-max-items>>|How many commands to save in the command history. |<<completion-web-history-max-items,web-history-max-items>>|How many URLs to show in the web history. |<<completion-quick-complete,quick-complete>>|Whether to move on to the next part when there's only one possible completion left. |<<completion-shrink,shrink>>|Whether to shrink the completion to be smaller than the configured size if there are no scrollbars. |<<completion-scrollbar-width,scrollbar-width>>|Width of the scrollbar in the completion window (in px). |<<completion-scrollbar-padding,scrollbar-padding>>|Padding of scrollbar handle in completion window (in px). |============== .Quick reference for section ``input'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<input-timeout,timeout>>|Timeout (in milliseconds) for ambiguous key bindings. |<<input-partial-timeout,partial-timeout>>|Timeout (in milliseconds) for partially typed key bindings. |<<input-insert-mode-on-plugins,insert-mode-on-plugins>>|Whether to switch to insert mode when clicking flash and other plugins. |<<input-auto-leave-insert-mode,auto-leave-insert-mode>>|Whether to leave insert mode if a non-editable element is clicked. |<<input-auto-insert-mode,auto-insert-mode>>|Whether to automatically enter insert mode if an editable element is focused after page load. |<<input-forward-unbound-keys,forward-unbound-keys>>|Whether to forward unbound keys to the webview in normal mode. |<<input-spatial-navigation,spatial-navigation>>|Enables or disables the Spatial Navigation feature. |<<input-links-included-in-focus-chain,links-included-in-focus-chain>>|Whether hyperlinks should be included in the keyboard focus chain. |<<input-rocker-gestures,rocker-gestures>>|Whether to enable Opera-like mouse rocker gestures. This disables the context menu. |<<input-mouse-zoom-divider,mouse-zoom-divider>>|How much to divide the mouse wheel movements to translate them into zoom increments. |============== .Quick reference for section ``tabs'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<tabs-background-tabs,background-tabs>>|Whether to open new tabs (middleclick/ctrl+click) in background. |<<tabs-select-on-remove,select-on-remove>>|Which tab to select when the focused tab is removed. |<<tabs-new-tab-position,new-tab-position>>|How new tabs are positioned. |<<tabs-new-tab-position-explicit,new-tab-position-explicit>>|How new tabs opened explicitly are positioned. |<<tabs-last-close,last-close>>|Behavior when the last tab is closed. |<<tabs-show,show>>|When to show the tab bar |<<tabs-show-switching-delay,show-switching-delay>>|Time to show the tab bar before hiding it when tabs->show is set to 'switching'. |<<tabs-wrap,wrap>>|Whether to wrap when changing tabs. |<<tabs-movable,movable>>|Whether tabs should be movable. |<<tabs-close-mouse-button,close-mouse-button>>|On which mouse button to close tabs. |<<tabs-position,position>>|The position of the tab bar. |<<tabs-show-favicons,show-favicons>>|Whether to show favicons in the tab bar. |<<tabs-width,width>>|The width of the tab bar if it's vertical, in px or as percentage of the window. |<<tabs-indicator-width,indicator-width>>|Width of the progress indicator (0 to disable). |<<tabs-tabs-are-windows,tabs-are-windows>>|Whether to open windows instead of tabs. |<<tabs-title-format,title-format>>|The format to use for the tab title. The following placeholders are defined: |<<tabs-title-alignment,title-alignment>>|Alignment of the text inside of tabs |<<tabs-mousewheel-tab-switching,mousewheel-tab-switching>>|Switch between tabs using the mouse wheel. |<<tabs-padding,padding>>|Padding for tabs (top, bottom, left, right). |<<tabs-indicator-padding,indicator-padding>>|Padding for indicators (top, bottom, left, right). |============== .Quick reference for section ``storage'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<storage-download-directory,download-directory>>|The directory to save downloads to. An empty value selects a sensible os-specific default. Will expand environment variables. |<<storage-prompt-download-directory,prompt-download-directory>>|Whether to prompt the user for the download location. |<<storage-remember-download-directory,remember-download-directory>>|Whether to remember the last used download directory. |<<storage-maximum-pages-in-cache,maximum-pages-in-cache>>|The maximum number of pages to hold in the global memory page cache. |<<storage-object-cache-capacities,object-cache-capacities>>|The capacities for the global memory cache for dead objects such as stylesheets or scripts. Syntax: cacheMinDeadCapacity, cacheMaxDead, totalCapacity. |<<storage-offline-storage-default-quota,offline-storage-default-quota>>|Default quota for new offline storage databases. |<<storage-offline-web-application-cache-quota,offline-web-application-cache-quota>>|Quota for the offline web application cache. |<<storage-offline-storage-database,offline-storage-database>>|Whether support for the HTML 5 offline storage feature is enabled. |<<storage-offline-web-application-storage,offline-web-application-storage>>|Whether support for the HTML 5 web application cache feature is enabled. |<<storage-local-storage,local-storage>>|Whether support for the HTML 5 local storage feature is enabled. |<<storage-cache-size,cache-size>>|Size of the HTTP network cache. |============== .Quick reference for section ``content'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<content-allow-images,allow-images>>|Whether images are automatically loaded in web pages. |<<content-allow-javascript,allow-javascript>>|Enables or disables the running of JavaScript programs. |<<content-allow-plugins,allow-plugins>>|Enables or disables plugins in Web pages. |<<content-webgl,webgl>>|Enables or disables WebGL. For QtWebEngine, Qt/PyQt >= 5.7 is required for this setting. |<<content-css-regions,css-regions>>|Enable or disable support for CSS regions. |<<content-hyperlink-auditing,hyperlink-auditing>>|Enable or disable hyperlink auditing (<a ping>). |<<content-geolocation,geolocation>>|Allow websites to request geolocations. |<<content-notifications,notifications>>|Allow websites to show notifications. |<<content-javascript-can-open-windows-automatically,javascript-can-open-windows-automatically>>|Whether JavaScript programs can open new windows without user interaction. |<<content-javascript-can-close-windows,javascript-can-close-windows>>|Whether JavaScript programs can close windows. |<<content-javascript-can-access-clipboard,javascript-can-access-clipboard>>|Whether JavaScript programs can read or write to the clipboard. |<<content-ignore-javascript-prompt,ignore-javascript-prompt>>|Whether all javascript prompts should be ignored. |<<content-ignore-javascript-alert,ignore-javascript-alert>>|Whether all javascript alerts should be ignored. |<<content-local-content-can-access-remote-urls,local-content-can-access-remote-urls>>|Whether locally loaded documents are allowed to access remote urls. |<<content-local-content-can-access-file-urls,local-content-can-access-file-urls>>|Whether locally loaded documents are allowed to access other local urls. |<<content-cookies-accept,cookies-accept>>|Control which cookies to accept. |<<content-cookies-store,cookies-store>>|Whether to store cookies. |<<content-host-block-lists,host-block-lists>>|List of URLs of lists which contain hosts to block. |<<content-host-blocking-enabled,host-blocking-enabled>>|Whether host blocking is enabled. |<<content-host-blocking-whitelist,host-blocking-whitelist>>|List of domains that should always be loaded, despite being ad-blocked. |<<content-enable-pdfjs,enable-pdfjs>>|Enable pdf.js to view PDF files in the browser. |============== .Quick reference for section ``hints'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<hints-border,border>>|CSS border value for hints. |<<hints-mode,mode>>|Mode to use for hints. |<<hints-chars,chars>>|Chars used for hint strings. |<<hints-min-chars,min-chars>>|Minimum number of chars used for hint strings. |<<hints-scatter,scatter>>|Whether to scatter hint key chains (like Vimium) or not (like dwb). Ignored for number hints. |<<hints-uppercase,uppercase>>|Make chars in hint strings uppercase. |<<hints-dictionary,dictionary>>|The dictionary file to be used by the word hints. |<<hints-auto-follow,auto-follow>>|Controls when a hint can be automatically followed without the user pressing Enter. |<<hints-auto-follow-timeout,auto-follow-timeout>>|A timeout (in milliseconds) to inhibit normal-mode key bindings after a successful auto-follow. |<<hints-next-regexes,next-regexes>>|A comma-separated list of regexes to use for 'next' links. |<<hints-prev-regexes,prev-regexes>>|A comma-separated list of regexes to use for 'prev' links. |<<hints-find-implementation,find-implementation>>|Which implementation to use to find elements to hint. |<<hints-hide-unmatched-rapid-hints,hide-unmatched-rapid-hints>>|Controls hiding unmatched hints in rapid mode. |============== .Quick reference for section ``colors'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<colors-completion.fg,completion.fg>>|Text color of the completion widget. |<<colors-completion.bg,completion.bg>>|Background color of the completion widget. |<<colors-completion.alternate-bg,completion.alternate-bg>>|Alternating background color of the completion widget. |<<colors-completion.category.fg,completion.category.fg>>|Foreground color of completion widget category headers. |<<colors-completion.category.bg,completion.category.bg>>|Background color of the completion widget category headers. |<<colors-completion.category.border.top,completion.category.border.top>>|Top border color of the completion widget category headers. |<<colors-completion.category.border.bottom,completion.category.border.bottom>>|Bottom border color of the completion widget category headers. |<<colors-completion.item.selected.fg,completion.item.selected.fg>>|Foreground color of the selected completion item. |<<colors-completion.item.selected.bg,completion.item.selected.bg>>|Background color of the selected completion item. |<<colors-completion.item.selected.border.top,completion.item.selected.border.top>>|Top border color of the completion widget category headers. |<<colors-completion.item.selected.border.bottom,completion.item.selected.border.bottom>>|Bottom border color of the selected completion item. |<<colors-completion.match.fg,completion.match.fg>>|Foreground color of the matched text in the completion. |<<colors-completion.scrollbar.fg,completion.scrollbar.fg>>|Color of the scrollbar handle in completion view. |<<colors-completion.scrollbar.bg,completion.scrollbar.bg>>|Color of the scrollbar in completion view |<<colors-statusbar.fg,statusbar.fg>>|Foreground color of the statusbar. |<<colors-statusbar.bg,statusbar.bg>>|Background color of the statusbar. |<<colors-statusbar.fg.prompt,statusbar.fg.prompt>>|Foreground color of the statusbar if there is a prompt. |<<colors-statusbar.bg.prompt,statusbar.bg.prompt>>|Background color of the statusbar if there is a prompt. |<<colors-statusbar.fg.insert,statusbar.fg.insert>>|Foreground color of the statusbar in insert mode. |<<colors-statusbar.bg.insert,statusbar.bg.insert>>|Background color of the statusbar in insert mode. |<<colors-statusbar.fg.command,statusbar.fg.command>>|Foreground color of the statusbar in command mode. |<<colors-statusbar.bg.command,statusbar.bg.command>>|Background color of the statusbar in command mode. |<<colors-statusbar.fg.caret,statusbar.fg.caret>>|Foreground color of the statusbar in caret mode. |<<colors-statusbar.bg.caret,statusbar.bg.caret>>|Background color of the statusbar in caret mode. |<<colors-statusbar.fg.caret-selection,statusbar.fg.caret-selection>>|Foreground color of the statusbar in caret mode with a selection |<<colors-statusbar.bg.caret-selection,statusbar.bg.caret-selection>>|Background color of the statusbar in caret mode with a selection |<<colors-statusbar.progress.bg,statusbar.progress.bg>>|Background color of the progress bar. |<<colors-statusbar.url.fg,statusbar.url.fg>>|Default foreground color of the URL in the statusbar. |<<colors-statusbar.url.fg.success,statusbar.url.fg.success>>|Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on successful load (http). |<<colors-statusbar.url.fg.success.https,statusbar.url.fg.success.https>>|Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on successful load (https). |<<colors-statusbar.url.fg.error,statusbar.url.fg.error>>|Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on error. |<<colors-statusbar.url.fg.warn,statusbar.url.fg.warn>>|Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar when there's a warning. |<<colors-statusbar.url.fg.hover,statusbar.url.fg.hover>>|Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar for hovered links. |<<colors-tabs.fg.odd,tabs.fg.odd>>|Foreground color of unselected odd tabs. |<<colors-tabs.bg.odd,tabs.bg.odd>>|Background color of unselected odd tabs. |<<colors-tabs.fg.even,tabs.fg.even>>|Foreground color of unselected even tabs. |<<colors-tabs.bg.even,tabs.bg.even>>|Background color of unselected even tabs. |<<colors-tabs.fg.selected.odd,tabs.fg.selected.odd>>|Foreground color of selected odd tabs. |<<colors-tabs.bg.selected.odd,tabs.bg.selected.odd>>|Background color of selected odd tabs. |<<colors-tabs.fg.selected.even,tabs.fg.selected.even>>|Foreground color of selected even tabs. |<<colors-tabs.bg.selected.even,tabs.bg.selected.even>>|Background color of selected even tabs. |<<colors-tabs.bg.bar,tabs.bg.bar>>|Background color of the tab bar. |<<colors-tabs.indicator.start,tabs.indicator.start>>|Color gradient start for the tab indicator. |<<colors-tabs.indicator.stop,tabs.indicator.stop>>|Color gradient end for the tab indicator. |<<colors-tabs.indicator.error,tabs.indicator.error>>|Color for the tab indicator on errors.. |<<colors-tabs.indicator.system,tabs.indicator.system>>|Color gradient interpolation system for the tab indicator. |<<colors-hints.fg,hints.fg>>|Font color for hints. |<<colors-hints.bg,hints.bg>>|Background color for hints. Note that you can use a `rgba(...)` value for transparency. |<<colors-hints.fg.match,hints.fg.match>>|Font color for the matched part of hints. |<<colors-downloads.bg.bar,downloads.bg.bar>>|Background color for the download bar. |<<colors-downloads.fg.start,downloads.fg.start>>|Color gradient start for download text. |<<colors-downloads.bg.start,downloads.bg.start>>|Color gradient start for download backgrounds. |<<colors-downloads.fg.stop,downloads.fg.stop>>|Color gradient end for download text. |<<colors-downloads.bg.stop,downloads.bg.stop>>|Color gradient stop for download backgrounds. |<<colors-downloads.fg.system,downloads.fg.system>>|Color gradient interpolation system for download text. |<<colors-downloads.bg.system,downloads.bg.system>>|Color gradient interpolation system for download backgrounds. |<<colors-downloads.fg.error,downloads.fg.error>>|Foreground color for downloads with errors. |<<colors-downloads.bg.error,downloads.bg.error>>|Background color for downloads with errors. |<<colors-webpage.bg,webpage.bg>>|Background color for webpages if unset (or empty to use the theme's color) |<<colors-keyhint.fg,keyhint.fg>>|Text color for the keyhint widget. |<<colors-keyhint.fg.suffix,keyhint.fg.suffix>>|Highlight color for keys to complete the current keychain |<<colors-keyhint.bg,keyhint.bg>>|Background color of the keyhint widget. |<<colors-messages.fg.error,messages.fg.error>>|Foreground color of an error message. |<<colors-messages.bg.error,messages.bg.error>>|Background color of an error message. |<<colors-messages.border.error,messages.border.error>>|Border color of an error message. |<<colors-messages.fg.warning,messages.fg.warning>>|Foreground color a warning message. |<<colors-messages.bg.warning,messages.bg.warning>>|Background color of a warning message. |<<colors-messages.border.warning,messages.border.warning>>|Border color of an error message. |<<colors-messages.fg.info,messages.fg.info>>|Foreground color an info message. |<<colors-messages.bg.info,messages.bg.info>>|Background color of an info message. |<<colors-messages.border.info,messages.border.info>>|Border color of an info message. |============== .Quick reference for section ``fonts'' [options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"] |============== |Setting|Description |<<fonts-_monospace,_monospace>>|Default monospace fonts. |<<fonts-completion,completion>>|Font used in the completion widget. |<<fonts-completion.category,completion.category>>|Font used in the completion categories. |<<fonts-tabbar,tabbar>>|Font used in the tab bar. |<<fonts-statusbar,statusbar>>|Font used in the statusbar. |<<fonts-downloads,downloads>>|Font used for the downloadbar. |<<fonts-hints,hints>>|Font used for the hints. |<<fonts-debug-console,debug-console>>|Font used for the debugging console. |<<fonts-web-family-standard,web-family-standard>>|Font family for standard fonts. |<<fonts-web-family-fixed,web-family-fixed>>|Font family for fixed fonts. |<<fonts-web-family-serif,web-family-serif>>|Font family for serif fonts. |<<fonts-web-family-sans-serif,web-family-sans-serif>>|Font family for sans-serif fonts. |<<fonts-web-family-cursive,web-family-cursive>>|Font family for cursive fonts. |<<fonts-web-family-fantasy,web-family-fantasy>>|Font family for fantasy fonts. |<<fonts-web-size-minimum,web-size-minimum>>|The hard minimum font size. |<<fonts-web-size-minimum-logical,web-size-minimum-logical>>|The minimum logical font size that is applied when zooming out. |<<fonts-web-size-default,web-size-default>>|The default font size for regular text. |<<fonts-web-size-default-fixed,web-size-default-fixed>>|The default font size for fixed-pitch text. |<<fonts-keyhint,keyhint>>|Font used in the keyhint widget. |<<fonts-messages.error,messages.error>>|Font used for error messages. |<<fonts-messages.warning,messages.warning>>|Font used for warning messages. |<<fonts-messages.info,messages.info>>|Font used for info messages. |============== == general General/miscellaneous options. [[general-ignore-case]] === ignore-case Whether to find text on a page case-insensitively. Valid values: * +true+: Search case-insensitively * +false+: Search case-sensitively * +smart+: Search case-sensitively if there are capital chars Default: +pass:[smart]+ [[general-startpage]] === startpage The default page(s) to open at the start, separated by commas. Default: +pass:[https://start.duckduckgo.com]+ [[general-yank-ignored-url-parameters]] === yank-ignored-url-parameters The URL parameters to strip with :yank url, separated by commas. Default: +pass:[ref,utm_source,utm_medium,utm_campaign,utm_term,utm_content]+ [[general-default-page]] === default-page The page to open if :open -t/-b/-w is used without URL. Use `about:blank` for a blank page. Default: +pass:[${startpage}]+ [[general-auto-search]] === auto-search Whether to start a search when something else than a URL is entered. Valid values: * +naive+: Use simple/naive check. * +dns+: Use DNS requests (might be slow!). * +false+: Never search automatically. Default: +pass:[naive]+ [[general-auto-save-config]] === auto-save-config Whether to save the config automatically on quit. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[general-auto-save-interval]] === auto-save-interval How often (in milliseconds) to auto-save config/cookies/etc. Default: +pass:[15000]+ [[general-editor]] === editor The editor (and arguments) to use for the `open-editor` command. The arguments get split like in a shell, so you can use `"` or `'` to quote them. `{}` gets replaced by the filename of the file to be edited. Default: +pass:[gvim -f "{}"]+ [[general-editor-encoding]] === editor-encoding Encoding to use for editor. Default: +pass:[utf-8]+ [[general-private-browsing]] === private-browsing Do not record visited pages in the history or store web page icons. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[general-developer-extras]] === developer-extras Enable extra tools for Web developers. This needs to be enabled for `:inspector` to work and also adds an _Inspect_ entry to the context menu. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[general-print-element-backgrounds]] === print-element-backgrounds Whether the background color and images are also drawn when the page is printed. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[general-xss-auditing]] === xss-auditing Whether load requests should be monitored for cross-site scripting attempts. Suspicious scripts will be blocked and reported in the inspector's JavaScript console. Enabling this feature might have an impact on performance. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[general-site-specific-quirks]] === site-specific-quirks Enable workarounds for broken sites. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[general-default-encoding]] === default-encoding Default encoding to use for websites. The encoding must be a string describing an encoding such as _utf-8_, _iso-8859-1_, etc. If left empty a default value will be used. Default: empty [[general-new-instance-open-target]] === new-instance-open-target How to open links in an existing instance if a new one is launched. Valid values: * +tab+: Open a new tab in the existing window and activate the window. * +tab-bg+: Open a new background tab in the existing window and activate the window. * +tab-silent+: Open a new tab in the existing window without activating the window. * +tab-bg-silent+: Open a new background tab in the existing window without activating the window. * +window+: Open in a new window. Default: +pass:[tab]+ [[general-new-instance-open-target.window]] === new-instance-open-target.window Which window to choose when opening links as new tabs. Valid values: * +first-opened+: Open new tabs in the first (oldest) opened window. * +last-opened+: Open new tabs in the last (newest) opened window. * +last-focused+: Open new tabs in the most recently focused window. * +last-visible+: Open new tabs in the most recently visible window. Default: +pass:[last-focused]+ [[general-log-javascript-console]] === log-javascript-console How to log javascript console messages. Valid values: * +none+: Don't log messages. * +debug+: Log messages with debug level. * +info+: Log messages with info level. Default: +pass:[debug]+ [[general-save-session]] === save-session Whether to always save the open pages. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[general-session-default-name]] === session-default-name The name of the session to save by default, or empty for the last loaded session. Default: empty [[general-url-incdec-segments]] === url-incdec-segments The URL segments where `:navigate increment/decrement` will search for a number. Valid values: * +host+ * +path+ * +query+ * +anchor+ Default: +pass:[path,query]+ == ui General options related to the user interface. [[ui-zoom-levels]] === zoom-levels The available zoom levels, separated by commas. Default: +pass:[25%,33%,50%,67%,75%,90%,100%,110%,125%,150%,175%,200%,250%,300%,400%,500%]+ [[ui-default-zoom]] === default-zoom The default zoom level. Default: +pass:[100%]+ [[ui-downloads-position]] === downloads-position Where to show the downloaded files. Valid values: * +top+ * +bottom+ Default: +pass:[top]+ [[ui-status-position]] === status-position The position of the status bar. Valid values: * +top+ * +bottom+ Default: +pass:[bottom]+ [[ui-message-timeout]] === message-timeout Time (in ms) to show messages in the statusbar for. Default: +pass:[2000]+ [[ui-message-unfocused]] === message-unfocused Whether to show messages in unfocused windows. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[ui-confirm-quit]] === confirm-quit Whether to confirm quitting the application. Valid values: * +always+: Always show a confirmation. * +multiple-tabs+: Show a confirmation if multiple tabs are opened. * +downloads+: Show a confirmation if downloads are running * +never+: Never show a confirmation. Default: +pass:[never]+ [[ui-zoom-text-only]] === zoom-text-only Whether the zoom factor on a frame applies only to the text or to all content. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[ui-frame-flattening]] === frame-flattening Whether to expand each subframe to its contents. This will flatten all the frames to become one scrollable page. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[ui-user-stylesheet]] === user-stylesheet User stylesheet to use (absolute filename, filename relative to the config directory or CSS string). Will expand environment variables. Default: +pass:[html > ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0px; height: 0px; }]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[ui-css-media-type]] === css-media-type Set the CSS media type. Default: empty This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[ui-smooth-scrolling]] === smooth-scrolling Whether to enable smooth scrolling for webpages. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[ui-remove-finished-downloads]] === remove-finished-downloads Number of milliseconds to wait before removing finished downloads. Will not be removed if value is -1. Default: +pass:[-1]+ [[ui-hide-statusbar]] === hide-statusbar Whether to hide the statusbar unless a message is shown. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[ui-statusbar-padding]] === statusbar-padding Padding for statusbar (top, bottom, left, right). Default: +pass:[1,1,0,0]+ [[ui-window-title-format]] === window-title-format The format to use for the window title. The following placeholders are defined: * `{perc}`: The percentage as a string like `[10%]`. * `{perc_raw}`: The raw percentage, e.g. `10` * `{title}`: The title of the current web page * `{title_sep}`: The string ` - ` if a title is set, empty otherwise. * `{id}`: The internal window ID of this window. * `{scroll_pos}`: The page scroll position. * `{host}`: The host of the current web page. Default: +pass:[{perc}{title}{title_sep}qutebrowser]+ [[ui-modal-js-dialog]] === modal-js-dialog Use standard JavaScript modal dialog for alert() and confirm() Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[ui-hide-wayland-decoration]] === hide-wayland-decoration Hide the window decoration when using wayland (requires restart) Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[ui-keyhint-blacklist]] === keyhint-blacklist Keychains that shouldn't be shown in the keyhint dialog Globs are supported, so ';*' will blacklist all keychainsstarting with ';'. Use '*' to disable keyhints Default: empty == network Settings related to the network. [[network-do-not-track]] === do-not-track Value to send in the `DNT` header. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[network-accept-language]] === accept-language Value to send in the `accept-language` header. Default: +pass:[en-US,en]+ [[network-referer-header]] === referer-header Send the Referer header Valid values: * +always+: Always send. * +never+: Never send; this is not recommended, as some sites may break. * +same-domain+: Only send for the same domain. This will still protect your privacy, but shouldn't break any sites. Default: +pass:[same-domain]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[network-user-agent]] === user-agent User agent to send. Empty to send the default. Default: empty This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[network-proxy]] === proxy The proxy to use. In addition to the listed values, you can use a `socks://...` or `http://...` URL. Valid values: * +system+: Use the system wide proxy. * +none+: Don't use any proxy Default: +pass:[system]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[network-proxy-dns-requests]] === proxy-dns-requests Whether to send DNS requests over the configured proxy. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[network-ssl-strict]] === ssl-strict Whether to validate SSL handshakes. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ * +ask+ Default: +pass:[ask]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[network-dns-prefetch]] === dns-prefetch Whether to try to pre-fetch DNS entries to speed up browsing. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[network-custom-headers]] === custom-headers Set custom headers for qutebrowser HTTP requests. Default: empty [[network-netrc-file]] === netrc-file Set location of a netrc-file for HTTP authentication. If empty, ~/.netrc is used. Default: empty == completion Options related to completion and command history. [[completion-show]] === show When to show the autocompletion window. Valid values: * +always+: Whenever a completion is available. * +auto+: Whenever a completion is requested. * +never+: Never. Default: +pass:[always]+ [[completion-download-path-suggestion]] === download-path-suggestion What to display in the download filename input. Valid values: * +path+: Show only the download path. * +filename+: Show only download filename. * +both+: Show download path and filename. Default: +pass:[path]+ [[completion-timestamp-format]] === timestamp-format How to format timestamps (e.g. for history) Default: +pass:[%Y-%m-%d]+ [[completion-height]] === height The height of the completion, in px or as percentage of the window. Default: +pass:[50%]+ [[completion-cmd-history-max-items]] === cmd-history-max-items How many commands to save in the command history. 0: no history / -1: unlimited Default: +pass:[100]+ [[completion-web-history-max-items]] === web-history-max-items How many URLs to show in the web history. 0: no history / -1: unlimited Default: +pass:[1000]+ [[completion-quick-complete]] === quick-complete Whether to move on to the next part when there's only one possible completion left. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[completion-shrink]] === shrink Whether to shrink the completion to be smaller than the configured size if there are no scrollbars. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[completion-scrollbar-width]] === scrollbar-width Width of the scrollbar in the completion window (in px). Default: +pass:[12]+ [[completion-scrollbar-padding]] === scrollbar-padding Padding of scrollbar handle in completion window (in px). Default: +pass:[2]+ == input Options related to input modes. [[input-timeout]] === timeout Timeout (in milliseconds) for ambiguous key bindings. If the current input forms both a complete match and a partial match, the complete match will be executed after this time. Default: +pass:[500]+ [[input-partial-timeout]] === partial-timeout Timeout (in milliseconds) for partially typed key bindings. If the current input forms only partial matches, the keystring will be cleared after this time. Default: +pass:[5000]+ [[input-insert-mode-on-plugins]] === insert-mode-on-plugins Whether to switch to insert mode when clicking flash and other plugins. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[input-auto-leave-insert-mode]] === auto-leave-insert-mode Whether to leave insert mode if a non-editable element is clicked. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[input-auto-insert-mode]] === auto-insert-mode Whether to automatically enter insert mode if an editable element is focused after page load. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[input-forward-unbound-keys]] === forward-unbound-keys Whether to forward unbound keys to the webview in normal mode. Valid values: * +all+: Forward all unbound keys. * +auto+: Forward unbound non-alphanumeric keys. * +none+: Don't forward any keys. Default: +pass:[auto]+ [[input-spatial-navigation]] === spatial-navigation Enables or disables the Spatial Navigation feature. Spatial navigation consists in the ability to navigate between focusable elements in a Web page, such as hyperlinks and form controls, by using Left, Right, Up and Down arrow keys. For example, if a user presses the Right key, heuristics determine whether there is an element he might be trying to reach towards the right and which element he probably wants. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[input-links-included-in-focus-chain]] === links-included-in-focus-chain Whether hyperlinks should be included in the keyboard focus chain. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[input-rocker-gestures]] === rocker-gestures Whether to enable Opera-like mouse rocker gestures. This disables the context menu. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[input-mouse-zoom-divider]] === mouse-zoom-divider How much to divide the mouse wheel movements to translate them into zoom increments. Default: +pass:[512]+ == tabs Configuration of the tab bar. [[tabs-background-tabs]] === background-tabs Whether to open new tabs (middleclick/ctrl+click) in background. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[tabs-select-on-remove]] === select-on-remove Which tab to select when the focused tab is removed. Valid values: * +left+: Select the tab on the left. * +right+: Select the tab on the right. * +previous+: Select the previously selected tab. Default: +pass:[right]+ [[tabs-new-tab-position]] === new-tab-position How new tabs are positioned. Valid values: * +left+: On the left of the current tab. * +right+: On the right of the current tab. * +first+: At the left end. * +last+: At the right end. Default: +pass:[right]+ [[tabs-new-tab-position-explicit]] === new-tab-position-explicit How new tabs opened explicitly are positioned. Valid values: * +left+: On the left of the current tab. * +right+: On the right of the current tab. * +first+: At the left end. * +last+: At the right end. Default: +pass:[last]+ [[tabs-last-close]] === last-close Behavior when the last tab is closed. Valid values: * +ignore+: Don't do anything. * +blank+: Load a blank page. * +startpage+: Load the start page. * +default-page+: Load the default page. * +close+: Close the window. Default: +pass:[ignore]+ [[tabs-show]] === show When to show the tab bar Valid values: * +always+: Always show the tab bar. * +never+: Always hide the tab bar. * +multiple+: Hide the tab bar if only one tab is open. * +switching+: Show the tab bar when switching tabs. Default: +pass:[always]+ [[tabs-show-switching-delay]] === show-switching-delay Time to show the tab bar before hiding it when tabs->show is set to 'switching'. Default: +pass:[800]+ [[tabs-wrap]] === wrap Whether to wrap when changing tabs. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[tabs-movable]] === movable Whether tabs should be movable. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[tabs-close-mouse-button]] === close-mouse-button On which mouse button to close tabs. Valid values: * +right+: Close tabs on right-click. * +middle+: Close tabs on middle-click. * +none+: Don't close tabs using the mouse. Default: +pass:[middle]+ [[tabs-position]] === position The position of the tab bar. Valid values: * +top+ * +bottom+ * +left+ * +right+ Default: +pass:[top]+ [[tabs-show-favicons]] === show-favicons Whether to show favicons in the tab bar. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[tabs-width]] === width The width of the tab bar if it's vertical, in px or as percentage of the window. Default: +pass:[20%]+ [[tabs-indicator-width]] === indicator-width Width of the progress indicator (0 to disable). Default: +pass:[3]+ [[tabs-tabs-are-windows]] === tabs-are-windows Whether to open windows instead of tabs. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[tabs-title-format]] === title-format The format to use for the tab title. The following placeholders are defined: * `{perc}`: The percentage as a string like `[10%]`. * `{perc_raw}`: The raw percentage, e.g. `10` * `{title}`: The title of the current web page * `{title_sep}`: The string ` - ` if a title is set, empty otherwise. * `{index}`: The index of this tab. * `{id}`: The internal tab ID of this tab. * `{scroll_pos}`: The page scroll position. * `{host}`: The host of the current web page. Default: +pass:[{index}: {title}]+ [[tabs-title-alignment]] === title-alignment Alignment of the text inside of tabs Valid values: * +left+ * +right+ * +center+ Default: +pass:[left]+ [[tabs-mousewheel-tab-switching]] === mousewheel-tab-switching Switch between tabs using the mouse wheel. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[tabs-padding]] === padding Padding for tabs (top, bottom, left, right). Default: +pass:[0,0,5,5]+ [[tabs-indicator-padding]] === indicator-padding Padding for indicators (top, bottom, left, right). Default: +pass:[2,2,0,4]+ == storage Settings related to cache and storage. [[storage-download-directory]] === download-directory The directory to save downloads to. An empty value selects a sensible os-specific default. Will expand environment variables. Default: empty [[storage-prompt-download-directory]] === prompt-download-directory Whether to prompt the user for the download location. If set to false, 'download-directory' will be used. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[storage-remember-download-directory]] === remember-download-directory Whether to remember the last used download directory. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[storage-maximum-pages-in-cache]] === maximum-pages-in-cache The maximum number of pages to hold in the global memory page cache. The Page Cache allows for a nicer user experience when navigating forth or back to pages in the forward/back history, by pausing and resuming up to _n_ pages. For more information about the feature, please refer to: http://webkit.org/blog/427/webkit-page-cache-i-the-basics/ Default: empty This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[storage-object-cache-capacities]] === object-cache-capacities The capacities for the global memory cache for dead objects such as stylesheets or scripts. Syntax: cacheMinDeadCapacity, cacheMaxDead, totalCapacity. The _cacheMinDeadCapacity_ specifies the minimum number of bytes that dead objects should consume when the cache is under pressure. _cacheMaxDead_ is the maximum number of bytes that dead objects should consume when the cache is *not* under pressure. _totalCapacity_ specifies the maximum number of bytes that the cache should consume *overall*. Default: empty This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[storage-offline-storage-default-quota]] === offline-storage-default-quota Default quota for new offline storage databases. Default: empty This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[storage-offline-web-application-cache-quota]] === offline-web-application-cache-quota Quota for the offline web application cache. Default: empty This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[storage-offline-storage-database]] === offline-storage-database Whether support for the HTML 5 offline storage feature is enabled. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[storage-offline-web-application-storage]] === offline-web-application-storage Whether support for the HTML 5 web application cache feature is enabled. An application cache acts like an HTTP cache in some sense. For documents that use the application cache via JavaScript, the loader engine will first ask the application cache for the contents, before hitting the network. The feature is described in details at: http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#appcache Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[storage-local-storage]] === local-storage Whether support for the HTML 5 local storage feature is enabled. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[storage-cache-size]] === cache-size Size of the HTTP network cache. Default: +pass:[52428800]+ == content Loaded plugins/scripts and allowed actions. [[content-allow-images]] === allow-images Whether images are automatically loaded in web pages. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[content-allow-javascript]] === allow-javascript Enables or disables the running of JavaScript programs. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[content-allow-plugins]] === allow-plugins Enables or disables plugins in Web pages. Qt plugins with a mimetype such as "application/x-qt-plugin" are not affected by this setting. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[content-webgl]] === webgl Enables or disables WebGL. For QtWebEngine, Qt/PyQt >= 5.7 is required for this setting. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[content-css-regions]] === css-regions Enable or disable support for CSS regions. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[content-hyperlink-auditing]] === hyperlink-auditing Enable or disable hyperlink auditing (<a ping>). Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[content-geolocation]] === geolocation Allow websites to request geolocations. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ * +ask+ Default: +pass:[ask]+ [[content-notifications]] === notifications Allow websites to show notifications. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ * +ask+ Default: +pass:[ask]+ [[content-javascript-can-open-windows-automatically]] === javascript-can-open-windows-automatically Whether JavaScript programs can open new windows without user interaction. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[content-javascript-can-close-windows]] === javascript-can-close-windows Whether JavaScript programs can close windows. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[content-javascript-can-access-clipboard]] === javascript-can-access-clipboard Whether JavaScript programs can read or write to the clipboard. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[content-ignore-javascript-prompt]] === ignore-javascript-prompt Whether all javascript prompts should be ignored. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[content-ignore-javascript-alert]] === ignore-javascript-alert Whether all javascript alerts should be ignored. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[content-local-content-can-access-remote-urls]] === local-content-can-access-remote-urls Whether locally loaded documents are allowed to access remote urls. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[content-local-content-can-access-file-urls]] === local-content-can-access-file-urls Whether locally loaded documents are allowed to access other local urls. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[content-cookies-accept]] === cookies-accept Control which cookies to accept. Valid values: * +all+: Accept all cookies. * +no-3rdparty+: Accept cookies from the same origin only. * +no-unknown-3rdparty+: Accept cookies from the same origin only, unless a cookie is already set for the domain. * +never+: Don't accept cookies at all. Default: +pass:[no-3rdparty]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[content-cookies-store]] === cookies-store Whether to store cookies. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[content-host-block-lists]] === host-block-lists List of URLs of lists which contain hosts to block. The file can be in one of the following formats: - An '/etc/hosts'-like file - One host per line - A zip-file of any of the above, with either only one file, or a file named 'hosts' (with any extension). Default: +pass:[https://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt,http://someonewhocares.org/hosts/hosts,http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.zip,http://malwaredomains.lehigh.edu/files/justdomains.zip,https://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/serverlist.php?hostformat=hosts&mimetype=plaintext]+ [[content-host-blocking-enabled]] === host-blocking-enabled Whether host blocking is enabled. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[content-host-blocking-whitelist]] === host-blocking-whitelist List of domains that should always be loaded, despite being ad-blocked. Domains may contain * and ? wildcards and are otherwise required to exactly match the requested domain. Local domains are always exempt from hostblocking. Default: +pass:[piwik.org]+ [[content-enable-pdfjs]] === enable-pdfjs Enable pdf.js to view PDF files in the browser. Note that the files can still be downloaded by clicking the download button in the pdf.js viewer. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ == hints Hinting settings. [[hints-border]] === border CSS border value for hints. Default: +pass:[1px solid #E3BE23]+ [[hints-mode]] === mode Mode to use for hints. Valid values: * +number+: Use numeric hints. * +letter+: Use the chars in the hints -> chars setting. * +word+: Use hints words based on the html elements and the extra words. Default: +pass:[letter]+ [[hints-chars]] === chars Chars used for hint strings. Default: +pass:[asdfghjkl]+ [[hints-min-chars]] === min-chars Minimum number of chars used for hint strings. Default: +pass:[1]+ [[hints-scatter]] === scatter Whether to scatter hint key chains (like Vimium) or not (like dwb). Ignored for number hints. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ [[hints-uppercase]] === uppercase Make chars in hint strings uppercase. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[false]+ [[hints-dictionary]] === dictionary The dictionary file to be used by the word hints. Default: +pass:[/usr/share/dict/words]+ [[hints-auto-follow]] === auto-follow Controls when a hint can be automatically followed without the user pressing Enter. Valid values: * +always+: Auto-follow whenever there is only a single hint on a page. * +unique-match+: Auto-follow whenever there is a unique non-empty match in either the hint string (word mode) or filter (number mode). * +full-match+: Follow the hint when the user typed the whole hint (letter, word or number mode) or the element's text (only in number mode). * +never+: The user will always need to press Enter to follow a hint. Default: +pass:[unique-match]+ [[hints-auto-follow-timeout]] === auto-follow-timeout A timeout (in milliseconds) to inhibit normal-mode key bindings after a successful auto-follow. Default: +pass:[0]+ [[hints-next-regexes]] === next-regexes A comma-separated list of regexes to use for 'next' links. Default: +pass:[\bnext\b,\bmore\b,\bnewer\b,\b[>→≫]\b,\b(>>|»)\b,\bcontinue\b]+ [[hints-prev-regexes]] === prev-regexes A comma-separated list of regexes to use for 'prev' links. Default: +pass:[\bprev(ious)?\b,\bback\b,\bolder\b,\b[<←≪]\b,\b(<<|«)\b]+ [[hints-find-implementation]] === find-implementation Which implementation to use to find elements to hint. Valid values: * +javascript+: Better but slower * +python+: Slightly worse but faster Default: +pass:[python]+ [[hints-hide-unmatched-rapid-hints]] === hide-unmatched-rapid-hints Controls hiding unmatched hints in rapid mode. Valid values: * +true+ * +false+ Default: +pass:[true]+ == searchengines Definitions of search engines which can be used via the address bar. The searchengine named `DEFAULT` is used when `general -> auto-search` is true and something else than a URL was entered to be opened. Other search engines can be used by prepending the search engine name to the search term, e.g. `:open google qutebrowser`. The string `{}` will be replaced by the search term, use `{{` and `}}` for literal `{`/`}` signs. == aliases Aliases for commands. By default, no aliases are defined. Example which adds a new command `:qtb` to open qutebrowsers website: `qtb = open https://www.qutebrowser.org/` == colors Colors used in the UI. A value can be in one of the following format: * `#RGB`/`#RRGGBB`/`#RRRGGGBBB`/`#RRRRGGGGBBBB` * An SVG color name as specified in http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/types.html#ColorKeywords[the W3C specification]. * transparent (no color) * `rgb(r, g, b)` / `rgba(r, g, b, a)` (values 0-255 or percentages) * `hsv(h, s, v)` / `hsva(h, s, v, a)` (values 0-255, hue 0-359) * A gradient as explained in http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/stylesheet-reference.html#list-of-property-types[the Qt documentation] under ``Gradient''. A *.system value determines the color system to use for color interpolation between similarly-named *.start and *.stop entries, regardless of how they are defined in the options. Valid values are 'rgb', 'hsv', and 'hsl'. The `hints.*` values are a special case as they're real CSS colors, not Qt-CSS colors. There, for a gradient, you need to use `-webkit-gradient`, see https://www.webkit.org/blog/175/introducing-css-gradients/[the WebKit documentation]. [[colors-completion.fg]] === completion.fg Text color of the completion widget. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-completion.bg]] === completion.bg Background color of the completion widget. Default: +pass:[#333333]+ [[colors-completion.alternate-bg]] === completion.alternate-bg Alternating background color of the completion widget. Default: +pass:[#444444]+ [[colors-completion.category.fg]] === completion.category.fg Foreground color of completion widget category headers. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-completion.category.bg]] === completion.category.bg Background color of the completion widget category headers. Default: +pass:[qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 #888888, stop:1 #505050)]+ [[colors-completion.category.border.top]] === completion.category.border.top Top border color of the completion widget category headers. Default: +pass:[black]+ [[colors-completion.category.border.bottom]] === completion.category.border.bottom Bottom border color of the completion widget category headers. Default: +pass:[${completion.category.border.top}]+ [[colors-completion.item.selected.fg]] === completion.item.selected.fg Foreground color of the selected completion item. Default: +pass:[black]+ [[colors-completion.item.selected.bg]] === completion.item.selected.bg Background color of the selected completion item. Default: +pass:[#e8c000]+ [[colors-completion.item.selected.border.top]] === completion.item.selected.border.top Top border color of the completion widget category headers. Default: +pass:[#bbbb00]+ [[colors-completion.item.selected.border.bottom]] === completion.item.selected.border.bottom Bottom border color of the selected completion item. Default: +pass:[${completion.item.selected.border.top}]+ [[colors-completion.match.fg]] === completion.match.fg Foreground color of the matched text in the completion. Default: +pass:[#ff4444]+ [[colors-completion.scrollbar.fg]] === completion.scrollbar.fg Color of the scrollbar handle in completion view. Default: +pass:[${completion.fg}]+ [[colors-completion.scrollbar.bg]] === completion.scrollbar.bg Color of the scrollbar in completion view Default: +pass:[${completion.bg}]+ [[colors-statusbar.fg]] === statusbar.fg Foreground color of the statusbar. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-statusbar.bg]] === statusbar.bg Background color of the statusbar. Default: +pass:[black]+ [[colors-statusbar.fg.prompt]] === statusbar.fg.prompt Foreground color of the statusbar if there is a prompt. Default: +pass:[${statusbar.fg}]+ [[colors-statusbar.bg.prompt]] === statusbar.bg.prompt Background color of the statusbar if there is a prompt. Default: +pass:[darkblue]+ [[colors-statusbar.fg.insert]] === statusbar.fg.insert Foreground color of the statusbar in insert mode. Default: +pass:[${statusbar.fg}]+ [[colors-statusbar.bg.insert]] === statusbar.bg.insert Background color of the statusbar in insert mode. Default: +pass:[darkgreen]+ [[colors-statusbar.fg.command]] === statusbar.fg.command Foreground color of the statusbar in command mode. Default: +pass:[${statusbar.fg}]+ [[colors-statusbar.bg.command]] === statusbar.bg.command Background color of the statusbar in command mode. Default: +pass:[${statusbar.bg}]+ [[colors-statusbar.fg.caret]] === statusbar.fg.caret Foreground color of the statusbar in caret mode. Default: +pass:[${statusbar.fg}]+ [[colors-statusbar.bg.caret]] === statusbar.bg.caret Background color of the statusbar in caret mode. Default: +pass:[purple]+ [[colors-statusbar.fg.caret-selection]] === statusbar.fg.caret-selection Foreground color of the statusbar in caret mode with a selection Default: +pass:[${statusbar.fg}]+ [[colors-statusbar.bg.caret-selection]] === statusbar.bg.caret-selection Background color of the statusbar in caret mode with a selection Default: +pass:[#a12dff]+ [[colors-statusbar.progress.bg]] === statusbar.progress.bg Background color of the progress bar. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-statusbar.url.fg]] === statusbar.url.fg Default foreground color of the URL in the statusbar. Default: +pass:[${statusbar.fg}]+ [[colors-statusbar.url.fg.success]] === statusbar.url.fg.success Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on successful load (http). Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-statusbar.url.fg.success.https]] === statusbar.url.fg.success.https Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on successful load (https). Default: +pass:[lime]+ [[colors-statusbar.url.fg.error]] === statusbar.url.fg.error Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on error. Default: +pass:[orange]+ [[colors-statusbar.url.fg.warn]] === statusbar.url.fg.warn Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar when there's a warning. Default: +pass:[yellow]+ [[colors-statusbar.url.fg.hover]] === statusbar.url.fg.hover Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar for hovered links. Default: +pass:[aqua]+ [[colors-tabs.fg.odd]] === tabs.fg.odd Foreground color of unselected odd tabs. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-tabs.bg.odd]] === tabs.bg.odd Background color of unselected odd tabs. Default: +pass:[grey]+ [[colors-tabs.fg.even]] === tabs.fg.even Foreground color of unselected even tabs. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-tabs.bg.even]] === tabs.bg.even Background color of unselected even tabs. Default: +pass:[darkgrey]+ [[colors-tabs.fg.selected.odd]] === tabs.fg.selected.odd Foreground color of selected odd tabs. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-tabs.bg.selected.odd]] === tabs.bg.selected.odd Background color of selected odd tabs. Default: +pass:[black]+ [[colors-tabs.fg.selected.even]] === tabs.fg.selected.even Foreground color of selected even tabs. Default: +pass:[${tabs.fg.selected.odd}]+ [[colors-tabs.bg.selected.even]] === tabs.bg.selected.even Background color of selected even tabs. Default: +pass:[${tabs.bg.selected.odd}]+ [[colors-tabs.bg.bar]] === tabs.bg.bar Background color of the tab bar. Default: +pass:[#555555]+ [[colors-tabs.indicator.start]] === tabs.indicator.start Color gradient start for the tab indicator. Default: +pass:[#0000aa]+ [[colors-tabs.indicator.stop]] === tabs.indicator.stop Color gradient end for the tab indicator. Default: +pass:[#00aa00]+ [[colors-tabs.indicator.error]] === tabs.indicator.error Color for the tab indicator on errors.. Default: +pass:[#ff0000]+ [[colors-tabs.indicator.system]] === tabs.indicator.system Color gradient interpolation system for the tab indicator. Valid values: * +rgb+: Interpolate in the RGB color system. * +hsv+: Interpolate in the HSV color system. * +hsl+: Interpolate in the HSL color system. * +none+: Don't show a gradient. Default: +pass:[rgb]+ [[colors-hints.fg]] === hints.fg Font color for hints. Default: +pass:[black]+ [[colors-hints.bg]] === hints.bg Background color for hints. Note that you can use a `rgba(...)` value for transparency. Default: +pass:[qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, stop:0 rgba(255, 247, 133, 0.8), stop:1 rgba(255, 197, 66, 0.8))]+ [[colors-hints.fg.match]] === hints.fg.match Font color for the matched part of hints. Default: +pass:[green]+ [[colors-downloads.bg.bar]] === downloads.bg.bar Background color for the download bar. Default: +pass:[black]+ [[colors-downloads.fg.start]] === downloads.fg.start Color gradient start for download text. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-downloads.bg.start]] === downloads.bg.start Color gradient start for download backgrounds. Default: +pass:[#0000aa]+ [[colors-downloads.fg.stop]] === downloads.fg.stop Color gradient end for download text. Default: +pass:[${downloads.fg.start}]+ [[colors-downloads.bg.stop]] === downloads.bg.stop Color gradient stop for download backgrounds. Default: +pass:[#00aa00]+ [[colors-downloads.fg.system]] === downloads.fg.system Color gradient interpolation system for download text. Valid values: * +rgb+: Interpolate in the RGB color system. * +hsv+: Interpolate in the HSV color system. * +hsl+: Interpolate in the HSL color system. * +none+: Don't show a gradient. Default: +pass:[rgb]+ [[colors-downloads.bg.system]] === downloads.bg.system Color gradient interpolation system for download backgrounds. Valid values: * +rgb+: Interpolate in the RGB color system. * +hsv+: Interpolate in the HSV color system. * +hsl+: Interpolate in the HSL color system. * +none+: Don't show a gradient. Default: +pass:[rgb]+ [[colors-downloads.fg.error]] === downloads.fg.error Foreground color for downloads with errors. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-downloads.bg.error]] === downloads.bg.error Background color for downloads with errors. Default: +pass:[red]+ [[colors-webpage.bg]] === webpage.bg Background color for webpages if unset (or empty to use the theme's color) Default: +pass:[white]+ This setting is only available with the QtWebKit backend. [[colors-keyhint.fg]] === keyhint.fg Text color for the keyhint widget. Default: +pass:[#FFFFFF]+ [[colors-keyhint.fg.suffix]] === keyhint.fg.suffix Highlight color for keys to complete the current keychain Default: +pass:[#FFFF00]+ [[colors-keyhint.bg]] === keyhint.bg Background color of the keyhint widget. Default: +pass:[rgba(0, 0, 0, 80%)]+ [[colors-messages.fg.error]] === messages.fg.error Foreground color of an error message. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-messages.bg.error]] === messages.bg.error Background color of an error message. Default: +pass:[red]+ [[colors-messages.border.error]] === messages.border.error Border color of an error message. Default: +pass:[#bb0000]+ [[colors-messages.fg.warning]] === messages.fg.warning Foreground color a warning message. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-messages.bg.warning]] === messages.bg.warning Background color of a warning message. Default: +pass:[darkorange]+ [[colors-messages.border.warning]] === messages.border.warning Border color of an error message. Default: +pass:[#d47300]+ [[colors-messages.fg.info]] === messages.fg.info Foreground color an info message. Default: +pass:[white]+ [[colors-messages.bg.info]] === messages.bg.info Background color of an info message. Default: +pass:[black]+ [[colors-messages.border.info]] === messages.border.info Border color of an info message. Default: +pass:[#333333]+ == fonts Fonts used for the UI, with optional style/weight/size. * Style: `normal`/`italic`/`oblique` * Weight: `normal`, `bold`, `100`..`900` * Size: _number_ `px`/`pt` [[fonts-_monospace]] === _monospace Default monospace fonts. Default: +pass:[Terminus, Monospace, "DejaVu Sans Mono", Monaco, "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Andale Mono", "Courier New", Courier, "Liberation Mono", monospace, Fixed, Consolas, Terminal]+ [[fonts-completion]] === completion Font used in the completion widget. Default: +pass:[8pt ${_monospace}]+ [[fonts-completion.category]] === completion.category Font used in the completion categories. Default: +pass:[bold ${completion}]+ [[fonts-tabbar]] === tabbar Font used in the tab bar. Default: +pass:[8pt ${_monospace}]+ [[fonts-statusbar]] === statusbar Font used in the statusbar. Default: +pass:[8pt ${_monospace}]+ [[fonts-downloads]] === downloads Font used for the downloadbar. Default: +pass:[8pt ${_monospace}]+ [[fonts-hints]] === hints Font used for the hints. Default: +pass:[bold 13px ${_monospace}]+ [[fonts-debug-console]] === debug-console Font used for the debugging console. Default: +pass:[8pt ${_monospace}]+ [[fonts-web-family-standard]] === web-family-standard Font family for standard fonts. Default: empty [[fonts-web-family-fixed]] === web-family-fixed Font family for fixed fonts. Default: empty [[fonts-web-family-serif]] === web-family-serif Font family for serif fonts. Default: empty [[fonts-web-family-sans-serif]] === web-family-sans-serif Font family for sans-serif fonts. Default: empty [[fonts-web-family-cursive]] === web-family-cursive Font family for cursive fonts. Default: empty [[fonts-web-family-fantasy]] === web-family-fantasy Font family for fantasy fonts. Default: empty [[fonts-web-size-minimum]] === web-size-minimum The hard minimum font size. Default: empty [[fonts-web-size-minimum-logical]] === web-size-minimum-logical The minimum logical font size that is applied when zooming out. Default: empty [[fonts-web-size-default]] === web-size-default The default font size for regular text. Default: empty [[fonts-web-size-default-fixed]] === web-size-default-fixed The default font size for fixed-pitch text. Default: empty [[fonts-keyhint]] === keyhint Font used in the keyhint widget. Default: +pass:[8pt ${_monospace}]+ [[fonts-messages.error]] === messages.error Font used for error messages. Default: +pass:[8pt ${_monospace}]+ [[fonts-messages.warning]] === messages.warning Font used for warning messages. Default: +pass:[8pt ${_monospace}]+ [[fonts-messages.info]] === messages.info Font used for info messages. Default: +pass:[8pt ${_monospace}]+