# vim: ft=cucumber fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: Feature: Using :navigate Scenario: :navigate with invalid argument When I run :navigate foo Then the error "where: Invalid value foo - expected one of: prev, next, up, increment, decrement" should be shown # up Scenario: Navigating up When I open data/navigate/sub And I run :navigate up Then data/navigate should be loaded Scenario: Navigating up with a query When I open data/navigate/sub?foo=bar And I run :navigate up Then data/navigate should be loaded Scenario: Navigating up by count When I open data/navigate/sub/index.html And I run :navigate up with count 2 Then data/navigate should be loaded Scenario: Navigating up in qute://help/ When I open qute://help/commands.html And I run :navigate up Then qute://help/ should be loaded # prev/next Scenario: Navigating to previous page When I open data/navigate in a new tab And I run :navigate prev Then data/navigate/prev.html should be loaded Scenario: Navigating to next page When I open data/navigate And I run :navigate next Then data/navigate/next.html should be loaded Scenario: Navigating to previous page without links When I open data/numbers/1.txt And I run :navigate prev Then the error "No prev links found!" should be shown Scenario: Navigating to next page without links When I open data/numbers/1.txt And I run :navigate next Then the error "No forward links found!" should be shown Scenario: Navigating to next page to a fragment When I open data/navigate#fragment And I run :navigate next Then data/navigate/next.html should be loaded Scenario: Navigating to previous page with rel When I open data/navigate/rel.html And I run :navigate prev Then data/navigate/prev.html should be loaded Scenario: Navigating to next page with rel When I open data/navigate/rel.html And I run :navigate next Then data/navigate/next.html should be loaded Scenario: Navigating to previous page with rel nofollow When I open data/navigate/rel_nofollow.html And I run :navigate prev Then data/navigate/prev.html should be loaded Scenario: Navigating to next page with rel nofollow When I open data/navigate/rel_nofollow.html And I run :navigate next Then data/navigate/next.html should be loaded @qtwebkit_skip Scenario: Navigating with invalid selector When I open data/navigate And I set hints.selectors to {"links": ["@"]} And I run :navigate next Then the error "SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Document': '@' is not a valid selector." should be shown Scenario: Navigating with no next selector When I set hints.selectors to {'all': ['a']} And I run :navigate next Then the error "Undefined hinting group 'links'" should be shown # increment/decrement Scenario: Incrementing number in URL When I open data/numbers/1.txt And I run :navigate increment Then data/numbers/2.txt should be loaded Scenario: Decrementing number in URL When I open data/numbers/4.txt And I run :navigate decrement Then data/numbers/3.txt should be loaded Scenario: Decrementing with no number in URL When I open data/navigate And I run :navigate decrement Then the error "No number found in URL!" should be shown Scenario: Incrementing with no number in URL When I open data/navigate And I run :navigate increment Then the error "No number found in URL!" should be shown Scenario: Incrementing number in URL by count When I open data/numbers/3.txt And I run :navigate increment with count 3 Then data/numbers/6.txt should be loaded Scenario: Decrementing number in URL by count When I open data/numbers/8.txt And I run :navigate decrement with count 5 Then data/numbers/3.txt should be loaded Scenario: Setting url.incdec_segments When I set url.incdec_segments to [anchor] And I open data/numbers/1.txt And I run :navigate increment Then the error "No number found in URL!" should be shown Scenario: Incrementing query When I set url.incdec_segments to ["query"] And I open data/numbers/1.txt?value=2 And I run :navigate increment Then data/numbers/1.txt?value=3 should be loaded @qtwebengine_todo: Doesn't find any elements Scenario: Navigating multiline links When I open data/navigate/multilinelinks.html And I run :navigate next Then data/numbers/5.txt should be loaded