# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015-2016 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Fixtures to run qutebrowser in a QProcess and communicate.""" import os import re import sys import time import os.path import datetime import logging import tempfile import contextlib import itertools import json import yaml import pytest from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QUrl from qutebrowser.misc import ipc from qutebrowser.utils import log, utils, javascript from helpers import utils as testutils from end2end.fixtures import testprocess instance_counter = itertools.count() def is_ignored_qt_message(message): """Check if the message is listed in qt_log_ignore.""" # pylint: disable=no-member # WORKAROUND for https://bitbucket.org/logilab/pylint/issues/717/ # we should switch to generated-members after that regexes = pytest.config.getini('qt_log_ignore') for regex in regexes: if re.match(regex, message): return True return False class LogLine(testprocess.Line): """A parsed line from the qutebrowser log output. Attributes: timestamp/loglevel/category/module/function/line/message/levelname: Parsed from the log output. expected: Whether the message was expected or not. """ def __init__(self, data): super().__init__(data) try: line = json.loads(data) except ValueError: raise testprocess.InvalidLine(data) if not isinstance(line, dict): raise testprocess.InvalidLine(data) self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(line['created']) self.loglevel = line['levelno'] self.levelname = line['levelname'] self.category = line['name'] self.module = line['module'] self.function = line['funcName'] self.line = line['lineno'] if self.function is None and self.line == 0: self.line = None self.traceback = line.get('traceback') self.full_message = line['message'] msg_match = re.match(r'^(\[(?P\d+s ago)\] )?(?P.*)', self.full_message, re.DOTALL) self.prefix = msg_match.group('prefix') self.message = msg_match.group('message') self.expected = is_ignored_qt_message(self.message) self.use_color = False def __str__(self): return self.formatted_str(colorized=self.use_color) def formatted_str(self, colorized=True): """Return a formatted colorized line. This returns a line like qute without --json-logging would produce. Args: colorized: If True, ANSI color codes will be embedded. """ r = logging.LogRecord(self.category, self.loglevel, '', self.line, self.message, (), None) # Patch some attributes of the LogRecord if self.line is None: r.line = 0 r.created = self.timestamp.timestamp() r.module = self.module r.funcName = self.function format_str = log.EXTENDED_FMT # Mark expected errors with (expected) so it's less confusing for tests # which expect errors but fail due to other errors. if self.expected and self.loglevel > logging.INFO: new_color = '{' + log.LOG_COLORS['DEBUG'] + '}' format_str = format_str.replace('{log_color}', new_color) format_str = re.sub(r'{levelname:(\d*)}', # Leave away the padding because (expected) is # longer anyway. r'{levelname} (expected)', format_str) formatter = log.ColoredFormatter(format_str, log.DATEFMT, '{', use_colors=colorized) result = formatter.format(r) # Manually append the stringified traceback if one is present if self.traceback is not None: result += '\n' + self.traceback return result class QuteProc(testprocess.Process): """A running qutebrowser process used for tests. Attributes: _delay: Delay to wait between commands. _ipc_socket: The IPC socket of the started instance. _httpbin: The HTTPBin webserver. _webengine: Whether to use QtWebEngine basedir: The base directory for this instance. _focus_ready: Whether the main window got focused. _load_ready: Whether the about:blank page got loaded. _profile: If True, do profiling of the subprocesses. _instance_id: A unique ID for this QuteProc instance _run_counter: A counter to get a unique ID for each run. _config: The pytest config object Signals: got_error: Emitted when there was an error log line. """ got_error = pyqtSignal() KEYS = ['timestamp', 'loglevel', 'category', 'module', 'function', 'line', 'message'] def __init__(self, httpbin, delay, *, webengine=False, profile=False, config=None, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._webengine = webengine self._profile = profile self._delay = delay self._httpbin = httpbin self._ipc_socket = None self.basedir = None self._focus_ready = False self._load_ready = False self._instance_id = next(instance_counter) self._run_counter = itertools.count() self._config = config def _is_ready(self, what): """Called by _parse_line if loading/focusing is done. When both are done, emits the 'ready' signal. """ if what == 'load': self._load_ready = True elif what == 'focus': self._focus_ready = True else: raise ValueError("Invalid value {!r} for 'what'.".format(what)) if self._load_ready and self._focus_ready: self.ready.emit() def _parse_line(self, line): try: log_line = LogLine(line) except testprocess.InvalidLine: if not line.strip(): return None elif 'Running without the SUID sandbox!' in line: # QtWebEngine error return None elif is_ignored_qt_message(line): return None else: raise log_line.use_color = self._config.getoption('--color') != 'no' self._log(log_line) start_okay_message_load = ( "load status for : LoadStatus.success") start_okay_message_focus = ( "Focus object changed: " "") # With QtWebEngine the QOpenGLWidget has the actual focus start_okay_message_focus_qtwe = ( "Focus object changed: " ) if (log_line.category == 'ipc' and log_line.message.startswith("Listening as ")): self._ipc_socket = log_line.message.split(' ', maxsplit=2)[2] elif (log_line.category == 'webview' and testutils.pattern_match(pattern=start_okay_message_load, value=log_line.message)): self._is_ready('load') elif (log_line.category == 'misc' and testutils.pattern_match(pattern=start_okay_message_focus, value=log_line.message)): self._is_ready('focus') elif (log_line.category == 'misc' and testutils.pattern_match(pattern=start_okay_message_focus_qtwe, value=log_line.message)): self._is_ready('focus') elif (log_line.category == 'init' and log_line.module == 'standarddir' and log_line.function == 'init' and log_line.message.startswith('Base directory:')): self.basedir = log_line.message.split(':', maxsplit=1)[1].strip() elif self._is_error_logline(log_line): self.got_error.emit() return log_line def _executable_args(self): if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): if self._profile: raise Exception("Can't profile with sys.frozen!") executable = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), 'qutebrowser') args = [] else: executable = sys.executable if self._profile: profile_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'prof') profile_id = '{}_{}'.format(self._instance_id, next(self._run_counter)) profile_file = os.path.join(profile_dir, '{}.pstats'.format(profile_id)) try: os.mkdir(profile_dir) except FileExistsError: pass args = [os.path.join('scripts', 'dev', 'run_profile.py'), '--profile-tool', 'none', '--profile-file', profile_file] else: args = ['-bb', '-m', 'qutebrowser'] return executable, args def _default_args(self): backend = 'webengine' if self._webengine else 'webkit' return ['--debug', '--no-err-windows', '--temp-basedir', '--json-logging', '--backend', backend, 'about:blank'] def path_to_url(self, path, *, port=None, https=False): """Get a URL based on a filename for the localhost webserver. URLs like about:... and qute:... are handled specially and returned verbatim. """ if path.startswith('about:') or path.startswith('qute:'): return path else: return '{}://localhost:{}/{}'.format( 'https' if https else 'http', self._httpbin.port if port is None else port, path if path != '/' else '') def wait_for_js(self, message): """Wait for the given javascript console message. Return: The LogLine. """ return self.wait_for(category='js', function='javaScriptConsoleMessage', message='[*] {}'.format(message)) def _is_error_logline(self, msg): """Check if the given LogLine is some kind of error message.""" is_js_error = (msg.category == 'js' and msg.function == 'javaScriptConsoleMessage' and testutils.pattern_match(pattern='[*] [FAIL] *', value=msg.message)) # Try to complain about the most common mistake when accidentally # loading external resources. is_ddg_load = testutils.pattern_match( pattern="load status for <* tab_id=* url='*duckduckgo*'>: *", value=msg.message) is_log_error = (msg.loglevel > logging.INFO and not msg.message.startswith('STUB:')) return is_log_error or is_js_error or is_ddg_load def _maybe_skip(self): """Skip the test if [SKIP] lines were logged.""" skip_texts = [] for msg in self._data: if (msg.category == 'js' and msg.function == 'javaScriptConsoleMessage' and testutils.pattern_match(pattern='[*] [SKIP] *', value=msg.message)): skip_texts.append(msg.message.partition(' [SKIP] ')[2]) if skip_texts: pytest.skip(', '.join(skip_texts)) def _after_start(self): """Adjust some qutebrowser settings after starting.""" settings = [ ('ui', 'message-timeout', '0'), ('general', 'auto-save-interval', '0'), ('general', 'new-instance-open-target.window', 'last-opened') ] if not self._webengine: settings.append(('network', 'ssl-strict', 'false')) for sect, opt, value in settings: self.set_setting(sect, opt, value) def after_test(self, did_fail): """Handle unexpected/skip logging and clean up after each test. Args: did_fail: Set if the main test failed already, then logged errors are ignored. """ __tracebackhide__ = True bad_msgs = [msg for msg in self._data if self._is_error_logline(msg) and not msg.expected] if did_fail: super().after_test() return try: if bad_msgs: text = 'Logged unexpected errors:\n\n' + '\n'.join( str(e) for e in bad_msgs) # We'd like to use pytrace=False here but don't as a WORKAROUND # for https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1316 pytest.fail(text) else: self._maybe_skip() finally: super().after_test() def send_ipc(self, commands, target_arg=''): """Send a raw command to the running IPC socket.""" time.sleep(self._delay / 1000) assert self._ipc_socket is not None ipc.send_to_running_instance(self._ipc_socket, commands, target_arg) self.wait_for(category='ipc', module='ipc', function='on_ready_read', message='Read from socket *') def send_cmd(self, command, count=None, invalid=False, *, escape=True): """Send a command to the running qutebrowser instance. Args: count: The count to pass to the command. invalid: If True, we don't wait for "command called: ..." in the log escape: Escape backslashes in the command """ summary = command if count is not None: summary += ' (count {})'.format(count) self.log_summary(summary) if escape: command = command.replace('\\', r'\\') if count is not None: command = ':{}:{}'.format(count, command.lstrip(':')) self.send_ipc([command]) if not invalid: self.wait_for(category='commands', module='command', function='run', message='command called: *') def get_setting(self, sect, opt): """Get the value of a qutebrowser setting.""" self.send_cmd(':set {} {}?'.format(sect, opt)) msg = self.wait_for(loglevel=logging.INFO, category='message', message='{} {} = *'.format(sect, opt)) return msg.message.split(' = ')[1] def set_setting(self, sect, opt, value): # \ and " in a value should be treated literally, so escape them value = value.replace('\\', r'\\') value = value.replace('"', '\\"') self.send_cmd(':set "{}" "{}" "{}"'.format(sect, opt, value), escape=False) self.wait_for(category='config', message='Config option changed: *') @contextlib.contextmanager def temp_setting(self, sect, opt, value): """Context manager to set a setting and reset it on exit.""" old_value = self.get_setting(sect, opt) self.set_setting(sect, opt, value) yield self.set_setting(sect, opt, old_value) def open_path(self, path, *, new_tab=False, new_window=False, as_url=False, port=None, https=False, wait=True): """Open the given path on the local webserver in qutebrowser.""" url = self.path_to_url(path, port=port, https=https) self.open_url(url, new_tab=new_tab, new_window=new_window, as_url=as_url, wait=wait) def open_url(self, url, *, new_tab=False, new_window=False, as_url=False, wait=True): """Open the given url in qutebrowser.""" if new_tab and new_window: raise ValueError("new_tab and new_window given!") if as_url: self.send_cmd(url, invalid=True) elif new_tab: self.send_cmd(':open -t ' + url) elif new_window: self.send_cmd(':open -w ' + url) else: self.send_cmd(':open ' + url) if wait: self.wait_for_load_finished_url(url) def mark_expected(self, category=None, loglevel=None, message=None): """Mark a given logging message as expected.""" line = self.wait_for(category=category, loglevel=loglevel, message=message) line.expected = True def wait_for_load_finished_url(self, url, *, timeout=None, load_status='success'): """Wait until a URL has finished loading.""" __tracebackhide__ = True if timeout is None: if 'CI' in os.environ: timeout = 15000 else: timeout = 5000 # We really need the same representation that the webview uses in its # __repr__ qurl = QUrl(url) if not qurl.isValid(): raise ValueError("Invalid URL {}: {}".format(url, qurl.errorString())) url = utils.elide(qurl.toDisplayString(QUrl.EncodeUnicode), 100) assert url pattern = re.compile( r"(load status for : LoadStatus\.{load_status}|fetch: " r"PyQt5\.QtCore\.QUrl\('{url}'\) -> .*)".format( load_status=re.escape(load_status), url=re.escape(url))) try: self.wait_for(message=pattern, timeout=timeout) except testprocess.WaitForTimeout: raise testprocess.WaitForTimeout("Timed out while waiting for {} " "to be loaded".format(url)) def wait_for_load_finished(self, path, *, port=None, https=False, timeout=None, load_status='success'): """Wait until a path has finished loading.""" __tracebackhide__ = True url = self.path_to_url(path, port=port, https=https) self.wait_for_load_finished_url(url, timeout=timeout, load_status=load_status) def get_session(self): """Save the session and get the parsed session data.""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: session = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'session.yml') self.send_cmd(':session-save "{}"'.format(session)) self.wait_for(category='message', loglevel=logging.INFO, message='Saved session {}.'.format(session)) with open(session, encoding='utf-8') as f: data = f.read() self._log('\nCurrent session data:\n' + data) return yaml.load(data) def get_content(self, plain=True): """Get the contents of the current page.""" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'page') if plain: self.send_cmd(':debug-dump-page --plain "{}"'.format(path)) else: self.send_cmd(':debug-dump-page "{}"'.format(path)) self.wait_for(category='message', loglevel=logging.INFO, message='Dumped page to {}.'.format(path)) with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: return f.read() def press_keys(self, keys): """Press the given keys using :fake-key.""" self.send_cmd(':fake-key -g "{}"'.format(keys)) def click_element_by_text(self, text): """Click the element with the given text.""" # Use Javascript and XPath to find the right element, use console.log # to return an error (no element found, ambiguous element) script = ( 'var _es = document.evaluate(\'//*[text()={text}]\', document, ' 'null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);' 'if (_es.snapshotLength == 0) {{ console.log("qute:no elems"); }} ' 'else if (_es.snapshotLength > 1) {{ console.log("qute:ambiguous ' 'elems") }} ' 'else {{ console.log("qute:okay"); _es.snapshotItem(0).click() }}' ).format(text=javascript.string_escape(_xpath_escape(text))) self.send_cmd(':jseval ' + script, escape=False) message = self.wait_for_js('qute:*').message if message.endswith('qute:no elems'): raise ValueError('No element with {!r} found'.format(text)) elif message.endswith('qute:ambiguous elems'): raise ValueError('Element with {!r} is not unique'.format(text)) elif not message.endswith('qute:okay'): raise ValueError('Invalid response from qutebrowser: {}' .format(message)) def compare_session(self, expected): """Compare the current sessions against the given template. partial_compare is used, which means only the keys/values listed will be compared. """ __tracebackhide__ = True # Translate ... to ellipsis in YAML. loader = yaml.SafeLoader(expected) loader.add_constructor('!ellipsis', lambda loader, node: ...) loader.add_implicit_resolver('!ellipsis', re.compile(r'\.\.\.'), None) data = self.get_session() expected = loader.get_data() outcome = testutils.partial_compare(data, expected) if not outcome: msg = "Session comparison failed: {}".format(outcome.error) msg += '\nsee stdout for details' pytest.fail(msg) def _xpath_escape(text): """Escape a string to be used in an XPath expression. The resulting string should still be escaped with javascript.string_escape, to prevent javascript from interpreting the quotes. This function is needed because XPath does not provide any character escaping mechanisms, so to get the string "I'm back", he said you have to use concat like concat('"I', "'m back", '", he said') Args: text: Text to escape Return: The string "escaped" as a concat() call. """ # Shortcut if at most a single quoting style is used if "'" not in text or '"' not in text: return repr(text) parts = re.split('([\'"])', text) # Python's repr() of strings will automatically choose the right quote # type. Since each part only contains one "type" of quote, no escaping # should be necessary. parts = [repr(part) for part in parts if part] return 'concat({})'.format(', '.join(parts)) @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='module') def quteproc_process(qapp, httpbin, request): """Fixture for qutebrowser process which is started once per file.""" delay = request.config.getoption('--qute-delay') profile = request.config.getoption('--qute-profile-subprocs') webengine = request.config.getoption('--qute-bdd-webengine') proc = QuteProc(httpbin, delay, webengine=webengine, profile=profile, config=request.config) proc.start() yield proc proc.terminate() @pytest.yield_fixture def quteproc(quteproc_process, httpbin, request): """Per-test qutebrowser fixture which uses the per-file process.""" request.node._quteproc_log = quteproc_process.captured_log quteproc_process.before_test() yield quteproc_process quteproc_process.after_test(did_fail=request.node.rep_call.failed) @pytest.yield_fixture def quteproc_new(qapp, httpbin, request): """Per-test qutebrowser process to test invocations.""" delay = request.config.getoption('--qute-delay') profile = request.config.getoption('--qute-profile-subprocs') webengine = request.config.getoption('--qute-bdd-webengine') proc = QuteProc(httpbin, delay, webengine=webengine, profile=profile, config=request.config) request.node._quteproc_log = proc.captured_log # Not calling before_test here as that would start the process yield proc proc.after_test(did_fail=request.node.rep_call.failed) proc.terminate()