[pytest] norecursedirs = .tox .venv markers = gui: Tests using the GUI (e.g. spawning widgets) posix: Tests which only can run on a POSIX OS. windows: Tests which only can run on Windows. linux: Tests which only can run on Linux. osx: Tests which only can run on OS X. not_frozen: Tests which can't be run if sys.frozen is True. frozen: Tests which can only be run if sys.frozen is True. flakes-ignore = UnusedImport UnusedVariable resources.py ALL pep8ignore = E265 # Block comment should start with '#' E501 # Line too long E402 # module level import not at top of file E266 # too many leading '#' for block comment W503 # line break before binary operator resources.py ALL mccabe-complexity = 12 qt_log_level_fail = WARNING qt_log_ignore = ^SpellCheck: .* ^SetProcessDpiAwareness failed: .* ^QWindowsWindow::setGeometryDp: Unable to set geometry .* ^QProcess: Destroyed while process .* is still running\.