Installing qutebrowser


On Debian / Ubuntu

qutebrowser should run on these systems:

* Debian jessie or newer
* Ubuntu Trusty (14.04 LTS) or newer
* Any other distribution based on these (e.g. Linux Mint 17+)

Unfortunately there is no Debian package in the official repos yet, but installing qutebrowser is
still relatively easy!

You can use packages that are built for every release or build it yourself from git.

On Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10 it's recommended to <<tox,install qutebrowser via tox>>
instead in order to be able to use the new QtWebEngine backend. Newer versions
have a QtWebEngine package in the repositories.

Using the packages

Install the dependencies via apt-get:

# apt-get install python3-lxml python-tox python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit python3-pyqt5.qtquick python3-sip python3-jinja2 python3-pygments python3-yaml

On Debian Stretch or Ubuntu 17.04 or later, it's also recommended to install
`python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine` and start qutebrowser with `--backend webengine` in
order to use the new backend.

Get the qutebrowser package from the[release page] and download
the[PyPEG2 package].

Install the packages:

# dpkg -i python3-pypeg2_*_all.deb
# dpkg -i qutebrowser_*_all.deb

Build it from git

Install the dependencies via apt-get:

# apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit python3-pyqt5.qtquick python-tox python3-sip python3-dev

On Debian Stretch or Ubuntu 17.04 or later, it's also recommended to install
`python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine` and start qutebrowser with `--backend webengine` in
order to use the new backend.

To generate the documentation for the `:help` command, when using the git
repository (rather than a release):

# apt-get install asciidoc source-highlight
$ python3 scripts/

If video or sound don't seem to work, try installing the gstreamer plugins:

# apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-{bad,base,good,ugly}

Then <<tox,install qutebrowser via tox>>.

On Fedora

qutebrowser is available in the official repositories for Fedora 22 and newer.

# dnf install qutebrowser

It's also recommended to install `qt5-qtwebengine` and start with `--backend
webengine` to use the new backend.

On Archlinux

qutebrowser is available in the official [community] repository.

# pacman -S qutebrowser

It's also recommended to install `qt5-webkit-ng` or `qt5-webengine` (and start
with `--backend webengine`) to use an up-to-date backend. Note that private
browsing won't work with QtWebKit-NG yet.

There is also a -git version available in the AUR:[qutebrowser-git].

You can install it using `makepkg` like this:

$ git clone
$ cd qutebrowser-git
$ makepkg -si
$ cd ..
$ rm -r qutebrowser-git

or you could use an AUR helper, e.g. `yaourt -S qutebrowser-git`.

If video or sound don't seem to work, try installing the gstreamer plugins:

# pacman -S gst-plugins-{base,good,bad,ugly} gst-libav

On Gentoo

A version of qutebrowser is available in the main repository and can be installed with:

# emerge -av qutebrowser

However it is suggested to install the Live version (-9999) to take advantage
of the newest features introduced.

First of all you need to edit your package.accept_keywords file to accept the live

# nano /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords

And add the following line to it:

 =www-client/qutebrowser-9999 **

Save the file and then install qutebrowser via

# emerge -av qutebrowser

Or rebuild your system if you already installed it.

To update to the last Live version, remember to do

# emerge -uDNav @live-rebuild @world

To include qutebrowser among the updates.

Make sure you have `python3_4` in your `PYTHON_TARGETS`
(`/etc/portage/make.conf`) and rebuild your system (`emerge -uDNav @world`) if

It's also recommended to install QtWebKit-NG via[this ebuild],
or install Qt >= 5.7.1 with QtWebEngine in order to use an up-to-date backend.
Note that private browsing won't work with QtWebKit-NG yet.

If video or sound don't seem to work, try installing the gstreamer plugins:

# emerge -av gst-plugins-{base,good,bad,ugly,libav}

On Void Linux

qutebrowser is available in the official repositories and can be installed

# xbps-install qutebrowser

It's currently recommended to install `python-PyQt5-webengine` and start with
`--backend webengine` to use the new backend.

On NixOS

Nixpkgs collection contains `pkgs.qutebrowser` since June 2015. You can install
it with:

$ nix-env -i qutebrowser

It's recommended to install `qt5.qtwebengine` and start with
`--backend webengine` to use the new backend.

On openSUSE

There are prebuilt RPMs available for Tumbleweed and Leap 42.1:[One Click Install]

Or add the repo manually:

# zypper addrepo
# zypper refresh
# zypper install qutebrowser

On OpenBSD

qutebrowser is in[OpenBSD ports].

Install the package:

# pkg_add qutebrowser

Or alternatively, use the ports system :

# cd /usr/ports/www/qutebrowser
# make install

On Windows

There are different ways to install qutebrowser on Windows:

Prebuilt binaries

Prebuilt standalone packages and installers[are built] for every
release.[Chocolatey package]

* PackageManagement PowerShell module
PS C:\> Install-Package qutebrowser
* Chocolatey's client
C:\> choco install qutebrowser

Manual install

* Use the installer from[] to get
Python 3 (be sure to install pip).
* Use the installer from[Riverbank computing]
to get Qt and PyQt5.
* Install[tox] via[pip]:

$ pip install tox

Then <<tox,install qutebrowser via tox>>.


Prebuilt binary

The easiest way to install qutebrowser on OS X is to use the prebuilt `.app`
files from the[release page].

This binary is also available through the[Homebrew Cask] package manager:

$ brew cask install qutebrowser

Manual Install

Alternatively, you can install the dependencies via a package manager (like[Homebrew] or[MacPorts]) and run
qutebrowser from source.

==== Homebrew

$ brew install qt5
$ pip3 install qutebrowser

Homebrew's builds of Qt and PyQt no longer include QtWebKit - if you need
QtWebKit support, it is necessary to build from source. The build takes several
hours on an average laptop.

$ brew install qt5 --with-qtwebkit
$ brew install -s pyqt5
$ pip3 install qutebrowser


There are example .desktop and icon files provided. They would go in the
standard location for your distro (`/usr/share/applications` and
`/usr/share/pixmaps` for example).

The normal ` install` doesn't install these files, so you'll have to do
it as part of the packaging process.

Installing qutebrowser with tox

First of all, clone the repository using[git] and switch
into the repository folder:

$ git clone
$ cd qutebrowser

Then run tox inside the qutebrowser repository to set up a[virtual environment]:

$ tox -e mkvenv-pypi

Alternatively, you can use `tox -e mkvenv` (without `-pypi`) to symlink your
local Qt install instead of installing PyQt in the virtualenv. However, unless
you have QtWebKit-NG or QtWebEngine available, qutebrowser will use the legacy
QtWebKit backend.

On Windows, run `tox -e 'mkvenv-win' instead, however make sure that ONLY
Python3 is in your PATH before running tox.

This installs all needed Python dependencies in a `.venv` subfolder.

You can then create a simple wrapper script to start qutebrowser somewhere in
your `$PATH` (e.g. `/usr/local/bin/qutebrowser` or `~/bin/qutebrowser`):

~/path/to/qutebrowser/.venv/bin/python3 -m qutebrowser "$@"

If you are developing on qutebrowser, you may want to redirect it to a local

~/path/to/qutebrowser/.venv/bin/python3 -m qutebrowser -c .qutebrowser-local "$@"


When you updated your local copy of the code (e.g. by pulling the git repo, or
extracting a new version), the virtualenv should automatically use the updated
code. However, if dependencies got added, this won't be reflected in the
virtualenv. Thus it's recommended to run the following command to recreate the

$ tox -r -e mkvenv-pypi