# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org> # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """Tests for qutebrowser.utils.utils.""" import sys import enum import datetime import os.path import io import logging import functools from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor import pytest import qutebrowser import qutebrowser.utils # for test_qualname from qutebrowser.utils import utils, qtutils ELLIPSIS = '\u2026' class Color(QColor): """A QColor with a nicer repr().""" def __repr__(self): return utils.get_repr(self, constructor=True, red=self.red(), green=self.green(), blue=self.blue(), alpha=self.alpha()) class TestCompactText: """Test compact_text.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize('text, expected', [ ('foo\nbar', 'foobar'), (' foo \n bar ', 'foobar'), ('\nfoo\n', 'foo'), ], ids=repr) def test_compact_text(self, text, expected): """Test folding of newlines.""" assert utils.compact_text(text) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('elidelength, text, expected', [ (None, 'x' * 100, 'x' * 100), (6, 'foobar', 'foobar'), (5, 'foobar', 'foob' + ELLIPSIS), (5, 'foo\nbar', 'foob' + ELLIPSIS), (7, 'foo\nbar', 'foobar'), ], ids=lambda val: str(val)[:20]) def test_eliding(self, elidelength, text, expected): """Test eliding.""" assert utils.compact_text(text, elidelength) == expected class TestEliding: """Test elide.""" def test_too_small(self): """Test eliding to 0 chars which should fail.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): utils.elide('foo', 0) @pytest.mark.parametrize('text, length, expected', [ ('foo', 1, ELLIPSIS), ('foo', 3, 'foo'), ('foobar', 3, 'fo' + ELLIPSIS), ]) def test_elided(self, text, length, expected): assert utils.elide(text, length) == expected @pytest.fixture(params=[True, False]) def freezer(request, monkeypatch): if request.param and not getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'frozen', True, raising=False) monkeypatch.setattr('sys.executable', qutebrowser.__file__) elif not request.param and getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # Want to test unfrozen tests, but we are frozen pytest.skip("Can't run with sys.frozen = True!") @pytest.mark.usefixtures('freezer') class TestReadFile: """Test read_file.""" def test_readfile(self): """Read a test file.""" content = utils.read_file(os.path.join('utils', 'testfile')) assert content.splitlines()[0] == "Hello World!" def test_readfile_binary(self): """Read a test file in binary mode.""" content = utils.read_file(os.path.join('utils', 'testfile'), binary=True) assert content.splitlines()[0] == b"Hello World!" @pytest.mark.usefixtures('freezer') def test_resource_filename(): """Read a test file.""" filename = utils.resource_filename(os.path.join('utils', 'testfile')) with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: assert f.read().splitlines()[0] == "Hello World!" class Patcher: """Helper for TestActuteWarning. Attributes: monkeypatch: The pytest monkeypatch fixture. """ def __init__(self, monkeypatch): self.monkeypatch = monkeypatch def patch_platform(self, platform='linux'): """Patch sys.platform.""" self.monkeypatch.setattr('sys.platform', platform) def patch_exists(self, exists=True): """Patch os.path.exists.""" self.monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.utils.os.path.exists', lambda path: exists) def patch_version(self, version='5.2.0'): """Patch Qt version.""" self.monkeypatch.setattr( 'qutebrowser.utils.utils.qtutils.qVersion', lambda: version) def patch_file(self, data): """Patch open() to return the given data.""" fake_file = io.StringIO(data) self.monkeypatch.setattr(utils, 'open', lambda filename, mode, encoding: fake_file, raising=False) def patch_all(self, data): """Patch everything so the issue would exist.""" self.patch_platform() self.patch_exists() self.patch_version() self.patch_file(data) class TestActuteWarning: """Test actute_warning.""" @pytest.fixture def patcher(self, monkeypatch): """Fixture providing a Patcher helper.""" return Patcher(monkeypatch) def test_non_linux(self, patcher, capsys): """Test with a non-Linux OS.""" patcher.patch_platform('toaster') utils.actute_warning() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert not err def test_no_compose(self, patcher, capsys): """Test with no compose file.""" patcher.patch_platform() patcher.patch_exists(False) utils.actute_warning() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert not err def test_newer_qt(self, patcher, capsys): """Test with compose file but newer Qt version.""" patcher.patch_platform() patcher.patch_exists() patcher.patch_version('5.4') utils.actute_warning() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert not err def test_no_match(self, patcher, capsys): """Test with compose file and affected Qt but no match.""" patcher.patch_all('foobar') utils.actute_warning() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert not err def test_empty(self, patcher, capsys): """Test with empty compose file.""" patcher.patch_all(None) utils.actute_warning() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert not err def test_match(self, patcher, capsys): """Test with compose file and affected Qt and a match.""" patcher.patch_all('foobar\n<dead_actute>\nbaz') utils.actute_warning() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out.startswith('Note: If you got a') assert not err def test_match_stdout_none(self, monkeypatch, patcher, capsys): """Test with a match and stdout being None.""" patcher.patch_all('foobar\n<dead_actute>\nbaz') monkeypatch.setattr('sys.stdout', None) utils.actute_warning() def test_unreadable(self, mocker, patcher, capsys, caplog): """Test with an unreadable compose file.""" patcher.patch_platform() patcher.patch_exists() patcher.patch_version() mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.utils.open', side_effect=OSError, create=True) with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'init'): utils.actute_warning() assert len(caplog.records()) == 1 assert caplog.records()[0].message == 'Failed to read Compose file' out, _err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out class TestInterpolateColor: """Tests for interpolate_color. Attributes: white: The Color white as a valid Color for tests. white: The Color black as a valid Color for tests. """ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setup(self): self.white = Color('white') self.black = Color('black') def test_invalid_start(self): """Test an invalid start color.""" with pytest.raises(qtutils.QtValueError): utils.interpolate_color(Color(), self.white, 0) def test_invalid_end(self): """Test an invalid end color.""" with pytest.raises(qtutils.QtValueError): utils.interpolate_color(self.white, Color(), 0) def test_invalid_percentage(self): """Test an invalid percentage.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.white, -1) with pytest.raises(ValueError): utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.white, 101) def test_invalid_colorspace(self): """Test an invalid colorspace.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.black, 10, QColor.Cmyk) def test_valid_percentages_rgb(self): """Test 0% and 100% in the RGB colorspace.""" white = utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.black, 0, QColor.Rgb) black = utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.black, 100, QColor.Rgb) assert Color(white) == self.white assert Color(black) == self.black def test_valid_percentages_hsv(self): """Test 0% and 100% in the HSV colorspace.""" white = utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.black, 0, QColor.Hsv) black = utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.black, 100, QColor.Hsv) assert Color(white) == self.white assert Color(black) == self.black def test_valid_percentages_hsl(self): """Test 0% and 100% in the HSL colorspace.""" white = utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.black, 0, QColor.Hsl) black = utils.interpolate_color(self.white, self.black, 100, QColor.Hsl) assert Color(white) == self.white assert Color(black) == self.black def test_interpolation_rgb(self): """Test an interpolation in the RGB colorspace.""" color = utils.interpolate_color(Color(0, 40, 100), Color(0, 20, 200), 50, QColor.Rgb) assert Color(color) == Color(0, 30, 150) def test_interpolation_hsv(self): """Test an interpolation in the HSV colorspace.""" start = Color() stop = Color() start.setHsv(0, 40, 100) stop.setHsv(0, 20, 200) color = utils.interpolate_color(start, stop, 50, QColor.Hsv) expected = Color() expected.setHsv(0, 30, 150) assert Color(color) == expected def test_interpolation_hsl(self): """Test an interpolation in the HSL colorspace.""" start = Color() stop = Color() start.setHsl(0, 40, 100) stop.setHsl(0, 20, 200) color = utils.interpolate_color(start, stop, 50, QColor.Hsl) expected = Color() expected.setHsl(0, 30, 150) assert Color(color) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('seconds, out', [ (-1, '-0:01'), (0, '0:00'), (59, '0:59'), (60, '1:00'), (60.4, '1:00'), (61, '1:01'), (-61, '-1:01'), (3599, '59:59'), (3600, '1:00:00'), (3601, '1:00:01'), (36000, '10:00:00'), ]) def test_format_seconds(seconds, out): assert utils.format_seconds(seconds) == out @pytest.mark.parametrize('td, out', [ (datetime.timedelta(seconds=-1), '-1s'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=0), '0s'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=59), '59s'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=120), '2m'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=60.4), '1m'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=63), '1m 3s'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=-64), '-1m 4s'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=3599), '59m 59s'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600), '1h'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=3605), '1h 5s'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=3723), '1h 2m 3s'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=3780), '1h 3m'), (datetime.timedelta(seconds=36000), '10h'), ]) def test_format_timedelta(td, out): assert utils.format_timedelta(td) == out class TestFormatSize: """Tests for format_size. Class attributes: TESTS: A list of (input, output) tuples. """ TESTS = [ (-1024, '-1.00k'), (-1, '-1.00'), (0, '0.00'), (1023, '1023.00'), (1024, '1.00k'), (1034.24, '1.01k'), (1024 * 1024 * 2, '2.00M'), (1024 ** 10, '1024.00Y'), (None, '?.??'), ] KILO_TESTS = [(999, '999.00'), (1000, '1.00k'), (1010, '1.01k')] @pytest.mark.parametrize('size, out', TESTS) def test_format_size(self, size, out): """Test format_size with several tests.""" assert utils.format_size(size) == out @pytest.mark.parametrize('size, out', TESTS) def test_suffix(self, size, out): """Test the suffix option.""" assert utils.format_size(size, suffix='B') == out + 'B' @pytest.mark.parametrize('size, out', KILO_TESTS) def test_base(self, size, out): """Test with an alternative base.""" assert utils.format_size(size, base=1000) == out class TestKeyToString: KEYS = [(k, v) for k, v in sorted(vars(Qt).items()) if isinstance(v, Qt.Key)] @pytest.mark.parametrize('key, expected', [ (Qt.Key_Blue, 'Blue'), (Qt.Key_Backtab, 'Tab'), (Qt.Key_Escape, 'Escape'), (Qt.Key_A, 'A'), (Qt.Key_degree, '°'), (Qt.Key_Meta, 'Meta'), ]) def test_normal(self, key, expected): """Test a special key where QKeyEvent::toString works incorrectly.""" assert utils.key_to_string(key) == expected def test_missing(self, monkeypatch): """Test with a missing key.""" monkeypatch.delattr('qutebrowser.utils.utils.Qt.Key_Blue') # We don't want to test the key which is actually missing - we only # want to know if the mapping still behaves properly. assert utils.key_to_string(Qt.Key_A) == 'A' @pytest.mark.parametrize('key', [e[1] for e in KEYS], ids=[e[0] for e in KEYS]) def test_all(self, key): """Make sure there's some sensible output for all keys.""" string = utils.key_to_string(key) assert string string.encode('utf-8') # make sure it's encodable class TestKeyEventToString: """Test keyevent_to_string.""" def test_only_control(self, fake_keyevent_factory): """Test keyeevent when only control is pressed.""" evt = fake_keyevent_factory(key=Qt.Key_Control, modifiers=Qt.ControlModifier) assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) is None def test_only_hyper_l(self, fake_keyevent_factory): """Test keyeevent when only Hyper_L is pressed.""" evt = fake_keyevent_factory(key=Qt.Key_Hyper_L, modifiers=Qt.MetaModifier) assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) is None def test_only_key(self, fake_keyevent_factory): """Test with a simple key pressed.""" evt = fake_keyevent_factory(key=Qt.Key_A) assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) == 'A' def test_key_and_modifier(self, fake_keyevent_factory): """Test with key and modifier pressed.""" evt = fake_keyevent_factory(key=Qt.Key_A, modifiers=Qt.ControlModifier) expected = 'Meta+A' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else 'Ctrl+A' assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) == expected def test_key_and_modifiers(self, fake_keyevent_factory): """Test with key and multiple modifiers pressed.""" evt = fake_keyevent_factory( key=Qt.Key_A, modifiers=(Qt.ControlModifier | Qt.AltModifier | Qt.MetaModifier | Qt.ShiftModifier)) assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) == 'Ctrl+Alt+Meta+Shift+A' def test_mac(self, monkeypatch, fake_keyevent_factory): """Test with a simulated mac.""" monkeypatch.setattr('sys.platform', 'darwin') evt = fake_keyevent_factory(key=Qt.Key_A, modifiers=Qt.ControlModifier) assert utils.keyevent_to_string(evt) == 'Meta+A' @pytest.mark.parametrize('orig, repl', [ ('Control+x', 'ctrl+x'), ('Windows+x', 'meta+x'), ('Mod1+x', 'alt+x'), ('Mod4+x', 'meta+x'), ('Control--', 'ctrl+-'), ('Windows++', 'meta++'), ('ctrl-x', 'ctrl+x'), ('control+x', 'ctrl+x') ]) def test_normalize_keystr(orig, repl): assert utils.normalize_keystr(orig) == repl class TestFakeIOStream: """Test FakeIOStream.""" def _write_func(self, text): return text def test_flush(self): """Smoke-test to see if flushing works.""" s = utils.FakeIOStream(self._write_func) s.flush() def test_isatty(self): """Make sure isatty() is always false.""" s = utils.FakeIOStream(self._write_func) assert not s.isatty() def test_write(self): """Make sure writing works.""" s = utils.FakeIOStream(self._write_func) assert s.write('echo') == 'echo' class TestFakeIO: """Test FakeIO.""" @pytest.yield_fixture(autouse=True) def restore_streams(self): """Restore sys.stderr/sys.stdout after tests.""" old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr yield sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr def test_normal(self, capsys): """Test without changing sys.stderr/sys.stdout.""" data = io.StringIO() with utils.fake_io(data.write): sys.stdout.write('hello\n') sys.stderr.write('world\n') out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert not err assert data.getvalue() == 'hello\nworld\n' sys.stdout.write('back to\n') sys.stderr.write('normal\n') out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out == 'back to\n' assert err == 'normal\n' def test_stdout_replaced(self, capsys): """Test with replaced stdout.""" data = io.StringIO() new_stdout = io.StringIO() with utils.fake_io(data.write): sys.stdout.write('hello\n') sys.stderr.write('world\n') sys.stdout = new_stdout out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert not err assert data.getvalue() == 'hello\nworld\n' sys.stdout.write('still new\n') sys.stderr.write('normal\n') out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert err == 'normal\n' assert new_stdout.getvalue() == 'still new\n' def test_stderr_replaced(self, capsys): """Test with replaced stderr.""" data = io.StringIO() new_stderr = io.StringIO() with utils.fake_io(data.write): sys.stdout.write('hello\n') sys.stderr.write('world\n') sys.stderr = new_stderr out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert not err assert data.getvalue() == 'hello\nworld\n' sys.stdout.write('normal\n') sys.stderr.write('still new\n') out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out == 'normal\n' assert not err assert new_stderr.getvalue() == 'still new\n' class GotException(Exception): """Exception used for TestDisabledExcepthook.""" pass def excepthook(_exc, _val, _tb): return def excepthook_2(_exc, _val, _tb): return class TestDisabledExcepthook: """Test disabled_excepthook. This doesn't test much as some things are untestable without triggering the excepthook (which is hard to test). """ @pytest.yield_fixture(autouse=True) def restore_excepthook(self): """Restore sys.excepthook and sys.__excepthook__ after tests.""" old_excepthook = sys.excepthook old_dunder_excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ yield sys.excepthook = old_excepthook sys.__excepthook__ = old_dunder_excepthook def test_normal(self): """Test without changing sys.excepthook.""" sys.excepthook = excepthook assert sys.excepthook is excepthook with utils.disabled_excepthook(): assert sys.excepthook is not excepthook assert sys.excepthook is excepthook def test_changed(self): """Test with changed sys.excepthook.""" sys.excepthook = excepthook with utils.disabled_excepthook(): assert sys.excepthook is not excepthook sys.excepthook = excepthook_2 assert sys.excepthook is excepthook_2 class TestPreventExceptions: """Test prevent_exceptions.""" @utils.prevent_exceptions(42) def func_raising(self): raise Exception def test_raising(self, caplog): """Test with a raising function.""" with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'misc'): ret = self.func_raising() assert ret == 42 assert len(caplog.records()) == 1 expected = 'Error in test_utils.TestPreventExceptions.func_raising' actual = caplog.records()[0].message assert actual == expected @utils.prevent_exceptions(42) def func_not_raising(self): return 23 def test_not_raising(self, caplog): """Test with a non-raising function.""" with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'misc'): ret = self.func_not_raising() assert ret == 23 assert not caplog.records() @utils.prevent_exceptions(42, True) def func_predicate_true(self): raise Exception def test_predicate_true(self, caplog): """Test with a True predicate.""" with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'misc'): ret = self.func_predicate_true() assert ret == 42 assert len(caplog.records()) == 1 @utils.prevent_exceptions(42, False) def func_predicate_false(self): raise Exception def test_predicate_false(self, caplog): """Test with a False predicate.""" with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'misc'): with pytest.raises(Exception): self.func_predicate_false() assert not caplog.records() class Obj: """Test object for test_get_repr().""" pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('constructor, attrs, expected', [ (False, {}, '<test_utils.Obj>'), (False, {'foo': None}, '<test_utils.Obj foo=None>'), (False, {'foo': "b'ar", 'baz': 2}, '<test_utils.Obj baz=2 foo="b\'ar">'), (True, {}, 'test_utils.Obj()'), (True, {'foo': None}, 'test_utils.Obj(foo=None)'), (True, {'foo': "te'st", 'bar': 2}, 'test_utils.Obj(bar=2, foo="te\'st")'), ]) def test_get_repr(constructor, attrs, expected): """Test get_repr().""" assert utils.get_repr(Obj(), constructor, **attrs) == expected class QualnameObj(): """Test object for test_qualname.""" def func(self): """Test method for test_qualname.""" pass def qualname_func(_blah): """Test function for test_qualname.""" pass QUALNAME_OBJ = QualnameObj() @pytest.mark.parametrize('obj, expected', [ (QUALNAME_OBJ, repr(QUALNAME_OBJ)), # instance - unknown (QualnameObj, 'test_utils.QualnameObj'), # class (QualnameObj.func, 'test_utils.QualnameObj.func'), # unbound method (QualnameObj().func, 'test_utils.QualnameObj.func'), # bound method (qualname_func, 'test_utils.qualname_func'), # function (functools.partial(qualname_func, True), 'test_utils.qualname_func'), (qutebrowser, 'qutebrowser'), # module (qutebrowser.utils, 'qutebrowser.utils'), # submodule (utils, 'qutebrowser.utils.utils'), # submodule (from-import) ]) def test_qualname(obj, expected): assert utils.qualname(obj) == expected class TestIsEnum: """Test is_enum.""" def test_enum(self): """Test is_enum with an enum.""" e = enum.Enum('Foo', 'bar, baz') assert utils.is_enum(e) def test_class(self): """Test is_enum with a non-enum class.""" class Test: """Test class for is_enum.""" pass assert not utils.is_enum(Test) def test_object(self): """Test is_enum with a non-enum object.""" assert not utils.is_enum(23) class TestRaises: """Test raises.""" def do_raise(self): """Helper function which raises an exception.""" raise Exception def do_nothing(self): """Helper function which does nothing.""" pass def test_raises_single_exc_true(self): """Test raises with a single exception which gets raised.""" assert utils.raises(ValueError, int, 'a') def test_raises_single_exc_false(self): """Test raises with a single exception which does not get raised.""" assert not utils.raises(ValueError, int, '1') def test_raises_multiple_exc_true(self): """Test raises with multiple exceptions which get raised.""" assert utils.raises((ValueError, TypeError), int, 'a') assert utils.raises((ValueError, TypeError), int, None) def test_raises_multiple_exc_false(self): """Test raises with multiple exceptions which do not get raised.""" assert not utils.raises((ValueError, TypeError), int, '1') def test_no_args_true(self): """Test with no args and an exception which gets raised.""" assert utils.raises(Exception, self.do_raise) def test_no_args_false(self): """Test with no args and an exception which does not get raised.""" assert not utils.raises(Exception, self.do_nothing) def test_unrelated_exception(self): """Test with an unrelated exception.""" with pytest.raises(Exception): utils.raises(ValueError, self.do_raise) @pytest.mark.parametrize('inp, enc, expected', [ ('hello world', 'ascii', 'hello world'), ('hellö wörld', 'utf-8', 'hellö wörld'), ('hellö wörld', 'ascii', 'hell? w?rld'), ]) def test_force_encoding(inp, enc, expected): assert utils.force_encoding(inp, enc) == expected class TestNewestSlice: """Test newest_slice.""" def test_count_minus_two(self): """Test with a count of -2.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): utils.newest_slice([], -2) @pytest.mark.parametrize('items, count, expected', [ # Count of -1 (all elements). (range(20), -1, range(20)), # Count of 0 (no elements). (range(20), 0, []), # Count which is much smaller than the iterable. (range(20), 5, [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]), # Count which is exactly one smaller.""" (range(5), 4, [1, 2, 3, 4]), # Count which is just as large as the iterable.""" (range(5), 5, range(5)), # Count which is one bigger than the iterable. (range(5), 6, range(5)), # Count which is much bigger than the iterable. (range(5), 50, range(5)), ]) def test_good(self, items, count, expected): """Test slices which shouldn't raise an exception.""" sliced = utils.newest_slice(items, count) assert list(sliced) == list(expected)