Getting stacktraces on crashes ============================== The Compiler <> When there is a fatal crash in qutebrowser - most of the times a[segfault] - the crash report usually doesn't contain much viable information, as these crashes usually happen inside of the Qt mainloop in C++. To know what the issue is, a[stack trace] with[debugging symbols] is required. The rest of this guide is quite Linux specific, though there is a <<windows,section for Windows>> at the end. Getting debugging symbols ------------------------- .Debian/Ubuntu/... For Debian based systems (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, ...), debug information is available in the repositories: ---- # apt-get install python3-pyqt5-dbg python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit-dbg python3-dbg libqt5webkit5-dbg ---- .Archlinux For Archlinux, no debug informations are provided. You can either compile Qt yourself (which will take a few hours even on a modern machine) or use debugging symbols compiled by me (x86_64 only). To compile by yourself: ---- $ git clone $ cd qt-debug-pkgbuild $ git checkout symbols $ cd qt5 $ makepkg -si $ cd ../pyqt5 $ makepkg -si ---- To install my pre-built packages: ---- $ mkdir qt-debug $ cd qt-debug $ wget -r -l1 -A '*.tar.xz' -L -np -nd # pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz ---- After you are done debugging, make sure to install the system packages again so you get updates. This can be done with this command: ---- # pacman -S qt5 ---- Getting a core dump ------------------- The next step is finding the core dump so we can get a stacktrace from it. First of all, try to reproduce your problem. If you can, run qutebrowser directly inside gdb like this: ---- $ gdb $(which python3) -ex 'run -m qutebrowser --debug' ---- If you cannot reproduce the problem, you need to check if a coredump got written somewhere. Check the file `/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern` on your system. If it does not start with a `|` character (pipe), check if there is a file named `core` or `core.NNNN` in the directory from that file, or in the current directory. If so, execute gdb like this: ---- $ gdb $(which python3) /path/to/core ---- If your `/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern` contains something like `|/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump`, use `coredumpctl` as root to run gdb: ---- # coredumpctl gdb $(which python3) ---- Getting a stack trace --------------------- Regardless of the way you used to open gdb, you should now see something like: ---- Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. ... (gdb) ---- Now enter these commands at the gdb prompt: ---- (gdb) set logging on (gdb) set logging redirect on (gdb) bt # you might have to press enter a few times until you get the prompt back (gdb) set logging redirect off (gdb) quit ---- Now copy the last few lines of the debug log (before you got the gdb prompt) and the full content of `gdb.txt` into the bug report. Please also add some words about what you were doing (or what pages you visited) before the crash happened. [[windows]] For Windows ----------- When you see the _qutebrowser.exe has stopped working_ window, do not click "Close the program". Instead, open your task manager, there right-click on `qutebrowser.exe` and select "Create dump file". Remember the path of the dump file displayed there. Now install[DebugDiag] from Microsoft, then run the "DebugDiag 2 Analysis" tool. There, check "CrashHangAnalysis" and add your crash dump via "Add Data files". Then click "Start analysis". Close the Internet Explorer which opens when it's done and use the folder-button at the top left to get to the reports. There find the report file and send it to