# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Base class for a subprocess run for tests..""" import re import os import time import pytestqt.plugin # pylint: disable=import-error from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal, QProcess, QObject, QElapsedTimer from PyQt5.QtTest import QSignalSpy from helpers import utils # pylint: disable=import-error class InvalidLine(Exception): """Raised when the process prints a line which is not parsable.""" pass class ProcessExited(Exception): """Raised when the child process did exit.""" pass class WaitForTimeout(Exception): """Raised when wait_for didn't get the expected message.""" class Line: """Container for a line of data the process emits. Attributes: data: The raw data passed to the constructor. waited_for: If Process.wait_for was used on this line already. """ def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.waited_for = False def __repr__(self): return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.data) class Process(QObject): """Abstraction over a running test subprocess process. Reads the log from its stdout and parses it. Signals: ready: Emitted when the server finished starting up. new_data: Emitted when a new line was parsed. """ ready = pyqtSignal() new_data = pyqtSignal(object) def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._invalid = [] self._data = [] self.proc = QProcess() self.proc.setReadChannel(QProcess.StandardError) def _parse_line(self, line): """Parse the given line from the log. Return: A self.ParseResult member. """ raise NotImplementedError def _executable_args(self): """Get the executable and arguments to pass to it as a tuple.""" raise NotImplementedError def _get_data(self): """Get the parsed data for this test. Also waits for 0.5s to make sure any new data is received. Subprocesses are expected to alias this to a public method with a better name. """ self.proc.waitForReadyRead(500) self.read_log() return self._data def _wait_signal(self, signal, timeout=5000, raising=True): """Wait for a signal to be emitted. Should be used in a contextmanager. """ blocker = pytestqt.plugin.SignalBlocker( timeout=timeout, raising=raising) blocker.connect(signal) return blocker @pyqtSlot() def read_log(self): """Read the log from the process' stdout.""" if not hasattr(self, 'proc'): # I have no idea how this happens, but it does... return while self.proc.canReadLine(): line = self.proc.readLine() line = bytes(line).decode('utf-8', errors='ignore').rstrip('\r\n') try: parsed = self._parse_line(line) except InvalidLine: self._invalid.append(line) print("INVALID: {}".format(line)) continue if parsed is None: if self._invalid: print("IGNORED: {}".format(line)) else: self._data.append(parsed) self.new_data.emit(parsed) def start(self): """Start the process and wait until it started.""" with self._wait_signal(self.ready, timeout=60000): self._start() def _start(self): """Actually start the process.""" executable, args = self._executable_args() self.proc.readyRead.connect(self.read_log) self.proc.start(executable, args) ok = self.proc.waitForStarted() assert ok assert self.is_running() def before_test(self): """Restart process before a test if it exited before.""" self._invalid = [] if not self.is_running(): self.start() def after_test(self): """Clean up data after each test. Also checks self._invalid so the test counts as failed if there were unexpected output lines earlier. """ if self._invalid: # Wait for a bit so the full error has a chance to arrive time.sleep(1) # Exit the process to make sure we're in a defined state again self.terminate() self._data.clear() raise InvalidLine(self._invalid) self._data.clear() if not self.is_running(): raise ProcessExited def terminate(self): """Clean up and shut down the process.""" self.proc.terminate() self.proc.waitForFinished() def is_running(self): """Check if the process is currently running.""" return self.proc.state() == QProcess.Running def _match_data(self, value, expected): """Helper for wait_for to match a given value. The behavior of this method is slightly different depending on the types of the filtered values: - If expected is None, the filter always matches. - If the value is a string or bytes object and the expected value is too, the pattern is treated as a glob pattern (with only * active). - If the value is a string or bytes object and the expected value is a compiled regex, it is used for matching. - If the value is any other type, == is used. Return: A bool """ regex_type = type(re.compile('')) if expected is None: return True elif isinstance(expected, regex_type): return expected.match(value) elif isinstance(value, (bytes, str)): return utils.pattern_match(pattern=expected, value=value) else: return value == expected def wait_for(self, timeout=None, **kwargs): """Wait until a given value is found in the data. Keyword arguments to this function get interpreted as attributes of the searched data. Every given argument is treated as a pattern which the attribute has to match against. Return: The matched line. """ __tracebackhide__ = True if timeout is None: if 'CI' in os.environ: timeout = 15000 else: timeout = 5000 # Search existing messages for line in self._data: matches = [] for key, expected in kwargs.items(): value = getattr(line, key) matches.append(self._match_data(value, expected)) if all(matches) and not line.waited_for: # If we waited for this line, chances are we don't mean the # same thing the next time we use wait_for and it matches # this line again. line.waited_for = True return line # If there is none, wait for the message spy = QSignalSpy(self.new_data) elapsed_timer = QElapsedTimer() elapsed_timer.start() while True: got_signal = spy.wait(timeout) if not got_signal or elapsed_timer.hasExpired(timeout): raise WaitForTimeout("Timed out after {}ms waiting for " "{!r}.".format(timeout, kwargs)) for args in spy: assert len(args) == 1 line = args[0] matches = [] for key, expected in kwargs.items(): value = getattr(line, key) matches.append(self._match_data(value, expected)) if all(matches): # If we waited for this line, chances are we don't mean the # same thing the next time we use wait_for and it matches # this line again. line.waited_for = True return line