
- Because restart is broken, using "restore tabs" in crash dialog doesn't work

- Segfaults when trying to load http://cmpl.cc/downloads/hlwm-tablet.mkv

- URL detection and encoded spaces

  e.g. when trying to open a link with %20 interactively, or even via click.

- When quitting while being asked for a download filename: segfault / memory

- When following a hint:

  QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.

- Closing some tabs and undo all them -> quits and CMD.exe hangs

    QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::_q_hostLookupFinished could not dequeu request

- All kind of FIXMEs

- When opening DDG the input field should be focused when JS is active, but
  only is sometimes. (seir)

- restart sometimes abort()s on QApplication __init__ (V155)

- restart is broken entirely since init refactoring (around af19e6d~1)

- qutebrowser :restart loops endlessly
    We should refuse to do :restart when executing init commands

- Super key shows up as ៀ\udc53  in logs

- Funky font rendering with tewi:

- F on duckduckgo result page opens in current page

  It seems we don't get a linkClicked signal there.
  Maybe it does some weird js stuff?
  See also: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwebpage.html#createWindow
  Asked here: http://stackoverflow.com/q/23498666/2085149

- Shutdown is still flaky. (see notes)

- Eliding doesn't work correctly in tabs (cuts off start)
  This especially happens when there's no favicon
  (will be solved by tabbar reimplementation)

- Opening via commandline / startpage doesn't work with absolute file paths.

- Relative file paths and ~ don't work at all.

- scroll_page doesn't care about always visible bars, so content gets hidden
  e.g. http://www.mtb-news.de/forum/t/welcher-schuh-five-ten-vs-oneal.529148/

- Config errors on start shouldn't be hard errors
  (e.g. when an user-stylesheet file is deleted)

- Clicking links/email in crash dialog should open browser/mailclient under

- ok is always True in WebPage:on_load_status_changed, even when an error page
  is loaded.

- When tabbar -> scroll-buttons is disabled and there are too many tabs, the
  window has a bigger size hint instead of tabs getting smaller than the
  minimum size (iggy)

Upstream Bugs

- Web inspector is blank unless .hide()/.show() is called.
    Asked on SO: http://stackoverflow.com/q/23499159/2085149
    TODO: report Qt bug

- QWebElement needs geometries()

- Impossible to retrieve user value of QWebElement:

- Weird font rendering

- dead_actute

- QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be
  called once.

- Tabbar texts get cut off when styled and elided

- Crash with the-compiler.org/phoronix.org