# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2015 Corentin Julé # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . import os import zipfile import shutil import logging import pytest from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QUrl, QObject from qutebrowser.browser import adblock from qutebrowser.utils import objreg pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('qapp', 'config_tmpdir') # TODO See ../utils/test_standarddirutils for OSError and caplog assertion WHITELISTED_HOSTS = ('qutebrowser.org', 'mediumhost.io') BLOCKLIST_HOSTS = ('localhost', 'mediumhost.io', 'malware.badhost.org', '4-verybadhost.com', 'ads.worsthostever.net') CLEAN_HOSTS = ('goodhost.gov', 'verygoodhost.com') URLS_TO_CHECK = ('http://localhost', 'http://mediumhost.io', 'ftp://malware.badhost.org', 'http://4-verybadhost.com', 'http://ads.worsthostever.net', 'http://goodhost.gov', 'ftp://verygoodhost.com', 'http://qutebrowser.org') class BaseDirStub: """Mock for objreg.get('args') called in adblock.HostBlocker.read_hosts.""" def __init__(self): self.basedir = None @pytest.fixture def basedir(fake_args): """Register a Fake basedir.""" fake_args.basedir = None class FakeDownloadItem(QObject): """Mock browser.downloads.DownloadItem.""" finished = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, fileobj, name, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.fileobj = fileobj self.name = name self.successful = True class FakeDownloadManager: """Mock browser.downloads.DownloadManager.""" def get(self, url, target, **kwargs): """Return a FakeDownloadItem instance with a fileobj. The content is copied from the file the given url links to. """ download_item = FakeDownloadItem(target.fileobj, name=url.path()) with open(url.path(), 'rb') as fake_url_file: shutil.copyfileobj(fake_url_file, download_item.fileobj) return download_item @pytest.fixture def download_stub(win_registry): """Register a FakeDownloadManager.""" stub = FakeDownloadManager() objreg.register('qtnetwork-download-manager', stub, scope='window', window='last-focused') yield objreg.delete('qtnetwork-download-manager', scope='window', window='last-focused') def create_zipfile(directory, files, zipname='test'): """Return a path to a newly created zip file. Args: directory: path object where to create the zip file files: list of paths to each file to add in the zipfile zipname: name to give to the zip file. """ zipfile_path = directory / zipname + '.zip' with zipfile.ZipFile(str(zipfile_path), 'w') as new_zipfile: for file_path in files: new_zipfile.write(str(file_path), arcname=os.path.basename(str(file_path))) # Removes path from file name return str(zipfile_path) def create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=BLOCKLIST_HOSTS, name='hosts', line_format='one_per_line'): """Return a path to a blocklist file. Args: directory: path object where to create the blocklist file blocked_hosts: an iterable of string hosts to add to the blocklist name: name to give to the blocklist file line_format: 'etc_hosts' --> /etc/hosts format 'one_per_line' --> one host per line format 'not_correct' --> Not a correct hosts file format. """ blocklist_file = directory / name with open(str(blocklist_file), 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as blocklist: # ensure comments are ignored when processing blocklist blocklist.write('# Blocked Hosts List #\n\n') if line_format == 'etc_hosts': # /etc/hosts like format for host in blocked_hosts: blocklist.write(' ' + host + '\n') elif line_format == 'one_per_line': for host in blocked_hosts: blocklist.write(host + '\n') elif line_format == 'not_correct': for host in blocked_hosts: blocklist.write(host + ' This is not a correct hosts file\n') else: raise ValueError('Incorrect line_format argument') return str(blocklist_file) def assert_urls(host_blocker, blocked=BLOCKLIST_HOSTS, whitelisted=WHITELISTED_HOSTS, urls_to_check=URLS_TO_CHECK): """Test if Urls to check are blocked or not by HostBlocker. Ensure URLs in 'blocked' and not in 'whitelisted' are blocked. All other URLs must not be blocked. """ whitelisted = list(whitelisted) + list(host_blocker.WHITELISTED) for str_url in urls_to_check: url = QUrl(str_url) host = url.host() if host in blocked and host not in whitelisted: assert host_blocker.is_blocked(url) else: assert not host_blocker.is_blocked(url) def generic_blocklists(directory): """Return a generic list of files to be used in hosts-block-lists option. This list contains : - a remote zip file with 1 hosts file and 2 useless files - a remote zip file with only useless files (Should raise a FileNotFoundError) - a remote zip file with only one valid hosts file - a local text file with valid hosts - a remote text file without valid hosts format. """ # remote zip file with 1 hosts file and 2 useless files file1 = create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=CLEAN_HOSTS, name='README', line_format='not_correct') file2 = create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=BLOCKLIST_HOSTS[:3], name='hosts', line_format='etc_hosts') file3 = create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=CLEAN_HOSTS, name='false_positive', line_format='one_per_line') files_to_zip = [file1, file2, file3] blocklist1 = QUrl('http://example.com/') blocklist1.setPath(create_zipfile(directory, files_to_zip, 'block1')) # remote zip file without file named hosts # (Should raise a FileNotFoundError) file1 = create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=CLEAN_HOSTS, name='md5sum', line_format='etc_hosts') file2 = create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=CLEAN_HOSTS, name='README', line_format='not_correct') file3 = create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=CLEAN_HOSTS, name='false_positive', line_format='one_per_line') files_to_zip = [file1, file2, file3] blocklist2 = QUrl('http://example.com/') blocklist2.setPath(create_zipfile(directory, files_to_zip, 'block2')) # remote zip file with only one valid hosts file inside file1 = create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=[BLOCKLIST_HOSTS[3]], name='malwarelist', line_format='etc_hosts') blocklist3 = QUrl('http://example.com/') blocklist3.setPath(create_zipfile(directory, [file1], 'block3')) # local text file with valid hosts blocklist4 = QUrl.fromLocalFile(create_blocklist( directory, blocked_hosts=[BLOCKLIST_HOSTS[4]], name='mycustomblocklist', line_format='one_per_line')) # remote text file without valid hosts format blocklist5 = QUrl('http://example.com/') blocklist5.setPath(create_blocklist(directory, blocked_hosts=CLEAN_HOSTS, name='notcorrectlist', line_format='not_correct')) return [blocklist1.toString(), blocklist2.toString(), blocklist3.toString(), blocklist4.toString(), blocklist5.toString()] def test_disabled_blocking_update(basedir, config_stub, download_stub, data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry, caplog): """Ensure no URL is blocked when host blocking is disabled.""" config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.lists = generic_blocklists(tmpdir) config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.enabled = False host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker() host_blocker.adblock_update() while host_blocker._in_progress: current_download = host_blocker._in_progress[0] with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): current_download.finished.emit() host_blocker.read_hosts() for str_url in URLS_TO_CHECK: assert not host_blocker.is_blocked(QUrl(str_url)) def test_no_blocklist_update(config_stub, download_stub, data_tmpdir, basedir, tmpdir, win_registry): """Ensure no URL is blocked when no block list exists.""" config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.lists = None config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.enabled = True host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker() host_blocker.adblock_update() host_blocker.read_hosts() for str_url in URLS_TO_CHECK: assert not host_blocker.is_blocked(QUrl(str_url)) def test_successful_update(config_stub, basedir, download_stub, data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry, caplog): """Ensure hosts from host_blocking.lists are blocked after an update.""" config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.lists = generic_blocklists(tmpdir) config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.enabled = True config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.whitelist = None host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker() host_blocker.adblock_update() # Simulate download is finished while host_blocker._in_progress: current_download = host_blocker._in_progress[0] with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): current_download.finished.emit() host_blocker.read_hosts() assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted=[]) def test_failed_dl_update(config_stub, basedir, download_stub, data_tmpdir, tmpdir, win_registry, caplog): """One blocklist fails to download. Ensure hosts from this list are not blocked. """ dl_fail_blocklist = QUrl('http://example.com/') dl_fail_blocklist.setPath(create_blocklist( tmpdir, blocked_hosts=CLEAN_HOSTS, name='download_will_fail', line_format='one_per_line')) hosts_to_block = (generic_blocklists(tmpdir) + [dl_fail_blocklist.toString()]) config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.lists = hosts_to_block config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.enabled = True config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.whitelist = None host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker() host_blocker.adblock_update() while host_blocker._in_progress: current_download = host_blocker._in_progress[0] # if current download is the file we want to fail, make it fail if current_download.name == dl_fail_blocklist.path(): current_download.successful = False with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): current_download.finished.emit() host_blocker.read_hosts() assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted=[]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('location', ['content', 'comment']) def test_invalid_utf8(config_stub, download_stub, tmpdir, caplog, location): """Make sure invalid UTF-8 is handled correctly. See https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/2301 """ blocklist = tmpdir / 'blocklist' if location == 'comment': blocklist.write_binary(b'# nbsp: \xa0\n') else: assert location == 'content' blocklist.write_binary(b'https://www.example.org/\xa0') for url in BLOCKLIST_HOSTS: blocklist.write(url + '\n', mode='a') url = QUrl('https://www.example.com/') url.setPath(str(blocklist)) config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.lists = [url.toString()] config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.enabled = True config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.whitelist = None host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker() host_blocker.adblock_update() finished_signal = host_blocker._in_progress[0].finished if location == 'content': with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): finished_signal.emit() expected = (r"Failed to decode: " r"b'https://www.example.org/\xa0localhost") assert caplog.records[-2].message.startswith(expected) else: finished_signal.emit() host_blocker.read_hosts() assert_urls(host_blocker, whitelisted=[]) def test_invalid_utf8_compiled(config_stub, config_tmpdir, data_tmpdir, monkeypatch, caplog): """Make sure invalid UTF-8 in the compiled file is handled.""" config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.lists = [] # Make sure the HostBlocker doesn't delete blocked-hosts in __init__ monkeypatch.setattr(adblock.HostBlocker, '_update_files', lambda _self: None) (config_tmpdir / 'blocked-hosts').write_binary( b'https://www.example.org/\xa0') (data_tmpdir / 'blocked-hosts').ensure() host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker() with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): host_blocker.read_hosts() assert caplog.records[-1].message == "Failed to read host blocklist!" def test_blocking_with_whitelist(config_stub, basedir, download_stub, data_tmpdir, tmpdir): """Ensure hosts in content.host_blocking.whitelist are never blocked.""" # Simulate adblock_update has already been run # by creating a file named blocked-hosts, # Exclude localhost from it, since localhost is in HostBlocker.WHITELISTED filtered_blocked_hosts = BLOCKLIST_HOSTS[1:] blocklist = create_blocklist(data_tmpdir, blocked_hosts=filtered_blocked_hosts, name='blocked-hosts', line_format='one_per_line') config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.lists = [blocklist] config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.enabled = True config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.whitelist = list(WHITELISTED_HOSTS) host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker() host_blocker.read_hosts() assert_urls(host_blocker) def test_config_change_initial(config_stub, basedir, download_stub, data_tmpdir, tmpdir): """Test emptying host_blocking.lists with existing blocked_hosts. - A blocklist is present in host_blocking.lists and blocked_hosts is populated - User quits qutebrowser, empties host_blocking.lists from his config - User restarts qutebrowser, does adblock-update """ create_blocklist(tmpdir, blocked_hosts=BLOCKLIST_HOSTS, name='blocked-hosts', line_format='one_per_line') config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.lists = None config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.enabled = True config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.whitelist = None host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker() host_blocker.read_hosts() for str_url in URLS_TO_CHECK: assert not host_blocker.is_blocked(QUrl(str_url)) def test_config_change(config_stub, basedir, download_stub, data_tmpdir, tmpdir): """Ensure blocked-hosts resets if host-block-list is changed to None.""" filtered_blocked_hosts = BLOCKLIST_HOSTS[1:] # Exclude localhost blocklist = QUrl('http://www.example.com/') blocklist.setPath(create_blocklist( tmpdir, blocked_hosts=filtered_blocked_hosts, name='blocked-hosts', line_format='one_per_line')) config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.lists = [blocklist.toString()] config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.enabled = True config_stub.val.content.host_blocking.whitelist = None host_blocker = adblock.HostBlocker() host_blocker.read_hosts() config_stub.set_obj('content.host_blocking.lists', None) host_blocker.read_hosts() for str_url in URLS_TO_CHECK: assert not host_blocker.is_blocked(QUrl(str_url))