# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org> # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """Tests for qutebrowser.utils.standarddir.""" import os import os.path import types import collections import logging import textwrap from PyQt5.QtCore import QStandardPaths import pytest from qutebrowser.utils import standarddir @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def change_qapp_name(qapp): """Change the name of the QApplication instance. This changes the applicationName for all tests in this module to "qute_test". """ old_name = qapp.applicationName() qapp.setApplicationName('qute_test') yield qapp.setApplicationName(old_name) @pytest.fixture def no_cachedir_tag(monkeypatch): """Fixture to prevent writing a CACHEDIR.TAG.""" monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir, '_init_cachedir_tag', lambda: None) @pytest.fixture def reset_standarddir(no_cachedir_tag): """Clean up standarddir arguments before and after each test.""" standarddir.init(None) yield standarddir.init(None) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('reset_standarddir') @pytest.mark.parametrize('data_subdir, config_subdir, expected', [ ('foo', 'foo', 'foo/data'), ('foo', 'bar', 'foo'), ]) def test_get_fake_windows_equal_dir(data_subdir, config_subdir, expected, monkeypatch, tmpdir): """Test _get with a fake Windows OS with equal data/config dirs.""" locations = { QStandardPaths.DataLocation: str(tmpdir / data_subdir), QStandardPaths.ConfigLocation: str(tmpdir / config_subdir), } monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir.os, 'name', 'nt') monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir.QStandardPaths, 'writableLocation', locations.get) expected = str(tmpdir / expected) assert standarddir.data() == expected @pytest.mark.usefixtures('reset_standarddir') class TestWritableLocation: """Tests for _writable_location.""" def test_empty(self, monkeypatch): """Test QStandardPaths returning an empty value.""" monkeypatch.setattr( 'qutebrowser.utils.standarddir.QStandardPaths.writableLocation', lambda typ: '') with pytest.raises(standarddir.EmptyValueError): standarddir._writable_location(QStandardPaths.DataLocation) def test_sep(self, monkeypatch): """Make sure the right kind of separator is used.""" monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir.os, 'sep', '\\') loc = standarddir._writable_location(QStandardPaths.DataLocation) assert '/' not in loc assert '\\' in loc @pytest.mark.usefixtures('reset_standarddir') class TestStandardDir: """Tests for standarddir.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize('func, varname', [ (standarddir.data, 'XDG_DATA_HOME'), (standarddir.config, 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'), (standarddir.cache, 'XDG_CACHE_HOME'), (standarddir.runtime, 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'), ]) @pytest.mark.linux def test_linux_explicit(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir, func, varname): """Test dirs with XDG environment variables explicitly set. Args: func: The function to test. varname: The environment variable which should be set. """ monkeypatch.setenv(varname, str(tmpdir)) assert func() == str(tmpdir / 'qute_test') @pytest.mark.parametrize('func, subdirs', [ (standarddir.data, ['.local', 'share', 'qute_test']), (standarddir.config, ['.config', 'qute_test']), (standarddir.cache, ['.cache', 'qute_test']), (standarddir.download, ['Downloads']), ]) @pytest.mark.linux def test_linux_normal(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir, func, subdirs): """Test dirs with XDG_*_HOME not set.""" monkeypatch.setenv('HOME', str(tmpdir)) for var in ['DATA', 'CONFIG', 'CACHE']: monkeypatch.delenv('XDG_{}_HOME'.format(var), raising=False) assert func() == str(tmpdir.join(*subdirs)) @pytest.mark.linux @pytest.mark.qt_log_ignore(r'^QStandardPaths: ') def test_linux_invalid_runtimedir(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir): """With invalid XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, fall back to TempLocation.""" monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_RUNTIME_DIR', str(tmpdir / 'does-not-exist')) monkeypatch.setenv('TMPDIR', str(tmpdir / 'temp')) assert standarddir.runtime() == str(tmpdir / 'temp' / 'qute_test') def test_runtimedir_empty_tempdir(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir): """With an empty tempdir on non-Linux, we should raise.""" monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir.sys, 'platform', 'nt') monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir.QStandardPaths, 'writableLocation', lambda typ: '') with pytest.raises(standarddir.EmptyValueError): standarddir.runtime() @pytest.mark.parametrize('func, elems, expected', [ (standarddir.data, 2, ['qute_test', 'data']), (standarddir.config, 1, ['qute_test']), (standarddir.cache, 2, ['qute_test', 'cache']), (standarddir.download, 1, ['Downloads']), ]) @pytest.mark.windows def test_windows(self, func, elems, expected): assert func().split(os.sep)[-elems:] == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('func, elems, expected', [ (standarddir.data, 2, ['Application Support', 'qute_test']), (standarddir.config, 1, ['qute_test']), (standarddir.cache, 2, ['Caches', 'qute_test']), (standarddir.download, 1, ['Downloads']), ]) @pytest.mark.mac def test_mac(self, func, elems, expected): assert func().split(os.sep)[-elems:] == expected DirArgTest = collections.namedtuple('DirArgTest', 'arg, expected') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('reset_standarddir') class TestArguments: """Tests the --basedir argument.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize('typ', [ 'config', 'data', 'cache', 'download', pytest.param('runtime', marks=pytest.mark.linux)]) def test_basedir(self, tmpdir, typ): """Test --basedir.""" expected = str(tmpdir / typ) args = types.SimpleNamespace(basedir=str(tmpdir)) standarddir.init(args) func = getattr(standarddir, typ) assert func() == expected def test_basedir_relative(self, tmpdir): """Test --basedir with a relative path.""" basedir = (tmpdir / 'basedir') basedir.ensure(dir=True) with tmpdir.as_cwd(): args = types.SimpleNamespace(basedir='basedir') standarddir.init(args) assert standarddir.config() == str(basedir / 'config') class TestInitCacheDirTag: """Tests for _init_cachedir_tag.""" def test_existent_cache_dir_tag(self, tmpdir, mocker, monkeypatch): """Test with an existent CACHEDIR.TAG.""" monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir, 'cache', lambda: str(tmpdir)) mocker.patch('builtins.open', side_effect=AssertionError) m = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.standarddir.os') m.path.join.side_effect = os.path.join m.path.exists.return_value = True standarddir._init_cachedir_tag() assert not tmpdir.listdir() m.path.exists.assert_called_with(str(tmpdir / 'CACHEDIR.TAG')) def test_new_cache_dir_tag(self, tmpdir, mocker, monkeypatch): """Test creating a new CACHEDIR.TAG.""" monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir, 'cache', lambda: str(tmpdir)) standarddir._init_cachedir_tag() assert tmpdir.listdir() == [(tmpdir / 'CACHEDIR.TAG')] data = (tmpdir / 'CACHEDIR.TAG').read_text('utf-8') assert data == textwrap.dedent(""" Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55 # This file is a cache directory tag created by qutebrowser. # For information about cache directory tags, see: # http://www.brynosaurus.com/cachedir/ """).lstrip() def test_open_oserror(self, caplog, tmpdir, mocker, monkeypatch): """Test creating a new CACHEDIR.TAG.""" monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir, 'cache', lambda: str(tmpdir)) mocker.patch('builtins.open', side_effect=OSError) with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR, 'init'): standarddir._init_cachedir_tag() assert len(caplog.records) == 1 assert caplog.records[0].message == 'Failed to create CACHEDIR.TAG' assert not tmpdir.listdir() class TestCreatingDir: """Make sure inexistent directories are created properly.""" DIR_TYPES = ['config', 'data', 'cache', 'download', 'runtime'] @pytest.mark.parametrize('typ', DIR_TYPES) def test_basedir(self, tmpdir, typ): """Test --basedir.""" basedir = tmpdir / 'basedir' assert not basedir.exists() args = types.SimpleNamespace(basedir=str(basedir)) standarddir.init(args) func = getattr(standarddir, typ) func() assert basedir.exists() if os.name == 'posix': assert basedir.stat().mode & 0o777 == 0o700 @pytest.mark.usefixtures('reset_standarddir') @pytest.mark.parametrize('typ', DIR_TYPES) def test_exists_race_condition(self, mocker, tmpdir, typ): """Make sure there can't be a TOCTOU issue when creating the file. See https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/942. """ (tmpdir / typ).ensure(dir=True) m = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.standarddir.os') m.makedirs = os.makedirs m.sep = os.sep m.path.join = os.path.join m.path.exists.return_value = False m.path.abspath = lambda x: x args = types.SimpleNamespace(basedir=str(tmpdir)) standarddir.init(args) func = getattr(standarddir, typ) func() @pytest.mark.usefixtures('reset_standarddir') class TestSystemData: """Test system data path.""" def test_system_datadir_exist_linux(self, monkeypatch): """Test that /usr/share/qutebrowser is used if path exists.""" monkeypatch.setattr('sys.platform', "linux") monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'exists', lambda path: True) assert standarddir.system_data() == "/usr/share/qutebrowser" @pytest.mark.linux def test_system_datadir_not_exist_linux(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir, fake_args): """Test that system-wide path isn't used on linux if path not exist.""" fake_args.basedir = str(tmpdir) standarddir.init(fake_args) monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'exists', lambda path: False) assert standarddir.system_data() == standarddir.data() def test_system_datadir_unsupportedos(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir, fake_args): """Test that system-wide path is not used on non-Linux OS.""" fake_args.basedir = str(tmpdir) standarddir.init(fake_args) monkeypatch.setattr('sys.platform', "potato") assert standarddir.system_data() == standarddir.data() class TestMoveWebEngineData: """Test moving QtWebEngine data from an old location.""" @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def patch_standardpaths(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch): locations = { QStandardPaths.DataLocation: str(tmpdir / 'data'), QStandardPaths.CacheLocation: str(tmpdir / 'cache'), } monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir.QStandardPaths, 'writableLocation', locations.get) monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir, 'data', lambda: str(tmpdir / 'new_data')) monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir, 'cache', lambda: str(tmpdir / 'new_cache')) @pytest.fixture def files(self, tmpdir): files = collections.namedtuple('Files', ['old_data', 'new_data', 'old_cache', 'new_cache']) return files( old_data=tmpdir / 'data' / 'QtWebEngine' / 'Default' / 'datafile', new_data=tmpdir / 'new_data' / 'webengine' / 'datafile', old_cache=(tmpdir / 'cache' / 'QtWebEngine' / 'Default' / 'cachefile'), new_cache=(tmpdir / 'new_cache' / 'webengine' / 'cachefile'), ) def test_no_webengine_dir(self, caplog): """Nothing should happen without any QtWebEngine directory.""" standarddir._move_webengine_data() assert not any(rec.message.startswith('Moving QtWebEngine') for rec in caplog.records) def test_moving_data(self, files): files.old_data.ensure() files.old_cache.ensure() standarddir._move_webengine_data() assert not files.old_data.exists() assert not files.old_cache.exists() assert files.new_data.exists() assert files.new_cache.exists() @pytest.mark.parametrize('what', ['data', 'cache']) def test_already_existing(self, files, caplog, what): files.old_data.ensure() files.old_cache.ensure() if what == 'data': files.new_data.ensure() else: files.new_cache.ensure() with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): standarddir._move_webengine_data() record = caplog.records[-1] expected = "Failed to move old QtWebEngine {}".format(what) assert record.message.startswith(expected) def test_deleting_empty_dirs(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir): """When we have a qutebrowser/qutebrowser subfolder, clean it up.""" old_data = tmpdir / 'data' / 'qutebrowser' / 'qutebrowser' old_cache = tmpdir / 'cache' / 'qutebrowser' / 'qutebrowser' locations = { QStandardPaths.DataLocation: str(old_data), QStandardPaths.CacheLocation: str(old_cache), } monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir.QStandardPaths, 'writableLocation', locations.get) old_data_file = old_data / 'QtWebEngine' / 'Default' / 'datafile' old_cache_file = old_cache / 'QtWebEngine' / 'Default' / 'cachefile' old_data_file.ensure() old_cache_file.ensure() standarddir._move_webengine_data() assert not (tmpdir / 'data' / 'qutebrowser' / 'qutebrowser').exists() assert not (tmpdir / 'cache' / 'qutebrowser' / 'qutebrowser').exists() def test_deleting_error(self, files, monkeypatch, mocker, caplog): """When there was an error it should be logged.""" mock = mocker.Mock(side_effect=OSError('error')) monkeypatch.setattr(standarddir.shutil, 'move', mock) files.old_data.ensure() files.old_cache.ensure() with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): standarddir._move_webengine_data() record = caplog.records[-1] expected = "Failed to move old QtWebEngine data/cache: error" assert record.message == expected