# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2016 Ryan Roden-Corrent (rcorre) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Tests for the CompletionView Object.""" import unittest.mock import pytest from PyQt5.QtGui import QStandardItem, QColor from qutebrowser.completion import completionwidget from qutebrowser.completion.models import base, sortfilter @pytest.fixture def completionview(qtbot, status_command_stub, config_stub, win_registry, mocker): """Create the CompletionView used for testing.""" config_stub.data = { 'completion': { 'show': 'always', 'scrollbar-width': 12, 'scrollbar-padding': 2, 'shrink': False, 'quick-complete': False, }, 'colors': { 'completion.fg': QColor(), 'completion.bg': QColor(), 'completion.alternate-bg': QColor(), 'completion.category.fg': QColor(), 'completion.category.bg': QColor(), 'completion.category.border.top': QColor(), 'completion.category.border.bottom': QColor(), 'completion.item.selected.fg': QColor(), 'completion.item.selected.bg': QColor(), 'completion.item.selected.border.top': QColor(), 'completion.item.selected.border.bottom': QColor(), 'completion.match.fg': QColor(), 'completion.scrollbar.fg': QColor(), 'completion.scrollbar.bg': QColor(), }, 'fonts': { 'completion': 'Comic Sans Monospace', 'completion.category': 'Comic Sans Monospace bold', } } # mock the Completer that the widget creates in its constructor mocker.patch('qutebrowser.completion.completer.Completer', autospec=True) view = completionwidget.CompletionView(win_id=0) qtbot.addWidget(view) return view def test_set_model(completionview): """Ensure set_model actually sets the model and expands all categories.""" model = base.BaseCompletionModel() filtermodel = sortfilter.CompletionFilterModel(model) for i in range(3): model.appendRow(QStandardItem(str(i))) completionview.set_model(filtermodel) assert completionview.model() is filtermodel for i in range(model.rowCount()): assert completionview.isExpanded(filtermodel.index(i, 0)) def test_set_pattern(completionview): model = sortfilter.CompletionFilterModel(base.BaseCompletionModel()) model.set_pattern = unittest.mock.Mock() completionview.set_model(model, 'foo') model.set_pattern.assert_called_with('foo') def test_maybe_resize_completion(completionview, config_stub, qtbot): """Ensure completion is resized only if shrink is True.""" with qtbot.assertNotEmitted(completionview.resize_completion): completionview.maybe_resize_completion() config_stub.data = {'completion': {'shrink': True}} with qtbot.waitSignal(completionview.resize_completion): completionview.maybe_resize_completion() @pytest.mark.parametrize('which, tree, count, expected', [ ('next', [['Aa']], 1, 'Aa'), ('prev', [['Aa']], 1, 'Aa'), ('next', [['Aa'], ['Ba']], 1, 'Aa'), ('prev', [['Aa'], ['Ba']], 1, 'Ba'), ('next', [['Aa'], ['Ba']], 2, 'Ba'), ('prev', [['Aa'], ['Ba']], 2, 'Aa'), ('next', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 3, 'Ac'), ('next', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 4, 'Ba'), ('next', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 6, 'Ca'), ('next', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 7, 'Aa'), ('prev', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 1, 'Ca'), ('prev', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 2, 'Bb'), ('prev', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 4, 'Ac'), ('next', [[], ['Ba', 'Bb']], 1, 'Ba'), ('prev', [[], ['Ba', 'Bb']], 1, 'Bb'), ('next', [[], [], ['Ca', 'Cb']], 1, 'Ca'), ('prev', [[], [], ['Ca', 'Cb']], 1, 'Cb'), ('next', [['Aa'], []], 1, 'Aa'), ('prev', [['Aa'], []], 1, 'Aa'), ('next', [['Aa'], [], []], 1, 'Aa'), ('prev', [['Aa'], [], []], 1, 'Aa'), ('next', [['Aa'], [], ['Ca', 'Cb']], 2, 'Ca'), ('prev', [['Aa'], [], ['Ca', 'Cb']], 1, 'Cb'), ('next', [[]], 1, None), ('prev', [[]], 1, None), ('next-category', [['Aa']], 1, 'Aa'), ('prev-category', [['Aa']], 1, 'Aa'), ('next-category', [['Aa'], ['Ba']], 1, 'Aa'), ('prev-category', [['Aa'], ['Ba']], 1, 'Ba'), ('next-category', [['Aa'], ['Ba']], 2, 'Ba'), ('prev-category', [['Aa'], ['Ba']], 2, 'Aa'), ('next-category', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 2, 'Ba'), ('prev-category', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 2, 'Ba'), ('next-category', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 3, 'Ca'), ('prev-category', [['Aa', 'Ab', 'Ac'], ['Ba', 'Bb'], ['Ca']], 3, 'Aa'), ('next-category', [[], ['Ba', 'Bb']], 1, 'Ba'), ('prev-category', [[], ['Ba', 'Bb']], 1, 'Ba'), ('next-category', [[], [], ['Ca', 'Cb']], 1, 'Ca'), ('prev-category', [[], [], ['Ca', 'Cb']], 1, 'Ca'), ('next-category', [[], [], ['Ca', 'Cb']], 2, 'Ca'), ('prev-category', [[], [], ['Ca', 'Cb']], 2, 'Ca'), ('next-category', [['Aa'], [], []], 1, 'Aa'), ('prev-category', [['Aa'], [], []], 1, 'Aa'), ('next-category', [['Aa'], [], ['Ca', 'Cb']], 2, 'Ca'), ('prev-category', [['Aa'], [], ['Ca', 'Cb']], 1, 'Ca'), ('next-category', [[]], 1, None), ('prev-category', [[]], 1, None), ]) def test_completion_item_focus(which, tree, count, expected, completionview): """Test that on_next_prev_item moves the selection properly. Args: tree: Each list represents a completion category, with each string being an item under that category. count: Number of times to go forward (or back if negative). expected: item data that should be selected after going back/forward. """ model = base.BaseCompletionModel() for catdata in tree: cat = QStandardItem() model.appendRow(cat) for name in catdata: cat.appendRow(QStandardItem(name)) filtermodel = sortfilter.CompletionFilterModel(model, parent=completionview) completionview.set_model(filtermodel) for _ in range(count): completionview.completion_item_focus(which) idx = completionview.selectionModel().currentIndex() assert filtermodel.data(idx) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('show', ['always', 'auto', 'never']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('rows', [[], ['Aa'], ['Aa', 'Bb']]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('quick_complete', [True, False]) def test_completion_show(show, rows, quick_complete, completionview, config_stub): """Test that the completion widget is shown at appropriate times. Args: show: The completion show config setting. rows: Each entry represents a completion category with only one item. quick_complete: The completion quick-complete config setting. """ config_stub.data['completion']['show'] = show config_stub.data['completion']['quick-complete'] = quick_complete model = base.BaseCompletionModel() for name in rows: cat = QStandardItem() model.appendRow(cat) cat.appendRow(QStandardItem(name)) filtermodel = sortfilter.CompletionFilterModel(model, parent=completionview) assert not completionview.isVisible() completionview.set_model(filtermodel) assert completionview.isVisible() == (show == 'always' and len(rows) > 0) completionview.completion_item_focus('next') expected = (show != 'never' and len(rows) > 0 and not (quick_complete and len(rows) == 1)) assert completionview.isVisible() == expected completionview.set_model(None) completionview.completion_item_focus('next') assert not completionview.isVisible()