# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org> # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """Tests for qutebrowser.misc.guiprocess.""" import json import logging import pytest from PyQt5.QtCore import QProcess, QIODevice from qutebrowser.misc import guiprocess @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def guiprocess_message_mock(message_mock): message_mock.patch('qutebrowser.misc.guiprocess.message') return message_mock @pytest.yield_fixture() def proc(qtbot): """A fixture providing a GUIProcess and cleaning it up after the test.""" p = guiprocess.GUIProcess(0, 'testprocess') yield p if p._proc.state() == QProcess.Running: with qtbot.waitSignal(p.finished, timeout=10000) as blocker: p._proc.terminate() if not blocker.signal_triggered: p._proc.kill() @pytest.fixture() def fake_proc(monkeypatch, stubs): """A fixture providing a GUIProcess with a mocked QProcess.""" p = guiprocess.GUIProcess(0, 'testprocess') monkeypatch.setattr(p, '_proc', stubs.fake_qprocess()) return p @pytest.mark.not_frozen def test_start(proc, qtbot, guiprocess_message_mock, py_proc): """Test simply starting a process.""" with qtbot.waitSignals([proc.started, proc.finished], raising=True, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import sys; print('test'); sys.exit(0)") proc.start(*argv) assert not guiprocess_message_mock.messages assert bytes(proc._proc.readAll()).rstrip() == b'test' @pytest.mark.not_frozen def test_start_verbose(proc, qtbot, guiprocess_message_mock, py_proc): """Test starting a process verbosely.""" proc.verbose = True with qtbot.waitSignals([proc.started, proc.finished], raising=True, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import sys; print('test'); sys.exit(0)") proc.start(*argv) msgs = guiprocess_message_mock.messages assert msgs[0].level == guiprocess_message_mock.Level.info assert msgs[1].level == guiprocess_message_mock.Level.info assert msgs[0].text.startswith("Executing:") assert msgs[1].text == "Testprocess exited successfully." assert bytes(proc._proc.readAll()).rstrip() == b'test' @pytest.mark.not_frozen def test_start_env(monkeypatch, qtbot, py_proc): monkeypatch.setenv('QUTEBROWSER_TEST_1', '1') env = {'QUTEBROWSER_TEST_2': '2'} proc = guiprocess.GUIProcess(0, 'testprocess', additional_env=env) argv = py_proc(""" import os import json env = dict(os.environ) print(json.dumps(env)) sys.exit(0) """) with qtbot.waitSignals([proc.started, proc.finished], raising=True, timeout=10000): proc.start(*argv) data = bytes(proc._proc.readAll()).decode('utf-8') ret_env = json.loads(data) assert 'QUTEBROWSER_TEST_1' in ret_env assert 'QUTEBROWSER_TEST_2' in ret_env @pytest.mark.not_frozen @pytest.mark.qt_log_ignore('QIODevice::read.*: WriteOnly device', extend=True) def test_start_mode(proc, qtbot, py_proc): """Test simply starting a process with mode parameter.""" with qtbot.waitSignals([proc.started, proc.finished], raising=True, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import sys; print('test'); sys.exit(0)") proc.start(*argv, mode=QIODevice.NotOpen) assert not proc._proc.readAll() def test_start_detached(fake_proc): """Test starting a detached process.""" argv = ['foo', 'bar'] fake_proc._proc.startDetached.return_value = (True, 0) fake_proc.start_detached(*argv) fake_proc._proc.startDetached.assert_called_with(*list(argv) + [None]) def test_start_detached_error(fake_proc, guiprocess_message_mock): """Test starting a detached process with ok=False.""" argv = ['foo', 'bar'] fake_proc._proc.startDetached.return_value = (False, 0) fake_proc._proc.error.return_value = "Error message" fake_proc.start_detached(*argv) msg = guiprocess_message_mock.getmsg(guiprocess_message_mock.Level.error, immediate=True) assert msg.text == "Error while spawning testprocess: Error message." @pytest.mark.not_frozen def test_double_start(qtbot, proc, py_proc): """Test starting a GUIProcess twice.""" with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.started, raising=True, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import time; time.sleep(10)") proc.start(*argv) with pytest.raises(ValueError): proc.start('', []) @pytest.mark.not_frozen def test_double_start_finished(qtbot, proc, py_proc): """Test starting a GUIProcess twice (with the first call finished).""" with qtbot.waitSignals([proc.started, proc.finished], raising=True, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import sys; sys.exit(0)") proc.start(*argv) with qtbot.waitSignals([proc.started, proc.finished], raising=True, timeout=10000): argv = py_proc("import sys; sys.exit(0)") proc.start(*argv) def test_cmd_args(fake_proc): """Test the cmd and args attributes.""" cmd = 'does_not_exist' args = ['arg1', 'arg2'] fake_proc.start(cmd, args) assert (fake_proc.cmd, fake_proc.args) == (cmd, args) def test_start_logging(fake_proc, caplog): """Make sure that starting logs the executed commandline.""" cmd = 'does_not_exist' args = ['arg', 'arg with spaces'] with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): fake_proc.start(cmd, args) msgs = [e.msg for e in caplog.records] assert msgs == ["Starting process.", "Executing: does_not_exist arg 'arg with spaces'"] def test_error(qtbot, proc, caplog, guiprocess_message_mock): """Test the process emitting an error.""" with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR, 'message'): with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.error, raising=True, timeout=5000): proc.start('this_does_not_exist_either', []) msg = guiprocess_message_mock.getmsg(guiprocess_message_mock.Level.error, immediate=True) expected_msg = ("Error while spawning testprocess: The process failed to " "start.") assert msg.text == expected_msg @pytest.mark.not_frozen def test_exit_unsuccessful(qtbot, proc, guiprocess_message_mock, py_proc): with qtbot.waitSignal(proc.finished, raising=True, timeout=10000): proc.start(*py_proc('import sys; sys.exit(1)')) msg = guiprocess_message_mock.getmsg(guiprocess_message_mock.Level.error) assert msg.text == "Testprocess exited with status 1."