# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2016 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org> # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """Tests for the webelement utils.""" from unittest import mock import collections.abc import operator import itertools import binascii import os.path import hypothesis import hypothesis.strategies from PyQt5.QtCore import PYQT_VERSION, QRect, QPoint from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebElement import pytest from qutebrowser.browser import webelem def get_webelem(geometry=None, frame=None, null=False, style=None, display='', attributes=None, tagname=None, classes=None): """Factory for WebElementWrapper objects based on a mock. Args: geometry: The geometry of the QWebElement as QRect. frame: The QWebFrame the element is in. null: Whether the element is null or not. style: A dict with the styleAttributes of the element. attributes: Boolean HTML attributes to be added. tagname: The tag name. classes: HTML classes to be added. """ elem = mock.Mock() elem.isNull.return_value = null elem.geometry.return_value = geometry elem.webFrame.return_value = frame elem.tagName.return_value = tagname elem.toOuterXml.return_value = '<fakeelem/>' elem.toPlainText.return_value = 'text' attribute_dict = {} if attributes is None: pass elif not isinstance(attributes, collections.abc.Mapping): attribute_dict.update({e: None for e in attributes}) else: attribute_dict.update(attributes) elem.hasAttribute.side_effect = lambda k: k in attribute_dict elem.attribute.side_effect = lambda k: attribute_dict.get(k, '') elem.setAttribute.side_effect = (lambda k, v: operator.setitem(attribute_dict, k, v)) elem.removeAttribute.side_effect = attribute_dict.pop elem.attributeNames.return_value = list(attribute_dict) if classes is not None: elem.classes.return_value = classes.split(' ') else: elem.classes.return_value = [] style_dict = {'visibility': '', 'display': ''} if style is not None: style_dict.update(style) def _style_property(name, strategy): """Helper function to act as styleProperty method.""" if strategy != QWebElement.ComputedStyle: raise ValueError("styleProperty called with strategy != " "ComputedStyle ({})!".format(strategy)) return style_dict[name] elem.styleProperty.side_effect = _style_property wrapped = webelem.WebElementWrapper(elem) return wrapped class SelectionAndFilterTests: """Generator for tests for TestSelectionsAndFilters.""" # A mapping of a HTML element to a list of groups where the selectors # (after filtering) should match. # # Based on this, test cases are generated to make sure it matches those # groups and not the others. TESTS = [ ('<foo />', []), ('<foo bar="baz"/>', []), ('<foo href="baz"/>', [webelem.Group.url]), ('<foo src="baz"/>', [webelem.Group.url]), ('<a />', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<a href="foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.links, webelem.Group.prevnext, webelem.Group.url]), ('<a href="javascript://foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.url]), ('<area />', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<area href="foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.links, webelem.Group.prevnext, webelem.Group.url]), ('<area href="javascript://foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.url]), ('<link />', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<link href="foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.links, webelem.Group.prevnext, webelem.Group.url]), ('<link href="javascript://foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.url]), ('<textarea />', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<select />', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<input />', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<input type="hidden" />', []), ('<button />', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<button href="foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.prevnext, webelem.Group.url]), ('<button href="javascript://foo" />', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.url]), # We can't easily test <frame>/<iframe> as they vanish when setting # them via QWebFrame::setHtml... ('<p onclick="foo" foo="bar"/>', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<p onmousedown="foo" foo="bar"/>', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<p role="option" foo="bar"/>', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<p role="button" foo="bar"/>', [webelem.Group.all]), ('<p role="button" href="bar"/>', [webelem.Group.all, webelem.Group.prevnext, webelem.Group.url]), ] GROUPS = [e for e in webelem.Group if e != webelem.Group.focus] COMBINATIONS = list(itertools.product(TESTS, GROUPS)) def __init__(self): self.tests = list(self._generate_tests()) def _generate_tests(self): for (val, matching_groups), group in self.COMBINATIONS: if group in matching_groups: yield group, val, True else: yield group, val, False class TestSelectorsAndFilters: TESTS = SelectionAndFilterTests().tests def test_test_generator(self): assert self.TESTS @pytest.mark.parametrize('group, val, matching', TESTS) def test_selectors(self, webframe, group, val, matching): webframe.setHtml('<html><body>{}</body></html>'.format(val)) # Make sure setting HTML succeeded and there's a new element assert len(webframe.findAllElements('*')) == 3 elems = webframe.findAllElements(webelem.SELECTORS[group]) elems = [webelem.WebElementWrapper(e) for e in elems] filterfunc = webelem.FILTERS.get(group, lambda e: True) elems = [e for e in elems if filterfunc(e)] assert bool(elems) == matching class TestWebElementWrapper: """Generic tests for WebElementWrapper. Note: For some methods, there's a dedicated test class with more involved tests. """ @pytest.fixture def elem(self): return get_webelem() def test_nullelem(self): """Test __init__ with a null element.""" with pytest.raises(webelem.IsNullError): get_webelem(null=True) def test_double_wrap(self, elem): """Test wrapping a WebElementWrapper.""" with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: webelem.WebElementWrapper(elem) assert str(excinfo.value) == "Trying to wrap a wrapper!" @pytest.mark.parametrize('code', [ str, lambda e: e[None], lambda e: operator.setitem(e, None, None), lambda e: operator.delitem(e, None), lambda e: None in e, len, lambda e: e.is_visible(None), lambda e: e.rect_on_view(), lambda e: e.is_writable(), lambda e: e.is_content_editable(), lambda e: e.is_editable(), lambda e: e.is_text_input(), lambda e: e.debug_text(), list, # __iter__ ]) def test_vanished(self, elem, code): """Make sure methods check if the element is vanished.""" elem._elem.isNull.return_value = True with pytest.raises(webelem.IsNullError): code(elem) def test_str(self, elem): assert str(elem) == 'text' @pytest.mark.parametrize('is_null, expected', [ (False, "<qutebrowser.browser.webelem.WebElementWrapper " "html='<fakeelem/>'>"), (True, '<qutebrowser.browser.webelem.WebElementWrapper html=None>'), ]) def test_repr(self, elem, is_null, expected): elem._elem.isNull.return_value = is_null assert repr(elem) == expected def test_getitem(self): elem = get_webelem(attributes={'foo': 'bar'}) assert elem['foo'] == 'bar' def test_getitem_keyerror(self, elem): with pytest.raises(KeyError): elem['foo'] # pylint: disable=pointless-statement def test_setitem(self, elem): elem['foo'] = 'bar' assert elem._elem.attribute('foo') == 'bar' def test_delitem(self): elem = get_webelem(attributes={'foo': 'bar'}) del elem['foo'] assert not elem._elem.hasAttribute('foo') def test_setitem_keyerror(self, elem): with pytest.raises(KeyError): del elem['foo'] def test_contains(self): elem = get_webelem(attributes={'foo': 'bar'}) assert 'foo' in elem assert 'bar' not in elem @pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, expected', [ ({'one': '1', 'two': '2'}, {'one', 'two'}), ({}, set()), ]) def test_iter(self, attributes, expected): elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes) assert set(elem) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, length', [ ({'one': '1', 'two': '2'}, 2), ({}, 0), ]) def test_len(self, attributes, length): elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes) assert len(elem) == length @pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, writable', [ ([], True), (['disabled'], False), (['readonly'], False), (['disabled', 'readonly'], False), ]) def test_is_writable(self, attributes, writable): elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes) assert elem.is_writable() == writable @pytest.mark.parametrize('attributes, expected', [ ({}, False), ({'contenteditable': 'false'}, False), ({'contenteditable': 'inherit'}, False), ({'contenteditable': 'true'}, True), ]) def test_is_content_editable(self, attributes, expected): elem = get_webelem(attributes=attributes) assert elem.is_content_editable() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('tagname, attributes, expected', [ ('input', {}, True), ('textarea', {}, True), ('select', {}, False), ('foo', {'role': 'combobox'}, True), ('foo', {'role': 'textbox'}, True), ('foo', {'role': 'bar'}, False), ('input', {'role': 'bar'}, True), ]) def test_is_text_input(self, tagname, attributes, expected): elem = get_webelem(tagname=tagname, attributes=attributes) assert elem.is_text_input() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('xml, expected', [ ('<fakeelem/>', '<fakeelem/>'), ('<foo>\n<bar/>\n</foo>', '<foo><bar/></foo>'), ('<foo>{}</foo>'.format('x' * 500), '<foo>{}…'.format('x' * 494)), ], ids=['fakeelem', 'newlines', 'long']) def test_debug_text(self, elem, xml, expected): elem._elem.toOuterXml.return_value = xml assert elem.debug_text() == expected class TestIsVisible: @pytest.fixture def frame(self, stubs): return stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100)) def test_invalid_frame_geometry(self, stubs): """Test with an invalid frame geometry.""" rect = QRect(0, 0, 0, 0) assert not rect.isValid() frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(rect) elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 10, 10), frame) assert not elem.is_visible(frame) def test_invalid_invisible(self, frame): """Test elements with an invalid geometry which are invisible.""" elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 0, 0), frame) assert not elem.geometry().isValid() assert elem.geometry().x() == 0 assert not elem.is_visible(frame) def test_invalid_visible(self, frame): """Test elements with an invalid geometry which are visible. This seems to happen sometimes in the real world, with real elements which *are* visible, but don't have a valid geometry. """ elem = get_webelem(QRect(10, 10, 0, 0), frame) assert not elem.geometry().isValid() assert elem.is_visible(frame) @pytest.mark.parametrize('geometry, visible', [ (QRect(5, 5, 4, 4), False), (QRect(10, 10, 1, 1), True), ]) def test_scrolled(self, geometry, visible, stubs): scrolled_frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100), scroll=QPoint(10, 10)) elem = get_webelem(geometry, scrolled_frame) assert elem.is_visible(scrolled_frame) == visible @pytest.mark.parametrize('style, visible', [ ({'visibility': 'visible'}, True), ({'visibility': 'hidden'}, False), ({'display': 'inline'}, True), ({'display': 'none'}, False), ({'visibility': 'visible', 'display': 'none'}, False), ({'visibility': 'hidden', 'display': 'inline'}, False), ]) def test_css_attributes(self, frame, style, visible): elem = get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 10, 10), frame, style=style) assert elem.is_visible(frame) == visible class TestIsVisibleIframe: """Tests for is_visible with a child frame. Attributes: frame: The FakeWebFrame we're using to test. iframe: The iframe inside frame. elem1-elem4: FakeWebElements to test. """ Objects = collections.namedtuple('Objects', ['frame', 'iframe', 'elems']) @pytest.fixture def objects(self, stubs): """Set up the following base situation. 0, 0 300, 0 ############################## # # 0,10 # iframe 100,10 # #********** # #*e * elems[0]: 0, 0 in iframe (visible) #* * # #* e * elems[1]: 20,90 in iframe (visible) #********** # 0,110 #. .100,110 # #. . # #. e . elems[2]: 20,150 in iframe (not visible) #.......... # # e elems[3]: 30, 180 in main frame (visible) # # # frame # ############################## 300, 0 300, 300 Returns an Objects namedtuple with frame/iframe/elems attributes. """ frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 300, 300)) iframe = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 10, 100, 100), parent=frame) assert frame.geometry().contains(iframe.geometry()) elems = [ get_webelem(QRect(0, 0, 10, 10), iframe), get_webelem(QRect(20, 90, 10, 10), iframe), get_webelem(QRect(20, 150, 10, 10), iframe), get_webelem(QRect(30, 180, 10, 10), frame), ] assert elems[0].is_visible(frame) assert elems[1].is_visible(frame) assert not elems[2].is_visible(frame) assert elems[3].is_visible(frame) return self.Objects(frame=frame, iframe=iframe, elems=elems) def test_iframe_scrolled(self, objects): """Scroll iframe down so elem3 gets visible and elem1/elem2 not.""" objects.iframe.scrollPosition.return_value = QPoint(0, 100) assert not objects.elems[0].is_visible(objects.frame) assert not objects.elems[1].is_visible(objects.frame) assert objects.elems[2].is_visible(objects.frame) assert objects.elems[3].is_visible(objects.frame) def test_mainframe_scrolled_iframe_visible(self, objects): """Scroll mainframe down so iframe is partly visible but elem1 not.""" objects.frame.scrollPosition.return_value = QPoint(0, 50) geom = objects.frame.geometry().translated( objects.frame.scrollPosition()) assert not geom.contains(objects.iframe.geometry()) assert geom.intersects(objects.iframe.geometry()) assert not objects.elems[0].is_visible(objects.frame) assert objects.elems[1].is_visible(objects.frame) assert not objects.elems[2].is_visible(objects.frame) assert objects.elems[3].is_visible(objects.frame) def test_mainframe_scrolled_iframe_invisible(self, objects): """Scroll mainframe down so iframe is invisible.""" objects.frame.scrollPosition.return_value = QPoint(0, 110) geom = objects.frame.geometry().translated( objects.frame.scrollPosition()) assert not geom.contains(objects.iframe.geometry()) assert not geom.intersects(objects.iframe.geometry()) assert not objects.elems[0].is_visible(objects.frame) assert not objects.elems[1].is_visible(objects.frame) assert not objects.elems[2].is_visible(objects.frame) assert objects.elems[3].is_visible(objects.frame) @pytest.fixture def invalid_objects(self, stubs): """Set up the following base situation: 0, 0 300, 0 ############################## # # 0,10 # iframe 100,10 # #********** # #* e * elems[0]: 10, 10 in iframe (visible) #* * # #* * # #********** # 0,110 #. .100,110 # #. . # #. e . elems[2]: 20,150 in iframe (not visible) #.......... # ############################## 300, 0 300, 300 Returns an Objects namedtuple with frame/iframe/elems attributes. """ frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 300, 300)) iframe = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 10, 100, 100), parent=frame) assert frame.geometry().contains(iframe.geometry()) elems = [ get_webelem(QRect(10, 10, 0, 0), iframe), get_webelem(QRect(20, 150, 0, 0), iframe), ] for e in elems: assert not e.geometry().isValid() return self.Objects(frame=frame, iframe=iframe, elems=elems) def test_invalid_visible(self, invalid_objects): """Test elements with an invalid geometry which are visible. This seems to happen sometimes in the real world, with real elements which *are* visible, but don't have a valid geometry. """ elem = invalid_objects.elems[0] assert elem.is_visible(invalid_objects.frame) def test_invalid_invisible(self, invalid_objects): """Test elements with an invalid geometry which are invisible.""" assert not invalid_objects.elems[1].is_visible(invalid_objects.frame) def test_focus_element(stubs): """Test getting focus element with a fake frame/element. Testing this with a real webpage is almost impossible because the window and the element would have focus, which is hard to achieve consistently in a test. """ frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100)) elem = get_webelem() frame.focus_elem = elem._elem assert webelem.focus_elem(frame)._elem is elem._elem class TestRectOnView: def test_simple(self, stubs): geometry = QRect(5, 5, 4, 4) frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100)) elem = get_webelem(geometry, frame) assert elem.rect_on_view() == QRect(5, 5, 4, 4) def test_scrolled(self, stubs): geometry = QRect(20, 20, 4, 4) frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 100, 100), scroll=QPoint(10, 10)) elem = get_webelem(geometry, frame) assert elem.rect_on_view() == QRect(20 - 10, 20 - 10, 4, 4) def test_iframe(self, stubs): """Test an element in an iframe. 0, 0 200, 0 ############################## # # 0,10 # iframe 100,10 # #********** # #* * # #* * # #* e * elem: 20,90 in iframe #********** # 0,100 # # ############################## 200, 0 200, 200 """ frame = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 0, 200, 200)) iframe = stubs.FakeWebFrame(QRect(0, 10, 100, 100), parent=frame) assert frame.geometry().contains(iframe.geometry()) elem = get_webelem(QRect(20, 90, 10, 10), iframe) assert elem.rect_on_view() == QRect(20, 10 + 90, 10, 10) def test_passed_geometry(self, stubs): """Make sure geometry isn't called when a geometry is passed.""" raw_elem = get_webelem()._elem rect = QRect(10, 20, 30, 40) assert webelem.rect_on_view(raw_elem, rect) == rect assert not raw_elem.geometry.called class TestJavascriptEscape: TESTS = { 'foo\\bar': r'foo\\bar', 'foo\nbar': r'foo\nbar', 'foo\rbar': r'foo\rbar', "foo'bar": r"foo\'bar", 'foo"bar': r'foo\"bar', 'one\\two\rthree\nfour\'five"six': r'one\\two\rthree\nfour\'five\"six', '\x00': r'\x00', 'hellö': 'hellö', '☃': '☃', '\x80Ā': '\x80Ā', '𐀀\x00𐀀\x00': r'𐀀\x00𐀀\x00', '𐀀\ufeff': r'𐀀\ufeff', '\ufeff': r'\ufeff', # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2965293/ '\u2028': r'\u2028', '\u2029': r'\u2029', } # Once there was this warning here: # load glyph failed err=6 face=0x2680ba0, glyph=1912 # http://qutebrowser.org:8010/builders/debian-jessie/builds/765/steps/unittests/ # Should that be ignored? @pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', TESTS.items(), ids=repr) def test_fake_escape(self, before, after): """Test javascript escaping with some expected outcomes.""" assert webelem.javascript_escape(before) == after def _test_escape(self, text, qtbot, webframe): """Helper function for test_real_escape*.""" try: self._test_escape_simple(text, webframe) except AssertionError: # Try another method if the simple method failed. # # See _test_escape_hexlified documentation on why this is # necessary. self._test_escape_hexlified(text, qtbot, webframe) def _test_escape_hexlified(self, text, qtbot, webframe): """Test conversion by hexlifying in javascript. Since the conversion of QStrings to Python strings is broken in some older PyQt versions in some corner cases, we load a HTML file which generates an MD5 of the escaped text and use that for comparisons. """ escaped = webelem.javascript_escape(text) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_webelem_jsescape.html') with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f: html_source = f.read().replace('%INPUT%', escaped) with qtbot.waitSignal(webframe.loadFinished) as blocker: webframe.setHtml(html_source) assert blocker.args == [True] result = webframe.evaluateJavaScript('window.qute_test_result') assert result is not None assert '|' in result result_md5, result_text = result.split('|', maxsplit=1) text_md5 = binascii.hexlify(text.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii') assert result_md5 == text_md5, result_text def _test_escape_simple(self, text, webframe): """Test conversion by using evaluateJavaScript.""" escaped = webelem.javascript_escape(text) result = webframe.evaluateJavaScript('"{}";'.format(escaped)) assert result == text @pytest.mark.parametrize('text', TESTS, ids=repr) def test_real_escape(self, webframe, qtbot, text): """Test javascript escaping with a real QWebPage.""" self._test_escape(text, qtbot, webframe) @pytest.mark.qt_log_ignore('^load glyph failed', extend=True) @hypothesis.given(hypothesis.strategies.text()) def test_real_escape_hypothesis(self, webframe, qtbot, text): """Test javascript escaping with a real QWebPage and hypothesis.""" # We can't simply use self._test_escape because of this: # https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt/issues/69 # self._test_escape(text, qtbot, webframe) try: self._test_escape_simple(text, webframe) except AssertionError: if PYQT_VERSION >= 0x050300: self._test_escape_hexlified(text, qtbot, webframe) class TestGetChildFrames: """Check get_child_frames.""" def test_single_frame(self, stubs): """Test get_child_frames with a single frame without children.""" frame = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame() children = webelem.get_child_frames(frame) assert len(children) == 1 assert children[0] is frame frame.childFrames.assert_called_once_with() def test_one_level(self, stubs): r"""Test get_child_frames with one level of children. o parent / \ child1 o o child2 """ child1 = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame() child2 = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame() parent = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame([child1, child2]) children = webelem.get_child_frames(parent) assert len(children) == 3 assert children[0] is parent assert children[1] is child1 assert children[2] is child2 parent.childFrames.assert_called_once_with() child1.childFrames.assert_called_once_with() child2.childFrames.assert_called_once_with() def test_multiple_levels(self, stubs): r"""Test get_child_frames with multiple levels of children. o root / \ o o first /\ /\ o o o o second """ second = [stubs.FakeChildrenFrame() for _ in range(4)] first = [stubs.FakeChildrenFrame(second[0:2]), stubs.FakeChildrenFrame(second[2:4])] root = stubs.FakeChildrenFrame(first) children = webelem.get_child_frames(root) assert len(children) == 7 assert children[0] is root for frame in [root] + first + second: frame.childFrames.assert_called_once_with() class TestIsEditable: """Tests for is_editable.""" @pytest.fixture def stubbed_config(self, config_stub, monkeypatch): """Fixture to create a config stub with an input section.""" config_stub.data = {'input': {}} monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.browser.webelem.config', config_stub) return config_stub @pytest.mark.parametrize('tagname, attributes, editable', [ ('input', {}, True), ('input', {'type': 'text'}, True), ('INPUT', {'TYPE': 'TEXT'}, True), # caps attributes/name ('input', {'type': 'email'}, True), ('input', {'type': 'url'}, True), ('input', {'type': 'tel'}, True), ('input', {'type': 'number'}, True), ('input', {'type': 'password'}, True), ('input', {'type': 'search'}, True), ('textarea', {}, True), ('input', {'type': 'button'}, False), ('input', {'type': 'checkbox'}, False), ('select', {}, False), ('input', {'disabled': None}, False), ('input', {'readonly': None}, False), ('textarea', {'disabled': None}, False), ('textarea', {'readonly': None}, False), ('foobar', {}, False), ('foobar', {'contenteditable': 'true'}, True), ('foobar', {'contenteditable': 'false'}, False), ('foobar', {'contenteditable': 'true', 'disabled': None}, False), ('foobar', {'contenteditable': 'true', 'readonly': None}, False), ('foobar', {'role': 'foobar'}, False), ('foobar', {'role': 'combobox'}, True), ('foobar', {'role': 'textbox'}, True), ('foobar', {'role': 'combobox', 'disabled': None}, False), ('foobar', {'role': 'combobox', 'readonly': None}, False), ]) def test_is_editable(self, tagname, attributes, editable): elem = get_webelem(tagname=tagname, attributes=attributes) assert elem.is_editable() == editable @pytest.mark.parametrize('classes, editable', [ (None, False), ('foo-kix-bar', False), ('foo kix-foo', True), ('KIX-FOO', False), ('foo CodeMirror-foo', True), ]) def test_is_editable_div(self, classes, editable): elem = get_webelem(tagname='div', classes=classes) assert elem.is_editable() == editable @pytest.mark.parametrize('setting, tagname, attributes, editable', [ (True, 'embed', {}, True), (True, 'embed', {}, True), (False, 'applet', {}, False), (False, 'applet', {}, False), (True, 'object', {'type': 'application/foo'}, True), (False, 'object', {'type': 'application/foo'}, False), (True, 'object', {'type': 'foo', 'classid': 'foo'}, True), (False, 'object', {'type': 'foo', 'classid': 'foo'}, False), (True, 'object', {}, False), (True, 'object', {'type': 'image/gif'}, False), ]) def test_is_editable_plugin(self, stubbed_config, setting, tagname, attributes, editable): stubbed_config.data['input']['insert-mode-on-plugins'] = setting elem = get_webelem(tagname=tagname, attributes=attributes) assert elem.is_editable() == editable