qutebrowser quickstart ====================== The Compiler <mail@qutebrowser.org> NOTE: This page will only appear on the first start. To view it at a later time, use the `:help` command. Basic keybindings to get you started ------------------------------------ * Use the arrow keys or `hjkl` to move around a webpage (vim-like syntax is used in quite a few places) * To go to a new webpage, press `o`, then type a url, then press Enter (Use `O` to open the url in a new tab, `go` to edit the current URL) * If what you've typed isn't a url, then a search engine will be used instead (DuckDuckGo, by default) * To switch between tabs, use `J` (next tab) and `K` (previous tab), or press `<Alt-num>`, where `num` is the position of the tab to switch to * To close the current tab, press `d` (and press `u` to undo closing a tab) * Use `H` and `L` to go back and forth in the history * To click on something without using the mouse, press `f` to show the hints, then type the keys next to what you want to click on (if that sounds weird, then just try pressing `f` and see what happens) * Press `:` to show the commandline * To search in a page, press `/`, type the phrase to search for, then press Enter. Use `n` and `N` to go back and forth through the matches, and press Esc to stop doing the search. * To close qutebrowser, press `Alt-F4`, or `:q`, or `:wq` to save the currently open tabs and quit (note that in the settings you can make qutebrowser always save the currently open tabs) What to do now -------------- * View the link:http://qutebrowser.org/img/cheatsheet-big.png[key binding cheatsheet] to make yourself familiar with the key bindings: + image:http://qutebrowser.org/img/cheatsheet-small.png["qutebrowser key binding cheatsheet",link="http://qutebrowser.org/img/cheatsheet-big.png"] * There's also a https://www.shortcutfoo.com/app/dojos/qutebrowser[free training course] on shortcutfoo for the keybindings - note that you need to be in insert mode (i) for it to work. * Run `:adblock-update` to download adblock lists and activate adblocking. * If you just cloned the repository, you'll need to run `scripts/asciidoc2html.py` to generate the documentation. * Go to the link:qute://settings[settings page] to set up qutebrowser the way you want it. * Subscribe to https://lists.schokokeks.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/qutebrowser[the mailinglist] or https://lists.schokokeks.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/qutebrowser-announce[the announce-only mailinglist]. * Let me know what features you are missing or things that need (even small!) improvements. Getting help ------------ If you get stuck, you can get help in multiple ways: * The `:help` command inside qutebrowser shows the built-in documentation. Additionally, each command can be started with a `--help` flag to show its help. * IRC channel: irc://irc.freenode.org/#qutebrowser[`#qutebrowser`] on http://freenode.net/[Freenode] (https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#qutebrowser[webchat]) * Mailinglist: mailto:qutebrowser@lists.qutebrowser.org[] ( https://lists.schokokeks.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/qutebrowser[subscribe]) Donating -------- Working on qutebrowser is a very rewarding hobby, but like (nearly) all hobbies it also costs some money. Namely I have to pay for the server and domain, and do occasional hardware upgrades footnote:[It turned out a 160 GB SSD is rather small - the VMs and custom Qt builds I use for testing/developing qutebrowser need about 100 GB of space]. If you want to give me a beer or a pizza back, I'm trying to make it as easy as possible for you to do so. If some other way would be easier for you, please get in touch! * PayPal: me@the-compiler.org * Bitcoin: link:bitcoin:1PMzbcetAHfpxoXww8Bj5XqquHtVvMjJtE[1PMzbcetAHfpxoXww8Bj5XqquHtVvMjJtE]