# Copyright 2014-2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org> # vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """Tests for qutebrowser.utils.debug.""" import logging import re import time import textwrap import pytest from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, Qt, QEvent, QObject from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QStyle, QFrame from qutebrowser.utils import debug @debug.log_events class EventObject(QObject): pass def test_log_events(qapp, caplog): obj = EventObject() qapp.sendEvent(obj, QEvent(QEvent.User)) qapp.processEvents() assert len(caplog.records) == 1 assert caplog.records[0].msg == 'Event in test_debug.EventObject: User' class SignalObject(QObject): signal1 = pyqtSignal() signal2 = pyqtSignal(str, str) def __repr__(self): """This is not a nice thing to do, but it makes our tests easier.""" return '<repr>' @debug.log_signals class DecoratedSignalObject(SignalObject): pass @pytest.fixture(params=[(SignalObject, True), (DecoratedSignalObject, False)]) def signal_obj(request): klass, wrap = request.param obj = klass() if wrap: debug.log_signals(obj) return obj def test_log_signals(caplog, signal_obj): signal_obj.signal1.emit() signal_obj.signal2.emit('foo', 'bar') assert len(caplog.records) == 2 assert caplog.records[0].msg == 'Signal in <repr>: signal1()' assert caplog.records[1].msg == "Signal in <repr>: signal2('foo', 'bar')" class TestLogTime: def test_duration(self, caplog): logger_name = 'qt-tests' with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger_name): with debug.log_time(logger_name, action='foobar'): time.sleep(0.1) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 pattern = re.compile(r'Foobar took ([\d.]*) seconds\.') match = pattern.fullmatch(caplog.records[0].msg) assert match duration = float(match.group(1)) assert 0 < duration < 30 def test_logger(self, caplog): """Test with an explicit logger instead of a name.""" logger_name = 'qt-tests' with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger_name): with debug.log_time(logging.getLogger(logger_name)): pass assert len(caplog.records) == 1 def test_decorator(self, caplog): logger_name = 'qt-tests' @debug.log_time(logger_name, action='foo') def func(arg, *, kwarg): assert arg == 1 assert kwarg == 2 with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger_name): func(1, kwarg=2) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 assert caplog.records[0].msg.startswith('Foo took') class TestQEnumKey: def test_metaobj(self): """Make sure the classes we use in the tests have a metaobj or not. If Qt/PyQt even changes and our tests wouldn't test the full functionality of qenum_key because of that, this test will tell us. """ assert not hasattr(QStyle.PrimitiveElement, 'staticMetaObject') assert hasattr(QFrame, 'staticMetaObject') @pytest.mark.parametrize('base, value, klass, expected', [ (QStyle, QStyle.PE_PanelButtonCommand, None, 'PE_PanelButtonCommand'), (QFrame, QFrame.Sunken, None, 'Sunken'), (QFrame, 0x0030, QFrame.Shadow, 'Sunken'), (QFrame, 0x1337, QFrame.Shadow, '0x1337'), (Qt, Qt.AnchorLeft, None, 'AnchorLeft'), ]) def test_qenum_key(self, base, value, klass, expected): key = debug.qenum_key(base, value, klass=klass) assert key == expected def test_add_base(self): key = debug.qenum_key(QFrame, QFrame.Sunken, add_base=True) assert key == 'QFrame.Sunken' def test_int_noklass(self): """Test passing an int without explicit klass given.""" with pytest.raises(TypeError): debug.qenum_key(QFrame, 42) class TestQFlagsKey: """Tests for qutebrowser.utils.debug.qflags_key. https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/42 """ fixme = pytest.mark.xfail(reason="See issue #42", raises=AssertionError) @pytest.mark.parametrize('base, value, klass, expected', [ (Qt, Qt.AlignTop, None, 'AlignTop'), pytest.param(Qt, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop, None, 'AlignLeft|AlignTop', marks=fixme), (Qt, Qt.AlignCenter, None, 'AlignHCenter|AlignVCenter'), pytest.param(Qt, 0x0021, Qt.Alignment, 'AlignLeft|AlignTop', marks=fixme), (Qt, 0x1100, Qt.Alignment, '0x0100|0x1000'), (Qt, Qt.DockWidgetAreas(0), Qt.DockWidgetArea, 'NoDockWidgetArea'), (Qt, Qt.DockWidgetAreas(0), None, '0x0000'), ]) def test_qflags_key(self, base, value, klass, expected): flags = debug.qflags_key(base, value, klass=klass) assert flags == expected def test_add_base(self): """Test with add_base=True.""" flags = debug.qflags_key(Qt, Qt.AlignTop, add_base=True) assert flags == 'Qt.AlignTop' def test_int_noklass(self): """Test passing an int without explicit klass given.""" with pytest.raises(TypeError): debug.qflags_key(Qt, 42) @pytest.mark.parametrize('signal, expected', [ (SignalObject().signal1, 'signal1'), (SignalObject().signal2, 'signal2'), ]) def test_signal_name(signal, expected): assert debug.signal_name(signal) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('args, kwargs, expected', [ ([], {}, ''), (None, None, ''), (['foo'], None, "'foo'"), (['foo', 'bar'], None, "'foo', 'bar'"), (None, {'foo': 'bar'}, "foo='bar'"), (['foo', 'bar'], {'baz': 'fish'}, "'foo', 'bar', baz='fish'"), (['x' * 300], None, "'{}".format('x' * 198 + '…')), ], ids=lambda val: str(val)[:20]) def test_format_args(args, kwargs, expected): assert debug.format_args(args, kwargs) == expected def func(): pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('func, args, kwargs, full, expected', [ (func, None, None, False, 'func()'), (func, [1, 2], None, False, 'func(1, 2)'), (func, [1, 2], None, True, 'test_debug.func(1, 2)'), (func, [1, 2], {'foo': 3}, False, 'func(1, 2, foo=3)'), ]) def test_format_call(func, args, kwargs, full, expected): assert debug.format_call(func, args, kwargs, full) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('args, expected', [ ([23, 42], 'fake(23, 42)'), (['x' * 201], "fake('{}\u2026)".format('x' * 198)), (['foo\nbar'], r"fake('foo\nbar')"), ], ids=lambda val: str(val)[:20]) def test_dbg_signal(stubs, args, expected): assert debug.dbg_signal(stubs.FakeSignal(), args) == expected class TestGetAllObjects: class Object(QObject): def __init__(self, name, parent=None): self._name = name super().__init__(parent) def __repr__(self): return '<{}>'.format(self._name) def test_get_all_objects(self, stubs, monkeypatch): # pylint: disable=unused-variable widgets = [self.Object('Widget 1'), self.Object('Widget 2')] app = stubs.FakeQApplication(all_widgets=widgets) monkeypatch.setattr(debug, 'QApplication', app) root = QObject() o1 = self.Object('Object 1', root) o2 = self.Object('Object 2', o1) # noqa: F841 o3 = self.Object('Object 3', root) # noqa: F841 expected = textwrap.dedent(""" Qt widgets - 2 objects: <Widget 1> <Widget 2> Qt objects - 3 objects: <Object 1> <Object 2> <Object 3> global object registry - 0 objects: """).rstrip('\n') assert debug.get_all_objects(start_obj=root) == expected @pytest.mark.usefixtures('qapp') def test_get_all_objects_qapp(self): objects = debug.get_all_objects() event_dispatcher = '<PyQt5.QtCore.QAbstractEventDispatcher object at' session_manager = '<PyQt5.QtGui.QSessionManager object at' assert event_dispatcher in objects or session_manager in objects