# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2016-2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Tests for the global page history.""" import logging import pytest import hypothesis from hypothesis import strategies from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl from qutebrowser.browser import history from qutebrowser.utils import objreg, urlutils from qutebrowser.misc import sql @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def prerequisites(config_stub, fake_save_manager): """Make sure everything is ready to initialize a WebHistory.""" config_stub.data = {'general': {'private-browsing': False}} sql.init() yield sql.close() @pytest.fixture() def hist(tmpdir): return history.WebHistory(hist_dir=str(tmpdir), hist_name='history') def test_register_saveable(monkeypatch, qtbot, tmpdir, caplog, fake_save_manager): (tmpdir / 'filled-history').write('12345 http://example.com/ title') hist = history.WebHistory(hist_dir=str(tmpdir), hist_name='filled-history') list(hist.async_read()) assert fake_save_manager.add_saveable.called def test_async_read_twice(monkeypatch, qtbot, tmpdir, caplog): (tmpdir / 'filled-history').write('\n'.join([ '12345 http://example.com/ title', '67890 http://example.com/', '12345 http://qutebrowser.org/ blah', ])) hist = history.WebHistory(hist_dir=str(tmpdir), hist_name='filled-history') next(hist.async_read()) with pytest.raises(StopIteration): next(hist.async_read()) expected = "Ignoring async_read() because reading is started." assert expected in (record.msg for record in caplog.records) @pytest.mark.parametrize('redirect', [True, False]) def test_adding_item_during_async_read(qtbot, hist, redirect): """Check what happens when adding URL while reading the history.""" url = 'http://www.example.com/' hist.add_url(QUrl(url), redirect=redirect, atime=12345) with qtbot.waitSignal(hist.async_read_done): list(hist.async_read()) assert not hist._temp_history assert list(hist) == [(url, '', 12345, redirect)] def test_iter(hist): list(hist.async_read()) urlstr = 'http://www.example.com/' url = QUrl(urlstr) hist.add_url(url, atime=12345) assert list(hist) == [(urlstr, '', 12345, False)] def test_len(hist): assert len(hist) == 0 list(hist.async_read()) url = QUrl('http://www.example.com/') hist.add_url(url) assert len(hist) == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize('line', [ '12345 http://example.com/ title', # with title '67890 http://example.com/', # no title '12345 http://qutebrowser.org/ ', # trailing space ' ', '', ]) def test_read(tmpdir, line): (tmpdir / 'filled-history').write(line + '\n') hist = history.WebHistory(hist_dir=str(tmpdir), hist_name='filled-history') list(hist.async_read()) def test_updated_entries(tmpdir): (tmpdir / 'filled-history').write('12345 http://example.com/\n' '67890 http://example.com/\n') hist = history.WebHistory(hist_dir=str(tmpdir), hist_name='filled-history') list(hist.async_read()) assert hist['http://example.com/'] == ('http://example.com/', '', 67890, False) hist.add_url(QUrl('http://example.com/'), atime=99999) assert hist['http://example.com/'] == ('http://example.com/', '', 99999, False) def test_invalid_read(tmpdir, caplog): (tmpdir / 'filled-history').write('foobar\n12345 http://example.com/') hist = history.WebHistory(hist_dir=str(tmpdir), hist_name='filled-history') with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): list(hist.async_read()) entries = list(hist) assert len(entries) == 1 msg = "Invalid history entry 'foobar': 2 or 3 fields expected!" assert msg in (rec.msg for rec in caplog.records) def test_get_recent(tmpdir): (tmpdir / 'filled-history').write('12345 http://example.com/') hist = history.WebHistory(hist_dir=str(tmpdir), hist_name='filled-history') list(hist.async_read()) hist.add_url(QUrl('http://www.qutebrowser.org/'), atime=67890) lines = hist.get_recent() expected = ['12345 http://example.com/', '67890 http://www.qutebrowser.org/'] assert lines == expected def test_save(tmpdir): hist_file = tmpdir / 'filled-history' hist_file.write('12345 http://example.com/\n') hist = history.WebHistory(hist_dir=str(tmpdir), hist_name='filled-history') list(hist.async_read()) hist.add_url(QUrl('http://www.qutebrowser.org/'), atime=67890) hist.save() lines = hist_file.read().splitlines() expected = ['12345 http://example.com/', '67890 http://www.qutebrowser.org/'] assert lines == expected hist.add_url(QUrl('http://www.the-compiler.org/'), atime=99999) hist.save() expected.append('99999 http://www.the-compiler.org/') lines = hist_file.read().splitlines() assert lines == expected def test_clear(qtbot, tmpdir): hist_file = tmpdir / 'filled-history' hist_file.write('12345 http://example.com/\n') hist = history.WebHistory(hist_dir=str(tmpdir), hist_name='filled-history') list(hist.async_read()) hist.add_url(QUrl('http://www.qutebrowser.org/')) with qtbot.waitSignal(hist.cleared): hist._do_clear() assert not hist_file.read() assert not hist._new_history hist.add_url(QUrl('http://www.the-compiler.org/'), atime=67890) hist.save() lines = hist_file.read().splitlines() assert lines == ['67890 http://www.the-compiler.org/'] def test_add_item(qtbot, hist): list(hist.async_read()) url = 'http://www.example.com/' hist.add_url(QUrl(url), atime=12345, title="the title") assert hist[url] == (url, 'the title', 12345, False) def test_add_item_redirect(qtbot, hist): list(hist.async_read()) url = 'http://www.example.com/' hist.add_url(QUrl(url), redirect=True, atime=12345) assert hist[url] == (url, '', 12345, True) def test_add_item_redirect_update(qtbot, tmpdir, fake_save_manager): """A redirect update added should override a non-redirect one.""" url = 'http://www.example.com/' hist_file = tmpdir / 'filled-history' hist_file.write('12345 {}\n'.format(url)) hist = history.WebHistory(hist_dir=str(tmpdir), hist_name='filled-history') list(hist.async_read()) hist.add_url(QUrl(url), redirect=True, atime=67890) assert hist[url] == (url, '', 67890, True) @pytest.mark.parametrize('line, expected', [ ( # old format without title '12345 http://example.com/', history.Entry(atime=12345, url=QUrl('http://example.com/'), title='',) ), ( # trailing space without title '12345 http://example.com/ ', history.Entry(atime=12345, url=QUrl('http://example.com/'), title='',) ), ( # new format with title '12345 http://example.com/ this is a title', history.Entry(atime=12345, url=QUrl('http://example.com/'), title='this is a title') ), ( # weird NUL bytes '\x0012345 http://example.com/', history.Entry(atime=12345, url=QUrl('http://example.com/'), title=''), ), ( # redirect flag '12345-r http://example.com/ this is a title', history.Entry(atime=12345, url=QUrl('http://example.com/'), title='this is a title', redirect=True) ), ]) def test_entry_parse_valid(line, expected): entry = history.Entry.from_str(line) assert entry == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('line', [ '12345', # one field '12345 ::', # invalid URL 'xyz http://www.example.com/', # invalid timestamp '12345-x http://www.example.com/', # invalid flags '12345-r-r http://www.example.com/', # double flags ]) def test_entry_parse_invalid(line): with pytest.raises(ValueError): history.Entry.from_str(line) @hypothesis.given(strategies.text()) def test_entry_parse_hypothesis(text): """Make sure parsing works or gives us ValueError.""" try: history.Entry.from_str(text) except ValueError: pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('entry, expected', [ # simple ( history.Entry(12345, QUrl('http://example.com/'), "the title"), "12345 http://example.com/ the title", ), # timestamp as float ( history.Entry(12345.678, QUrl('http://example.com/'), "the title"), "12345 http://example.com/ the title", ), # no title ( history.Entry(12345.678, QUrl('http://example.com/'), ""), "12345 http://example.com/", ), # redirect flag ( history.Entry(12345.678, QUrl('http://example.com/'), "", redirect=True), "12345-r http://example.com/", ), ]) def test_entry_str(entry, expected): assert str(entry) == expected @pytest.fixture def hist_interface(): # pylint: disable=invalid-name QtWebKit = pytest.importorskip('PyQt5.QtWebKit') from qutebrowser.browser.webkit import webkithistory QWebHistoryInterface = QtWebKit.QWebHistoryInterface # pylint: enable=invalid-name entry = history.Entry(atime=0, url=QUrl('http://www.example.com/'), title='example') history_dict = {'http://www.example.com/': entry} interface = webkithistory.WebHistoryInterface(history_dict) QWebHistoryInterface.setDefaultInterface(interface) yield QWebHistoryInterface.setDefaultInterface(None) def test_history_interface(qtbot, webview, hist_interface): html = b"foo" url = urlutils.data_url('text/html', html) with qtbot.waitSignal(webview.loadFinished): webview.load(url) @pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', [usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine, usertypes.Backend.QtWebKit]) def test_init(backend, qapp, tmpdir, monkeypatch): if backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebKit: pytest.importorskip('PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets') else: assert backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine monkeypatch.setattr(history.standarddir, 'data', lambda: str(tmpdir)) monkeypatch.setattr(history.objects, 'backend', backend) history.init(qapp) hist = objreg.get('web-history') assert hist.parent() is qapp try: from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebHistoryInterface except ImportError: QWebHistoryInterface = None if backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebKit: default_interface = QWebHistoryInterface.defaultInterface() assert default_interface._history is hist else: assert backend == usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine if QWebHistoryInterface is None: default_interface = None else: default_interface = QWebHistoryInterface.defaultInterface() # For this to work, nothing can ever have called setDefaultInterface # before (so we need to test webengine before webkit) assert default_interface is None objreg.delete('web-history')