# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) <mail@qutebrowser.org> # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # pylint: disable=protected-access """Tests for qutebrowser.utils.version.""" import io import sys import os.path import subprocess import contextlib import builtins import types import importlib import logging import pytest import qutebrowser from qutebrowser.utils import version class GitStrSubprocessFake: """Object returned by the git_str_subprocess_fake fixture. This provides a function which is used to patch _git_str_subprocess. Attributes: retval: The value to return when called. Needs to be set before func is called. """ UNSET = object() def __init__(self): self.retval = self.UNSET def func(self, gitpath): """Function called instead of _git_str_subprocess. Checks whether the path passed is what we expected, and returns self.retval. """ if self.retval is self.UNSET: raise ValueError("func got called without retval being set!") retval = self.retval self.retval = self.UNSET gitpath = os.path.normpath(gitpath) expected = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(qutebrowser.__file__), os.pardir)) assert gitpath == expected return retval class TestGitStr: """Tests for _git_str().""" @pytest.yield_fixture def commit_file_mock(self, mocker): """Fixture providing a mock for utils.read_file for git-commit-id. On fixture teardown, it makes sure it got called with git-commit-id as argument. """ mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.version.subprocess', side_effect=AssertionError) m = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.version.utils.read_file') yield m m.assert_called_with('git-commit-id') @pytest.fixture def git_str_subprocess_fake(self, mocker, monkeypatch): """Fixture patching _git_str_subprocess with a GitStrSubprocessFake.""" mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.version.subprocess', side_effect=AssertionError) fake = GitStrSubprocessFake() monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version._git_str_subprocess', fake.func) return fake def test_frozen_ok(self, commit_file_mock, monkeypatch): """Test with sys.frozen=True and a successful git-commit-id read.""" monkeypatch.setattr(qutebrowser.utils.version.sys, 'frozen', True, raising=False) commit_file_mock.return_value = 'deadbeef' assert version._git_str() == 'deadbeef' def test_frozen_oserror(self, commit_file_mock, monkeypatch): """Test with sys.frozen=True and OSError when reading git-commit-id.""" monkeypatch.setattr(qutebrowser.utils.version.sys, 'frozen', True, raising=False) commit_file_mock.side_effect = OSError assert version._git_str() is None def test_normal_successful(self, git_str_subprocess_fake): """Test with git returning a successful result.""" git_str_subprocess_fake.retval = 'c0ffeebabe' assert version._git_str() == 'c0ffeebabe' def test_normal_error(self, commit_file_mock, git_str_subprocess_fake): """Test without repo (but git-commit-id).""" git_str_subprocess_fake.retval = None commit_file_mock.return_value = '1b4d1dea' assert version._git_str() == '1b4d1dea' def test_normal_path_oserror(self, mocker, git_str_subprocess_fake): """Test with things raising OSError.""" mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.version.os.path.join', side_effect=OSError) mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.version.utils.read_file', side_effect=OSError) assert version._git_str() is None def test_normal_path_nofile(self, monkeypatch, caplog, git_str_subprocess_fake, commit_file_mock): """Test with undefined __file__ but available git-commit-id.""" monkeypatch.delattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.__file__') commit_file_mock.return_value = '0deadcode' with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'misc'): assert version._git_str() == '0deadcode' assert len(caplog.records()) == 1 assert caplog.records()[0].message == "Error while getting git path" def _has_git(): """Check if git is installed.""" try: subprocess.check_call(['git', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): return False else: return True # Decorator for tests needing git, so they get skipped when it's unavailable. needs_git = pytest.mark.skipif(not _has_git(), reason='Needs git installed.') class TestGitStrSubprocess: """Tests for _git_str_subprocess.""" @pytest.fixture def git_repo(self, tmpdir): """A fixture to create a temporary git repo. Some things are tested against a real repo so we notice if something in git would change, or we call git incorrectly. """ def _git(*args): """Helper closure to call git.""" env = { 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME': 'qutebrowser testsuite', 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL': 'mail@qutebrowser.org', 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE': 'Thu 1 Jan 01:00:00 CET 1970', 'GIT_COMMITTER_NAME': 'qutebrowser testsuite', 'GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL': 'mail@qutebrowser.org', 'GIT_COMMITTER_DATE': 'Thu 1 Jan 01:00:00 CET 1970', } subprocess.check_call(['git', '-C', str(tmpdir)] + list(args), env=env) (tmpdir / 'file').write_text("Hello World!", encoding='utf-8') _git('init') _git('add', 'file') _git('commit', '-am', 'foo', '--no-verify', '--no-edit', '--no-post-rewrite', '--quiet', '--no-gpg-sign') _git('tag', 'foobar') return tmpdir @needs_git def test_real_git(self, git_repo): """Test with a real git repository.""" ret = version._git_str_subprocess(str(git_repo)) assert ret == 'foobar (1970-01-01 01:00:00 +0100)' def test_missing_dir(self, tmpdir): """Test with a directory which doesn't exist.""" ret = version._git_str_subprocess(str(tmpdir / 'does-not-exist')) assert ret is None @pytest.mark.parametrize('exc', [ OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError(1, 'foobar') ]) def test_exception(self, exc, mocker, tmpdir): """Test with subprocess.check_output raising an exception. Args: exc: The exception to raise. """ mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.version.subprocess.os.path.isdir', return_value=True) mocker.patch('qutebrowser.utils.version.subprocess.check_output', side_effect=exc) ret = version._git_str_subprocess(str(tmpdir)) assert ret is None class ReleaseInfoFake: """An object providing fakes for glob.glob/open for test_release_info. Attributes: _files: The files which should be returned, or None if an exception should be raised. A {filename: [lines]} dict. """ def __init__(self, files): self._files = files def glob_fake(self, pattern): """Fake for glob.glob. Verifies the arguments and returns the files listed in self._files, or a single fake file if an exception is expected. """ assert pattern == '/etc/*-release' if self._files is None: return ['fake-file'] else: return sorted(list(self._files)) @contextlib.contextmanager def open_fake(self, filename, mode, encoding): """Fake for open(). Verifies the arguments and returns a StringIO with the content listed in self._files. """ assert mode == 'r' assert encoding == 'utf-8' if self._files is None: raise OSError yield io.StringIO(''.join(self._files[filename])) @pytest.mark.parametrize('files, expected', [ ({}, []), ({'file': ['']}, [('file', '')]), ({'file': []}, [('file', '')]), ( {'file1': ['foo\n', 'bar\n'], 'file2': ['baz\n']}, [('file1', 'foo\nbar\n'), ('file2', 'baz\n')] ), (None, []), ]) def test_release_info(files, expected, caplog, monkeypatch): """Test _release_info(). Args: files: The file dict passed to ReleaseInfoFake. expected: The expected _release_info output. """ fake = ReleaseInfoFake(files) monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.glob.glob', fake.glob_fake) monkeypatch.setattr(version, 'open', fake.open_fake, raising=False) with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR, 'misc'): assert version._release_info() == expected if files is None: assert len(caplog.records()) == 1 assert caplog.records()[0].message == "Error while reading fake-file." class ImportFake: """A fake for __import__ which is used by the import_fake fixture. Attributes: exists: A dict mapping module names to bools. If True, the import will success. Otherwise, it'll fail with ImportError. version_attribute: The name to use in the fake modules for the version attribute. version: The version to use for the modules. _real_import: Saving the real __import__ builtin so the imports can be done normally for modules not in self.exists. """ def __init__(self): self.exists = { 'sip': True, 'colorlog': True, 'colorama': True, 'pypeg2': True, 'jinja2': True, 'pygments': True, 'yaml': True, } self.version_attribute = '__version__' self.version = '1.2.3' self._real_import = builtins.__import__ def _do_import(self, name): """Helper for fake_import and fake_importlib_import to do the work. Return: The imported fake module, or None if normal importing should be used. """ if name not in self.exists: # Not one of the modules to test -> use real import return None elif self.exists[name]: ns = types.SimpleNamespace() if self.version_attribute is not None: setattr(ns, self.version_attribute, self.version) return ns else: raise ImportError("Fake ImportError for {}.".format(name)) def fake_import(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """Fake for the builtin __import__.""" module = self._do_import(name) if module is not None: return module else: return self._real_import(name, *args, **kwargs) def fake_importlib_import(self, name): """Fake for importlib.import_module.""" module = self._do_import(name) if module is not None: return module else: return importlib.import_module(name) @pytest.fixture def import_fake(monkeypatch): """Fixture to patch imports using ImportFake.""" fake = ImportFake() monkeypatch.setattr('builtins.__import__', fake.fake_import) monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.importlib.import_module', fake.fake_importlib_import) return fake class TestModuleVersions: """Tests for _module_versions().""" @pytest.mark.usefixtures('import_fake') def test_all_present(self): """Test with all modules present in version 1.2.3.""" expected = ['sip: yes', 'colorlog: yes', 'colorama: 1.2.3', 'pypeg2: 1.2.3', 'jinja2: 1.2.3', 'pygments: 1.2.3', 'yaml: 1.2.3'] assert version._module_versions() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('module, idx, expected', [ ('colorlog', 1, 'colorlog: no'), ('colorama', 2, 'colorama: no'), ]) def test_missing_module(self, module, idx, expected, import_fake): """Test with a module missing. Args: module: The name of the missing module. idx: The index where the given text is expected. expected: The expected text. """ import_fake.exists[module] = False assert version._module_versions()[idx] == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('value, expected', [ ('VERSION', ['sip: yes', 'colorlog: yes', 'colorama: 1.2.3', 'pypeg2: yes', 'jinja2: yes', 'pygments: yes', 'yaml: yes']), ('SIP_VERSION_STR', ['sip: 1.2.3', 'colorlog: yes', 'colorama: yes', 'pypeg2: yes', 'jinja2: yes', 'pygments: yes', 'yaml: yes']), (None, ['sip: yes', 'colorlog: yes', 'colorama: yes', 'pypeg2: yes', 'jinja2: yes', 'pygments: yes', 'yaml: yes']), ]) def test_version_attribute(self, value, expected, import_fake): """Test with a different version attribute. VERSION is tested for old colorama versions, and None to make sure things still work if some package suddenly doesn't have __version__. Args: value: The name of the version attribute. expected: The expected return value. """ import_fake.version_attribute = value assert version._module_versions() == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('name, has_version', [ ('colorlog', False), ('sip', False), ('colorama', True), ('pypeg2', True), ('jinja2', True), ('pygments', True), ('yaml', True), ]) def test_existing_attributes(self, name, has_version): """Check if all dependencies have an expected __version__ attribute. The aim of this test is to fail if modules suddenly don't have a __version__ attribute anymore in a newer version, or colorlog has one. Args: name: The name of the module to check. has_version: Whether a __version__ attribute is expected. """ module = importlib.import_module(name) assert hasattr(module, '__version__') == has_version def test_existing_sip_attribute(self): """Test if sip has a SIP_VERSION_STR attribute. The aim of this test is to fail if that gets missing in some future version of sip. """ import sip assert isinstance(sip.SIP_VERSION_STR, str) class TestOsInfo: """Tests for _os_info.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize('dist, dist_str', [ (('x', '', 'y'), 'x, y'), (('a', 'b', 'c'), 'a, b, c'), (('', '', ''), ''), ]) def test_linux_fake(self, monkeypatch, dist, dist_str): """Test with a fake Linux. Args: dist: The value to set platform.dist() to. dist_str: The expected distribution string in version._os_info(). """ monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.sys.platform', 'linux') monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version._release_info', lambda: [('releaseinfo', 'Hello World')]) monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.platform.dist', lambda: dist) ret = version._os_info() expected = ['OS Version: {}'.format(dist_str), '', '--- releaseinfo ---', 'Hello World'] assert ret == expected def test_windows_fake(self, monkeypatch): """Test with a fake Windows.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.sys.platform', 'win32') monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.platform.win32_ver', lambda: ('eggs', 'bacon', 'ham', 'spam')) ret = version._os_info() expected = ['OS Version: eggs, bacon, ham, spam'] assert ret == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('mac_ver, mac_ver_str', [ (('x', ('', '', ''), 'y'), 'x, y'), (('', ('', '', ''), ''), ''), (('x', ('1', '2', '3'), 'y'), 'x, 1.2.3, y'), ]) def test_os_x_fake(self, monkeypatch, mac_ver, mac_ver_str): """Test with a fake OS X. Args: mac_ver: The tuple to set platform.mac_ver() to. mac_ver_str: The expected Mac version string in version._os_info(). """ monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.sys.platform', 'darwin') monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.platform.mac_ver', lambda: mac_ver) ret = version._os_info() expected = ['OS Version: {}'.format(mac_ver_str)] assert ret == expected def test_unknown_fake(self, monkeypatch): """Test with a fake unknown sys.platform.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.sys.platform', 'toaster') ret = version._os_info() expected = ['OS Version: ?'] assert ret == expected @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform != 'linux', reason="requires Linux") def test_linux_real(self): """Make sure there are no exceptions with a real Linux.""" version._os_info() @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform != 'win32', reason="requires Windows") def test_windows_real(self): """Make sure there are no exceptions with a real Windows.""" version._os_info() @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform != 'darwin', reason="requires OS X") def test_os_x_real(self): """Make sure there are no exceptions with a real OS X.""" version._os_info() class FakeQSslSocket: """Fake for the QSslSocket Qt class. Attributes: _version: What QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString() should return. """ def __init__(self, version=None): self._version = version def supportsSsl(self): """Fake for QSslSocket::supportsSsl().""" return True def sslLibraryVersionString(self): """Fake for QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString().""" if self._version is None: raise AssertionError("Got valled with version None!") return self._version class TestVersion: """Tests for version.""" @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def patch(self, monkeypatch): """Patch some sub-functions we're not interested in.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version._git_str', lambda: None) monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version._module_versions', lambda: []) monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version._os_info', lambda: []) def test_qutebrowser_version(self, monkeypatch): """Test the qutebrowser version in the output.""" monkeypatch.setattr( 'qutebrowser.utils.version.qutebrowser.__version__', '23.42') lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[0] == 'qutebrowser v23.42' def test_git_commit(self, monkeypatch): """Test the git commit in the output.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version._git_str', lambda: 'deadbeef') lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[1] == 'Git commit: deadbeef' def test_no_git_commit(self, monkeypatch): """Test the git commit with _git_str returning None.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version._git_str', lambda: None) lines = version.version().splitlines() assert not lines[1].startswith('Git commit:') def test_python_version(self, monkeypatch): """Test the python version in the output.""" monkeypatch.setattr( 'qutebrowser.utils.version.platform.python_implementation', lambda: 'python_implementation') monkeypatch.setattr( 'qutebrowser.utils.version.platform.python_version', lambda: 'python_version') lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[2] == 'python_implementation: python_version' def test_qt_version(self, monkeypatch): """Test the python version in the output.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.QT_VERSION_STR', '12.3') monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.qVersion', lambda: '45.6') lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[3] == 'Qt: 12.3, runtime: 45.6' def test_pyqt_version(self, monkeypatch): """Test the PyQt version in the output.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.PYQT_VERSION_STR', '78.9') lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[4] == 'PyQt: 78.9' def test_module_versions(self, monkeypatch): """Test module versions in the output.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version._module_versions', lambda: ['Hello', 'World']) lines = version.version().splitlines() assert (lines[5], lines[6]) == ('Hello', 'World') def test_webkit_version(self, monkeypatch): """Test the webkit version in the output.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.qWebKitVersion', lambda: '567.1') lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[5] == 'Webkit: 567.1' def test_harfbuzz_none(self, monkeypatch): """Test harfbuzz output with QT_HARFBUZZ unset.""" monkeypatch.delenv('QT_HARFBUZZ', raising=False) lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[6] == 'Harfbuzz: system' def test_harfbuzz_set(self, monkeypatch): """Test harfbuzz output with QT_HARFBUZZ set.""" monkeypatch.setenv('QT_HARFBUZZ', 'new') lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[6] == 'Harfbuzz: new' def test_ssl(self, monkeypatch): """Test SSL version in the output.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.QSslSocket', FakeQSslSocket('1.0.1')) lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[7] == 'SSL: 1.0.1' @pytest.mark.parametrize('frozen, expected', [(True, 'Frozen: True'), (False, 'Frozen: False')]) def test_frozen(self, monkeypatch, frozen, expected): """Test "Frozen: ..." in the version output.""" if frozen: monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'frozen', True, raising=False) else: monkeypatch.delattr(sys, 'frozen', raising=False) lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[9] == expected def test_platform(self, monkeypatch): """Test platform in the version output.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.platform.platform', lambda: 'toaster') monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version.platform.architecture', lambda: ('64bit', '')) lines = version.version().splitlines() assert lines[10] == 'Platform: toaster, 64bit' def test_os_info(self, monkeypatch): """Test OS info in the output.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.utils.version._os_info', lambda: ['Hello', 'World']) lines = version.version().splitlines() assert (lines[11], lines[12]) == ('Hello', 'World')