# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2016-2018 Ryan Roden-Corrent (rcorre) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Tests for the Completer Object.""" import unittest.mock import pytest from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject from PyQt5.QtGui import QStandardItemModel from qutebrowser.completion import completer from qutebrowser.commands import command, cmdutils class FakeCompletionModel(QStandardItemModel): """Stub for a completion model.""" def __init__(self, kind, *pos_args, info, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.kind = kind self.pos_args = list(pos_args) self.info = info class CompletionWidgetStub(QObject): """Stub for the CompletionView.""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.hide = unittest.mock.Mock() self.show = unittest.mock.Mock() self.set_pattern = unittest.mock.Mock() self.model = unittest.mock.Mock() self.set_model = unittest.mock.Mock() self.enabled = unittest.mock.Mock() @pytest.fixture def completion_widget_stub(): return CompletionWidgetStub() @pytest.fixture def completer_obj(qtbot, status_command_stub, config_stub, monkeypatch, stubs, completion_widget_stub): """Create the completer used for testing.""" monkeypatch.setattr(completer, 'QTimer', stubs.InstaTimer) config_stub.val.completion.show = 'auto' return completer.Completer(cmd=status_command_stub, win_id=0, parent=completion_widget_stub) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def miscmodels_patch(mocker): """Patch the miscmodels module to provide fake completion functions. Technically some of these are not part of miscmodels, but rolling them into one module is easier and sufficient for mocking. The only one referenced directly by Completer is miscmodels.command. """ m = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.completion.completer.miscmodels', autospec=True) def func(name): return lambda *args, info: FakeCompletionModel(name, *args, info=info) m.command = func('command') m.helptopic = func('helptopic') m.quickmark = func('quickmark') m.bookmark = func('bookmark') m.session = func('session') m.buffer = func('buffer') m.bind = func('bind') m.url = func('url') m.section = func('section') m.option = func('option') m.value = func('value') return m @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def cmdutils_patch(monkeypatch, stubs, miscmodels_patch): """Patch the cmdutils module to provide fake commands.""" @cmdutils.argument('section_', completion=miscmodels_patch.section) @cmdutils.argument('option', completion=miscmodels_patch.option) @cmdutils.argument('value', completion=miscmodels_patch.value) def set_command(section_=None, option=None, value=None): """docstring.""" @cmdutils.argument('topic', completion=miscmodels_patch.helptopic) def show_help(tab=False, bg=False, window=False, topic=None): """docstring.""" @cmdutils.argument('url', completion=miscmodels_patch.url) @cmdutils.argument('count', count=True) def openurl(url=None, related=False, bg=False, tab=False, window=False, count=None): """docstring.""" @cmdutils.argument('win_id', win_id=True) @cmdutils.argument('command', completion=miscmodels_patch.command) def bind(key, win_id, command=None, *, mode='normal'): """docstring.""" def tab_give(): """docstring.""" @cmdutils.argument('option', completion=miscmodels_patch.option) @cmdutils.argument('values', completion=miscmodels_patch.value) def config_cycle(option, *values): """For testing varargs.""" cmd_utils = stubs.FakeCmdUtils({ 'set': command.Command(name='set', handler=set_command), 'help': command.Command(name='help', handler=show_help), 'open': command.Command(name='open', handler=openurl, maxsplit=0), 'bind': command.Command(name='bind', handler=bind), 'tab-give': command.Command(name='tab-give', handler=tab_give), 'config-cycle': command.Command(name='config-cycle', handler=config_cycle), }) monkeypatch.setattr(completer, 'cmdutils', cmd_utils) def _set_cmd_prompt(cmd, txt): """Set the command prompt's text and cursor position. Args: cmd: The command prompt object. txt: The prompt text, using | as a placeholder for the cursor position. """ cmd.setText(txt.replace('|', '')) cmd.setCursorPosition(txt.index('|')) @pytest.mark.parametrize('txt, kind, pattern, pos_args', [ (':nope|', 'command', 'nope', []), (':nope |', None, '', []), (':set |', 'section', '', []), (':set gen|', 'section', 'gen', []), (':set general |', 'option', '', ['general']), (':set what |', 'option', '', ['what']), (':set general editor |', 'value', '', ['general', 'editor']), (':set general editor gv|', 'value', 'gv', ['general', 'editor']), (':set general editor "gvim -f"|', 'value', 'gvim -f', ['general', 'editor']), (':set general editor "gvim |', 'value', 'gvim', ['general', 'editor']), (':set general huh |', 'value', '', ['general', 'huh']), (':help |', 'helptopic', '', []), (':help |', 'helptopic', '', []), (':open |', 'url', '', []), (':bind |', None, '', []), (':bind |', 'command', '', ['']), (':bind foo|', 'command', 'foo', ['']), (':bind | foo', None, '', []), (':set| general ', 'command', 'set', []), (':|set general ', 'command', 'set', []), (':set gene|ral ignore-case', 'section', 'general', []), (':|', 'command', '', []), (': |', 'command', '', []), ('/|', None, '', []), (':open -t|', None, '', []), (':open --tab|', None, '', []), (':open -t |', 'url', '', []), (':open --tab |', 'url', '', []), (':open | -t', 'url', '', []), (':tab-give |', None, '', []), (':bind --mode=caret |', 'command', '', ['']), pytest.param(':bind --mode caret |', 'command', '', [], marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason='issue #74')), (':set -t -p |', 'section', '', []), (':open -- |', None, '', []), (':gibberish nonesense |', None, '', []), ('/:help|', None, '', []), ('::bind|', 'command', ':bind', []), (':-w open |', None, '', []), # varargs (':config-cycle option |', 'value', '', ['option']), (':config-cycle option one |', 'value', '', ['option', 'one']), (':config-cycle option one two |', 'value', '', ['option', 'one', 'two']), ]) def test_update_completion(txt, kind, pattern, pos_args, status_command_stub, completer_obj, completion_widget_stub, config_stub, key_config_stub): """Test setting the completion widget's model based on command text.""" # this test uses | as a placeholder for the current cursor position _set_cmd_prompt(status_command_stub, txt) completer_obj.schedule_completion_update() if kind is None: assert not completion_widget_stub.set_pattern.called else: assert completion_widget_stub.set_model.call_count == 1 model = completion_widget_stub.set_model.call_args[0][0] assert model.kind == kind assert model.pos_args == pos_args assert model.info.config == config_stub assert model.info.keyconf == key_config_stub completion_widget_stub.set_pattern.assert_called_once_with(pattern) @pytest.mark.parametrize('txt1, txt2, regen', [ (':config-cycle |', ':config-cycle a|', False), (':config-cycle abc|', ':config-cycle abc |', True), (':config-cycle abc |', ':config-cycle abc d|', False), (':config-cycle abc def|', ':config-cycle abc def |', True), # open has maxsplit=0, so all args just set the pattern, not the model (':open |', ':open a|', False), (':open abc|', ':open abc |', False), (':open abc |', ':open abc d|', False), (':open abc def|', ':open abc def |', False), ]) def test_regen_completion(txt1, txt2, regen, status_command_stub, completer_obj, completion_widget_stub, config_stub, key_config_stub): """Test that the completion function is only called as needed.""" # set the initial state _set_cmd_prompt(status_command_stub, txt1) completer_obj.schedule_completion_update() completion_widget_stub.set_model.reset_mock() # "move" the cursor and check if the completion function was called _set_cmd_prompt(status_command_stub, txt2) completer_obj.schedule_completion_update() assert completion_widget_stub.set_model.called == regen @pytest.mark.parametrize('before, newtxt, after', [ (':|', 'set', ':set|'), (':| ', 'set', ':set|'), (': |', 'set', ':set|'), (':|set', 'set', ':set|'), (':|set ', 'set', ':set|'), (':|se', 'set', ':set|'), (':|se ', 'set', ':set|'), (':s|e', 'set', ':set|'), (':se|', 'set', ':set|'), (':|se fonts', 'set', ':set| fonts'), (':set |', 'fonts', ':set fonts|'), (':set |', 'fonts', ':set fonts|'), (':set --temp |', 'fonts', ':set --temp fonts|'), (':set |fo', 'fonts', ':set fonts|'), (':set f|o', 'fonts', ':set fonts|'), (':set fo|', 'fonts', ':set fonts|'), (':set fonts |', 'hints', ':set fonts hints|'), (':set fonts |nt', 'hints', ':set fonts hints|'), (':set fonts n|t', 'hints', ':set fonts hints|'), (':set fonts nt|', 'hints', ':set fonts hints|'), (':set | hints', 'fonts', ':set fonts| hints'), (':set | hints', 'fonts', ':set fonts| hints'), (':set |fo hints', 'fonts', ':set fonts| hints'), (':set f|o hints', 'fonts', ':set fonts| hints'), (':set fo| hints', 'fonts', ':set fonts| hints'), (':set fonts hints |', 'Comic Sans', ":set fonts hints 'Comic Sans'|"), (":set fonts hints 'Comic Sans'|", '12px Hack', ":set fonts hints '12px Hack'|"), (":set fonts hints 'Comic| Sans'", '12px Hack', ":set fonts hints '12px Hack'|"), # Make sure " is quoted properly (':set url.start_pages \'["https://www.|example.com"]\'', '["https://www.example.org"]', ':set url.start_pages \'["https://www.example.org"]\'|'), # open has maxsplit=0, so treat the last two tokens as one and don't quote (':open foo bar|', 'baz', ':open baz|'), (':open foo| bar', 'baz', ':open baz|'), ]) def test_on_selection_changed(before, newtxt, after, completer_obj, config_stub, status_command_stub, completion_widget_stub): """Test that on_selection_changed modifies the cmd text properly. The | represents the current cursor position in the cmd prompt. If quick is True and there is only 1 completion (count == 1), then we expect a space to be appended after the current word. """ model = unittest.mock.Mock() completion_widget_stub.model.return_value = model def check(quick, count, expected_txt, expected_pos): config_stub.val.completion.quick = quick model.count = lambda: count _set_cmd_prompt(status_command_stub, before) completer_obj.on_selection_changed(newtxt) assert status_command_stub.text() == expected_txt assert status_command_stub.cursorPosition() == expected_pos after_pos = after.index('|') after_txt = after.replace('|', '') check(False, 1, after_txt, after_pos) check(True, 2, after_txt, after_pos) # quick-completing a single item should move the cursor ahead by 1 and add # a trailing space if at the end of the cmd string, unless the command has # maxsplit < len(before) (such as :open in these tests) if after_txt.startswith(':open'): return after_pos += 1 if after_pos > len(after_txt): after_txt += ' ' check(True, 1, after_txt, after_pos) def test_quickcomplete_flicker(status_command_stub, completer_obj, completion_widget_stub, config_stub): """Validate fix for #1519: bookmark-load background highlighting quirk. For commands like bookmark-load and open with maxsplit=0, a commandline that looks like ':open someurl |' is considered to be completing the first arg with pattern 'someurl ' (note trailing whitespace). As this matches the one completion available, it keeps the completionmenu open. This test validates that the completion model is not re-set after we quick-complete an entry after maxsplit. """ model = unittest.mock.Mock() model.count = unittest.mock.Mock(return_value=1) completion_widget_stub.model.return_value = model config_stub.val.completion.quick = True _set_cmd_prompt(status_command_stub, ':open |') completer_obj.schedule_completion_update() assert completion_widget_stub.set_model.called completion_widget_stub.set_model.reset_mock() # selecting a completion should not re-set the model completer_obj.on_selection_changed('http://example.com') completer_obj.schedule_completion_update() assert not completion_widget_stub.set_model.called def test_min_chars(status_command_stub, completer_obj, completion_widget_stub, config_stub, key_config_stub): """Test that an update is delayed until min_chars characters are input.""" config_stub.val.completion.min_chars = 3 # Test #3635, where min_chars could crash the first update _set_cmd_prompt(status_command_stub, ':set c|') completer_obj.schedule_completion_update() assert not completion_widget_stub.set_model.called _set_cmd_prompt(status_command_stub, ':set co|') completer_obj.schedule_completion_update() assert not completion_widget_stub.set_model.called _set_cmd_prompt(status_command_stub, ':set com|') completer_obj.schedule_completion_update() assert completion_widget_stub.set_model.call_count == 1