# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . # pylint: disable=unused-import,import-error """The qutebrowser test suite contest file.""" import os import sys import collections import itertools import logging import pytest import helpers.stubs as stubsmod from helpers import logfail from helpers.logfail import fail_on_logging, caplog_bug_workaround from helpers.messagemock import message_mock from qutebrowser.config import config from qutebrowser.utils import objreg def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items): """Automatically add a 'gui' marker to all gui-related tests. pytest hook called after collection has been performed, adds a marker named "gui" which can be used to filter gui tests from the command line. For example: py.test -m "not gui" # run all tests except gui tests py.test -m "gui" # run only gui tests Args: items: list of _pytest.main.Node items, where each item represents a python test that will be executed. Reference: http://pytest.org/latest/plugins.html """ for item in items: if 'qapp' in getattr(item, 'fixturenames', ()): item.add_marker('gui') if sys.platform == 'linux' and not os.environ.get('DISPLAY', ''): if 'CI' in os.environ: raise Exception("No display available on CI!") skip_marker = pytest.mark.skipif( True, reason="No DISPLAY available") item.add_marker(skip_marker) def pytest_runtest_setup(item): """Add some custom markers.""" if not isinstance(item, item.Function): return if item.get_marker('posix') and os.name != 'posix': pytest.skip("Requires a POSIX os.") elif item.get_marker('windows') and os.name != 'nt': pytest.skip("Requires Windows.") elif item.get_marker('linux') and not sys.platform.startswith('linux'): pytest.skip("Requires Linux.") elif item.get_marker('osx') and sys.platform != 'darwin': pytest.skip("Requires OS X.") elif item.get_marker('not_frozen') and getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): pytest.skip("Can't be run when frozen!") elif item.get_marker('frozen') and not getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): pytest.skip("Can only run when frozen!") FakeWindow = collections.namedtuple('FakeWindow', ['registry']) @pytest.yield_fixture def win_registry(): """Fixture providing a window registry for win_id 0 and 1.""" registry1 = objreg.ObjectRegistry() registry2 = objreg.ObjectRegistry() window1 = FakeWindow(registry1) window2 = FakeWindow(registry2) objreg.window_registry[0] = window1 objreg.window_registry[1] = window2 yield [window1, window2] del objreg.window_registry[1] del objreg.window_registry[0] @pytest.yield_fixture def tab_registry(win_registry): """Fixture providing a tab registry for win_id 0.""" registry = objreg.ObjectRegistry() objreg.register('tab-registry', registry, scope='window', window=0) yield registry objreg.delete('tab-registry', scope='window', window=0) def _generate_cmdline_tests(): """Generate testcases for test_split_binding.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name TestCase = collections.namedtuple('TestCase', 'cmd, valid') separators = [';;', ' ;; ', ';; ', ' ;;'] invalid = ['foo', ''] valid = ['leave-mode', 'hint all'] # Valid command only -> valid for item in valid: yield TestCase(''.join(item), True) # Invalid command only -> invalid for item in valid: yield TestCase(''.join(item), True) # Invalid command combined with invalid command -> invalid for item in itertools.product(invalid, separators, invalid): yield TestCase(''.join(item), False) # Valid command combined with valid command -> valid for item in itertools.product(valid, separators, valid): yield TestCase(''.join(item), True) # Valid command combined with invalid command -> invalid for item in itertools.product(valid, separators, invalid): yield TestCase(''.join(item), False) # Invalid command combined with valid command -> invalid for item in itertools.product(invalid, separators, valid): yield TestCase(''.join(item), False) # Command with no_cmd_split combined with an "invalid" command -> valid for item in itertools.product(['bind x open'], separators, invalid): yield TestCase(''.join(item), True) @pytest.fixture(params=_generate_cmdline_tests()) def cmdline_test(request): """Fixture which generates tests for things validating commandlines.""" # Import qutebrowser.app so all cmdutils.register decorators get run. import qutebrowser.app # pylint: disable=unused-variable return request.param @pytest.yield_fixture def config_stub(stubs): """Fixture which provides a fake config object.""" stub = stubs.ConfigStub() objreg.register('config', stub) yield stub objreg.delete('config') @pytest.yield_fixture def default_config(): """Fixture that provides and registers an empty default config object.""" config_obj = config.ConfigManager(configdir=None, fname=None, relaxed=True) objreg.register('config', config_obj) yield config_obj objreg.delete('config') @pytest.yield_fixture def key_config_stub(stubs): """Fixture which provides a fake key config object.""" stub = stubs.KeyConfigStub() objreg.register('key-config', stub) yield stub objreg.delete('key-config') @pytest.yield_fixture def host_blocker_stub(stubs): """Fixture which provides a fake host blocker object.""" stub = stubs.HostBlockerStub() objreg.register('host-blocker', stub) yield stub objreg.delete('host-blocker') @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def stubs(): """Provide access to stub objects useful for testing.""" return stubsmod @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def unicode_encode_err(): """Provide a fake UnicodeEncodeError exception.""" return UnicodeEncodeError('ascii', # codec '', # object 0, # start 2, # end 'fake exception') # reason @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def qnam(qapp): """Session-wide QNetworkAccessManager.""" from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkAccessManager nam = QNetworkAccessManager() nam.setNetworkAccessible(QNetworkAccessManager.NotAccessible) return nam @pytest.fixture def webpage(qnam): """Get a new QWebPage object.""" from PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebPage page = QWebPage() page.networkAccessManager().deleteLater() page.setNetworkAccessManager(qnam) return page @pytest.fixture def webview(qtbot, webpage): """Get a new QWebView object.""" from PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebView view = QWebView() qtbot.add_widget(view) view.page().deleteLater() view.setPage(webpage) view.resize(640, 480) return view @pytest.fixture def webframe(webpage): """Convenience fixture to get a mainFrame of a QWebPage.""" return webpage.mainFrame() @pytest.fixture def fake_keyevent_factory(): """Fixture that when called will return a mock instance of a QKeyEvent.""" from unittest import mock from PyQt5.QtGui import QKeyEvent def fake_keyevent(key, modifiers=0, text=''): """Generate a new fake QKeyPressEvent.""" evtmock = mock.create_autospec(QKeyEvent, instance=True) evtmock.key.return_value = key evtmock.modifiers.return_value = modifiers evtmock.text.return_value = text return evtmock return fake_keyevent