# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2018 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """The main tabbed browser widget.""" import functools import attr from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QSizePolicy, QWidget from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, QTimer, QUrl from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from qutebrowser.config import config from qutebrowser.keyinput import modeman from qutebrowser.mainwindow import tabwidget, mainwindow from qutebrowser.browser import signalfilter, browsertab from qutebrowser.utils import (log, usertypes, utils, qtutils, objreg, urlutils, message, jinja) @attr.s class UndoEntry: """Information needed for :undo.""" url = attr.ib() history = attr.ib() index = attr.ib() pinned = attr.ib() class TabDeletedError(Exception): """Exception raised when _tab_index is called for a deleted tab.""" class TabbedBrowser(QWidget): """A TabWidget with QWebViews inside. Provides methods to manage tabs, convenience methods to interact with the current tab (cur_*) and filters signals to re-emit them when they occurred in the currently visible tab. For all tab-specific signals (cur_*) emitted by a tab, this happens: - the signal gets filtered with _filter_signals and self.cur_* gets emitted if the signal occurred in the current tab. Attributes: search_text/search_options: Search parameters which are shared between all tabs. _win_id: The window ID this tabbedbrowser is associated with. _filter: A SignalFilter instance. _now_focused: The tab which is focused now. _tab_insert_idx_left: Where to insert a new tab with tabs.new_tab_position set to 'prev'. _tab_insert_idx_right: Same as above, for 'next'. _undo_stack: List of lists of UndoEntry objects of closed tabs. shutting_down: Whether we're currently shutting down. _local_marks: Jump markers local to each page _global_marks: Jump markers used across all pages default_window_icon: The qutebrowser window icon private: Whether private browsing is on for this window. Signals: cur_progress: Progress of the current tab changed (load_progress). cur_load_started: Current tab started loading (load_started) cur_load_finished: Current tab finished loading (load_finished) cur_url_changed: Current URL changed. cur_link_hovered: Link hovered in current tab (link_hovered) cur_scroll_perc_changed: Scroll percentage of current tab changed. arg 1: x-position in %. arg 2: y-position in %. cur_load_status_changed: Loading status of current tab changed. close_window: The last tab was closed, close this window. resized: Emitted when the browser window has resized, so the completion widget can adjust its size to it. arg: The new size. current_tab_changed: The current tab changed to the emitted tab. new_tab: Emits the new WebView and its index when a new tab is opened. """ cur_progress = pyqtSignal(int) cur_load_started = pyqtSignal() cur_load_finished = pyqtSignal(bool) cur_url_changed = pyqtSignal(QUrl) cur_link_hovered = pyqtSignal(str) cur_scroll_perc_changed = pyqtSignal(int, int) cur_load_status_changed = pyqtSignal(str) cur_fullscreen_requested = pyqtSignal(bool) close_window = pyqtSignal() resized = pyqtSignal('QRect') current_tab_changed = pyqtSignal(browsertab.AbstractTab) new_tab = pyqtSignal(browsertab.AbstractTab, int) def __init__(self, *, win_id, private, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.widget = tabwidget.TabWidget(win_id, parent=self) self._win_id = win_id self._tab_insert_idx_left = 0 self._tab_insert_idx_right = -1 self.shutting_down = False self.widget.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.on_tab_close_requested) self.widget.new_tab_requested.connect(self.tabopen) self.widget.currentChanged.connect(self.on_current_changed) self.cur_load_started.connect(self.on_cur_load_started) self.cur_fullscreen_requested.connect(self.widget.tabBar().maybe_hide) self.widget.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self._undo_stack = [] self._filter = signalfilter.SignalFilter(win_id, self) self._now_focused = None self.search_text = None self.search_options = {} self._local_marks = {} self._global_marks = {} self.default_window_icon = self.widget.window().windowIcon() self.private = private config.instance.changed.connect(self._on_config_changed) def __repr__(self): return utils.get_repr(self, count=self.widget.count()) @pyqtSlot(str) def _on_config_changed(self, option): if option == 'tabs.favicons.show': self._update_favicons() elif option == 'window.title_format': self._update_window_title() elif option in ['tabs.title.format', 'tabs.title.format_pinned']: self.widget.update_tab_titles() def _tab_index(self, tab): """Get the index of a given tab. Raises TabDeletedError if the tab doesn't exist anymore. """ try: idx = self.widget.indexOf(tab) except RuntimeError as e: log.webview.debug("Got invalid tab ({})!".format(e)) raise TabDeletedError(e) if idx == -1: log.webview.debug("Got invalid tab (index is -1)!") raise TabDeletedError("index is -1!") return idx def widgets(self): """Get a list of open tab widgets. We don't implement this as generator so we can delete tabs while iterating over the list. """ widgets = [] for i in range(self.widget.count()): widget = self.widget.widget(i) if widget is None: log.webview.debug("Got None-widget in tabbedbrowser!") else: widgets.append(widget) return widgets def _update_window_title(self, field=None): """Change the window title to match the current tab. Args: idx: The tab index to update. field: A field name which was updated. If given, the title is only set if the given field is in the template. """ title_format = config.val.window.title_format if field is not None and ('{' + field + '}') not in title_format: return idx = self.widget.currentIndex() if idx == -1: # (e.g. last tab removed) log.webview.debug("Not updating window title because index is -1") return fields = self.widget.get_tab_fields(idx) fields['id'] = self._win_id title = title_format.format(**fields) self.window().setWindowTitle(title) def _connect_tab_signals(self, tab): """Set up the needed signals for tab.""" # filtered signals tab.link_hovered.connect( self._filter.create(self.cur_link_hovered, tab)) tab.load_progress.connect( self._filter.create(self.cur_progress, tab)) tab.load_finished.connect( self._filter.create(self.cur_load_finished, tab)) tab.load_started.connect( self._filter.create(self.cur_load_started, tab)) tab.scroller.perc_changed.connect( self._filter.create(self.cur_scroll_perc_changed, tab)) tab.url_changed.connect( self._filter.create(self.cur_url_changed, tab)) tab.load_status_changed.connect( self._filter.create(self.cur_load_status_changed, tab)) tab.fullscreen_requested.connect( self._filter.create(self.cur_fullscreen_requested, tab)) # misc tab.scroller.perc_changed.connect(self.on_scroll_pos_changed) tab.url_changed.connect( functools.partial(self.on_url_changed, tab)) tab.title_changed.connect( functools.partial(self.on_title_changed, tab)) tab.icon_changed.connect( functools.partial(self.on_icon_changed, tab)) tab.load_progress.connect( functools.partial(self.on_load_progress, tab)) tab.load_finished.connect( functools.partial(self.on_load_finished, tab)) tab.load_started.connect( functools.partial(self.on_load_started, tab)) tab.window_close_requested.connect( functools.partial(self.on_window_close_requested, tab)) tab.renderer_process_terminated.connect( functools.partial(self._on_renderer_process_terminated, tab)) tab.new_tab_requested.connect(self.tabopen) if not self.private: web_history = objreg.get('web-history') tab.add_history_item.connect(web_history.add_from_tab) def current_url(self): """Get the URL of the current tab. Intended to be used from command handlers. Return: The current URL as QUrl. """ idx = self.widget.currentIndex() return self.widget.tab_url(idx) def shutdown(self): """Try to shut down all tabs cleanly.""" self.shutting_down = True # Reverse tabs so we don't have to recacluate tab titles over and over # Removing first causes [2..-1] to be recomputed # Removing the last causes nothing to be recomputed for tab in reversed(self.widgets()): self._remove_tab(tab) def tab_close_prompt_if_pinned( self, tab, force, yes_action, text="Are you sure you want to close a pinned tab?"): """Helper method for tab_close. If tab is pinned, prompt. If not, run yes_action. If tab is destroyed, abort question. """ if tab.data.pinned and not force: message.confirm_async( title='Pinned Tab', text=text, yes_action=yes_action, default=False, abort_on=[tab.destroyed]) else: yes_action() def close_tab(self, tab, *, add_undo=True, new_undo=True): """Close a tab. Args: tab: The QWebView to be closed. add_undo: Whether the tab close can be undone. new_undo: Whether the undo entry should be a new item in the stack. """ last_close = config.val.tabs.last_close count = self.widget.count() if last_close == 'ignore' and count == 1: return self._remove_tab(tab, add_undo=add_undo, new_undo=new_undo) if count == 1: # We just closed the last tab above. if last_close == 'close': self.close_window.emit() elif last_close == 'blank': self.openurl(QUrl('about:blank'), newtab=True) elif last_close == 'startpage': for url in config.val.url.start_pages: self.openurl(url, newtab=True) elif last_close == 'default-page': self.openurl(config.val.url.default_page, newtab=True) def _remove_tab(self, tab, *, add_undo=True, new_undo=True, crashed=False): """Remove a tab from the tab list and delete it properly. Args: tab: The QWebView to be closed. add_undo: Whether the tab close can be undone. new_undo: Whether the undo entry should be a new item in the stack. crashed: Whether we're closing a tab with crashed renderer process. """ idx = self.widget.indexOf(tab) if idx == -1: if crashed: return raise TabDeletedError("tab {} is not contained in " "TabbedWidget!".format(tab)) if tab is self._now_focused: self._now_focused = None if tab is objreg.get('last-focused-tab', None, scope='window', window=self._win_id): objreg.delete('last-focused-tab', scope='window', window=self._win_id) if tab.url().isEmpty(): # There are some good reasons why a URL could be empty # (target="_blank" with a download, see [1]), so we silently ignore # this. # [1] https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/163 pass elif not tab.url().isValid(): # We display a warning for URLs which are not empty but invalid - # but we don't return here because we want the tab to close either # way. urlutils.invalid_url_error(tab.url(), "saving tab") elif add_undo: try: history_data = tab.history.serialize() except browsertab.WebTabError: pass # special URL else: entry = UndoEntry(tab.url(), history_data, idx, tab.data.pinned) if new_undo or not self._undo_stack: self._undo_stack.append([entry]) else: self._undo_stack[-1].append(entry) tab.shutdown() self.widget.removeTab(idx) if not crashed: # WORKAROUND for a segfault when we delete the crashed tab. # see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-58698 tab.layout().unwrap() tab.deleteLater() def undo(self): """Undo removing of a tab or tabs.""" # Remove unused tab which may be created after the last tab is closed last_close = config.val.tabs.last_close use_current_tab = False if last_close in ['blank', 'startpage', 'default-page']: only_one_tab_open = self.widget.count() == 1 no_history = len(self.widget.widget(0).history) == 1 urls = { 'blank': QUrl('about:blank'), 'startpage': config.val.url.start_pages[0], 'default-page': config.val.url.default_page, } first_tab_url = self.widget.widget(0).url() last_close_urlstr = urls[last_close].toString().rstrip('/') first_tab_urlstr = first_tab_url.toString().rstrip('/') last_close_url_used = first_tab_urlstr == last_close_urlstr use_current_tab = (only_one_tab_open and no_history and last_close_url_used) for entry in reversed(self._undo_stack.pop()): if use_current_tab: newtab = self.widget.widget(0) use_current_tab = False else: newtab = self.tabopen(background=False, idx=entry.index) newtab.history.deserialize(entry.history) self.widget.set_tab_pinned(newtab, entry.pinned) @pyqtSlot('QUrl', bool) def openurl(self, url, newtab): """Open a URL, used as a slot. Args: url: The URL to open as QUrl. newtab: True to open URL in a new tab, False otherwise. """ qtutils.ensure_valid(url) if newtab or self.widget.currentWidget() is None: self.tabopen(url, background=False) else: self.widget.currentWidget().openurl(url) @pyqtSlot(int) def on_tab_close_requested(self, idx): """Close a tab via an index.""" tab = self.widget.widget(idx) if tab is None: log.webview.debug("Got invalid tab {} for index {}!".format( tab, idx)) return self.tab_close_prompt_if_pinned( tab, False, lambda: self.close_tab(tab)) @pyqtSlot(browsertab.AbstractTab) def on_window_close_requested(self, widget): """Close a tab with a widget given.""" try: self.close_tab(widget) except TabDeletedError: log.webview.debug("Requested to close {!r} which does not " "exist!".format(widget)) @pyqtSlot('QUrl') @pyqtSlot('QUrl', bool) @pyqtSlot('QUrl', bool, bool) def tabopen(self, url=None, background=None, related=True, idx=None, *, ignore_tabs_are_windows=False): """Open a new tab with a given URL. Inner logic for open-tab and open-tab-bg. Also connect all the signals we need to _filter_signals. Args: url: The URL to open as QUrl or None for an empty tab. background: Whether to open the tab in the background. if None, the `tabs.background_tabs`` setting decides. related: Whether the tab was opened from another existing tab. If this is set, the new position might be different. With the default settings we handle it like Chromium does: - Tabs from clicked links etc. are to the right of the current (related=True). - Explicitly opened tabs are at the very right (related=False) idx: The index where the new tab should be opened. ignore_tabs_are_windows: If given, never open a new window, even with tabs.tabs_are_windows set. Return: The opened WebView instance. """ if url is not None: qtutils.ensure_valid(url) log.webview.debug("Creating new tab with URL {}, background {}, " "related {}, idx {}".format( url, background, related, idx)) if (config.val.tabs.tabs_are_windows and self.widget.count() > 0 and not ignore_tabs_are_windows): window = mainwindow.MainWindow(private=self.private) window.show() tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=window.win_id) return tabbed_browser.tabopen(url=url, background=background, related=related) tab = browsertab.create(win_id=self._win_id, private=self.private, parent=self.widget) self._connect_tab_signals(tab) if idx is None: idx = self._get_new_tab_idx(related) self.widget.insertTab(idx, tab, "") if url is not None: tab.openurl(url) if background is None: background = config.val.tabs.background if background: # Make sure the background tab has the correct initial size. # With a foreground tab, it's going to be resized correctly by the # layout anyways. tab.resize(self.widget.currentWidget().size()) self.widget.tab_index_changed.emit(self.widget.currentIndex(), self.widget.count()) else: self.widget.setCurrentWidget(tab) tab.show() self.new_tab.emit(tab, idx) return tab def _get_new_tab_idx(self, related): """Get the index of a tab to insert. Args: related: Whether the tab was opened from another tab (as a "child") Return: The index of the new tab. """ if related: pos = config.val.tabs.new_position.related else: pos = config.val.tabs.new_position.unrelated if pos == 'prev': idx = self._tab_insert_idx_left # On first sight, we'd think we have to decrement # self._tab_insert_idx_left here, as we want the next tab to be # *before* the one we just opened. However, since we opened a tab # *before* the currently focused tab, indices will shift by # 1 automatically. elif pos == 'next': idx = self._tab_insert_idx_right self._tab_insert_idx_right += 1 elif pos == 'first': idx = 0 elif pos == 'last': idx = -1 else: raise ValueError("Invalid tabs.new_position '{}'.".format(pos)) log.webview.debug("tabs.new_position {} -> opening new tab at {}, " "next left: {} / right: {}".format( pos, idx, self._tab_insert_idx_left, self._tab_insert_idx_right)) return idx def _update_favicons(self): """Update favicons when config was changed.""" for i, tab in enumerate(self.widgets()): if config.val.tabs.favicons.show: self.widget.setTabIcon(i, tab.icon()) if config.val.tabs.tabs_are_windows: self.window().setWindowIcon(tab.icon()) else: self.widget.setTabIcon(i, QIcon()) if config.val.tabs.tabs_are_windows: self.window().setWindowIcon(self.default_window_icon) @pyqtSlot() def on_load_started(self, tab): """Clear icon and update title when a tab started loading. Args: tab: The tab where the signal belongs to. """ try: idx = self._tab_index(tab) except TabDeletedError: # We can get signals for tabs we already deleted... return self.widget.update_tab_title(idx) if tab.data.keep_icon: tab.data.keep_icon = False else: if (config.val.tabs.tabs_are_windows and config.val.tabs.favicons.show): self.window().setWindowIcon(self.default_window_icon) if idx == self.widget.currentIndex(): self._update_window_title() @pyqtSlot() def on_cur_load_started(self): """Leave insert/hint mode when loading started.""" modeman.leave(self._win_id, usertypes.KeyMode.insert, 'load started', maybe=True) modeman.leave(self._win_id, usertypes.KeyMode.hint, 'load started', maybe=True) @pyqtSlot(browsertab.AbstractTab, str) def on_title_changed(self, tab, text): """Set the title of a tab. Slot for the title_changed signal of any tab. Args: tab: The WebView where the title was changed. text: The text to set. """ if not text: log.webview.debug("Ignoring title change to '{}'.".format(text)) return try: idx = self._tab_index(tab) except TabDeletedError: # We can get signals for tabs we already deleted... return log.webview.debug("Changing title for idx {} to '{}'".format( idx, text)) self.widget.set_page_title(idx, text) if idx == self.widget.currentIndex(): self._update_window_title() @pyqtSlot(browsertab.AbstractTab, QUrl) def on_url_changed(self, tab, url): """Set the new URL as title if there's no title yet. Args: tab: The WebView where the title was changed. url: The new URL. """ try: idx = self._tab_index(tab) except TabDeletedError: # We can get signals for tabs we already deleted... return if not self.widget.page_title(idx): self.widget.set_page_title(idx, url.toDisplayString()) @pyqtSlot(browsertab.AbstractTab, QIcon) def on_icon_changed(self, tab, icon): """Set the icon of a tab. Slot for the iconChanged signal of any tab. Args: tab: The WebView where the title was changed. icon: The new icon """ if not config.val.tabs.favicons.show: return try: idx = self._tab_index(tab) except TabDeletedError: # We can get signals for tabs we already deleted... return self.widget.setTabIcon(idx, icon) if config.val.tabs.tabs_are_windows: self.window().setWindowIcon(icon) @pyqtSlot(usertypes.KeyMode) def on_mode_left(self, mode): """Give focus to current tab if command mode was left.""" if mode in [usertypes.KeyMode.command, usertypes.KeyMode.prompt, usertypes.KeyMode.yesno]: widget = self.widget.currentWidget() log.modes.debug("Left status-input mode, focusing {!r}".format( widget)) if widget is None: return widget.setFocus() @pyqtSlot(int) def on_current_changed(self, idx): """Set last-focused-tab and leave hinting mode when focus changed.""" mode_on_change = config.val.tabs.mode_on_change modes_to_save = [usertypes.KeyMode.insert, usertypes.KeyMode.passthrough] if idx == -1 or self.shutting_down: # closing the last tab (before quitting) or shutting down return tab = self.widget.widget(idx) if tab is None: log.webview.debug("on_current_changed got called with invalid " "index {}".format(idx)) return if self._now_focused is not None and mode_on_change == 'restore': current_mode = modeman.instance(self._win_id).mode if current_mode not in modes_to_save: current_mode = usertypes.KeyMode.normal self._now_focused.data.input_mode = current_mode log.modes.debug("Current tab changed, focusing {!r}".format(tab)) tab.setFocus() modes_to_leave = [usertypes.KeyMode.hint, usertypes.KeyMode.caret] if mode_on_change != 'persist': modes_to_leave += modes_to_save for mode in modes_to_leave: modeman.leave(self._win_id, mode, 'tab changed', maybe=True) if mode_on_change == 'restore': modeman.enter(self._win_id, tab.data.input_mode, 'restore input mode for tab') if self._now_focused is not None: objreg.register('last-focused-tab', self._now_focused, update=True, scope='window', window=self._win_id) self._now_focused = tab self.current_tab_changed.emit(tab) QTimer.singleShot(0, self._update_window_title) self._tab_insert_idx_left = self.widget.currentIndex() self._tab_insert_idx_right = self.widget.currentIndex() + 1 @pyqtSlot() def on_cmd_return_pressed(self): """Set focus when the commandline closes.""" log.modes.debug("Commandline closed, focusing {!r}".format(self)) def on_load_progress(self, tab, perc): """Adjust tab indicator on load progress.""" try: idx = self._tab_index(tab) except TabDeletedError: # We can get signals for tabs we already deleted... return start = config.val.colors.tabs.indicator.start stop = config.val.colors.tabs.indicator.stop system = config.val.colors.tabs.indicator.system color = utils.interpolate_color(start, stop, perc, system) self.widget.set_tab_indicator_color(idx, color) self.widget.update_tab_title(idx) if idx == self.widget.currentIndex(): self._update_window_title() def on_load_finished(self, tab, ok): """Adjust tab indicator when loading finished.""" try: idx = self._tab_index(tab) except TabDeletedError: # We can get signals for tabs we already deleted... return if ok: start = config.val.colors.tabs.indicator.start stop = config.val.colors.tabs.indicator.stop system = config.val.colors.tabs.indicator.system color = utils.interpolate_color(start, stop, 100, system) else: color = config.val.colors.tabs.indicator.error self.widget.set_tab_indicator_color(idx, color) self.widget.update_tab_title(idx) if idx == self.widget.currentIndex(): self._update_window_title() tab.handle_auto_insert_mode(ok) @pyqtSlot() def on_scroll_pos_changed(self): """Update tab and window title when scroll position changed.""" idx = self.widget.currentIndex() if idx == -1: # (e.g. last tab removed) log.webview.debug("Not updating scroll position because index is " "-1") return self._update_window_title('scroll_pos') self.widget.update_tab_title(idx, 'scroll_pos') def _on_renderer_process_terminated(self, tab, status, code): """Show an error when a renderer process terminated.""" if status == browsertab.TerminationStatus.normal: return messages = { browsertab.TerminationStatus.abnormal: "Renderer process exited with status {}".format(code), browsertab.TerminationStatus.crashed: "Renderer process crashed", browsertab.TerminationStatus.killed: "Renderer process was killed", browsertab.TerminationStatus.unknown: "Renderer process did not start", } msg = messages[status] def show_error_page(html): tab.set_html(html) log.webview.error(msg) if qtutils.version_check('5.9', compiled=False): url_string = tab.url(requested=True).toDisplayString() error_page = jinja.render( 'error.html', title="Error loading {}".format(url_string), url=url_string, error=msg) QTimer.singleShot(100, lambda: show_error_page(error_page)) else: # WORKAROUND for https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-58698 message.error(msg) self._remove_tab(tab, crashed=True) if self.widget.count() == 0: self.tabopen(QUrl('about:blank')) def resizeEvent(self, e): """Extend resizeEvent of QWidget to emit a resized signal afterwards. Args: e: The QResizeEvent """ super().resizeEvent(e) self.resized.emit(self.geometry()) def wheelEvent(self, e): """Override wheelEvent of QWidget to forward it to the focused tab. Args: e: The QWheelEvent """ if self._now_focused is not None: self._now_focused.wheelEvent(e) else: e.ignore() def set_mark(self, key): """Set a mark at the current scroll position in the current tab. Args: key: mark identifier; capital indicates a global mark """ # strip the fragment as it may interfere with scrolling try: url = self.current_url().adjusted(QUrl.RemoveFragment) except qtutils.QtValueError: # show an error only if the mark is not automatically set if key != "'": message.error("Failed to set mark: url invalid") return point = self.widget.currentWidget().scroller.pos_px() if key.isupper(): self._global_marks[key] = point, url else: if url not in self._local_marks: self._local_marks[url] = {} self._local_marks[url][key] = point def jump_mark(self, key): """Jump to the mark named by `key`. Args: key: mark identifier; capital indicates a global mark """ try: # consider urls that differ only in fragment to be identical urlkey = self.current_url().adjusted(QUrl.RemoveFragment) except qtutils.QtValueError: urlkey = None tab = self.widget.currentWidget() if key.isupper(): if key in self._global_marks: point, url = self._global_marks[key] def callback(ok): """Scroll once loading finished.""" if ok: self.cur_load_finished.disconnect(callback) tab.scroller.to_point(point) self.openurl(url, newtab=False) self.cur_load_finished.connect(callback) else: message.error("Mark {} is not set".format(key)) elif urlkey is None: message.error("Current URL is invalid!") elif urlkey in self._local_marks and key in self._local_marks[urlkey]: point = self._local_marks[urlkey][key] # save the pre-jump position in the special ' mark # this has to happen after we read the mark, otherwise jump_mark # "'" would just jump to the current position every time self.set_mark("'") tab.scroller.to_point(point) else: message.error("Mark {} is not set".format(key))