# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Download manager.""" import io import os import os.path import shutil import functools import collections from PyQt5.QtCore import (pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal, QObject, QTimer, QStandardPaths, Qt, QVariant, QAbstractListModel, QModelIndex, QUrl) from PyQt5.QtGui import QDesktopServices from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkRequest, QNetworkReply # We need this import so PyQt can use it inside pyqtSlot from PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebPage # pylint: disable=unused-import from qutebrowser.config import config from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc, cmdutils from qutebrowser.utils import (message, usertypes, log, utils, urlutils, objreg, standarddir, qtutils) from qutebrowser.browser import http from qutebrowser.browser.network import networkmanager ModelRole = usertypes.enum('ModelRole', ['item'], start=Qt.UserRole, is_int=True) RetryInfo = collections.namedtuple('RetryInfo', ['request', 'manager']) class DownloadItemStats(QObject): """Statistics (bytes done, total bytes, time, etc.) about a download. Class attributes: SPEED_REFRESH_INTERVAL: How often to refresh the speed, in msec. SPEED_AVG_WINDOW: How many seconds of speed data to average to estimate the remaining time. Attributes: done: How many bytes there are already downloaded. total: The total count of bytes. None if the total is unknown. speed: The current download speed, in bytes per second. _speed_avg: A rolling average of speeds. _last_done: The count of bytes which where downloaded when calculating the speed the last time. """ SPEED_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 500 SPEED_AVG_WINDOW = 30 updated = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.total = None self.done = 0 self.speed = 0 self._last_done = 0 samples = int(self.SPEED_AVG_WINDOW * (1000 / self.SPEED_REFRESH_INTERVAL)) self._speed_avg = collections.deque(maxlen=samples) self.timer = usertypes.Timer(self, 'speed_refresh') self.timer.timeout.connect(self._update_speed) self.timer.setInterval(self.SPEED_REFRESH_INTERVAL) self.timer.start() @pyqtSlot() def _update_speed(self): """Recalculate the current download speed.""" delta = self.done - self._last_done self.speed = delta * 1000 / self.SPEED_REFRESH_INTERVAL self._speed_avg.append(self.speed) self._last_done = self.done self.updated.emit() def finish(self): """Set the download stats as finished.""" self.timer.stop() self.done = self.total def percentage(self): """The current download percentage, or None if unknown.""" if self.total == 0 or self.total is None: return None else: return 100 * self.done / self.total def remaining_time(self): """The remaining download time in seconds, or None.""" if self.total is None or not self._speed_avg: # No average yet or we don't know the total size. return None remaining_bytes = self.total - self.done avg = sum(self._speed_avg) / len(self._speed_avg) if avg == 0: # Download stalled return None else: return remaining_bytes / avg @pyqtSlot(int, int) def on_download_progress(self, bytes_done, bytes_total): """Upload local variables when the download progress changed. Args: bytes_done: How many bytes are downloaded. bytes_total: How many bytes there are to download in total. """ if bytes_total == -1: bytes_total = None self.done = bytes_done self.total = bytes_total self.updated.emit() class DownloadItem(QObject): """A single download currently running. There are multiple ways the data can flow from the QNetworkReply to the disk. If the filename/file object is known immediately when starting the download, QNetworkReply's readyRead writes to the target file directly. If not, readyRead is ignored and with self._read_timer we periodically read into the self._buffer BytesIO slowly, so some broken servers don't close our connection. As soon as we know the file object, we copy self._buffer over and the next readyRead will write to the real file object. Class attributes: MAX_REDIRECTS: The maximum redirection count. Attributes: done: Whether the download is finished. stats: A DownloadItemStats object. successful: Whether the download has completed sucessfully. error_msg: The current error message, or None autoclose: Whether to close the associated file if the download is done. fileobj: The file object to download the file to. reply: The QNetworkReply associated with this download. _filename: The filename of the download. _redirects: How many time we were redirected already. _buffer: A BytesIO object to buffer incoming data until we know the target file. _read_timer: A QTimer which reads the QNetworkReply into self._buffer periodically. _retry_info: A RetryInfo instance. _win_id: The window ID the DownloadItem runs in. Signals: data_changed: The downloads metadata changed. finished: The download was finished. cancelled: The download was cancelled. error: An error with the download occured. arg: The error message as string. redirected: Signal emitted when a download was redirected. arg 0: The new QNetworkRequest. arg 1: The old QNetworkReply. do_retry: Emitted when a request should be re-tried. arg: The QNetworkRequest to download. """ MAX_REDIRECTS = 10 data_changed = pyqtSignal() finished = pyqtSignal() error = pyqtSignal(str) cancelled = pyqtSignal() redirected = pyqtSignal(QNetworkRequest, QNetworkReply) do_retry = pyqtSignal('QNetworkReply') def __init__(self, reply, parent=None): """Constructor. Args: reply: The QNetworkReply to download. """ super().__init__(parent) self._retry_info = None self.done = False self.stats = DownloadItemStats(self) self.stats.updated.connect(self.data_changed) self.autoclose = True self.reply = None self._buffer = io.BytesIO() self._read_timer = QTimer() self._read_timer.setInterval(500) self._read_timer.timeout.connect(self.on_read_timer_timeout) self._redirects = 0 self.error_msg = None self.basename = '???' self.successful = False self.fileobj = None self._filename = None self.init_reply(reply) self._win_id = parent._win_id def __repr__(self): return utils.get_repr(self, basename=self.basename) def __str__(self): """Get the download as a string. Example: foo.pdf [699.2kB/s|0.34|16%|4.253/25.124] """ speed = utils.format_size(self.stats.speed, suffix='B/s') down = utils.format_size(self.stats.done, suffix='B') perc = self.stats.percentage() remaining = self.stats.remaining_time() if self.error_msg is None: errmsg = "" else: errmsg = " - {}".format(self.error_msg) if all(e is None for e in (perc, remaining, self.stats.total)): return ('{name} [{speed:>10}|{down}]{errmsg}'.format( name=self.basename, speed=speed, down=down, errmsg=errmsg)) if perc is None: perc = '??' else: perc = round(perc) if remaining is None: remaining = '?' else: remaining = utils.format_seconds(remaining) total = utils.format_size(self.stats.total, suffix='B') if self.done: return ('{name} [{perc:>2}%|{total}]{errmsg}'.format( name=self.basename, perc=perc, total=total, errmsg=errmsg)) else: return ('{name} [{speed:>10}|{remaining:>5}|{perc:>2}%|' '{down}/{total}]{errmsg}'.format( name=self.basename, speed=speed, remaining=remaining, perc=perc, down=down, total=total, errmsg=errmsg)) def _create_fileobj(self): """Creates a file object using the internal filename.""" try: fileobj = open(self._filename, 'wb') except OSError as e: self._die(e.strerror) else: self.set_fileobj(fileobj) def _ask_overwrite_question(self): """Create a Question object to be asked.""" q = usertypes.Question(self) q.text = self._filename + " already exists. Overwrite? (y/n)" q.mode = usertypes.PromptMode.yesno q.answered_yes.connect(self._create_fileobj) q.answered_no.connect(functools.partial(self.cancel, False)) q.cancelled.connect(functools.partial(self.cancel, False)) message_bridge = objreg.get('message-bridge', scope='window', window=self._win_id) message_bridge.ask(q, blocking=False) def _die(self, msg): """Abort the download and emit an error.""" assert not self.successful self._read_timer.stop() self.reply.downloadProgress.disconnect() self.reply.finished.disconnect() self.reply.error.disconnect() self.reply.readyRead.disconnect() self.error_msg = msg self.stats.finish() self.error.emit(msg) self.reply.abort() self.reply.deleteLater() self.reply = None self.done = True self.data_changed.emit() def init_reply(self, reply): """Set a new reply and connect its signals. Args: reply: The QNetworkReply to handle. """ self.done = False self.successful = False self.reply = reply reply.setReadBufferSize(16 * 1024 * 1024) # 16 MB reply.downloadProgress.connect(self.stats.on_download_progress) reply.finished.connect(self.on_reply_finished) reply.error.connect(self.on_reply_error) reply.readyRead.connect(self.on_ready_read) self._retry_info = RetryInfo(request=reply.request(), manager=reply.manager()) if not self.fileobj: self._read_timer.start() # We could have got signals before we connected slots to them. # Here no signals are connected to the DownloadItem yet, so we use a # singleShot QTimer to emit them after they are connected. if reply.error() != QNetworkReply.NoError: QTimer.singleShot(0, lambda: self.error.emit(reply.errorString())) def bg_color(self): """Background color to be shown.""" start = config.get('colors', 'downloads.bg.start') stop = config.get('colors', 'downloads.bg.stop') system = config.get('colors', 'downloads.bg.system') error = config.get('colors', 'downloads.bg.error') if self.error_msg is not None: assert not self.successful return error elif self.stats.percentage() is None: return start else: return utils.interpolate_color( start, stop, self.stats.percentage(), system) def cancel(self, remove_data=True): """Cancel the download. Args: remove_data: Whether to remove the downloaded data. """ log.downloads.debug("cancelled") self._read_timer.stop() self.cancelled.emit() if self.reply is not None: self.reply.finished.disconnect(self.on_reply_finished) self.reply.abort() self.reply.deleteLater() self.reply = None if self.fileobj is not None: self.fileobj.close() try: if (self._filename is not None and os.path.exists(self._filename) and remove_data): os.remove(self._filename) except OSError: log.downloads.exception("Failed to remove partial file") self.done = True self.finished.emit() self.data_changed.emit() def retry(self): """Retry a failed download.""" self.cancel() new_reply = self._retry_info.manager.get(self._retry_info.request) self.do_retry.emit(new_reply) def open_file(self): """Open the downloaded file.""" assert self.successful url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(self._filename) QDesktopServices.openUrl(url) def set_filename(self, filename): """Set the filename to save the download to. Args: filename: The full filename to save the download to. None: special value to stop the download. """ if self.fileobj is not None: raise ValueError("fileobj was already set! filename: {}, " "existing: {}, fileobj {}".format( filename, self._filename, self.fileobj)) filename = os.path.expanduser(filename) if os.path.isabs(filename) and os.path.isdir(filename): # We got an absolute directory from the user, so we save it under # the default filename in that directory. self._filename = os.path.join(filename, self.basename) elif os.path.isabs(filename): # We got an absolute filename from the user, so we save it under # that filename. self._filename = filename self.basename = os.path.basename(self._filename) else: # We only got a filename (without directory) from the user, so we # save it under that filename in the default directory. download_dir = config.get('storage', 'download-directory') if download_dir is None: download_dir = standarddir.get( QStandardPaths.DownloadLocation) self._filename = os.path.join(download_dir, filename) self.basename = filename log.downloads.debug("Setting filename to {}".format(filename)) if os.path.isfile(self._filename): # The file already exists, so ask the user if it should be # overwritten. self._ask_overwrite_question() else: self._create_fileobj() def set_fileobj(self, fileobj): """"Set the file object to write the download to. Args: fileobj: A file-like object. """ if self.fileobj is not None: raise ValueError("fileobj was already set! Old: {}, new: " "{}".format(self.fileobj, fileobj)) self.fileobj = fileobj try: self._read_timer.stop() log.downloads.debug("buffer: {} bytes".format(self._buffer.tell())) self._buffer.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(self._buffer, fileobj) self._buffer.close() if self.reply.isFinished(): # Downloading to the buffer in RAM has already finished so we # write out the data and clean up now. self.on_reply_finished() else: # Since the buffer already might be full, on_ready_read might # not be called at all anymore, so we force it here to flush # the buffer and continue receiving new data. self.on_ready_read() except OSError as e: self._die(e.strerror) def finish_download(self): """Write buffered data to disk and finish the QNetworkReply.""" log.downloads.debug("Finishing download...") if self.reply.isOpen(): self.fileobj.write(self.reply.readAll()) if self.autoclose: self.fileobj.close() self.successful = self.reply.error() == QNetworkReply.NoError self.reply.close() self.reply.deleteLater() self.reply = None self.finished.emit() self.done = True log.downloads.debug("Download finished") self.data_changed.emit() @pyqtSlot() def on_reply_finished(self): """Clean up when the download was finished. Note when this gets called, only the QNetworkReply has finished. This doesn't mean the download (i.e. writing data to the disk) is finished as well. Therefore, we can't close() the QNetworkReply in here yet. """ if self.reply is None: return self._read_timer.stop() self.stats.finish() is_redirected = self._handle_redirect() if is_redirected: return log.downloads.debug("Reply finished, fileobj {}".format(self.fileobj)) if self.fileobj is not None: # We can do a "delayed" write immediately to empty the buffer and # clean up. self.finish_download() @pyqtSlot() def on_ready_read(self): """Read available data and save file when ready to read.""" if self.fileobj is None or self.reply is None: # No filename has been set yet (so we don't empty the buffer) or we # got a readyRead after the reply was finished (which happens on # qute:log for example). return if not self.reply.isOpen(): raise OSError("Reply is closed!") try: self.fileobj.write(self.reply.readAll()) except OSError as e: self._die(e.strerror) @pyqtSlot(int) def on_reply_error(self, code): """Handle QNetworkReply errors.""" if code == QNetworkReply.OperationCanceledError: return else: self._die(self.reply.errorString()) @pyqtSlot() def on_read_timer_timeout(self): """Read some bytes from the QNetworkReply periodically.""" if not self.reply.isOpen(): raise OSError("Reply is closed!") data = self.reply.read(1024) if data is not None: self._buffer.write(data) def _handle_redirect(self): """Handle a HTTP redirect. Return: True if the download was redirected, False otherwise. """ redirect = self.reply.attribute( QNetworkRequest.RedirectionTargetAttribute) if redirect is None or redirect.isEmpty(): return False new_url = self.reply.url().resolved(redirect) request = self.reply.request() if new_url == request.url(): return False if self._redirects > self.MAX_REDIRECTS: self._die("Maximum redirection count reached!") return True # so on_reply_finished aborts log.downloads.debug("{}: Handling redirect".format(self)) self._redirects += 1 request.setUrl(new_url) reply = self.reply reply.finished.disconnect(self.on_reply_finished) self._read_timer.stop() self.reply = None if self.fileobj is not None: self.fileobj.seek(0) self.redirected.emit(request, reply) # this will change self.reply! reply.deleteLater() # the old one return True class DownloadManager(QAbstractListModel): """Manager and model for currently running downloads. Attributes: downloads: A list of active DownloadItems. questions: A list of Question objects to not GC them. _networkmanager: A NetworkManager for generic downloads. _win_id: The window ID the DownloadManager runs in. """ def __init__(self, win_id, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._win_id = win_id self.downloads = [] self.questions = [] self._networkmanager = networkmanager.NetworkManager(win_id, self) def __repr__(self): return utils.get_repr(self, downloads=len(self.downloads)) def _prepare_question(self): """Prepare a Question object to be asked.""" q = usertypes.Question(self) q.text = "Save file to:" q.mode = usertypes.PromptMode.text q.completed.connect(q.deleteLater) q.destroyed.connect(functools.partial(self.questions.remove, q)) self.questions.append(q) return q @cmdutils.register(instance='download-manager', scope='window') def download(self, url, dest=None): """Download a given URL, given as string. Args: url: The URL to download dest: The file path to write the download to, or None to ask. """ url = urlutils.qurl_from_user_input(url) urlutils.raise_cmdexc_if_invalid(url) self.get(url, filename=dest) @pyqtSlot('QUrl', 'QWebPage') def get(self, url, page=None, fileobj=None, filename=None, auto_remove=False): """Start a download with a link URL. Args: url: The URL to get, as QUrl page: The QWebPage to get the download from. fileobj: The file object to write the answer to. filename: A path to write the data to. auto_remove: Whether to remove the download even if ui -> remove-finished-downloads is set to false. Return: If the download could start immediately, (fileobj/filename given), the created DownloadItem. If not, None. """ if fileobj is not None and filename is not None: raise TypeError("Only one of fileobj/filename may be given!") if not url.isValid(): urlutils.invalid_url_error(self._win_id, url, "start download") return req = QNetworkRequest(url) return self.get_request(req, page, fileobj, filename, auto_remove) def get_request(self, request, page=None, fileobj=None, filename=None, auto_remove=False): """Start a download with a QNetworkRequest. Args: request: The QNetworkRequest to download. page: The QWebPage to use. fileobj: The file object to write the answer to. filename: A path to write the data to. auto_remove: Whether to remove the download even if ui -> remove-finished-downloads is set to false. Return: If the download could start immediately, (fileobj/filename given), the created DownloadItem. If not, None. """ if fileobj is not None and filename is not None: raise TypeError("Only one of fileobj/filename may be given!") # WORKAROUND for Qt corrupting data loaded from cache: # https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-42757 request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest.CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest.AlwaysNetwork) if fileobj is not None or filename is not None: return self.fetch_request(request, filename, fileobj, page, auto_remove) q = self._prepare_question() q.default = urlutils.filename_from_url(request.url()) message_bridge = objreg.get('message-bridge', scope='window', window=self._win_id) q.answered.connect( lambda fn: self.fetch_request(request, filename=fn, page=page, auto_remove=auto_remove)) message_bridge.ask(q, blocking=False) return None def fetch_request(self, request, page=None, fileobj=None, filename=None, auto_remove=False): """Download a QNetworkRequest to disk. Args: request: The QNetworkRequest to download. page: The QWebPage to use. fileobj: The file object to write the answer to. filename: A path to write the data to. auto_remove: Whether to remove the download even if ui -> remove-finished-downloads is set to false. Return: The created DownloadItem. """ if page is None: nam = self._networkmanager else: nam = page.networkAccessManager() reply = nam.get(request) return self.fetch(reply, fileobj, filename, auto_remove) @pyqtSlot('QNetworkReply') def fetch(self, reply, fileobj=None, filename=None, auto_remove=False): """Download a QNetworkReply to disk. Args: reply: The QNetworkReply to download. fileobj: The file object to write the answer to. filename: A path to write the data to. auto_remove: Whether to remove the download even if ui -> remove-finished-downloads is set to false. Return: The created DownloadItem. """ if fileobj is not None and filename is not None: raise TypeError("Only one of fileobj/filename may be given!") if filename is not None: suggested_filename = os.path.basename(filename) elif fileobj is not None and getattr(fileobj, 'name', None): suggested_filename = fileobj.name else: _inline, suggested_filename = http.parse_content_disposition(reply) log.downloads.debug("fetch: {} -> {}".format(reply.url(), suggested_filename)) download = DownloadItem(reply, self) download.cancelled.connect( functools.partial(self.remove_item, download)) if config.get('ui', 'remove-finished-downloads') or auto_remove: download.finished.connect( functools.partial(self.remove_item, download)) download.data_changed.connect( functools.partial(self.on_data_changed, download)) download.error.connect(self.on_error) download.redirected.connect( functools.partial(self.on_redirect, download)) download.do_retry.connect(self.fetch) download.basename = suggested_filename idx = len(self.downloads) + 1 self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), idx, idx) self.downloads.append(download) self.endInsertRows() if filename is not None: download.set_filename(filename) elif fileobj is not None: download.set_fileobj(fileobj) download.autoclose = False else: q = self._prepare_question() q.default = suggested_filename q.answered.connect(download.set_filename) q.cancelled.connect(download.cancel) download.cancelled.connect(q.abort) download.error.connect(q.abort) message_bridge = objreg.get('message-bridge', scope='window', window=self._win_id) message_bridge.ask(q, blocking=False) return download @cmdutils.register(instance='download-manager', scope='window') def cancel_download(self, count: {'special': 'count'}=1): """Cancel the first/[count]th download. Args: count: The index of the download to cancel. """ if count == 0: return try: download = self.downloads[count - 1] except IndexError: raise cmdexc.CommandError("There's no download {}!".format(count)) download.cancel() @pyqtSlot(QNetworkRequest, QNetworkReply) def on_redirect(self, download, request, reply): """Handle a HTTP redirect of a download. Args: download: The old DownloadItem. request: The new QNetworkRequest. reply: The old QNetworkReply. """ log.downloads.debug("redirected: {} -> {}".format( reply.url(), request.url())) new_reply = reply.manager().get(request) download.init_reply(new_reply) @pyqtSlot(DownloadItem) def on_data_changed(self, download): """Emit data_changed signal when download data changed.""" try: idx = self.downloads.index(download) except ValueError: # download has been deleted in the meantime return model_idx = self.index(idx, 0) qtutils.ensure_valid(model_idx) self.dataChanged.emit(model_idx, model_idx) @pyqtSlot(str) def on_error(self, msg): """Display error message on download errors.""" message.error(self._win_id, "Download error: {}".format(msg)) def has_downloads_with_nam(self, nam): """Check if the DownloadManager has any downloads with the given QNAM. Args: nam: The QNetworkAccessManager to check. Return: A boolean. """ for download in self.downloads: if download.reply is not None and download.reply.manager() is nam: return True return False def can_clear(self): """Check if there are finished downloads to clear.""" if self.downloads: return any(download.done for download in self.downloads) else: return False def clear(self): """Remove all finished downloads.""" self.remove_items(d for d in self.downloads if d.done) def last_index(self): """Get the last index in the model. Return: A (possibly invalid) QModelIndex. """ idx = self.index(self.rowCount() - 1) return idx def remove_item(self, download): """Remove a given download.""" try: idx = self.downloads.index(download) except ValueError: # already removed return self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), idx, idx) del self.downloads[idx] self.endRemoveRows() download.deleteLater() def remove_items(self, downloads): """Remove an iterable of downloads.""" # On the first pass, we only generate the indices so we get the # first/last one for beginRemoveRows. indices = [] # We need to iterate over downloads twice, which won't work if it's a # generator. downloads = list(downloads) for download in downloads: try: indices.append(self.downloads.index(download)) except ValueError: # already removed pass if not indices: return indices.sort() self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), indices[0], indices[-1]) for download in downloads: try: self.downloads.remove(download) except ValueError: # already removed pass else: download.deleteLater() self.endRemoveRows() def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): """Simple constant header.""" if (section == 0 and orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole): return "Downloads" else: return "" def data(self, index, role): """Download data from DownloadManager.""" qtutils.ensure_valid(index) if index.parent().isValid() or index.column() != 0: return QVariant() item = self.downloads[index.row()] if role == Qt.DisplayRole: data = str(item) elif role == Qt.ForegroundRole: data = config.get('colors', 'downloads.fg') elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole: data = item.bg_color() elif role == ModelRole.item: data = item elif role == Qt.ToolTipRole: if item.error_msg is None: data = QVariant() else: return item.error_msg else: data = QVariant() return data def flags(self, _index): """Override flags so items aren't selectable. The default would be Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable.""" return Qt.ItemIsEnabled def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()): """Get count of active downloads.""" if parent.isValid(): # We don't have children return 0 return len(self.downloads)