Feature: Using hints

    Scenario: Using :follow-hint outside of hint mode (issue 1105)
        When I run :follow-hint
        Then the error "follow-hint: This command is only allowed in hint mode." should be shown

    Scenario: Using :follow-hint with an invalid index.
        When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint links normal
        And I run :follow-hint xyz
        Then the error "No hint xyz!" should be shown

    ### Opening in current or new tab

    Scenario: Following a hint and force to open in current tab.
        When I open data/hints/link_blank.html
        And I run :hint links current
        And I run :follow-hint a
        And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
        Then the following tabs should be open:
            - data/hello.txt (active)

    Scenario: Following a hint and allow to open in new tab.
        When I open data/hints/link_blank.html
        And I run :hint links normal
        And I run :follow-hint a
        And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
        Then the following tabs should be open:
            - data/hints/link_blank.html
            - data/hello.txt (active)

    Scenario: Following a hint to link with sub-element and force to open in current tab.
        When I open data/hints/link_span.html
        And I run :tab-close
        And I run :hint links current
        And I run :follow-hint a
        And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
        Then the following tabs should be open:
            - data/hello.txt (active)

    Scenario: Entering and leaving hinting mode (issue 1464)
      When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
      And I run :hint
      And I run :fake-key -g <Esc>
      Then no crash should happen

    Scenario: Using :hint spawn with flags and -- (issue 797)
        When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint -- all spawn -v echo
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then the message "Command exited successfully." should be shown

    Scenario: Using :hint spawn with flags (issue 797)
        When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint all spawn -v echo
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then the message "Command exited successfully." should be shown

    Scenario: Using :hint spawn with flags and --rapid (issue 797)
        When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint --rapid all spawn -v echo
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then the message "Command exited successfully." should be shown

    Scenario: Using :hint spawn with flags passed to the command (issue 797)
        When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint --rapid all spawn -v echo -e foo
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then the message "Command exited successfully." should be shown

    Scenario: Using :hint run
        When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint all run message-info {hint-url}
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then the message "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" should be shown

    Scenario: Using :hint fill
        When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint all fill :message-info {hint-url}
        And I run :follow-hint a
        And I press the key "<Enter>"
        Then the message "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" should be shown

    Scenario: Using :hint userscript
        When I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint all userscript (testdata)/userscripts/echo_hint_text
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then the message "Follow me!" should be shown

    Scenario: Yanking to primary selection without it being supported (#1336)
        When selection is not supported
        And I run :debug-set-fake-clipboard
        And I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint links yank-primary
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then the clipboard should contain "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt"

    Scenario: Using hint --rapid to hit multiple buttons
        When I open data/hints/buttons.html
        And I run :hint --rapid
        And I run :follow-hint s
        And I run :follow-hint d
        And I run :follow-hint f
        Then the javascript message "beep!" should be logged
        And the javascript message "bop!" should be logged
        And the javascript message "boop!" should be logged

    Scenario: Using :hint run with a URL containing spaces
        When I open data/hints/html/with_spaces.html
        And I run :hint all run message-info {hint-url}
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then the message "http://localhost:(port)/data/hello.txt" should be shown

    Scenario: Clicking an invalid link
        When I open data/invalid_link.html
        And I run :hint all
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then the error "Invalid link clicked - *" should be shown

    Scenario: Hinting inputs without type
        When I open data/hints/input.html
        And I run :hint inputs
        And I run :follow-hint a
        And I wait for "Entering mode KeyMode.insert (reason: click)" in the log
        And I run :leave-mode
        # The actual check is already done above
        Then no crash should happen

    ### iframes

    Scenario: Using :follow-hint inside an iframe
        When I open data/hints/iframe.html
        And I run :hint links normal
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then "acceptNavigationRequest, url http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt, type NavigationTypeLinkClicked, *" should be logged

    ### FIXME currenly skipped, see https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/1525
    Scenario: Using :follow-hint inside a scrolled iframe
        When I open data/hints/iframe_scroll.html
        And I run :hint all normal
        And I run :follow-hint a
        And I run :scroll bottom
        And I run :hint links normal
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then "acceptNavigationRequest, url http://localhost:*/data/hello2.txt, type NavigationTypeLinkClicked, *" should be logged

    Scenario: Opening a link inside a specific iframe
        When I open data/hints/iframe_target.html
        And I run :hint links normal
        And I run :follow-hint a
        Then "acceptNavigationRequest, url http://localhost:*/data/hello.txt, type NavigationTypeLinkClicked, *" should be logged

    Scenario: Opening a link with specific target frame in a new tab
        When I open data/hints/iframe_target.html
        And I run :hint links tab
        And I run :follow-hint a
        And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
        Then the following tabs should be open:
            - data/hints/iframe_target.html
            - data/hello.txt (active)

    ### hints -> auto-follow-timeout

    Scenario: Ignoring key presses after auto-following hints
        When I set hints -> auto-follow-timeout to 200
        And I set hints -> mode to number
        And I run :bind --force , message-error "This should not happen"
        And I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint all
        And I press the key "f"
        And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
        And I press the key ","
        # Waiting here so we don't affect the next test
        And I wait for "Releasing inhibition state of normal mode." in the log
        Then "Ignoring key ',', because the normal mode is currently inhibited." should be logged

    Scenario: Turning off auto-follow-timeout
        When I set hints -> auto-follow-timeout to 0
        And I set hints -> mode to number
        And I run :bind --force , message-info "Keypress worked!"
        And I open data/hints/html/simple.html
        And I run :hint all
        And I press the key "f"
        And I wait until data/hello.txt is loaded
        And I press the key ","
        Then the message "Keypress worked!" should be shown

    ### Number hint mode

    # https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/308
    Scenario: Renumbering hints when filtering
        When I open data/hints/number.html
        And I set hints -> mode to number
        And I run :hint all
        And I press the key "s"
        And I run :follow-hint 1
        Then data/numbers/7.txt should be loaded

    # https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/576
    Scenario: Keeping hint filter in rapid mode
        When I open data/hints/number.html
        And I set hints -> mode to number
        And I run :hint all tab-bg --rapid
        And I press the key "t"
        And I run :follow-hint 0
        And I run :follow-hint 1
        Then data/numbers/2.txt should be loaded
        And data/numbers/3.txt should be loaded

    # https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/1186
    Scenario: Keeping hints filter when using backspace
        When I open data/hints/issue1186.html
        And I set hints -> mode to number
        And I run :hint all
        And I press the key "x"
        And I press the key "0"
        And I press the key "<Backspace>"
        And I run :follow-hint 11
        Then the error "No hint 11!" should be shown

    # https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/674#issuecomment-165096744
    Scenario: Multi-word matching
        When I open data/hints/number.html
        And I set hints -> mode to number
        And I set hints -> auto-follow to true
        And I set hints -> auto-follow-timeout to 0
        And I run :hint all
        And I press the keys "ten pos"
        Then data/numbers/11.txt should be loaded

    Scenario: Scattering is ignored with number hints
        When I open data/hints/number.html
        And I set hints -> mode to number
        And I set hints -> scatter to true
        And I run :hint all
        And I run :follow-hint 00
        Then data/numbers/1.txt should be loaded

    # https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/1559
    Scenario: Filtering all hints in number mode
        When I open data/hints/number.html
        And I set hints -> mode to number
        And I run :hint all
        And I press the key "2"
        And I wait for "Leaving mode KeyMode.hint (reason: all filtered)" in the log
        Then no crash should happen

    # https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/1657
    Scenario: Using rapid number hinting twice
        When I open data/hints/number.html
        And I set hints -> mode to number
        And I run :hint --rapid
        And I run :leave-mode
        And I run :hint --rapid
        And I run :follow-hint 00
        Then data/numbers/1.txt should be loaded