Feature: Setting settings. Background: Given I set ui -> message-timeout to 100 Scenario: Using :set When I run :set colors statusbar.bg magenta Then colors -> statusbar.bg should be magenta Scenario: Only a section When I run :set colors Then the error "set: Either both section and option have to be given, or neither!" should be shown Scenario: Without value When I run :set colors statusbar.bg Then the error "set: The following arguments are required: value" should be shown Scenario: Invalid section When I run :set blah blub foo Then the error "set: Section 'blah' does not exist!" should be shown Scenario: Invalid option When I run :set general blub foo Then the error "set: No option 'blub' in section 'general'" should be shown Scenario: Toggling an option When I run :set general auto-save-config false And I run :set general auto-save-config! Then general -> auto-save-config should be true Scenario: Toggling a non-bool option When I run :set colors statusbar.bg! Then the error "set: Attempted inversion of non-boolean value." should be shown Scenario: Getting an option When I run :set colors statusbar.bg magenta And I run :set colors statusbar.bg? Then the message "colors statusbar.bg = magenta" should be shown Scenario: Using -p When I run :set -p colors statusbar.bg red Then the message "colors statusbar.bg = red" should be shown Scenario: Using ! and -p When I run :set general auto-save-config false And I run :set -p general auto-save-config! Then the message "general auto-save-config = true" should be shown Scenario: Setting an invalid value When I run :set general auto-save-config blah Then the error "set: Invalid value 'blah' - must be a boolean!" should be shown Scenario: Setting a temporary option # We don't actually check if the option is temporary as this isn't easy # to check. When I run :set -t colors statusbar.bg green Then colors -> statusbar.bg should be green @qtwebengine_todo: qute:settings is not implemented yet Scenario: Opening qute:settings When I run :set And I wait until qute:settings is loaded Then the following tabs should be open: - qute:settings (active) @qtwebengine_todo: qute:settings is not implemented yet Scenario: Focusing input fields in qute://settings and entering valid value When I open qute://settings # scroll to the right - the table does not fit in the default screen And I run :scroll-perc -x 100 And I hint with args "inputs" and follow a And I press the key "" And I press the key "true" And I press the key "" # an explicit Tab to unfocus the input field seems to stabilize the tests And I press the key "" And I run :set general ignore-case? Then "general ignore-case = true" should be logged @qtwebengine_todo: qute:settings is not implemented yet Scenario: Focusing input fields in qute://settings and entering invalid value When I open qute://settings # scroll to the right - the table does not fit in the default screen And I run :scroll-perc -x 100 And I hint with args "inputs" and follow a And I press the key "" And I press the key "foo" And I press the key "" # an explicit Tab to unfocus the input field seems to stabilize the tests And I press the key "" Then "Invalid value 'foo' *" should be logged Scenario: Empty option with ? (issue 1109) When I run :set general ? Then the error "set: The following arguments are required: value" should be shown Scenario: Invalid section and empty option with ? (issue 1109) When I run :set blah ? Then the error "set: The following arguments are required: value" should be shown Scenario: Invalid option with ? (issue 1109) When I run :set general foo? Then the error "set: No option 'foo' in section 'general'" should be shown Scenario: Invalid section/option with ? (issue 1109) When I run :set blah foo ? Then the error "set: Section 'blah' does not exist!" should be shown Scenario: Empty option with ! When I run :set general ! Then the error "set: The following arguments are required: value" should be shown Scenario: Invalid section and empty option with ! When I run :set blah ! Then the error "set: The following arguments are required: value" should be shown Scenario: Invalid option with ! When I run :set general foo! Then the error "set: No option 'foo' in section 'general'" should be shown Scenario: Invalid section/option with ! When I run :set blah foo ! Then the error "set: Section 'blah' does not exist!" should be shown