# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015-2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Tests for qutebrowser.misc.ipc.""" import sys import os import getpass import logging import json import hashlib from unittest import mock import attr import pytest from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, QObject from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QLocalServer, QLocalSocket, QAbstractSocket from PyQt5.QtTest import QSignalSpy import qutebrowser from qutebrowser.misc import ipc from qutebrowser.utils import objreg, standarddir from helpers import stubs pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('qapp') @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def shutdown_server(): """If ipc.send_or_listen was called, make sure to shut server down.""" yield try: server = objreg.get('ipc-server') except KeyError: pass else: server.shutdown() @pytest.fixture def ipc_server(qapp, qtbot): server = ipc.IPCServer('qute-test') yield server if (server._socket is not None and server._socket.state() != QLocalSocket.UnconnectedState): with qtbot.waitSignal(server._socket.disconnected, raising=False): server._socket.abort() try: server.shutdown() except ipc.Error: pass @pytest.fixture def qlocalserver(qapp): server = QLocalServer() yield server server.close() server.deleteLater() @pytest.fixture def qlocalsocket(qapp): socket = QLocalSocket() yield socket socket.disconnectFromServer() if socket.state() != QLocalSocket.UnconnectedState: socket.waitForDisconnected(1000) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def fake_runtime_dir(monkeypatch, short_tmpdir): monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_RUNTIME_DIR', str(short_tmpdir)) standarddir._init_dirs() return short_tmpdir class FakeSocket(QObject): """A stub for a QLocalSocket. Args: _can_read_line_val: The value returned for canReadLine(). _error_val: The value returned for error(). _state_val: The value returned for state(). _connect_successful: The value returned for waitForConnected(). """ readyRead = pyqtSignal() disconnected = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, *, error=QLocalSocket.UnknownSocketError, state=None, data=None, connect_successful=True, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._error_val = error self._state_val = state self._data = data self._connect_successful = connect_successful self.error = stubs.FakeSignal('error', func=self._error) def _error(self): return self._error_val def state(self): return self._state_val def canReadLine(self): return bool(self._data) def readLine(self): firstline, mid, rest = self._data.partition(b'\n') self._data = rest return firstline + mid def errorString(self): return "Error string" def abort(self): self.disconnected.emit() def disconnectFromServer(self): pass def connectToServer(self, _name): pass def waitForConnected(self, _time): return self._connect_successful def writeData(self, _data): pass def waitForBytesWritten(self, _time): pass def waitForDisconnected(self, _time): pass class FakeServer: def __init__(self, socket): self._socket = socket def nextPendingConnection(self): socket = self._socket self._socket = None return socket def close(self): pass def deleteLater(self): pass def test_getpass_getuser(): """Make sure getpass.getuser() returns something sensible.""" assert getpass.getuser() def md5(inp): return hashlib.md5(inp.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() class TestSocketName: POSIX_TESTS = [ (None, 'ipc-{}'.format(md5('testusername'))), ('/x', 'ipc-{}'.format(md5('testusername-/x'))), ] WINDOWS_TESTS = [ (None, 'qutebrowser-testusername'), ('/x', 'qutebrowser-testusername-{}'.format(md5('/x'))), ] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def patch_user(self, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(ipc.getpass, 'getuser', lambda: 'testusername') @pytest.mark.parametrize('basedir, expected', WINDOWS_TESTS) @pytest.mark.windows def test_windows(self, basedir, expected): socketname = ipc._get_socketname(basedir) assert socketname == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('basedir, expected', WINDOWS_TESTS) def test_windows_on_posix(self, basedir, expected): socketname = ipc._get_socketname_windows(basedir) assert socketname == expected @pytest.mark.mac @pytest.mark.parametrize('basedir, expected', POSIX_TESTS) def test_mac(self, basedir, expected): socketname = ipc._get_socketname(basedir) parts = socketname.split(os.sep) assert parts[-2] == 'qutebrowser' assert parts[-1] == expected @pytest.mark.linux @pytest.mark.parametrize('basedir, expected', POSIX_TESTS) def test_linux(self, basedir, fake_runtime_dir, expected): socketname = ipc._get_socketname(basedir) expected_path = str(fake_runtime_dir / 'qutebrowser' / expected) assert socketname == expected_path def test_other_unix(self): """Fake test for POSIX systems which aren't Linux/macOS. We probably would adjust the code first to make it work on that platform. """ if os.name == 'nt': pass elif sys.platform == 'darwin': pass elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): pass else: raise Exception("Unexpected platform!") class TestExceptions: def test_listen_error(self, qlocalserver): qlocalserver.listen(None) exc = ipc.ListenError(qlocalserver) assert exc.code == 2 assert exc.message == "QLocalServer::listen: Name error" msg = ("Error while listening to IPC server: QLocalServer::listen: " "Name error (error 2)") assert str(exc) == msg with pytest.raises(ipc.Error): raise exc def test_socket_error(self, qlocalserver): socket = FakeSocket(error=QLocalSocket.ConnectionRefusedError) exc = ipc.SocketError("testing", socket) assert exc.code == QLocalSocket.ConnectionRefusedError assert exc.message == "Error string" assert str(exc) == "Error while testing: Error string (error 0)" with pytest.raises(ipc.Error): raise exc class TestListen: @pytest.mark.posix def test_remove_error(self, ipc_server, monkeypatch): """Simulate an error in _remove_server.""" monkeypatch.setattr(ipc_server, '_socketname', None) with pytest.raises(ipc.Error, match="Error while removing server None!"): ipc_server.listen() def test_error(self, ipc_server, monkeypatch): """Simulate an error while listening.""" monkeypatch.setattr(ipc.QLocalServer, 'removeServer', lambda self: True) monkeypatch.setattr(ipc_server, '_socketname', None) with pytest.raises(ipc.ListenError): ipc_server.listen() @pytest.mark.posix def test_in_use(self, qlocalserver, ipc_server, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(ipc.QLocalServer, 'removeServer', lambda self: True) qlocalserver.listen('qute-test') with pytest.raises(ipc.AddressInUseError): ipc_server.listen() def test_successful(self, ipc_server): ipc_server.listen() @pytest.mark.windows def test_permissions_windows(self, ipc_server): opts = ipc_server._server.socketOptions() assert opts == QLocalServer.UserAccessOption @pytest.mark.posix def test_permissions_posix(self, ipc_server): # pylint: disable=no-member,useless-suppression ipc_server.listen() sockfile = ipc_server._server.fullServerName() sockdir = os.path.dirname(sockfile) file_stat = os.stat(sockfile) dir_stat = os.stat(sockdir) file_owner_ok = file_stat.st_uid == os.getuid() dir_owner_ok = dir_stat.st_uid == os.getuid() file_mode_ok = file_stat.st_mode & 0o777 == 0o700 dir_mode_ok = dir_stat.st_mode & 0o777 == 0o700 print('sockdir: {} / owner {} / mode {:o}'.format( sockdir, dir_stat.st_uid, dir_stat.st_mode)) print('sockfile: {} / owner {} / mode {:o}'.format( sockfile, file_stat.st_uid, file_stat.st_mode)) assert file_owner_ok or dir_owner_ok assert file_mode_ok or dir_mode_ok @pytest.mark.posix def test_atime_update(self, qtbot, ipc_server): ipc_server._atime_timer.setInterval(500) # We don't want to wait 6h ipc_server.listen() old_atime = os.stat(ipc_server._server.fullServerName()).st_atime_ns with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server._atime_timer.timeout, timeout=2000): pass # Make sure the timer is not singleShot with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server._atime_timer.timeout, timeout=2000): pass new_atime = os.stat(ipc_server._server.fullServerName()).st_atime_ns assert old_atime != new_atime @pytest.mark.posix def test_atime_update_no_name(self, qtbot, caplog, ipc_server): with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): ipc_server.update_atime() assert caplog.records[-1].msg == "In update_atime with no server path!" @pytest.mark.posix def test_atime_shutdown_typeerror(self, qtbot, ipc_server): """This should never happen, but let's handle it gracefully.""" ipc_server._atime_timer.timeout.disconnect(ipc_server.update_atime) ipc_server.shutdown() class TestOnError: def test_closed(self, ipc_server): ipc_server._socket = QLocalSocket() ipc_server._timer.timeout.disconnect() ipc_server._timer.start() ipc_server.on_error(QLocalSocket.PeerClosedError) assert not ipc_server._timer.isActive() def test_other_error(self, ipc_server, monkeypatch): socket = QLocalSocket() ipc_server._socket = socket monkeypatch.setattr(socket, 'error', lambda: QLocalSocket.ConnectionRefusedError) monkeypatch.setattr(socket, 'errorString', lambda: "Connection refused") socket.setErrorString("Connection refused.") with pytest.raises(ipc.Error, match=r"Error while handling IPC " r"connection: Connection refused \(error 0\)"): ipc_server.on_error(QLocalSocket.ConnectionRefusedError) class TestHandleConnection: def test_ignored(self, ipc_server, monkeypatch): m = mock.Mock(spec=[]) monkeypatch.setattr(ipc_server._server, 'nextPendingConnection', m) ipc_server.ignored = True ipc_server.handle_connection() assert not m.called def test_no_connection(self, ipc_server, caplog): ipc_server.handle_connection() assert caplog.records[-1].message == "No new connection to handle." def test_double_connection(self, qlocalsocket, ipc_server, caplog): ipc_server._socket = qlocalsocket ipc_server.handle_connection() msg = ("Got new connection but ignoring it because we're still " "handling another one") assert any(rec.message.startswith(msg) for rec in caplog.records) def test_disconnected_immediately(self, ipc_server, caplog): socket = FakeSocket(state=QLocalSocket.UnconnectedState) ipc_server._server = FakeServer(socket) ipc_server.handle_connection() msg = "Socket was disconnected immediately." all_msgs = [r.message for r in caplog.records] assert msg in all_msgs def test_error_immediately(self, ipc_server, caplog): socket = FakeSocket(error=QLocalSocket.ConnectionError) ipc_server._server = FakeServer(socket) with pytest.raises(ipc.Error, match=r"Error while handling IPC " r"connection: Error string \(error 7\)"): ipc_server.handle_connection() msg = "We got an error immediately." all_msgs = [r.message for r in caplog.records] assert msg in all_msgs def test_read_line_immediately(self, qtbot, ipc_server, caplog): data = ('{{"args": ["foo"], "target_arg": "tab", ' '"protocol_version": {}}}\n'.format(ipc.PROTOCOL_VERSION)) socket = FakeSocket(data=data.encode('utf-8')) ipc_server._server = FakeServer(socket) with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server.got_args) as blocker: ipc_server.handle_connection() assert blocker.args == [['foo'], 'tab', ''] all_msgs = [r.message for r in caplog.records] assert "We can read a line immediately." in all_msgs @pytest.fixture def connected_socket(qtbot, qlocalsocket, ipc_server): if sys.platform == 'darwin': pytest.skip("Skipping connected_socket test - " "https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1045") ipc_server.listen() with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server._server.newConnection): qlocalsocket.connectToServer('qute-test') yield qlocalsocket qlocalsocket.disconnectFromServer() def test_disconnected_without_data(qtbot, connected_socket, ipc_server, caplog): """Disconnect without sending data. This means self._socket will be None on on_disconnected. """ connected_socket.disconnectFromServer() def test_partial_line(connected_socket): connected_socket.write(b'foo') OLD_VERSION = str(ipc.PROTOCOL_VERSION - 1).encode('utf-8') NEW_VERSION = str(ipc.PROTOCOL_VERSION + 1).encode('utf-8') @pytest.mark.parametrize('data, msg', [ (b'\x80\n', 'invalid utf-8'), (b'\n', 'invalid json'), (b'{"is this invalid json?": true\n', 'invalid json'), (b'{"valid json without args": true}\n', 'Missing args'), (b'{"args": []}\n', 'Missing target_arg'), (b'{"args": [], "target_arg": null, "protocol_version": ' + OLD_VERSION + b'}\n', 'incompatible version'), (b'{"args": [], "target_arg": null, "protocol_version": ' + NEW_VERSION + b'}\n', 'incompatible version'), (b'{"args": [], "target_arg": null, "protocol_version": "foo"}\n', 'invalid version'), (b'{"args": [], "target_arg": null}\n', 'invalid version'), ]) def test_invalid_data(qtbot, ipc_server, connected_socket, caplog, data, msg): signals = [ipc_server.got_invalid_data, connected_socket.disconnected] with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): with qtbot.assertNotEmitted(ipc_server.got_args): with qtbot.waitSignals(signals, order='strict'): connected_socket.write(data) messages = [r.message for r in caplog.records] assert messages[-1].startswith('Ignoring invalid IPC data from socket ') assert messages[-2].startswith(msg) def test_multiline(qtbot, ipc_server, connected_socket): spy = QSignalSpy(ipc_server.got_args) data = ('{{"args": ["one"], "target_arg": "tab",' ' "protocol_version": {version}}}\n' '{{"args": ["two"], "target_arg": null,' ' "protocol_version": {version}}}\n'.format( version=ipc.PROTOCOL_VERSION)) with qtbot.assertNotEmitted(ipc_server.got_invalid_data): with qtbot.waitSignals([ipc_server.got_args, ipc_server.got_args], order='strict'): connected_socket.write(data.encode('utf-8')) assert len(spy) == 2 assert spy[0] == [['one'], 'tab', ''] assert spy[1] == [['two'], '', ''] class TestSendToRunningInstance: def test_no_server(self, caplog): sent = ipc.send_to_running_instance('qute-test', [], None) assert not sent msg = caplog.records[-1].message assert msg == "No existing instance present (error 2)" @pytest.mark.parametrize('has_cwd', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.linux(reason="Causes random trouble on Windows and macOS") def test_normal(self, qtbot, tmpdir, ipc_server, mocker, has_cwd): ipc_server.listen() with qtbot.assertNotEmitted(ipc_server.got_invalid_data): with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server.got_args, timeout=5000) as blocker: with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server.got_raw, timeout=5000) as raw_blocker: with tmpdir.as_cwd(): if not has_cwd: m = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.misc.ipc.os') m.getcwd.side_effect = OSError sent = ipc.send_to_running_instance( 'qute-test', ['foo'], None) assert sent expected_cwd = str(tmpdir) if has_cwd else '' assert blocker.args == [['foo'], '', expected_cwd] raw_expected = {'args': ['foo'], 'target_arg': None, 'version': qutebrowser.__version__, 'protocol_version': ipc.PROTOCOL_VERSION} if has_cwd: raw_expected['cwd'] = str(tmpdir) assert len(raw_blocker.args) == 1 parsed = json.loads(raw_blocker.args[0].decode('utf-8')) assert parsed == raw_expected def test_socket_error(self): socket = FakeSocket(error=QLocalSocket.ConnectionError) with pytest.raises(ipc.Error, match=r"Error while writing to running " r"instance: Error string \(error 7\)"): ipc.send_to_running_instance('qute-test', [], None, socket=socket) def test_not_disconnected_immediately(self): socket = FakeSocket() ipc.send_to_running_instance('qute-test', [], None, socket=socket) def test_socket_error_no_server(self): socket = FakeSocket(error=QLocalSocket.ConnectionError, connect_successful=False) with pytest.raises(ipc.Error, match=r"Error while connecting to " r"running instance: Error string \(error 7\)"): ipc.send_to_running_instance('qute-test', [], None, socket=socket) @pytest.mark.not_mac(reason="https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/" "issues/975") def test_timeout(qtbot, caplog, qlocalsocket, ipc_server): ipc_server._timer.setInterval(100) ipc_server.listen() with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server._server.newConnection): qlocalsocket.connectToServer('qute-test') with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): with qtbot.waitSignal(qlocalsocket.disconnected, timeout=5000): pass assert caplog.records[-1].message.startswith("IPC connection timed out") def test_ipcserver_socket_none_readyread(ipc_server, caplog): assert ipc_server._socket is None assert ipc_server._old_socket is None with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING): ipc_server.on_ready_read() msg = "In on_ready_read with None socket and old_socket!" assert msg in [r.message for r in caplog.records] @pytest.mark.posix def test_ipcserver_socket_none_error(ipc_server, caplog): assert ipc_server._socket is None ipc_server.on_error(0) msg = "In on_error with None socket!" assert msg in [r.message for r in caplog.records] class TestSendOrListen: @attr.s class Args: no_err_windows = attr.ib() basedir = attr.ib() command = attr.ib() target = attr.ib() @pytest.fixture def args(self): return self.Args(no_err_windows=True, basedir='/basedir/for/testing', command=['test'], target=None) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def cleanup(self): try: objreg.delete('ipc-server') except KeyError: pass @pytest.fixture def qlocalserver_mock(self, mocker): m = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.misc.ipc.QLocalServer', autospec=True) m().errorString.return_value = "Error string" m().newConnection = stubs.FakeSignal() return m @pytest.fixture def qlocalsocket_mock(self, mocker): m = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.misc.ipc.QLocalSocket', autospec=True) m().errorString.return_value = "Error string" for name in ['UnknownSocketError', 'UnconnectedState', 'ConnectionRefusedError', 'ServerNotFoundError', 'PeerClosedError']: setattr(m, name, getattr(QLocalSocket, name)) return m @pytest.mark.linux(reason="Flaky on Windows and macOS") def test_normal_connection(self, caplog, qtbot, args): ret_server = ipc.send_or_listen(args) assert isinstance(ret_server, ipc.IPCServer) msgs = [e.message for e in caplog.records] assert "Starting IPC server..." in msgs objreg_server = objreg.get('ipc-server') assert objreg_server is ret_server with qtbot.waitSignal(ret_server.got_args): ret_client = ipc.send_or_listen(args) assert ret_client is None @pytest.mark.posix(reason="Unneeded on Windows") def test_correct_socket_name(self, args): server = ipc.send_or_listen(args) expected_dir = ipc._get_socketname(args.basedir) assert '/' in expected_dir assert server._socketname == expected_dir def test_address_in_use_ok(self, qlocalserver_mock, qlocalsocket_mock, stubs, caplog, args): """Test the following scenario. - First call to send_to_running_instance: -> could not connect (server not found) - Trying to set up a server and listen -> AddressInUseError - Second call to send_to_running_instance: -> success """ qlocalserver_mock().listen.return_value = False err = QAbstractSocket.AddressInUseError qlocalserver_mock().serverError.return_value = err qlocalsocket_mock().waitForConnected.side_effect = [False, True] qlocalsocket_mock().error.side_effect = [ QLocalSocket.ServerNotFoundError, QLocalSocket.UnknownSocketError, QLocalSocket.UnknownSocketError, # error() gets called twice ] ret = ipc.send_or_listen(args) assert ret is None msgs = [e.message for e in caplog.records] assert "Got AddressInUseError, trying again." in msgs @pytest.mark.parametrize('has_error, exc_name, exc_msg', [ (True, 'SocketError', 'Error while writing to running instance: Error string (error 0)'), (False, 'AddressInUseError', 'Error while listening to IPC server: Error string (error 8)'), ]) def test_address_in_use_error(self, qlocalserver_mock, qlocalsocket_mock, stubs, caplog, args, has_error, exc_name, exc_msg): """Test the following scenario. - First call to send_to_running_instance: -> could not connect (server not found) - Trying to set up a server and listen -> AddressInUseError - Second call to send_to_running_instance: -> not sent / error """ qlocalserver_mock().listen.return_value = False err = QAbstractSocket.AddressInUseError qlocalserver_mock().serverError.return_value = err # If the second connection succeeds, we will have an error later. # If it fails, that's the "not sent" case above. qlocalsocket_mock().waitForConnected.side_effect = [False, has_error] qlocalsocket_mock().error.side_effect = [ QLocalSocket.ServerNotFoundError, QLocalSocket.ServerNotFoundError, QLocalSocket.ConnectionRefusedError, QLocalSocket.ConnectionRefusedError, # error() gets called twice ] with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): with pytest.raises(ipc.Error): ipc.send_or_listen(args) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 error_msgs = [ 'Handling fatal misc.ipc.{} with --no-err-windows!'.format( exc_name), '', 'title: Error while connecting to running instance!', 'pre_text: ', 'post_text: Maybe another instance is running but frozen?', 'exception text: {}'.format(exc_msg), ] assert caplog.records[0].msg == '\n'.join(error_msgs) @pytest.mark.posix(reason="Flaky on Windows") def test_error_while_listening(self, qlocalserver_mock, caplog, args): """Test an error with the first listen call.""" qlocalserver_mock().listen.return_value = False err = QAbstractSocket.SocketResourceError qlocalserver_mock().serverError.return_value = err with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): with pytest.raises(ipc.Error): ipc.send_or_listen(args) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 error_msgs = [ 'Handling fatal misc.ipc.ListenError with --no-err-windows!', '', 'title: Error while connecting to running instance!', 'pre_text: ', 'post_text: Maybe another instance is running but frozen?', ('exception text: Error while listening to IPC server: Error ' 'string (error 4)'), ] assert caplog.records[0].msg == '\n'.join(error_msgs) @pytest.mark.windows @pytest.mark.mac def test_long_username(monkeypatch): """See https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/888.""" username = 'alexandercogneau' basedir = '/this_is_a_long_basedir' monkeypatch.setattr('getpass.getuser', lambda: username) name = ipc._get_socketname(basedir=basedir) server = ipc.IPCServer(name) expected_md5 = md5('{}-{}'.format(username, basedir)) assert expected_md5 in server._socketname try: server.listen() finally: server.shutdown() def test_connect_inexistent(qlocalsocket): """Make sure connecting to an inexistent server fails immediately. If this test fails, our connection logic checking for the old naming scheme would not work properly. """ qlocalsocket.connectToServer('qute-test-inexistent') assert qlocalsocket.error() == QLocalSocket.ServerNotFoundError @pytest.mark.posix def test_socket_options_address_in_use_problem(qlocalserver, short_tmpdir): """Qt seems to ignore AddressInUseError when using socketOptions. With this test we verify this bug still exists. If it fails, we can probably start using setSocketOptions again. """ servername = str(short_tmpdir / 'x') s1 = QLocalServer() ok = s1.listen(servername) assert ok s2 = QLocalServer() s2.setSocketOptions(QLocalServer.UserAccessOption) ok = s2.listen(servername) print(s2.errorString()) # We actually would expect ok == False here - but we want the test to fail # when the Qt bug is fixed. assert ok