#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Behavior:
#   Userscript for qutebrowser which adds a task to taskwarrior.
#   If run as a command (:spawn --userscript taskadd), it creates a new task
#   with the description equal to the current page title and annotates it with
#   the current page url. Additional arguments are passed along so you can add
#   mods to the task (e.g. priority, due date, tags).
#   Example:
#       :spawn --userscript taskadd due:eod pri:H
#   To enable passing along extra args, I suggest using a mapping like:
#       :bind <somekey> set-cmd-text -s :spawn --userscript taskadd
#   If run from hint mode, it uses the selected hint text as the description
#   and the selected hint url as the annotation.
# Ryan Roden-Corrent (rcorre), 2016
# Any feedback is welcome!
# For more info on Taskwarrior, see http://taskwarrior.org/

# use either the current page title or the hint text as the task description
[[ $QUTE_MODE == 'hints' ]] && title=$QUTE_SELECTED_TEXT || title=$QUTE_TITLE

# try to add the task and grab the output
msg="$(task add $title $@ 2>&1)"

if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
    # annotate the new task with the url, send the output back to the browser
    task +LATEST annotate "$QUTE_URL"
    echo "message-info '$msg'" >> $QUTE_FIFO
    echo "message-error '$msg'" >> $QUTE_FIFO