Feature: :spawn Scenario: Running :spawn When I run :spawn -v echo "Hello" Then the message "Command exited successfully." should be shown Scenario: Running :spawn with command that does not exist When I run :spawn command_does_not_exist127623 Then the error "Error while spawning command: The process failed to start." should be shown Scenario: Running :spawn with invalid quoting When I run :spawn ""'"" Then the error "Error while splitting command: No closing quotation" should be shown Scenario: Running :spawn with url variable When I run :spawn echo {url} Then "Executing echo with args ['about:blank'], userscript=False" should be logged Scenario: Running :spawn with userscript When I run :spawn --userscript (datapath)/userscripts/open_current_url And I wait until about:blank is loaded Then the following tabs should be open: - about:blank - about:blank (active)