Feature: Miscellaneous utility commands exposed to the user. Background: Given I open data/scroll/simple.html And I run :tab-only ## :later Scenario: :later before When I run :later 500 scroll down Then the page should not be scrolled Scenario: :later after When I run :later 500 scroll down And I wait 0.6s Then the page should be scrolled vertically # for some reason, argparser gives us the error instead, see #2046 @xfail Scenario: :later with negative delay When I run :later -1 scroll down Then the error "I can't run something in the past!" should be shown Scenario: :later with humongous delay When I run :later 36893488147419103232 scroll down Then the error "Numeric argument is too large for internal int representation." should be shown ## :repeat Scenario: :repeat simple When I run :repeat 5 scroll-px 10 0 And I wait until the scroll position changed to 50/0 # Then already covered by above And Scenario: :repeat zero times When I run :repeat 0 scroll-px 10 0 And I wait 0.01s Then the page should not be scrolled # argparser again @xfail Scenario: :repeat negative times When I run :repeat -4 scroll-px 10 0 Then the error "A negative count doesn't make sense." should be shown And the page should not be scrolled ## :debug-all-objects Scenario: :debug-all-objects When I run :debug-all-objects Then "*Qt widgets - *Qt objects - *" should be logged ## :debug-cache-stats Scenario: :debug-cache-stats When I run :debug-cache-stats Then "config: CacheInfo(*)" should be logged And "style: CacheInfo(*)" should be logged ## :debug-console # (!) the following two scenarios have a sequential dependency Scenario: opening the debug console When I run :debug-console Then "initializing debug console" should be logged And "showing debug console" should be logged Scenario: closing the debug console When I run :debug-console Then "hiding debug console" should be logged