#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2018 Jay Kamat <jaygkamat@gmail.com> # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """This userscript allows for insertion of usernames and passwords from keepass databases using pykeepass. Since it is a userscript, it must be run from qutebrowser. A sample invocation of this script is: :spawn --userscript qute-keepass -p ~/KeePassFiles/MainDatabase.kdbx And a sample binding :bind --mode=insert <ctrl-i> spawn --userscript qute-keepass -p ~/KeePassFiles/MainDatabase.kdbx -p or --path is a required argument. --keyfile-path allows you to specify a keepass keyfile. If you only use a keyfile, also add --no-password as well. Specifying --no-password without --keyfile-path will lead to an error. login information is inserted using :insert-text and :fake-key <Tab>, which means you must have a cursor in position before initiating this userscript. If you do not do this, you will get 'element not editable' errors. If keepass takes a while to open the DB, you might want to consider reducing the number of transform rounds in your database settings. Dependencies: pykeepass (in python3), PyQt5. Without pykeepass, you will get an exit code of 100. ********************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****************** WARNING: The login details are viewable as plaintext in qutebrowser's debug log (qute://log) and could be compromised if you decide to submit a crash report! ********************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!****************** """ # pylint: disable=bad-builtin import argparse import enum import functools import os import shlex import subprocess import sys from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QInputDialog, QLineEdit try: import pykeepass except ImportError as e: print("pykeepass not found: {}".format(str(e)), file=sys.stderr) # Since this is a common error, try to print it to the FIFO if we can. if 'QUTE_FIFO' in os.environ: with open(os.environ['QUTE_FIFO'], 'w') as fifo: fifo.write('message-error "pykeepass failed to be imported."\n') fifo.flush() sys.exit(100) argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Fill passwords using keepass.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=__doc__) argument_parser.add_argument('url', nargs='?', default=os.getenv('QUTE_URL')) argument_parser.add_argument('--path', '-p', required=True, help='Path to the keepass db.') argument_parser.add_argument('--keyfile-path', '-k', default=None, help='Path to a keepass keyfile') argument_parser.add_argument( '--no-password', action='store_true', help='Supply if no password is required to unlock this database. ' 'Only allowed with --keyfile-path') argument_parser.add_argument( '--dmenu-invocation', '-d', default='dmenu', help='Invocation used to execute a dmenu-provider') argument_parser.add_argument( '--dmenu-format', '-f', default='{title}: {username}', help='Format string for keys to display in dmenu.' ' Must generate a unique string.') argument_parser.add_argument( '--no-insert-mode', '-n', dest='insert_mode', action='store_false', help="Don't automatically enter insert mode") argument_parser.add_argument( '--io-encoding', '-i', default='UTF-8', help='Encoding used to communicate with subprocesses') group = argument_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--username-fill-only', '-e', action='store_true', help='Only insert username') group.add_argument('--password-fill-only', '-w', action='store_true', help='Only insert password') CMD_DELAY = 50 class ExitCodes(enum.IntEnum): """Stores various exit codes groups to use.""" SUCCESS = 0 FAILURE = 1 # 1 is automatically used if Python throws an exception NO_CANDIDATES = 2 USER_QUIT = 3 DB_OPEN_FAIL = 4 INTERNAL_ERROR = 10 def qute_command(command): with open(os.environ['QUTE_FIFO'], 'w') as fifo: fifo.write(command + '\n') fifo.flush() def stderr(to_print): """Extra functionality to echo out errors to qb ui.""" print(to_print, file=sys.stderr) qute_command('message-error "{}"'.format(to_print)) def dmenu(items, invocation, encoding): """Runs dmenu with given arguments.""" command = shlex.split(invocation) process = subprocess.run(command, input='\n'.join(items).encode(encoding), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return process.stdout.decode(encoding).strip() def get_password(): """Get a keepass db password from user.""" _app = QApplication(sys.argv) text, ok = QInputDialog.getText( None, "KeePass DB Password", "Please enter your KeePass Master Password", QLineEdit.Password) if not ok: stderr('Password Prompt Rejected.') sys.exit(ExitCodes.USER_QUIT) return text def find_candidates(args, host): """Finds candidates that match host""" file_path = os.path.expanduser(args.path) # TODO find a way to keep the db open, so we don't open (and query # password) it every time pw = None if not args.no_password: pw = get_password() kf = args.keyfile_path if kf: kf = os.path.expanduser(kf) try: kp = pykeepass.PyKeePass(file_path, password=pw, keyfile=kf) except Exception as e: stderr("There was an error opening the DB: {}".format(str(e))) return kp.find_entries(url="{}{}{}".format(".*", host, ".*"), regex=True) def candidate_to_str(args, candidate): """Turns candidate into a human readable string for dmenu""" return args.dmenu_format.format(title=candidate.title, url=candidate.url, username=candidate.username, path=candidate.path, uuid=candidate.uuid) def candidate_to_secret(candidate): """Turns candidate into a generic (user, password) tuple""" return (candidate.username, candidate.password) def run(args): """Runs qute-keepass""" if not args.url: argument_parser.print_help() return ExitCodes.FAILURE url_host = QUrl(args.url).host() if not url_host: stderr('{} was not parsed as a valid URL!'.format(args.url)) return ExitCodes.INTERNAL_ERROR # Find candidates matching the host of the given URL candidates = find_candidates(args, url_host) if not candidates: stderr('No candidates for URL {!r} found!'.format(args.url)) return ExitCodes.NO_CANDIDATES # Create a map so we can get turn the resulting string from dmenu back into # a candidate candidates_strs = list(map(functools.partial(candidate_to_str, args), candidates)) candidates_map = dict(zip(candidates_strs, candidates)) if len(candidates) == 1: selection = candidates.pop() else: selection = dmenu(candidates_strs, args.dmenu_invocation, args.io_encoding) if selection not in candidates_map: stderr("'{}' was not a valid entry!").format(selection) return ExitCodes.USER_QUIT selection = candidates_map[selection] username, password = candidate_to_secret(selection) insert_mode = ';; enter-mode insert' if args.insert_mode else '' if args.username_fill_only: qute_command('insert-text {}{}'.format(username, insert_mode)) elif args.password_fill_only: qute_command('insert-text {}{}'.format(password, insert_mode)) else: # Enter username and password using insert-key and fake-key <Tab> # (which supports more passwords than fake-key only), then switch back # into insert-mode, so the form can be directly submitted by hitting # enter afterwards. It dosen't matter when we go into insert mode, but # the other commands need to be be executed sequentially, so we add # delays with later. qute_command('insert-text {} ;;' 'later {} fake-key <Tab> ;;' 'later {} insert-text {}{}' .format(username, CMD_DELAY, CMD_DELAY * 2, password, insert_mode)) return ExitCodes.SUCCESS if __name__ == '__main__': arguments = argument_parser.parse_args() sys.exit(run(arguments))