# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2016 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """The main browser widgets.""" import sys import itertools import functools from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, Qt, QTimer, QUrl from PyQt5.QtGui import QPalette from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QStyleFactory from PyQt5.QtWebKit import QWebSettings from PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebView, QWebPage, QWebFrame from qutebrowser.config import config from qutebrowser.keyinput import modeman from qutebrowser.utils import message, log, usertypes, utils, qtutils, objreg from qutebrowser.browser import webpage, hints, webelem LoadStatus = usertypes.enum('LoadStatus', ['none', 'success', 'success_https', 'error', 'warn', 'loading']) tab_id_gen = itertools.count(0) class WebView(QWebView): """One browser tab in TabbedBrowser. Our own subclass of a QWebView with some added bells and whistles. Attributes: hintmanager: The HintManager instance for this view. progress: loading progress of this page. scroll_pos: The current scroll position as (x%, y%) tuple. statusbar_message: The current javascript statusbar message. inspector: The QWebInspector used for this webview. load_status: loading status of this page (index into LoadStatus) viewing_source: Whether the webview is currently displaying source code. keep_icon: Whether the (e.g. cloned) icon should not be cleared on page load. registry: The ObjectRegistry associated with this tab. tab_id: The tab ID of the view. win_id: The window ID of the view. search_text: The text of the last search. search_flags: The search flags of the last search. _has_ssl_errors: Whether SSL errors occurred during loading. _zoom: A NeighborList with the zoom levels. _old_scroll_pos: The old scroll position. _check_insertmode: If True, in mouseReleaseEvent we should check if we need to enter/leave insert mode. _default_zoom_changed: Whether the zoom was changed from the default. _ignore_wheel_event: Ignore the next wheel event. See https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/395 Signals: scroll_pos_changed: Scroll percentage of current tab changed. arg 1: x-position in %. arg 2: y-position in %. linkHovered: QWebPages linkHovered signal exposed. load_status_changed: The loading status changed url_text_changed: Current URL string changed. shutting_down: Emitted when the view is shutting down. """ scroll_pos_changed = pyqtSignal(int, int) linkHovered = pyqtSignal(str, str, str) load_status_changed = pyqtSignal(str) url_text_changed = pyqtSignal(str) shutting_down = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self, win_id, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) if sys.platform == 'darwin' and qtutils.version_check('5.4'): # WORKAROUND for https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-42948 # See https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/462 self.setStyle(QStyleFactory.create('Fusion')) self.win_id = win_id self.load_status = LoadStatus.none self._check_insertmode = False self.inspector = None self.scroll_pos = (-1, -1) self.statusbar_message = '' self._old_scroll_pos = (-1, -1) self._zoom = None self._has_ssl_errors = False self._ignore_wheel_event = False self.keep_icon = False self.search_text = None self.search_flags = 0 self.selection_enabled = False self.init_neighborlist() self._set_bg_color() cfg = objreg.get('config') cfg.changed.connect(self.init_neighborlist) # For some reason, this signal doesn't get disconnected automatically # when the WebView is destroyed on older PyQt versions. # See https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/390 self.destroyed.connect(functools.partial( cfg.changed.disconnect, self.init_neighborlist)) self.cur_url = QUrl() self.progress = 0 self.registry = objreg.ObjectRegistry() self.tab_id = next(tab_id_gen) tab_registry = objreg.get('tab-registry', scope='window', window=win_id) tab_registry[self.tab_id] = self objreg.register('webview', self, registry=self.registry) page = self._init_page() hintmanager = hints.HintManager(win_id, self.tab_id, self) hintmanager.mouse_event.connect(self.on_mouse_event) hintmanager.start_hinting.connect(page.on_start_hinting) hintmanager.stop_hinting.connect(page.on_stop_hinting) objreg.register('hintmanager', hintmanager, registry=self.registry) mode_manager = objreg.get('mode-manager', scope='window', window=win_id) mode_manager.entered.connect(self.on_mode_entered) mode_manager.left.connect(self.on_mode_left) self.viewing_source = False self.setZoomFactor(float(config.get('ui', 'default-zoom')) / 100) self._default_zoom_changed = False if config.get('input', 'rocker-gestures'): self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.PreventContextMenu) self.urlChanged.connect(self.on_url_changed) self.loadProgress.connect(lambda p: setattr(self, 'progress', p)) objreg.get('config').changed.connect(self.on_config_changed) def _init_page(self): """Initialize the QWebPage used by this view.""" page = webpage.BrowserPage(self.win_id, self.tab_id, self) self.setPage(page) page.linkHovered.connect(self.linkHovered) page.mainFrame().loadStarted.connect(self.on_load_started) page.mainFrame().loadFinished.connect(self.on_load_finished) page.statusBarMessage.connect( lambda msg: setattr(self, 'statusbar_message', msg)) page.networkAccessManager().sslErrors.connect( lambda *args: setattr(self, '_has_ssl_errors', True)) return page def __repr__(self): url = utils.elide(self.url().toDisplayString(QUrl.EncodeUnicode), 100) return utils.get_repr(self, tab_id=self.tab_id, url=url) def __del__(self): # Explicitly releasing the page here seems to prevent some segfaults # when quitting. # Copied from: # https://code.google.com/p/webscraping/source/browse/webkit.py#325 try: self.setPage(None) except RuntimeError: # It seems sometimes Qt has already deleted the QWebView and we # get: RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type WebView has been # deleted pass def _set_load_status(self, val): """Setter for load_status.""" if not isinstance(val, LoadStatus): raise TypeError("Type {} is no LoadStatus member!".format(val)) log.webview.debug("load status for {}: {}".format(repr(self), val)) self.load_status = val self.load_status_changed.emit(val.name) def _set_bg_color(self): """Set the webpage background color as configured.""" col = config.get('colors', 'webpage.bg') palette = self.palette() if col is None: col = self.style().standardPalette().color(QPalette.Base) palette.setColor(QPalette.Base, col) self.setPalette(palette) @pyqtSlot(str, str) def on_config_changed(self, section, option): """Reinitialize the zoom neighborlist if related config changed.""" if section == 'ui' and option in ('zoom-levels', 'default-zoom'): if not self._default_zoom_changed: self.setZoomFactor(float(config.get('ui', 'default-zoom')) / 100) self._default_zoom_changed = False self.init_neighborlist() elif section == 'input' and option == 'rocker-gestures': if config.get('input', 'rocker-gestures'): self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.PreventContextMenu) else: self.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.DefaultContextMenu) elif section == 'colors' and option == 'webpage.bg': self._set_bg_color() def init_neighborlist(self): """Initialize the _zoom neighborlist.""" levels = config.get('ui', 'zoom-levels') self._zoom = usertypes.NeighborList( levels, mode=usertypes.NeighborList.Modes.block) self._zoom.fuzzyval = config.get('ui', 'default-zoom') def _mousepress_backforward(self, e): """Handle back/forward mouse button presses. Args: e: The QMouseEvent. """ if e.button() in (Qt.XButton1, Qt.LeftButton): # Back button on mice which have it, or rocker gesture if self.page().history().canGoBack(): self.back() else: message.error(self.win_id, "At beginning of history.", immediately=True) elif e.button() in (Qt.XButton2, Qt.RightButton): # Forward button on mice which have it, or rocker gesture if self.page().history().canGoForward(): self.forward() else: message.error(self.win_id, "At end of history.", immediately=True) def _mousepress_insertmode(self, e): """Switch to insert mode when an editable element was clicked. Args: e: The QMouseEvent. """ pos = e.pos() frame = self.page().frameAt(pos) if frame is None: # This happens when we click inside the webview, but not actually # on the QWebPage - for example when clicking the scrollbar # sometimes. log.mouse.debug("Clicked at {} but frame is None!".format(pos)) return # You'd think we have to subtract frame.geometry().topLeft() from the # position, but it seems QWebFrame::hitTestContent wants a position # relative to the QWebView, not to the frame. This makes no sense to # me, but it works this way. hitresult = frame.hitTestContent(pos) if hitresult.isNull(): # For some reason, the whole hit result can be null sometimes (e.g. # on doodle menu links). If this is the case, we schedule a check # later (in mouseReleaseEvent) which uses webelem.focus_elem. log.mouse.debug("Hitresult is null!") self._check_insertmode = True return try: elem = webelem.WebElementWrapper(hitresult.element()) except webelem.IsNullError: # For some reason, the hit result element can be a null element # sometimes (e.g. when clicking the timetable fields on # http://www.sbb.ch/ ). If this is the case, we schedule a check # later (in mouseReleaseEvent) which uses webelem.focus_elem. log.mouse.debug("Hitresult element is null!") self._check_insertmode = True return if ((hitresult.isContentEditable() and elem.is_writable()) or elem.is_editable()): log.mouse.debug("Clicked editable element!") modeman.enter(self.win_id, usertypes.KeyMode.insert, 'click', only_if_normal=True) else: log.mouse.debug("Clicked non-editable element!") if config.get('input', 'auto-leave-insert-mode'): modeman.maybe_leave(self.win_id, usertypes.KeyMode.insert, 'click') def mouserelease_insertmode(self): """If we have an insertmode check scheduled, handle it.""" if not self._check_insertmode: return self._check_insertmode = False try: elem = webelem.focus_elem(self.page().currentFrame()) except (webelem.IsNullError, RuntimeError): log.mouse.debug("Element/page vanished!") return if elem.is_editable(): log.mouse.debug("Clicked editable element (delayed)!") modeman.enter(self.win_id, usertypes.KeyMode.insert, 'click-delayed', only_if_normal=True) else: log.mouse.debug("Clicked non-editable element (delayed)!") if config.get('input', 'auto-leave-insert-mode'): modeman.maybe_leave(self.win_id, usertypes.KeyMode.insert, 'click-delayed') def _mousepress_opentarget(self, e): """Set the open target when something was clicked. Args: e: The QMouseEvent. """ if e.button() == Qt.MidButton or e.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: background_tabs = config.get('tabs', 'background-tabs') if e.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier: background_tabs = not background_tabs if background_tabs: target = usertypes.ClickTarget.tab_bg else: target = usertypes.ClickTarget.tab self.page().open_target = target log.mouse.debug("Middle click, setting target: {}".format(target)) else: self.page().open_target = usertypes.ClickTarget.normal log.mouse.debug("Normal click, setting normal target") def shutdown(self): """Shut down the webview.""" self.shutting_down.emit() # We disable javascript because that prevents some segfaults when # quitting it seems. log.destroy.debug("Shutting down {!r}.".format(self)) settings = self.settings() settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings.JavascriptEnabled, False) self.stop() self.page().shutdown() def openurl(self, url): """Open a URL in the browser. Args: url: The URL to load as QUrl """ qtutils.ensure_valid(url) urlstr = url.toDisplayString() log.webview.debug("New title: {}".format(urlstr)) self.titleChanged.emit(urlstr) self.cur_url = url self.url_text_changed.emit(url.toDisplayString()) self.load(url) if url.scheme() == 'qute': frame = self.page().mainFrame() frame.javaScriptWindowObjectCleared.connect(self.add_js_bridge) @pyqtSlot() def add_js_bridge(self): """Add the javascript bridge for qute:... pages.""" frame = self.sender() if not isinstance(frame, QWebFrame): log.webview.error("Got non-QWebFrame {!r} in " "add_js_bridge!".format(frame)) return if frame.url().scheme() == 'qute': bridge = objreg.get('js-bridge') frame.addToJavaScriptWindowObject('qute', bridge) def zoom_perc(self, perc, fuzzyval=True): """Zoom to a given zoom percentage. Args: perc: The zoom percentage as int. fuzzyval: Whether to set the NeighborLists fuzzyval. """ if fuzzyval: self._zoom.fuzzyval = int(perc) if perc < 0: raise ValueError("Can't zoom {}%!".format(perc)) self.setZoomFactor(float(perc) / 100) self._default_zoom_changed = True def zoom(self, offset): """Increase/Decrease the zoom level. Args: offset: The offset in the zoom level list. Return: The new zoom percentage. """ level = self._zoom.getitem(offset) self.zoom_perc(level, fuzzyval=False) return level @pyqtSlot('QUrl') def on_url_changed(self, url): """Update cur_url when URL has changed. If the URL is invalid, we just ignore it here. """ if url.isValid(): self.cur_url = url self.url_text_changed.emit(url.toDisplayString()) if not self.title(): self.titleChanged.emit(self.url().toDisplayString()) @pyqtSlot('QMouseEvent') def on_mouse_event(self, evt): """Post a new mouse event from a hintmanager.""" log.modes.debug("Hint triggered, focusing {!r}".format(self)) self.setFocus() QApplication.postEvent(self, evt) @pyqtSlot() def on_load_started(self): """Leave insert/hint mode and set vars when a new page is loading.""" self.progress = 0 self.viewing_source = False self._has_ssl_errors = False self._set_load_status(LoadStatus.loading) @pyqtSlot() def on_load_finished(self): """Handle a finished page load. We don't take loadFinished's ok argument here as it always seems to be true when the QWebPage has an ErrorPageExtension implemented. See https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/84 """ ok = not self.page().error_occurred if ok and not self._has_ssl_errors: if self.cur_url.scheme() == 'https': self._set_load_status(LoadStatus.success_https) else: self._set_load_status(LoadStatus.success) elif ok: self._set_load_status(LoadStatus.warn) else: self._set_load_status(LoadStatus.error) if not self.title(): self.titleChanged.emit(self.url().toDisplayString()) self._handle_auto_insert_mode(ok) def _handle_auto_insert_mode(self, ok): """Handle auto-insert-mode after loading finished.""" if not config.get('input', 'auto-insert-mode'): return mode_manager = objreg.get('mode-manager', scope='window', window=self.win_id) cur_mode = mode_manager.mode if cur_mode == usertypes.KeyMode.insert or not ok: return frame = self.page().currentFrame() try: elem = webelem.WebElementWrapper(frame.findFirstElement(':focus')) except webelem.IsNullError: log.webview.debug("Focused element is null!") return log.modes.debug("focus element: {}".format(repr(elem))) if elem.is_editable(): modeman.enter(self.win_id, usertypes.KeyMode.insert, 'load finished', only_if_normal=True) @pyqtSlot(usertypes.KeyMode) def on_mode_entered(self, mode): """Ignore attempts to focus the widget if in any status-input mode.""" if mode in (usertypes.KeyMode.command, usertypes.KeyMode.prompt, usertypes.KeyMode.yesno): log.webview.debug("Ignoring focus because mode {} was " "entered.".format(mode)) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) elif mode == usertypes.KeyMode.caret: settings = self.settings() settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings.CaretBrowsingEnabled, True) self.selection_enabled = bool(self.page().selectedText()) if self.isVisible(): # Sometimes the caret isn't immediately visible, but unfocusing # and refocusing it fixes that. self.clearFocus() self.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) # Move the caret to the first element in the viewport if there # isn't any text which is already selected. # # Note: We can't use hasSelection() here, as that's always # true in caret mode. if not self.page().selectedText(): self.page().currentFrame().evaluateJavaScript( utils.read_file('javascript/position_caret.js')) @pyqtSlot(usertypes.KeyMode) def on_mode_left(self, mode): """Restore focus policy if status-input modes were left.""" if mode in (usertypes.KeyMode.command, usertypes.KeyMode.prompt, usertypes.KeyMode.yesno): log.webview.debug("Restoring focus policy because mode {} was " "left.".format(mode)) elif mode == usertypes.KeyMode.caret: settings = self.settings() if settings.testAttribute(QWebSettings.CaretBrowsingEnabled): if self.selection_enabled and self.hasSelection(): # Remove selection if it exists self.triggerPageAction(QWebPage.MoveToNextChar) settings.setAttribute(QWebSettings.CaretBrowsingEnabled, False) self.selection_enabled = False self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.WheelFocus) def search(self, text, flags): """Search for text in the current page. Args: text: The text to search for. flags: The QWebPage::FindFlags. """ log.webview.debug("Searching with text '{}' and flags " "0x{:04x}.".format(text, int(flags))) old_scroll_pos = self.scroll_pos flags = QWebPage.FindFlags(flags) found = self.findText(text, flags) backward = flags & QWebPage.FindBackward if not found and not flags & QWebPage.HighlightAllOccurrences and text: # User disabled wrapping; but findText() just returns False. If we # have a selection, we know there's a match *somewhere* on the page if (not flags & QWebPage.FindWrapsAroundDocument and self.hasSelection()): if not backward: message.warning(self.win_id, "Search hit BOTTOM without " "match for: {}".format(text), immediately=True) else: message.warning(self.win_id, "Search hit TOP without " "match for: {}".format(text), immediately=True) else: message.warning(self.win_id, "Text '{}' not found on " "page!".format(text), immediately=True) else: def check_scroll_pos(): """Check if the scroll position got smaller and show info.""" if not backward and self.scroll_pos < old_scroll_pos: message.info(self.win_id, "Search hit BOTTOM, continuing " "at TOP", immediately=True) elif backward and self.scroll_pos > old_scroll_pos: message.info(self.win_id, "Search hit TOP, continuing at " "BOTTOM", immediately=True) # We first want QWebPage to refresh. QTimer.singleShot(0, check_scroll_pos) def createWindow(self, wintype): """Called by Qt when a page wants to create a new window. This function is called from the createWindow() method of the associated QWebPage, each time the page wants to create a new window of the given type. This might be the result, for example, of a JavaScript request to open a document in a new window. Args: wintype: This enum describes the types of window that can be created by the createWindow() function. QWebPage::WebBrowserWindow: The window is a regular web browser window. QWebPage::WebModalDialog: The window acts as modal dialog. Return: The new QWebView object. """ if wintype == QWebPage.WebModalDialog: log.webview.warning("WebModalDialog requested, but we don't " "support that!") tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=self.win_id) return tabbed_browser.tabopen(background=False) def paintEvent(self, e): """Extend paintEvent to emit a signal if the scroll position changed. This is a bit of a hack: We listen to repaint requests here, in the hope a repaint will always be requested when scrolling, and if the scroll position actually changed, we emit a signal. Args: e: The QPaintEvent. Return: The superclass event return value. """ frame = self.page().mainFrame() new_pos = (frame.scrollBarValue(Qt.Horizontal), frame.scrollBarValue(Qt.Vertical)) if self._old_scroll_pos != new_pos: self._old_scroll_pos = new_pos m = (frame.scrollBarMaximum(Qt.Horizontal), frame.scrollBarMaximum(Qt.Vertical)) perc = (round(100 * new_pos[0] / m[0]) if m[0] != 0 else 0, round(100 * new_pos[1] / m[1]) if m[1] != 0 else 0) self.scroll_pos = perc self.scroll_pos_changed.emit(*perc) # Let superclass handle the event super().paintEvent(e) def mousePressEvent(self, e): """Extend QWidget::mousePressEvent(). This does the following things: - Check if a link was clicked with the middle button or Ctrl and set the page's open_target attribute accordingly. - Emit the editable_elem_selected signal if an editable element was clicked. Args: e: The arrived event. Return: The superclass return value. """ is_rocker_gesture = (config.get('input', 'rocker-gestures') and e.buttons() == Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton) if e.button() in (Qt.XButton1, Qt.XButton2) or is_rocker_gesture: self._mousepress_backforward(e) super().mousePressEvent(e) return self._mousepress_insertmode(e) self._mousepress_opentarget(e) self._ignore_wheel_event = True super().mousePressEvent(e) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): """Extend mouseReleaseEvent to enter insert mode if needed.""" super().mouseReleaseEvent(e) # We want to make sure we check the focus element after the WebView is # updated completely. QTimer.singleShot(0, self.mouserelease_insertmode) def contextMenuEvent(self, e): """Save a reference to the context menu so we can close it.""" menu = self.page().createStandardContextMenu() self.shutting_down.connect(menu.close) modeman.instance(self.win_id).entered.connect(menu.close) menu.exec_(e.globalPos()) def wheelEvent(self, e): """Zoom on Ctrl-Mousewheel. Args: e: The QWheelEvent. """ if self._ignore_wheel_event: self._ignore_wheel_event = False # See https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/395 return if e.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier: e.accept() divider = config.get('input', 'mouse-zoom-divider') factor = self.zoomFactor() + e.angleDelta().y() / divider if factor < 0: return perc = int(100 * factor) message.info(self.win_id, "Zoom level: {}%".format(perc)) self._zoom.fuzzyval = perc self.setZoomFactor(factor) self._default_zoom_changed = True else: super().wheelEvent(e)