# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2016-2018 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Backend-independent qute://* code. Module attributes: pyeval_output: The output of the last :pyeval command. _HANDLERS: The handlers registered via decorators. """ import html import json import os import time import textwrap import mimetypes import urllib import collections import base64 try: import secrets except ImportError: # New in Python 3.6 secrets = None import pkg_resources from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrlQuery, QUrl import qutebrowser from qutebrowser.browser import pdfjs from qutebrowser.config import config, configdata, configexc, configdiff from qutebrowser.utils import (version, utils, jinja, log, message, docutils, objreg, urlutils) from qutebrowser.misc import objects from qutebrowser.qt import sip pyeval_output = ":pyeval was never called" spawn_output = ":spawn was never called" csrf_token = None _HANDLERS = {} class Error(Exception): """Exception for generic errors on a qute:// page.""" pass class NotFoundError(Error): """Raised when the given URL was not found.""" pass class SchemeOSError(Error): """Raised when there was an OSError inside a handler.""" pass class UrlInvalidError(Error): """Raised when an invalid URL was opened.""" pass class RequestDeniedError(Error): """Raised when the request is forbidden.""" pass class Redirect(Exception): """Exception to signal a redirect should happen. Attributes: url: The URL to redirect to, as a QUrl. """ def __init__(self, url): super().__init__(url.toDisplayString()) self.url = url class add_handler: # noqa: N801,N806 pylint: disable=invalid-name """Decorator to register a qute://* URL handler. Attributes: _name: The 'foo' part of qute://foo """ def __init__(self, name): self._name = name self._function = None def __call__(self, function): self._function = function _HANDLERS[self._name] = self.wrapper return function def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """Call the underlying function.""" return self._function(*args, **kwargs) def data_for_url(url): """Get the data to show for the given URL. Args: url: The QUrl to show. Return: A (mimetype, data) tuple. """ norm_url = url.adjusted(QUrl.NormalizePathSegments | QUrl.StripTrailingSlash) if norm_url != url: raise Redirect(norm_url) path = url.path() host = url.host() query = urlutils.query_string(url) # A url like "qute:foo" is split as "scheme:path", not "scheme:host". log.misc.debug("url: {}, path: {}, host {}".format( url.toDisplayString(), path, host)) if not path or not host: new_url = QUrl() new_url.setScheme('qute') # When path is absent, e.g. qute://help (with no trailing slash) if host: new_url.setHost(host) # When host is absent, e.g. qute:help else: new_url.setHost(path) new_url.setPath('/') if query: new_url.setQuery(query) if new_url.host(): # path was a valid host raise Redirect(new_url) try: handler = _HANDLERS[host] except KeyError: raise NotFoundError("No handler found for {}".format( url.toDisplayString())) try: mimetype, data = handler(url) except OSError as e: raise SchemeOSError(e) assert mimetype is not None, url if mimetype == 'text/html' and isinstance(data, str): # We let handlers return HTML as text data = data.encode('utf-8', errors='xmlcharrefreplace') return mimetype, data @add_handler('bookmarks') def qute_bookmarks(_url): """Handler for qute://bookmarks. Display all quickmarks / bookmarks.""" bookmarks = sorted(objreg.get('bookmark-manager').marks.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) # Sort by title quickmarks = sorted(objreg.get('quickmark-manager').marks.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) # Sort by name src = jinja.render('bookmarks.html', title='Bookmarks', bookmarks=bookmarks, quickmarks=quickmarks) return 'text/html', src @add_handler('tabs') def qute_tabs(_url): """Handler for qute://tabs. Display information about all open tabs.""" tabs = collections.defaultdict(list) for win_id, window in objreg.window_registry.items(): if sip.isdeleted(window): continue tabbed_browser = objreg.get('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=win_id) for tab in tabbed_browser.widgets(): if tab.url() not in [QUrl("qute://tabs/"), QUrl("qute://tabs")]: urlstr = tab.url().toDisplayString() tabs[str(win_id)].append((tab.title(), urlstr)) src = jinja.render('tabs.html', title='Tabs', tab_list_by_window=tabs) return 'text/html', src def history_data(start_time, offset=None): """Return history data. Arguments: start_time: select history starting from this timestamp. offset: number of items to skip """ # history atimes are stored as ints, ensure start_time is not a float start_time = int(start_time) hist = objreg.get('web-history') if offset is not None: entries = hist.entries_before(start_time, limit=1000, offset=offset) else: # end is 24hrs earlier than start end_time = start_time - 24*60*60 entries = hist.entries_between(end_time, start_time) return [{"url": e.url, "title": html.escape(e.title) or html.escape(e.url), "time": e.atime} for e in entries] @add_handler('history') def qute_history(url): """Handler for qute://history. Display and serve history.""" if url.path() == '/data': try: offset = QUrlQuery(url).queryItemValue("offset") offset = int(offset) if offset else None except ValueError: raise UrlInvalidError("Query parameter offset is invalid") # Use start_time in query or current time. try: start_time = QUrlQuery(url).queryItemValue("start_time") start_time = float(start_time) if start_time else time.time() except ValueError: raise UrlInvalidError("Query parameter start_time is invalid") return 'text/html', json.dumps(history_data(start_time, offset)) else: return 'text/html', jinja.render( 'history.html', title='History', gap_interval=config.val.history_gap_interval ) @add_handler('javascript') def qute_javascript(url): """Handler for qute://javascript. Return content of file given as query parameter. """ path = url.path() if path: path = "javascript" + os.sep.join(path.split('/')) return 'text/html', utils.read_file(path, binary=False) else: raise UrlInvalidError("No file specified") @add_handler('pyeval') def qute_pyeval(_url): """Handler for qute://pyeval.""" src = jinja.render('pre.html', title='pyeval', content=pyeval_output) return 'text/html', src @add_handler('spawn-output') def qute_spawn_output(_url): """Handler for qute://spawn-output.""" src = jinja.render('pre.html', title='spawn output', content=spawn_output) return 'text/html', src @add_handler('version') @add_handler('verizon') def qute_version(_url): """Handler for qute://version.""" src = jinja.render('version.html', title='Version info', version=version.version(), copyright=qutebrowser.__copyright__) return 'text/html', src @add_handler('plainlog') def qute_plainlog(url): """Handler for qute://plainlog. An optional query parameter specifies the minimum log level to print. For example, qute://log?level=warning prints warnings and errors. Level can be one of: vdebug, debug, info, warning, error, critical. """ if log.ram_handler is None: text = "Log output was disabled." else: level = QUrlQuery(url).queryItemValue('level') if not level: level = 'vdebug' text = log.ram_handler.dump_log(html=False, level=level) src = jinja.render('pre.html', title='log', content=text) return 'text/html', src @add_handler('log') def qute_log(url): """Handler for qute://log. An optional query parameter specifies the minimum log level to print. For example, qute://log?level=warning prints warnings and errors. Level can be one of: vdebug, debug, info, warning, error, critical. """ if log.ram_handler is None: html_log = None else: level = QUrlQuery(url).queryItemValue('level') if not level: level = 'vdebug' html_log = log.ram_handler.dump_log(html=True, level=level) src = jinja.render('log.html', title='log', content=html_log) return 'text/html', src @add_handler('gpl') def qute_gpl(_url): """Handler for qute://gpl. Return HTML content as string.""" return 'text/html', utils.read_file('html/license.html') @add_handler('help') def qute_help(url): """Handler for qute://help.""" urlpath = url.path() if not urlpath or urlpath == '/': urlpath = 'index.html' else: urlpath = urlpath.lstrip('/') if not docutils.docs_up_to_date(urlpath): message.error("Your documentation is outdated! Please re-run " "scripts/asciidoc2html.py.") path = 'html/doc/{}'.format(urlpath) if not urlpath.endswith('.html'): try: bdata = utils.read_file(path, binary=True) except OSError as e: raise SchemeOSError(e) mimetype, _encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(urlpath) assert mimetype is not None, url return mimetype, bdata try: data = utils.read_file(path) except OSError: # No .html around, let's see if we find the asciidoc asciidoc_path = path.replace('.html', '.asciidoc') if asciidoc_path.startswith('html/doc/'): asciidoc_path = asciidoc_path.replace('html/doc/', '../doc/help/') try: asciidoc = utils.read_file(asciidoc_path) except OSError: asciidoc = None if asciidoc is None: raise preamble = textwrap.dedent(""" There was an error loading the documentation! This most likely means the documentation was not generated properly. If you are running qutebrowser from the git repository, please (re)run scripts/asciidoc2html.py and reload this page. If you're running a released version this is a bug, please use :report to report it. Falling back to the plaintext version. --------------------------------------------------------------- """) return 'text/plain', (preamble + asciidoc).encode('utf-8') else: return 'text/html', data @add_handler('backend-warning') def qute_backend_warning(_url): """Handler for qute://backend-warning.""" src = jinja.render('backend-warning.html', distribution=version.distribution(), Distribution=version.Distribution, version=pkg_resources.parse_version, title="Legacy backend warning") return 'text/html', src def _qute_settings_set(url): """Handler for qute://settings/set.""" query = QUrlQuery(url) option = query.queryItemValue('option', QUrl.FullyDecoded) value = query.queryItemValue('value', QUrl.FullyDecoded) # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/727 if option == 'content.javascript.enabled' and value == 'false': msg = ("Refusing to disable javascript via qute://settings " "as it needs javascript support.") message.error(msg) return 'text/html', b'error: ' + msg.encode('utf-8') try: config.instance.set_str(option, value, save_yaml=True) return 'text/html', b'ok' except configexc.Error as e: message.error(str(e)) return 'text/html', b'error: ' + str(e).encode('utf-8') @add_handler('settings') def qute_settings(url): """Handler for qute://settings. View/change qute configuration.""" global csrf_token if url.path() == '/set': if url.password() != csrf_token: message.error("Invalid CSRF token for qute://settings!") raise RequestDeniedError("Invalid CSRF token!") return _qute_settings_set(url) # Requests to qute://settings/set should only be allowed from # qute://settings. As an additional security precaution, we generate a CSRF # token to use here. if secrets: csrf_token = secrets.token_urlsafe() else: # On Python < 3.6, from secrets.py token = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(32)) csrf_token = token.rstrip(b'=').decode('ascii') src = jinja.render('settings.html', title='settings', configdata=configdata, confget=config.instance.get_str, csrf_token=csrf_token) return 'text/html', src @add_handler('bindings') def qute_bindings(_url): """Handler for qute://bindings. View keybindings.""" bindings = {} defaults = config.val.bindings.default modes = set(defaults.keys()).union(config.val.bindings.commands) modes.remove('normal') modes = ['normal'] + sorted(list(modes)) for mode in modes: bindings[mode] = config.key_instance.get_bindings_for(mode) src = jinja.render('bindings.html', title='Bindings', bindings=bindings) return 'text/html', src @add_handler('back') def qute_back(url): """Handler for qute://back. Simple page to free ram / lazy load a site, goes back on focusing the tab. """ src = jinja.render( 'back.html', title='Suspended: ' + urllib.parse.unquote(url.fragment())) return 'text/html', src @add_handler('configdiff') def qute_configdiff(url): """Handler for qute://configdiff.""" if url.path() == '/old': try: return 'text/html', configdiff.get_diff() except OSError as e: error = (b'Failed to read old config: ' + str(e.strerror).encode('utf-8')) return 'text/plain', error else: data = config.instance.dump_userconfig().encode('utf-8') return 'text/plain', data @add_handler('pastebin-version') def qute_pastebin_version(_url): """Handler that pastebins the version string.""" version.pastebin_version() return 'text/plain', b'Paste called.' @add_handler('pdfjs') def qute_pdfjs(url): """Handler for qute://pdfjs. Return the pdf.js viewer.""" try: data = pdfjs.get_pdfjs_res(url.path()) except pdfjs.PDFJSNotFound as e: # Logging as the error might get lost otherwise since we're not showing # the error page if a single asset is missing. This way we don't lose # information, as the failed pdfjs requests are still in the log. log.misc.warning( "pdfjs resource requested but not found: {}".format(e.path)) raise NotFoundError("Can't find pdfjs resource '{}'".format(e.path)) else: mimetype, _encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(url.fileName()) assert mimetype is not None, url return mimetype, data