# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2017 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Tests for qutebrowser.config.configcommands.""" import logging import unittest.mock import pytest from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QProcess from qutebrowser.config import configcommands from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc from qutebrowser.utils import usertypes from qutebrowser.misc import objects @pytest.fixture def commands(config_stub, key_config_stub): return configcommands.ConfigCommands(config_stub, key_config_stub) class TestSet: """Tests for :set.""" def test_set_no_args(self, commands, tabbed_browser_stubs): """Run ':set'. Should open qute://settings.""" commands.set(win_id=0) assert tabbed_browser_stubs[0].opened_url == QUrl('qute://settings') def test_get(self, config_stub, commands, message_mock): """Run ':set url.auto_search?'. Should show the value. """ config_stub.val.url.auto_search = 'never' commands.set(win_id=0, option='url.auto_search?') msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.info) assert msg.text == 'url.auto_search = never' @pytest.mark.parametrize('temp', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('option, old_value, inp, new_value', [ ('url.auto_search', 'naive', 'dns', 'dns'), # https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/2962 ('editor.command', ['gvim', '-f', '{file}', '-c', 'normal {line}G{column0}l'], '[emacs, "{}"]', ['emacs', '{}']), ]) def test_set_simple(self, monkeypatch, commands, config_stub, temp, option, old_value, inp, new_value): """Run ':set [-t] option value'. Should set the setting accordingly. """ monkeypatch.setattr(objects, 'backend', usertypes.Backend.QtWebKit) assert config_stub.get(option) == old_value commands.set(0, option, inp, temp=temp) assert config_stub.get(option) == new_value if temp: assert option not in config_stub._yaml else: assert config_stub._yaml[option] == new_value @pytest.mark.parametrize('temp', [True, False]) def test_set_temp_override(self, commands, config_stub, temp): """Invoking :set twice. :set url.auto_search dns :set -t url.auto_search never Should set the setting accordingly. """ assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'naive' commands.set(0, 'url.auto_search', 'dns') commands.set(0, 'url.auto_search', 'never', temp=True) assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'never' assert config_stub._yaml['url.auto_search'] == 'dns' def test_set_print(self, config_stub, commands, message_mock): """Run ':set -p url.auto_search never'. Should set show the value. """ assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'naive' commands.set(0, 'url.auto_search', 'dns', print_=True) assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'dns' msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.info) assert msg.text == 'url.auto_search = dns' def test_set_invalid_option(self, commands): """Run ':set foo bar'. Should show an error. """ with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="No option 'foo'"): commands.set(0, 'foo', 'bar') def test_set_invalid_value(self, commands): """Run ':set auto_save.session blah'. Should show an error. """ with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="Invalid value 'blah' - must be a boolean!"): commands.set(0, 'auto_save.session', 'blah') def test_set_wrong_backend(self, commands, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(objects, 'backend', usertypes.Backend.QtWebEngine) with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="This setting is not available with the " "QtWebEngine backend!"): commands.set(0, 'content.cookies.accept', 'all') @pytest.mark.parametrize('option', ['?', '!', 'url.auto_search']) def test_empty(self, commands, option): """Run ':set ?' / ':set !' / ':set url.auto_search'. Should show an error. See https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1109 """ with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="The following arguments are required: " "value"): commands.set(win_id=0, option=option) def test_invalid(self, commands): """Run ':set foo?'. Should show an error. """ with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="No option 'foo'"): commands.set(win_id=0, option='foo?') class TestCycle: """Test :config-cycle.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize('initial, expected', [ # Normal cycling ('magenta', 'blue'), # Through the end of the list ('yellow', 'green'), # Value which is not in the list ('red', 'green'), ]) def test_cycling(self, commands, config_stub, initial, expected): """Run ':set' with multiple values.""" opt = 'colors.statusbar.normal.bg' config_stub.set_obj(opt, initial) commands.config_cycle(opt, 'green', 'magenta', 'blue', 'yellow') assert config_stub.get(opt) == expected assert config_stub._yaml[opt] == expected def test_different_representation(self, commands, config_stub): """When using a different representation, cycling should work. For example, we use [foo] which is represented as ["foo"]. """ opt = 'qt.args' config_stub.set_obj(opt, ['foo']) commands.config_cycle(opt, '[foo]', '[bar]') assert config_stub.get(opt) == ['bar'] commands.config_cycle(opt, '[foo]', '[bar]') assert config_stub.get(opt) == ['foo'] def test_toggle(self, commands, config_stub): """Run ':config-cycle auto_save.session'. Should toggle the value. """ assert not config_stub.val.auto_save.session commands.config_cycle('auto_save.session') assert config_stub.val.auto_save.session assert config_stub._yaml['auto_save.session'] @pytest.mark.parametrize('args', [ ['url.auto_search'], ['url.auto_search', 'foo'] ]) def test_toggle_nonbool(self, commands, config_stub, args): """Run :config-cycle without a bool and 0/1 value. :config-cycle url.auto_search :config-cycle url.auto_search foo Should show an error. """ assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'naive' with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="Need at least " "two values for non-boolean settings."): commands.config_cycle(*args) assert config_stub.val.url.auto_search == 'naive' def test_set_toggle_print(self, commands, config_stub, message_mock): """Run ':config-cycle -p auto_save.session'. Should toggle the value and show the new value. """ commands.config_cycle('auto_save.session', print_=True) msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.info) assert msg.text == 'auto_save.session = true' class TestUnsetAndClear: """Test :config-unset and :config-clear.""" @pytest.mark.parametrize('temp', [True, False]) def test_unset(self, commands, config_stub, temp): name = 'tabs.show' config_stub.set_obj(name, 'never', save_yaml=True) commands.config_unset(name, temp=temp) assert config_stub.get(name) == 'always' if temp: assert config_stub._yaml[name] == 'never' else: assert name not in config_stub._yaml def test_unset_unknown_option(self, commands): with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match="No option 'tabs'"): commands.config_unset('tabs') @pytest.mark.parametrize('save', [True, False]) def test_clear(self, commands, config_stub, save): name = 'tabs.show' config_stub.set_obj(name, 'never', save_yaml=True) commands.config_clear(save=save) assert config_stub.get(name) == 'always' if save: assert name not in config_stub._yaml else: assert config_stub._yaml[name] == 'never' class TestSource: """Test :config-source.""" pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('config_tmpdir', 'data_tmpdir', 'config_stub', 'key_config_stub') @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_default_dir', [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('clear', [True, False]) def test_config_source(self, tmpdir, commands, config_stub, config_tmpdir, use_default_dir, clear): assert config_stub.val.content.javascript.enabled config_stub.val.ignore_case = 'always' if use_default_dir: pyfile = config_tmpdir / 'config.py' arg = None else: pyfile = tmpdir / 'sourced.py' arg = str(pyfile) pyfile.write_text('c.content.javascript.enabled = False\n', encoding='utf-8') commands.config_source(arg, clear=clear) assert not config_stub.val.content.javascript.enabled assert config_stub.val.ignore_case == ('smart' if clear else 'always') def test_errors(self, commands, config_tmpdir): pyfile = config_tmpdir / 'config.py' pyfile.write_text('c.foo = 42', encoding='utf-8') with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError) as excinfo: commands.config_source() expected = ("Errors occurred while reading config.py:\n" " While setting 'foo': No option 'foo'") assert str(excinfo.value) == expected class TestEdit: """Tests for :config-edit.""" pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('config_tmpdir', 'data_tmpdir', 'config_stub', 'key_config_stub') def test_no_source(self, commands, mocker): mock = mocker.patch('qutebrowser.config.configcommands.editor.' 'ExternalEditor._start_editor', autospec=True) commands.config_edit(no_source=True) mock.assert_called_once_with(unittest.mock.ANY) @pytest.fixture def patch_editor(self, mocker): """Write a config.py file.""" def do_patch(text): def _write_file(editor_self): with open(editor_self._filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(text) editor_self.on_proc_closed(0, QProcess.NormalExit) return mocker.patch('qutebrowser.config.configcommands.editor.' 'ExternalEditor._start_editor', autospec=True, side_effect=_write_file) return do_patch def test_with_sourcing(self, commands, config_stub, patch_editor): assert config_stub.val.content.javascript.enabled mock = patch_editor('c.content.javascript.enabled = False') commands.config_edit() mock.assert_called_once_with(unittest.mock.ANY) assert not config_stub.val.content.javascript.enabled def test_error(self, commands, config_stub, patch_editor, message_mock, caplog): patch_editor('c.foo = 42') with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR): commands.config_edit() msg = message_mock.getmsg() expected = ("Errors occurred while reading config.py:\n" " While setting 'foo': No option 'foo'") assert msg.text == expected class TestWritePy: """Tests for :config-write-py.""" def test_custom(self, commands, config_stub, key_config_stub, tmpdir): confpy = tmpdir / 'config.py' config_stub.val.content.javascript.enabled = True key_config_stub.bind(',x', 'message-info foo', mode='normal') commands.config_write_py(str(confpy)) lines = confpy.read_text('utf-8').splitlines() assert "c.content.javascript.enabled = True" in lines assert "config.bind(',x', 'message-info foo')" in lines def test_defaults(self, commands, tmpdir): confpy = tmpdir / 'config.py' commands.config_write_py(str(confpy), defaults=True) lines = confpy.read_text('utf-8').splitlines() assert "# c.content.javascript.enabled = True" in lines assert "# config.bind('H', 'back')" in lines def test_default_location(self, commands, config_tmpdir): confpy = config_tmpdir / 'config.py' commands.config_write_py() lines = confpy.read_text('utf-8').splitlines() assert '# Autogenerated config.py' in lines def test_existing_file(self, commands, tmpdir): confpy = tmpdir / 'config.py' confpy.ensure() with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError) as excinfo: commands.config_write_py(str(confpy)) expected = " already exists - use --force to overwrite!" assert str(excinfo.value).endswith(expected) def test_existing_file_force(self, commands, tmpdir): confpy = tmpdir / 'config.py' confpy.ensure() commands.config_write_py(str(confpy), force=True) lines = confpy.read_text('utf-8').splitlines() assert '# Autogenerated config.py' in lines class TestBind: """Tests for :bind and :unbind.""" @pytest.fixture def no_bindings(self): """Get a dict with no bindings.""" return {'normal': {}} @pytest.mark.parametrize('command', ['nop', 'nope']) def test_bind(self, commands, config_stub, no_bindings, key_config_stub, command): """Simple :bind test (and aliases).""" config_stub.val.aliases = {'nope': 'nop'} config_stub.val.bindings.default = no_bindings config_stub.val.bindings.commands = no_bindings commands.bind('a', command) assert key_config_stub.get_command('a', 'normal') == command yaml_bindings = config_stub._yaml['bindings.commands']['normal'] assert yaml_bindings['a'] == command @pytest.mark.parametrize('key, mode, expected', [ # Simple ('a', 'normal', "a is bound to 'message-info a' in normal mode"), # Alias ('b', 'normal', "b is bound to 'mib' in normal mode"), # Custom binding ('c', 'normal', "c is bound to 'message-info c' in normal mode"), # Special key ('', 'normal', " is bound to 'message-info C-x' in normal mode"), # unbound ('x', 'normal', "x is unbound in normal mode"), # non-default mode ('x', 'caret', "x is bound to 'nop' in caret mode"), ]) def test_bind_print(self, commands, config_stub, message_mock, key, mode, expected): """Run ':bind key'. Should print the binding. """ config_stub.val.aliases = {'mib': 'message-info b'} config_stub.val.bindings.default = { 'normal': {'a': 'message-info a', 'b': 'mib', '': 'message-info C-x'}, 'caret': {'x': 'nop'} } config_stub.val.bindings.commands = { 'normal': {'c': 'message-info c'} } commands.bind(key, mode=mode) msg = message_mock.getmsg(usertypes.MessageLevel.info) assert msg.text == expected def test_bind_invalid_mode(self, commands): """Run ':bind --mode=wrongmode a nop'. Should show an error. """ with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match='Invalid mode wrongmode!'): commands.bind('a', 'nop', mode='wrongmode') def test_bind_print_invalid_mode(self, commands): """Run ':bind --mode=wrongmode a'. Should show an error. """ with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match='Invalid mode wrongmode!'): commands.bind('a', mode='wrongmode') @pytest.mark.parametrize('key', ['a', 'b', '']) def test_bind_duplicate(self, commands, config_stub, key_config_stub, key): """Run ':bind' with a key which already has been bound.'. Also tests for https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/issues/1544 """ config_stub.val.bindings.default = { 'normal': {'a': 'nop', '': 'nop'} } config_stub.val.bindings.commands = { 'normal': {'b': 'nop'}, } commands.bind(key, 'message-info foo', mode='normal') assert key_config_stub.get_command(key, 'normal') == 'message-info foo' def test_bind_none(self, commands, config_stub): config_stub.val.bindings.commands = None commands.bind(',x', 'nop') def test_bind_default(self, commands, key_config_stub, config_stub): """Bind a key to its default.""" default_cmd = 'message-info default' bound_cmd = 'message-info bound' config_stub.val.bindings.default = {'normal': {'a': default_cmd}} config_stub.val.bindings.commands = {'normal': {'a': bound_cmd}} assert key_config_stub.get_command('a', mode='normal') == bound_cmd commands.bind('a', mode='normal', default=True) assert key_config_stub.get_command('a', mode='normal') == default_cmd @pytest.mark.parametrize('key, mode, expected', [ ('foobar', 'normal', "Can't find binding 'foobar' in normal mode"), ('x', 'wrongmode', "Invalid mode wrongmode!"), ]) def test_bind_default_invalid(self, commands, key, mode, expected): """Run ':bind --default foobar' / ':bind --default x wrongmode'. Should show an error. """ with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match=expected): commands.bind(key, mode=mode, default=True) def test_unbind_none(self, commands, config_stub): config_stub.val.bindings.commands = None commands.unbind('H') @pytest.mark.parametrize('key, normalized', [ ('a', 'a'), # default bindings ('b', 'b'), # custom bindings ('c', 'c'), # :bind then :unbind ('', '') # normalized special binding ]) def test_unbind(self, commands, key_config_stub, config_stub, key, normalized): config_stub.val.bindings.default = { 'normal': {'a': 'nop', '': 'nop'}, 'caret': {'a': 'nop', '': 'nop'}, } config_stub.val.bindings.commands = { 'normal': {'b': 'nop'}, 'caret': {'b': 'nop'}, } if key == 'c': # Test :bind and :unbind commands.bind(key, 'nop') commands.unbind(key) assert key_config_stub.get_command(key, 'normal') is None yaml_bindings = config_stub._yaml['bindings.commands']['normal'] if key in 'bc': # Custom binding assert normalized not in yaml_bindings else: assert yaml_bindings[normalized] is None @pytest.mark.parametrize('key, mode, expected', [ ('foobar', 'normal', "Can't find binding 'foobar' in normal mode"), ('x', 'wrongmode', "Invalid mode wrongmode!"), ]) def test_unbind_invalid(self, commands, key, mode, expected): """Run ':unbind foobar' / ':unbind x wrongmode'. Should show an error. """ with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError, match=expected): commands.unbind(key, mode=mode)