# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Tests for qutebrowser.misc.sessions.""" import textwrap import logging import pytest import yaml from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QPoint, QByteArray from PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebView from qutebrowser.misc import sessions from qutebrowser.utils import objreg, qtutils from qutebrowser.browser import tabhistory from qutebrowser.browser.tabhistory import TabHistoryItem as Item from qutebrowser.commands import cmdexc @pytest.fixture def sess_man(): """Fixture providing a SessionManager with no session dir.""" return sessions.SessionManager(base_path=None) class TestInit: @pytest.yield_fixture(autouse=True) def cleanup(self): yield objreg.delete('session-manager') def test_no_standarddir(self, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.misc.sessions.standarddir.data', lambda: None) sessions.init() manager = objreg.get('session-manager') assert manager._base_path is None @pytest.mark.parametrize('create_dir', [True, False]) def test_with_standarddir(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch, create_dir): monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.misc.sessions.standarddir.data', lambda: str(tmpdir)) session_dir = tmpdir / 'sessions' if create_dir: session_dir.ensure(dir=True) sessions.init() manager = objreg.get('session-manager') assert session_dir.exists() assert manager._base_path == str(session_dir) def test_did_not_load(sess_man): assert not sess_man.did_load class TestExists: @pytest.mark.parametrize('absolute', [True, False]) def test_existant(self, tmpdir, absolute): session_dir = tmpdir / 'sessions' abs_session = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' rel_session = session_dir / 'foo.yml' session_dir.ensure(dir=True) abs_session.ensure() rel_session.ensure() man = sessions.SessionManager(str(session_dir)) if absolute: name = str(abs_session) else: name = 'foo' assert man.exists(name) @pytest.mark.parametrize('absolute', [True, False]) def test_inexistant(self, tmpdir, absolute): man = sessions.SessionManager(str(tmpdir)) if absolute: name = str(tmpdir / 'foo') else: name = 'foo' assert not man.exists(name) @pytest.mark.parametrize('absolute', [True, False]) def test_no_datadir(self, sess_man, tmpdir, absolute): abs_session = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' abs_session.ensure() if absolute: assert sess_man.exists(str(abs_session)) else: assert not sess_man.exists('foo') class HistTester: """Helper object for the hist_tester fixture. Makes it possible to use tabhistory.TabHistoryItem objects to easily load data into a QWebHistory, does some basic checks, and provides the serialized history. Attributes: sess_man: The SessionManager which is used. webview: The WebView where the history is loaded to. """ def __init__(self, webview): self.sess_man = sessions.SessionManager(base_path=None) self.webview = webview def get(self, items): """Get the serialized history for the given items. Args: items: A list of TabHistoryItems. Return: A list of serialized items, as dicts. """ history = self.webview.page().history() stream, _data, user_data = tabhistory.serialize(items) qtutils.deserialize_stream(stream, history) for i, data in enumerate(user_data): history.itemAt(i).setUserData(data) d = self.sess_man._save_tab(self.webview, active=True) new_history = d['history'] assert len(new_history) == len(items) return new_history def get_single(self, item): """Convenience method to use get() with a single item.""" ret = self.get([item]) assert len(ret) == 1 return ret[0] class TestSaveTab: @pytest.fixture def hist_tester(self, webview): """Helper to test saving of history.""" return HistTester(webview) @pytest.mark.parametrize('is_active', [True, False]) def test_active(self, sess_man, webview, is_active): data = sess_man._save_tab(webview, is_active) if is_active: assert data['active'] else: assert 'active' not in data def test_no_history(self, sess_man, webview): data = sess_man._save_tab(webview, active=False) assert not data['history'] def test_single_item(self, hist_tester): item = Item(url=QUrl('http://www.qutebrowser.org/'), title='Test title', active=True) expected = { 'url': 'http://www.qutebrowser.org/', 'title': 'Test title', 'active': True, 'scroll-pos': {'x': 0, 'y': 0}, 'zoom': 1.0 } hist = hist_tester.get_single(item) assert hist == expected def test_original_url(self, hist_tester): """Test with an original-url which differs from the URL.""" item = Item(url=QUrl('http://www.example.com/'), original_url=QUrl('http://www.example.org/'), title='Test title', active=True) hist = hist_tester.get_single(item) assert hist['url'] == 'http://www.example.com/' assert hist['original-url'] == 'http://www.example.org/' def test_multiple_items(self, hist_tester): items = [ Item(url=QUrl('http://www.qutebrowser.org/'), title='test 1'), Item(url=QUrl('http://www.example.com/'), title='test 2', active=True), Item(url=QUrl('http://www.example.org/'), title='test 3'), ] expected = [ { 'url': 'http://www.qutebrowser.org/', 'title': 'test 1', }, { 'url': 'http://www.example.com/', 'title': 'test 2', 'active': True, 'scroll-pos': {'x': 0, 'y': 0}, 'zoom': 1.0 }, { 'url': 'http://www.example.org/', 'title': 'test 3', }, ] hist = hist_tester.get(items) assert hist == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('factor', [-1.0, 0.0, 1.5]) def test_zoom(self, hist_tester, factor): """Test zoom.""" items = [ Item(url=QUrl('http://www.example.com/'), title='Test title', active=True), Item(url=QUrl('http://www.example.com/'), title='Test title', user_data={'zoom': factor}), ] hist_tester.webview.setZoomFactor(factor) hist = hist_tester.get(items) assert hist[0]['zoom'] == factor assert hist[1]['zoom'] == factor @pytest.mark.parametrize('pos_x, pos_y', [ (0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0), ]) def test_scroll_current(self, hist_tester, pos_x, pos_y): """Test scroll position on the current URL.""" items = [ Item(url=QUrl('http://www.example.com/'), title='Test title', active=True), Item(url=QUrl('http://www.example.com/'), title='Test title', user_data={'scroll-pos': QPoint(pos_x, pos_y)}), ] frame = hist_tester.webview.page().mainFrame() text = '{}\n'.format('x' * 100) * 100 frame.setHtml('{}'.format(text)) frame.setScrollPosition(QPoint(pos_x, pos_y)) hist = hist_tester.get(items) assert hist[0]['scroll-pos'] == {'x': pos_x, 'y': pos_y} assert hist[1]['scroll-pos'] == {'x': pos_x, 'y': pos_y} class FakeMainWindow: """Helper class for the fake_main_window fixture. A fake MainWindow which provides a saveGeometry method. """ def __init__(self, geometry, win_id): self._geometry = QByteArray(geometry) self.win_id = win_id def saveGeometry(self): return self._geometry class FakeTabbedBrowser: """A fake tabbed-browser which contains some widgets.""" def __init__(self, widgets): self._widgets = widgets def widgets(self): return self._widgets def currentIndex(self): return 1 @pytest.yield_fixture def fake_windows(win_registry, stubs, monkeypatch, qtbot): """Fixture which provides two fake main windows and tabbedbrowsers.""" win_registry.add_window(1) win0 = FakeMainWindow(b'fake-geometry-0', win_id=0) win1 = FakeMainWindow(b'fake-geometry-1', win_id=1) objreg.register('main-window', win0, scope='window', window=0) objreg.register('main-window', win1, scope='window', window=1) webview0 = QWebView() qtbot.add_widget(webview0) webview1 = QWebView() qtbot.add_widget(webview1) webview2 = QWebView() qtbot.add_widget(webview2) webview3 = QWebView() qtbot.add_widget(webview3) browser0 = FakeTabbedBrowser([webview0, webview1]) browser1 = FakeTabbedBrowser([webview2, webview3]) objreg.register('tabbed-browser', browser0, scope='window', window=0) objreg.register('tabbed-browser', browser1, scope='window', window=1) qapp = stubs.FakeQApplication(active_window=win0) monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.misc.sessions.QApplication', qapp) yield browser0, browser1 objreg.delete('main-window', scope='window', window=0) objreg.delete('main-window', scope='window', window=1) objreg.delete('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=0) objreg.delete('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=1) class TestSaveAll: def test_no_history(self, sess_man): assert not objreg.window_registry data = sess_man._save_all() assert not data['windows'] def test_normal(self, fake_windows, sess_man): """Test with some windows and tabs set up.""" data = sess_man._save_all() win1 = { 'active': True, 'geometry': b'fake-geometry-0', 'tabs': [ {'history': []}, {'active': True, 'history': []}, ], } win2 = { 'geometry': b'fake-geometry-1', 'tabs': [ {'history': []}, {'active': True, 'history': []}, ], } expected = {'windows': [win1, win2]} assert data == expected def test_no_active_window(self, sess_man, fake_windows, stubs, monkeypatch): qapp = stubs.FakeQApplication(active_window=None) monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.misc.sessions.QApplication', qapp) sess_man._save_all() @pytest.mark.parametrize('arg, config, current, expected', [ ('foo', None, None, 'foo'), (sessions.default, 'foo', None, 'foo'), (sessions.default, None, 'foo', 'foo'), (sessions.default, None, None, 'default'), ]) def test_get_session_name(config_stub, sess_man, arg, config, current, expected): config_stub.data = {'general': {'session-default-name': config}} sess_man._current = current assert sess_man._get_session_name(arg) == expected class TestSave: @pytest.yield_fixture def state_config(self): state = {'general': {}} objreg.register('state-config', state) yield state objreg.delete('state-config') @pytest.yield_fixture def fake_history(self, win_registry, stubs, monkeypatch, webview): """Fixture which provides a window with a fake history.""" win = FakeMainWindow(b'fake-geometry-0', win_id=0) objreg.register('main-window', win, scope='window', window=0) browser = FakeTabbedBrowser([webview]) objreg.register('tabbed-browser', browser, scope='window', window=0) qapp = stubs.FakeQApplication(active_window=win) monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.misc.sessions.QApplication', qapp) def set_data(items): history = browser.widgets()[0].page().history() stream, _data, user_data = tabhistory.serialize(items) qtutils.deserialize_stream(stream, history) for i, data in enumerate(user_data): history.itemAt(i).setUserData(data) yield set_data objreg.delete('main-window', scope='window', window=0) objreg.delete('tabbed-browser', scope='window', window=0) def test_no_config_storage(self, sess_man): with pytest.raises(sessions.SessionError) as excinfo: sess_man.save('foo') assert str(excinfo.value) == "No data storage configured." def test_simple_dump(self, sess_man, tmpdir): session_path = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' name = sess_man.save(str(session_path)) assert name == str(session_path) data = session_path.read_text('utf-8') assert data == 'windows: []\n' def test_update_completion_signal(self, sess_man, tmpdir, qtbot): session_path = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' blocker = qtbot.waitSignal(sess_man.update_completion) sess_man.save(str(session_path)) assert blocker.signal_triggered def test_no_state_config(self, sess_man, tmpdir, state_config): session_path = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' sess_man.save(str(session_path)) assert 'session' not in state_config['general'] def test_last_window_session_none(self, sess_man, tmpdir): session_path = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' with pytest.raises(AssertionError): sess_man.save(str(session_path), last_window=True) assert not session_path.exists() def test_last_window_session(self, sess_man, tmpdir): sess_man.save_last_window_session() session_path = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' sess_man.save(str(session_path), last_window=True) data = session_path.read_text('utf-8') assert data == 'windows: []\n' @pytest.mark.parametrize('exception', [ OSError('foo'), UnicodeEncodeError('ascii', '', 0, 2, 'foo'), yaml.YAMLError('foo')]) def test_fake_exception(self, mocker, sess_man, tmpdir, exception): mocker.patch('qutebrowser.misc.sessions.yaml.dump', side_effect=exception) with pytest.raises(sessions.SessionError) as excinfo: sess_man.save(str(tmpdir / 'foo.yml')) assert str(excinfo.value) == str(exception) assert not tmpdir.listdir() def test_directory(self, sess_man, tmpdir): """Test with a directory given as session file.""" with pytest.raises(sessions.SessionError) as excinfo: sess_man.save(str(tmpdir)) assert str(excinfo.value) in ["Filename refers to a directory", "Commit failed!"] assert not tmpdir.listdir() def test_load_next_time(self, tmpdir, state_config, sess_man): session_path = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' sess_man.save(str(session_path), load_next_time=True) assert state_config['general']['session'] == str(session_path) def test_utf_8_valid(self, tmpdir, sess_man, fake_history): """Make sure data containing valid UTF8 gets saved correctly.""" session_path = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' fake_history([Item(QUrl('http://www.qutebrowser.org/'), 'foo☃bar', active=True)]) sess_man.save(str(session_path)) data = session_path.read_text('utf-8') assert 'title: foo☃bar' in data def test_utf_8_invalid(self, tmpdir, sess_man, fake_history): """Make sure data containing invalid UTF8 raises SessionError.""" session_path = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' fake_history([Item(QUrl('http://www.qutebrowser.org/'), '\ud800', active=True)]) try: sess_man.save(str(session_path)) except sessions.SessionError: # This seems to happen on some systems only?! pass else: data = session_path.read_text('utf-8') assert r'title: "\uD800"' in data def _set_data(self, browser, tab_id, items): """Helper function for test_long_output.""" history = browser.widgets()[tab_id].page().history() stream, _data, user_data = tabhistory.serialize(items) qtutils.deserialize_stream(stream, history) for i, data in enumerate(user_data): history.itemAt(i).setUserData(data) def test_long_output(self, fake_windows, tmpdir, sess_man): session_path = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' items1 = [ Item(QUrl('http://www.qutebrowser.org/'), 'test title 1'), Item(QUrl('http://www.example.org/'), 'test title 2', original_url=QUrl('http://www.example.com/'), active=True), ] items2 = [ Item(QUrl('http://www.example.com/?q=foo+bar'), 'test title 3'), Item(QUrl('http://www.example.com/?q=test%20foo'), 'test title 4', active=True), ] items3 = [] items4 = [ Item(QUrl('http://www.github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser'), 'test title 5', active=True), ] self._set_data(fake_windows[0], 0, items1) self._set_data(fake_windows[0], 1, items2) self._set_data(fake_windows[1], 0, items3) self._set_data(fake_windows[1], 1, items4) expected = """ windows: - active: true geometry: !!binary | ZmFrZS1nZW9tZXRyeS0w tabs: - history: - title: test title 1 url: http://www.qutebrowser.org/ - active: true original-url: http://www.example.com/ scroll-pos: x: 0 y: 0 title: test title 2 url: http://www.example.org/ zoom: 1.0 - active: true history: - title: test title 3 url: http://www.example.com/?q=foo+bar - active: true scroll-pos: x: 0 y: 0 title: test title 4 url: http://www.example.com/?q=test%20foo zoom: 1.0 - geometry: !!binary | ZmFrZS1nZW9tZXRyeS0x tabs: - history: [] - active: true history: - active: true scroll-pos: x: 0 y: 0 title: test title 5 url: http://www.github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser zoom: 1.0 """ sess_man.save(str(session_path)) data = session_path.read_text('utf-8') assert data == textwrap.dedent(expected.strip('\n')) class TestDelete: def test_existing(self, sess_man, tmpdir): sess = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' sess.ensure() sess_man.delete(str(sess)) assert not tmpdir.listdir() def test_update_completion_signal(self, sess_man, qtbot, tmpdir): sess = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' sess.ensure() blocker = qtbot.waitSignal(sess_man.update_completion) sess_man.delete(str(sess)) assert blocker.signal_triggered def test_not_existing(self, sess_man, qtbot, tmpdir): sess = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' with pytest.raises(sessions.SessionError): sess_man.delete(str(sess)) class TestListSessions: def test_no_base_path(self, sess_man): assert not sess_man.list_sessions() def test_no_sessions(self, tmpdir): sess_man = sessions.SessionManager(str(tmpdir)) assert not sess_man.list_sessions() def test_with_sessions(self, tmpdir): (tmpdir / 'foo.yml').ensure() (tmpdir / 'bar.yml').ensure() sess_man = sessions.SessionManager(str(tmpdir)) assert sorted(sess_man.list_sessions()) == ['bar', 'foo'] def test_with_other_files(self, tmpdir): (tmpdir / 'foo.yml').ensure() (tmpdir / 'bar.html').ensure() sess_man = sessions.SessionManager(str(tmpdir)) assert sess_man.list_sessions() == ['foo'] class TestSessionDelete: def test_internal_without_force(self, tmpdir): sess_man = sessions.SessionManager(str(tmpdir)) sess_file = tmpdir / '_foo.yml' sess_file.ensure() with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError) as excinfo: sess_man.session_delete('_foo') expected_text = ("_foo is an internal session, use --force to " "delete anyways.") assert str(excinfo.value) == expected_text assert sess_file.exists() def test_internal_with_force(self, tmpdir): sess_man = sessions.SessionManager(str(tmpdir)) sess_file = tmpdir / '_foo.yml' sess_file.ensure() sess_man.session_delete('_foo', force=True) assert not tmpdir.listdir() def test_normal_delete(self, tmpdir): sess_man = sessions.SessionManager(str(tmpdir)) sess_file = tmpdir / 'foo.yml' sess_file.ensure() sess_man.session_delete('foo') assert not tmpdir.listdir() def test_session_not_found(self, tmpdir): sess_man = sessions.SessionManager(str(tmpdir)) with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError) as excinfo: sess_man.session_delete('foo') assert str(excinfo.value) == "Session foo not found!" @pytest.mark.posix def test_deletion_error(self, caplog, tmpdir): sess_man = sessions.SessionManager(str(tmpdir)) (tmpdir / 'foo.yml').ensure() tmpdir.chmod(0o555) # unwritable with pytest.raises(cmdexc.CommandError) as excinfo: with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR): sess_man.session_delete('foo') assert str(excinfo.value).startswith('Error while deleting session: ') records = caplog.records() assert len(records) == 1 assert records[0].message == 'Error while deleting session!'