Feature: Various utility commands. Scenario: :set-cmd-text and :command-accept When I run :set-cmd-text :message-info "Hello World" And I run :command-accept Then the message "Hello World" should be shown. Scenario: :set-cmd-text with two commands When I run :set-cmd-text :message-info test ;; message-error error And I run :command-accept Then the message "test" should be shown. And the error "error" should be shown. Scenario: :set-cmd-text with URL replacement When I open data/hello.txt When I run :set-cmd-text :message-info >{url}< And I run :command-accept Then the message ">http://localhost:*/hello.txt<" should be shown. Scenario: :set-cmd-text with -s and -a When I run :set-cmd-text -s :message-info "foo And I run :set-cmd-text -a bar" And I run :command-accept Then the message "foo bar" should be shown. Scenario: :set-cmd-text with -a but without text When I run :set-cmd-text -a foo Then the error "No current text!" should be shown. Scenario: :set-cmd-text with invalid command When I run :set-cmd-text foo Then the error "Invalid command text 'foo'." should be shown. Scenario: :message-error When I run :message-error "Hello World" Then the error "Hello World" should be shown. Scenario: :message-info When I run :message-info "Hello World" Then the message "Hello World" should be shown. Scenario: :message-warning When I run :message-warning "Hello World" Then the warning "Hello World" should be shown. Scenario: :jseval When I set general -> log-javascript-console to true And I run :jseval console.log("Hello from JS!"); And I wait for "[:0] Hello from JS!" in the log Then the message "No output or error" should be shown.