# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Tests for qutebrowser.misc.ipc.""" import getpass import collections import logging from unittest import mock import pytest from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QLocalServer, QLocalSocket from PyQt5.QtTest import QSignalSpy from PyQt5.QtCore import QIODevice from qutebrowser.misc import ipc Args = collections.namedtuple('Args', 'basedir') @pytest.yield_fixture def ipc_server(qapp, qtbot): server = ipc.IPCServer('qutebrowser-test') yield server if (server._socket is not None and server._socket.state() != QLocalSocket.UnconnectedState): with qtbot.waitSignal(server._socket.disconnected, raising=False): server._socket.abort() try: server.shutdown() except ipc.Error: pass @pytest.yield_fixture def qlocalserver(qapp): server = QLocalServer() yield server server.close() server.deleteLater() @pytest.yield_fixture def qlocalsocket(qapp): socket = QLocalSocket() yield socket socket.disconnectFromServer() if socket.state() != QLocalSocket.UnconnectedState: disconnected = socket.waitForDisconnected(100) assert disconnected def test_getpass_getuser(): """Make sure getpass.getuser() returns something sensible.""" assert getpass.getuser() @pytest.mark.parametrize('username, basedir, expected', [ ('florian', None, 'qutebrowser-florian'), ('florian', '/x', 'qutebrowser-florian-cc8755609ad61864910f145119713de9'), ]) def test_get_socketname(username, basedir, expected): assert ipc._get_socketname(basedir, user=username) == expected def test_get_socketname_no_user(): assert ipc._get_socketname(None).startswith('qutebrowser-') class TestListen: def test_listen_error_exc(self, qlocalserver): """Tet the ListenError exception.""" qlocalserver.listen(None) exc = ipc.ListenError(qlocalserver) assert exc.code == 2 assert exc.message == "QLocalServer::listen: Name error" msg = ("Error while listening to IPC server: QLocalServer::listen: Name " "error (error 2)") assert str(exc) == msg def test_remove_error(self, ipc_server, monkeypatch): """Simulate an error in _remove_server.""" monkeypatch.setattr(ipc_server, '_socketname', None) with pytest.raises(ipc.Error) as excinfo: ipc_server.listen() assert str(excinfo.value) == "Error while removing server None!" def test_error(self, ipc_server, monkeypatch): """Simulate an error while listening.""" monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.misc.ipc.QLocalServer.removeServer', lambda self: True) monkeypatch.setattr(ipc_server, '_socketname', None) with pytest.raises(ipc.ListenError): ipc_server.listen() def test_in_use(self, qlocalserver, ipc_server, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr('qutebrowser.misc.ipc.QLocalServer.removeServer', lambda self: True) qlocalserver.listen('qutebrowser-test') with pytest.raises(ipc.AddressInUseError): ipc_server.listen() def test_successful(self, ipc_server): ipc_server.listen() class TestOnError: def test_closed(self, ipc_server): ipc_server._socket = QLocalSocket() ipc_server._timer.timeout.disconnect() ipc_server._timer.start() ipc_server.on_error(QLocalSocket.PeerClosedError) assert not ipc_server._timer.isActive() def test_other_error(self, ipc_server, monkeypatch): socket = QLocalSocket() ipc_server._socket = socket monkeypatch.setattr(socket, 'error', lambda: QLocalSocket.ConnectionRefusedError) monkeypatch.setattr(socket, 'errorString', lambda: "Connection refused") socket.setErrorString("Connection refused.") with pytest.raises(ipc.Error) as excinfo: ipc_server.on_error(QLocalSocket.ConnectionRefusedError) expected = ("Error while handling IPC connection: Connection refused " "(error 0)") assert str(excinfo.value) == expected class TestHandleConnection: def test_ignored(self, ipc_server, monkeypatch): m = mock.Mock(spec=[]) monkeypatch.setattr(ipc_server._server, 'nextPendingConnection', m) ipc_server.ignored = True ipc_server.handle_connection() assert not m.called def test_no_connection(self, ipc_server, caplog): ipc_server.handle_connection() assert len(caplog.records()) == 1 record = caplog.records()[0] assert record.message == "No new connection to handle." class TestRealConnections: @pytest.yield_fixture def connected_socket(self, qtbot, qlocalsocket, ipc_server): ipc_server.listen() with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server._server.newConnection, raising=True): qlocalsocket.connectToServer('qutebrowser-test') yield qlocalsocket qlocalsocket.disconnectFromServer() def test_normal(self, qtbot, tmpdir, ipc_server): ipc_server.listen() spy = QSignalSpy(ipc_server.got_args) error_spy = QSignalSpy(ipc_server.got_invalid_data) with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server.got_args, raising=True): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): sent = ipc.send_to_running_instance('qutebrowser-test', ['foo']) assert sent assert len(spy) == 1 assert not error_spy assert spy[0] == [['foo'], str(tmpdir)] def test_double_connection(self, qtbot, connected_socket, ipc_server, caplog): spy = QSignalSpy(ipc_server.got_args) error_spy = QSignalSpy(ipc_server.got_invalid_data) with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server._server.newConnection, raising=True): sent = ipc.send_to_running_instance('qutebrowser-test', []) assert sent assert not spy assert not error_spy message = ("Got new connection but ignoring it because we're still " "handling another one.") assert message in [rec.message for rec in caplog.records()] def test_disconnected_immediately(self, qtbot, connected_socket, ipc_server, caplog): """Disconnect without sending data. This means self._socket will be None on on_disconnected. """ connected_socket.disconnectFromServer() def test_partial_line(self, connected_socket): connected_socket.write(b'foo') @pytest.mark.parametrize('data', [ b'\x80\n', # invalid UTF8 b'\n', b'{"is this invalid json?": true\n', b'{"valid json without args": true}\n', ]) def test_invalid_data(self, qtbot, ipc_server, connected_socket, caplog, data): with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR): with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server.got_invalid_data, raising=True): connected_socket.write(data) messages = [r.message for r in caplog.records()] assert messages[-1] == 'Ignoring invalid IPC data.' def test_multiline(self, qtbot, ipc_server, connected_socket): spy = QSignalSpy(ipc_server.got_args) error_spy = QSignalSpy(ipc_server.got_invalid_data) with qtbot.waitSignals([ipc_server.got_args, ipc_server.got_args], raising=True): connected_socket.write(b'{"args": ["one"]}\n{"args": ["two"]}\n') assert len(spy) == 2 assert spy[0][0] == ['one'] assert spy[1][0] == ['two'] def test_connect_no_server(self, caplog): sent = ipc.send_to_running_instance('qutebrowser-test', []) assert not sent msg = caplog.records()[-1].message assert msg == "No existing instance present (error 2)" def test_timeout(self, qtbot, caplog, qlocalsocket, ipc_server): ipc_server._timer.setInterval(100) ipc_server.listen() with qtbot.waitSignal(ipc_server._server.newConnection, raising=True): qlocalsocket.connectToServer('qutebrowser-test') with caplog.atLevel(logging.ERROR): with qtbot.waitSignal(qlocalsocket.disconnected, raising=True): pass assert caplog.records()[-1].message == "IPC connection timed out."