keyparser foo ============= - Handle keybind to get out of insert mode (e.g. esc) - Switch to normal mode if new page loaded - Add passthrough-keys option to pass through unmapped keys - Add auto-insert-mode to switch to insert mode if editable element is focused after page load - Add more element-selection-detection code (with options?) based on: -> javascript: -> microFocusChanged and check active element via: frame = page.currentFrame() elem = frame.findFirstElement('*:focus') Bugs ==== All kind of FIXMEs Weird font rendering Changing completion models is awfully slow Style ===== Refactor completion widget mess (initializing / changing completions) keypress-signal-foo is a bit of a chaos and might be done better we probably could replace CompletionModel with QStandardModel... Major features ============== After Blink ----------- Plugin architecture Adblock? RequestPolicy Ghostery/Disconnect? NoScript Certificate Patrol Extern editor Downloads webinterface for settings/colors/bindings [[/]] for back/forward links Before Blink ------------ session handling / saving IPC, like dwb -x Bookmarks Internationalization Marks more completions (URLs, ...) SSL handling Minor features ============== add and PKGBUILD add to namcap? maybe useful: add README add HACKING handle completion for aliases keybind should have completion for commands/arguments Hiding scrollbars Ctrl+A/X to increase/decrease last number in URL command completion gets hidden when doing a new ValueList value logging contexts catch import errors for PyQt and QtWebKit Qt Bugs ======== - Printing under windows produced blank pages If this isn't fixed in Qt 5.3, bug should be reopened. - Web inspector is blank unless .hide()/.show() is called. Other stuff =========== Keybinding stuff (from dwb) =========================== xo Open url in a new tab in background, the argument $URI will be repaced with the current uri (command: backopen, aliases: bopen ). xO Open url in a new tab in background, set current url in the navigation bar (command: backopen_url). wo Open url in a new instance (command: winopen, aliases: wopen, w). i Enter insert mode (command: insert_mode, aliases: i, insert). C-n Enter normal mode. [n]gc Clear tab n or of current tab, clears the history of the tab and loads about:blank. (command clear_tab, aliases: clear). co Close all tabs except for the current one (command only). C-q Quit (command quit, aliases: q). C-h Open the default startpage (command start_page, aliases: home). th Go back in a new tab (command tab_hist_back, aliases: tabback, tba). tl Go forward in a new tab (command tab_hist_forward, aliases: tabforward, tfo). wh Go back in a new window (command win_hist_back, aliases: winback, wba). wl Go forward in a new window (command win_hist_forward, aliases: winforward, wfo). c/ Find forward, ignore case (command find_forward_ic, alias: iffind). c? Find backward, ignore case (command find_backward_ic, alias ibfind). M Add a bookmark (command bookmark, aliases: bmark, bma). gb Show Bookmarks (command bookmarks, aliases: bmarks, bmas). gB Show Bookmarks, open bookmark in a new tab (command tab_bookmarks, aliases: tabmarks). wB Show Bookmarks, open bookmark in a new window (command win_bookmarks, aliases: winmarks). m Add a quickmark (command save_quickmark, aliases: quickmark, qmark). b Open quickmark (command quickmark, aliases: qmarks). B Open quickmark in a new tab (command tab_quickmark, aliases: tabqmarks). wb[:graph:] Open quickmark in a new window (command win_quickmark, aliases: winqmarks). [n]R Reload tab n or current tab if n is omitted without using any cached data (command reload_bypass_cache, aliases: refull). [n]C-s Stop loading of tab n or of current tab is [n] is omitted (command stop_loading, aliases: stop, st). [n]+ Zoom in [n times] (command zoom_in, aliases: zi). [n]- Zoom out [n times] (command zoom_out, aliases: zo). [n]= Zoom to n percent or to 100% if n is omitted(command zoom, aliases: z). sf Save all configuration files (command save). ZZ Save current session and exit (command save_session, aliases: wq). gZZ Save current session with name and exit (command save_named_session, aliases: wqn). [n]T Focus nth tab, first tab if n is omitted or last tab if n is 0. (command focus_tab, aliases: tab). C-Tab Toggle between current and last focused tab (command toggle_tab, aliases: ttab) [n]gm Move current tab to position [n] or to first position if n is omitted. (command tab_move, aliases: tabm). [n]gl Move current tab [n] positions left. (command tab_move_left, aliases: tabl). [n]gr Move current tab [n] positions right. (command tab_move_right, aliases: tabr). gt Show all open tabs. (command buffers, aliases: bu). [n]C-P Protect tab [n]. Closing this tab must be confirmed (command protect, aliases: prot). [n]xd Lock tab [n]. Locking a tab will lock this tab to the current domain, it’s not possible to navigate to another domain until unlocked. lock_domain, aliases: dlock). [n]xu Lock tab [n]. Locking a tab will lock this tab to the current uri, it’s not possible to navigate to another uri until unlocked. lock_uri, aliases: ulock). wf Show hints, open link in a new tab. (command hints_win, aliases: winhints, whi). ;d Download via hints (command hints_download, aliases: dhints). ;R Rapid hint mode, each matching hint opens a new window. (command hints_rapid_win, aliases: wrhints, wrhi). gf Toggle "view source" (command view_source, aliases: source, so). CC Allow persistent cookie for the current website. The domain will be saved in cookies.allow. Cookies that are allowed by the cookies.allow whitelist are stored in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dwb/$profilename/cookies. (command allow_cookie, aliases: cookie). CS Allow session cookie for the current website. The domain will be saved in cookies_session.allow. This is only useful if cookies-store-policy is set to never, see cookies-store-policy for details. (command allow_session_cookie, aliases: scookie). CT Allow session cookies for the current website temporarily. Only first party cookies are allowed. The domain is not saved to a whitelist and the cookies will not be saved persitently. (command allow_session_cookie_tmp, aliases: tcookie). wp Paste from clipboard and load in a new window (command paste_nw, aliases: winpaste). wP Paste from primary selection and load in a new window (command paste_primary_nw, aliases: winppaste). [n]ad Cancel the download with number n or the first download in the lists of running downloads if n is omitted. (command cancel_download). gs Add a searchengine. Textfields can be chosen with tab and a keyword must be specified. The first defined searchengine will be the default searchengine. The keyword can be used in all open commands, e.g. :open (command save_search_field, aliases: search). gd Download the current site. (command download). Sb Show bookmarks (command show_bookmarks, aliases: sbookmarks). Sq Show quickmarks (command show_quickmarks, aliases: squickmarks). Sh Show history (command show_history, aliases: shistory). Sd Show download (command show_downloads, aliases: sdownloads). Sk Show keys (command show_keys, aliases: skeys). Ss Show settings (command show_settings, aliases: ssettings). ss Set setting, the interactive version of the command set, for changing settings in scripts use set instead (command set_setting). sl Set local setting, changes a setting but doesn’t save the setting to configuration file. The interactive version of the command local_set, for changing settings locally in scripts use local_set instead (command set_local_setting). sk Set keyboard shortcut (command set_key, aliases: keys). C-p Toggle proxy (command proxy). tsh Toggle scripts for current host permanently (command toggle_scripts_host, aliases: hscript). tsu Toggle scripts for current url permanently (command toggle_scripts_uri, aliases: uscript). tth Toggle scripts for current host temporarily (command toggle_scripts_host_tmp, aliases: thscript). ttu Toggle scripts for current url temporarily (command toggle_scripts_uri_tmp, aliases: tuscript). ph Toggle plugins for current host permanently (command toggle_plugins_host, aliases: hplugin). pu Toggle plugins for current url permanently (command toggle_plugins_uri, aliases: uplugin). pth Toggle plugins for current host temporarily (command toggle_plugins_host_tmp, aliases: thplugin). ptu Toggle plugins for current url temporarily (command toggle_plugins_uri_tmp, aliases: tuplugin). V Next navigation action will be opened in a new tab (command new_tab). W Next navigation action will be opened in a new window (command new_win). eu Show and execute userscripts (command execute_userscript). [n]wi Show the webinspector of tab n or of current tab if n is omitted. Note that enable-developer-extras has to be set. (commmand web_inspector, aliases: inspect, insp). C-e Open external editor for current input/textarea (command open_editor, aliases: editor). g. Toggle hidden files when browsing local filesystem. (command open_editor, aliases: editor). F11 Toggle fullscreen (command fullscreen, aliases: fs). F12 Toggle presentation mode. (command presentation_mode, aliases: present). xx Toggle visibility of tabbar and statusbar. (command toggle_bars, aliases: bars). xt Toggle visibility of tabbar. (command toggle_tabbar, aliases: tbar). xb Toggle visibility of statusbar. (command toggle_statusbar, aliases: sbar). xv Toggle visibility of a tab. (command visible, aliases: vis). [n]C-M-p Print focused frame of tab n or of current tab if n is omitted. (command print, aliases: ha). unbound Execute a javascript snippet (command execute_javascript, aliases: exja, js). unbound Set a setting from commandline (command set). unbound Toggle a boolean setting from commandline (command toggle_setting, aliases: toggle, tog). unbound Load a html string. This command is mainly intended for use in userscripts (command load_html). unbound Load a html string in a new tab. This command is mainly intended for use in userscripts (command load_html_tab). unbound Execute a javascript snippet that uses the the internal javascript api. This command only works if the javascript interface is enabled, i.e. if there are scripts in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dwb/userscripts that use the api or if dwb is started with -S/--enable-scripts (command eval). Tab (S-Tab) In normal mode Tab shows the next (previous) shortcut, that matches the currently entered keysequence. When opening a url, the next (previous) item in command history, bookmarks or history will be completed. In hint mode the next (previous) hint will get focus. Tab also completes settings and shortcut-settings. When initiating a download, full paths (downloads and spawning programs) and binaries (spawning programs) in PATH will be completed. In command mode tab will complete builtin commands and urls if the command accepts an url.