Feature: Prompts Various prompts (javascript, SSL errors, authentification, etc.) Background: Given I set general -> log-javascript-console to debug # Javascript Scenario: Javascript alert When I open data/prompt/jsalert.html And I click the button And I run :prompt-accept Then the javascript message "Alert done" should be logged Scenario: Using content -> ignore-javascript-alert When I set content -> ignore-javascript-alert to true And I open data/prompt/jsalert.html # Can't use "I click the button" as it waits for a key mode change And I run :hint And I run :follow-hint a Then the javascript message "Alert done" should be logged Scenario: Javascript confirm - yes When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html And I click the button And I run :prompt-yes Then the javascript message "confirm reply: true" should be logged Scenario: Javascript confirm - no When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html And I click the button And I run :prompt-no Then the javascript message "confirm reply: false" should be logged Scenario: Javascript confirm - aborted When I open data/prompt/jsconfirm.html And I click the button And I run :leave-mode Then the javascript message "confirm reply: false" should be logged @pyqt531_or_newer Scenario: Javascript prompt When I open data/prompt/jsprompt.html And I click the button And I press the keys "prompt test" And I run :prompt-accept Then the javascript message "Prompt reply: prompt test" should be logged @pyqt531_or_newer Scenario: Rejected javascript prompt When I open data/prompt/jsprompt.html And I click the button And I press the keys "prompt test" And I run :leave-mode Then the javascript message "Prompt reply: null" should be logged @pyqt531_or_newer Scenario: Using content -> ignore-javascript-prompt When I set content -> ignore-javascript-prompt to true And I open data/prompt/jsprompt.html # Can't use "I click the button" as it waits for a key mode change And I run :hint And I run :follow-hint a Then the javascript message "Prompt reply: null" should be logged # SSL Scenario: SSL error with ssl-strict = false When I set network -> ssl-strict to false And I load a SSL page And I wait until the SSL page finished loading Then the error "SSL error: *" should be shown And the page should contain the plaintext "Hello World via SSL!"