# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014-2018 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """The main browser widgets.""" import html import functools from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal, Qt, QUrl, QPoint from PyQt5.QtGui import QDesktopServices from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkReply, QNetworkRequest from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog from PyQt5.QtPrintSupport import QPrintDialog from PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebPage, QWebFrame from qutebrowser.config import config from qutebrowser.browser import pdfjs, shared, downloads from qutebrowser.browser.webkit import http from qutebrowser.browser.webkit.network import networkmanager from qutebrowser.utils import message, usertypes, log, jinja, objreg from qutebrowser.qt import sip class BrowserPage(QWebPage): """Our own QWebPage with advanced features. Attributes: error_occurred: Whether an error occurred while loading. _extension_handlers: Mapping of QWebPage extensions to their handlers. _networkmanager: The NetworkManager used. _win_id: The window ID this BrowserPage is associated with. _ignore_load_started: Whether to ignore the next loadStarted signal. _is_shutting_down: Whether the page is currently shutting down. _tabdata: The TabData object of the tab this page is in. Signals: shutting_down: Emitted when the page is currently shutting down. reloading: Emitted before a web page reloads. arg: The URL which gets reloaded. navigation_request: Emitted on acceptNavigationRequest. """ shutting_down = pyqtSignal() reloading = pyqtSignal(QUrl) navigation_request = pyqtSignal(usertypes.NavigationRequest) def __init__(self, win_id, tab_id, tabdata, private, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self._win_id = win_id self._tabdata = tabdata self._is_shutting_down = False self._extension_handlers = { QWebPage.ErrorPageExtension: self._handle_errorpage, QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtension: self._handle_multiple_files, } self._ignore_load_started = False self.error_occurred = False self._networkmanager = networkmanager.NetworkManager( win_id=win_id, tab_id=tab_id, private=private, parent=self) self.setNetworkAccessManager(self._networkmanager) self.setForwardUnsupportedContent(True) self.reloading.connect(self._networkmanager.clear_rejected_ssl_errors) self.printRequested.connect(self.on_print_requested) self.downloadRequested.connect(self.on_download_requested) self.unsupportedContent.connect(self.on_unsupported_content) self.loadStarted.connect(self.on_load_started) self.featurePermissionRequested.connect( self._on_feature_permission_requested) self.saveFrameStateRequested.connect( self.on_save_frame_state_requested) self.restoreFrameStateRequested.connect( self.on_restore_frame_state_requested) self.loadFinished.connect( functools.partial(self._inject_userjs, self.mainFrame())) self.frameCreated.connect(self._connect_userjs_signals) @pyqtSlot('QWebFrame*') def _connect_userjs_signals(self, frame): """Connect userjs related signals to `frame`. Connect the signals used as triggers for injecting user JavaScripts into the passed QWebFrame. """ log.greasemonkey.debug("Connecting to frame {} ({})" .format(frame, frame.url().toDisplayString())) frame.loadFinished.connect( functools.partial(self._inject_userjs, frame)) def javaScriptPrompt(self, frame, js_msg, default): """Override javaScriptPrompt to use qutebrowser prompts.""" if self._is_shutting_down: return (False, "") try: return shared.javascript_prompt(frame.url(), js_msg, default, abort_on=[self.loadStarted, self.shutting_down]) except shared.CallSuper: return super().javaScriptPrompt(frame, js_msg, default) def _handle_errorpage(self, info, errpage): """Display an error page if needed. Loosely based on Helpviewer/HelpBrowserWV.py from eric5 (line 260 @ 5d937eb378dd) Args: info: The QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionOption instance. errpage: The QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionReturn instance, where the error page will get written to. Return: False if no error page should be displayed, True otherwise. """ ignored_errors = [ (QWebPage.QtNetwork, QNetworkReply.OperationCanceledError), # "Loading is handled by the media engine" (QWebPage.WebKit, 203), # "Frame load interrupted by policy change" (QWebPage.WebKit, 102), ] errpage.baseUrl = info.url urlstr = info.url.toDisplayString() if (info.domain, info.error) == (QWebPage.QtNetwork, QNetworkReply.ProtocolUnknownError): # For some reason, we get a segfault when we use # QDesktopServices::openUrl with info.url directly - however it # works when we construct a copy of it. url = QUrl(info.url) scheme = url.scheme() message.confirm_async( title="Open external application for {}-link?".format(scheme), text="URL: {}".format( html.escape(url.toDisplayString())), yes_action=functools.partial(QDesktopServices.openUrl, url), url=info.url.toString(QUrl.RemovePassword | QUrl.FullyEncoded)) return True elif (info.domain, info.error) in ignored_errors: log.webview.debug("Ignored error on {}: {} (error domain: {}, " "error code: {})".format( urlstr, info.errorString, info.domain, info.error)) return False else: error_str = info.errorString if error_str == networkmanager.HOSTBLOCK_ERROR_STRING: # We don't set error_occurred in this case. error_str = "Request blocked by host blocker." main_frame = info.frame.page().mainFrame() if info.frame != main_frame: # Content in an iframe -> Hide the frame so it doesn't use # any space. We can't hide the frame's documentElement # directly though. for elem in main_frame.documentElement().findAll('iframe'): if QUrl(elem.attribute('src')) == info.url: elem.setAttribute('style', 'display: none') return False else: self._ignore_load_started = True self.error_occurred = True log.webview.error("Error while loading {}: {}".format( urlstr, error_str)) log.webview.debug("Error domain: {}, error code: {}".format( info.domain, info.error)) title = "Error loading page: {}".format(urlstr) error_html = jinja.render( 'error.html', title=title, url=urlstr, error=error_str) errpage.content = error_html.encode('utf-8') errpage.encoding = 'utf-8' return True def _handle_multiple_files(self, info, files): """Handle uploading of multiple files. Loosely based on Helpviewer/HelpBrowserWV.py from eric5. Args: info: The ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption instance. files: The ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn instance to write return values to. Return: True on success, the superclass return value on failure. """ suggested_file = "" if info.suggestedFileNames: suggested_file = info.suggestedFileNames[0] files.fileNames, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(None, None, suggested_file) return True def shutdown(self): """Prepare the web page for being deleted.""" self._is_shutting_down = True self.shutting_down.emit() download_manager = objreg.get('qtnetwork-download-manager') nam = self.networkAccessManager() if download_manager.has_downloads_with_nam(nam): nam.setParent(download_manager) else: nam.shutdown() def display_content(self, reply, mimetype): """Display a QNetworkReply with an explicitly set mimetype.""" self.mainFrame().setContent(reply.readAll(), mimetype, reply.url()) reply.deleteLater() def on_print_requested(self, frame): """Handle printing when requested via javascript.""" printdiag = QPrintDialog() printdiag.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) printdiag.open(lambda: frame.print(printdiag.printer())) def on_download_requested(self, request): """Called when the user wants to download a link. We need to construct a copy of the QNetworkRequest here as the download_manager needs it async and we'd get a segfault otherwise as soon as the user has entered the filename, as Qt seems to delete it after this slot returns. """ req = QNetworkRequest(request) download_manager = objreg.get('qtnetwork-download-manager') download_manager.get_request(req, qnam=self.networkAccessManager()) @pyqtSlot('QNetworkReply*') def on_unsupported_content(self, reply): """Handle an unsupportedContent signal. Most likely this will mean we need to download the reply, but we correct for some common errors the server do. At some point we might want to implement the MIME Sniffing standard here: http://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/ """ inline, suggested_filename = http.parse_content_disposition(reply) download_manager = objreg.get('qtnetwork-download-manager') if not inline: # Content-Disposition: attachment -> force download download_manager.fetch(reply, suggested_filename=suggested_filename) return mimetype, _rest = http.parse_content_type(reply) if mimetype == 'image/jpg': # Some servers (e.g. the LinkedIn CDN) send a non-standard # image/jpg (instead of image/jpeg, defined in RFC 1341 section # 7.5). If this is the case, we force displaying with a corrected # mimetype. if reply.isFinished(): self.display_content(reply, 'image/jpeg') else: reply.finished.connect(functools.partial( self.display_content, reply, 'image/jpeg')) elif pdfjs.should_use_pdfjs(mimetype, reply.url()): download_manager.fetch(reply, target=downloads.PDFJSDownloadTarget(), auto_remove=True) else: # Unknown mimetype, so download anyways. download_manager.fetch(reply, suggested_filename=suggested_filename) @pyqtSlot() def on_load_started(self): """Reset error_occurred when loading of a new page started.""" if self._ignore_load_started: self._ignore_load_started = False else: self.error_occurred = False def _inject_userjs(self, frame): """Inject user JavaScripts into the page. Args: frame: The QWebFrame to inject the user scripts into. """ if sip.isdeleted(frame): log.greasemonkey.debug("_inject_userjs called for deleted frame!") return url = frame.url() if url.isEmpty(): url = frame.requestedUrl() log.greasemonkey.debug("_inject_userjs called for {} ({})" .format(frame, url.toDisplayString())) greasemonkey = objreg.get('greasemonkey') scripts = greasemonkey.scripts_for(url) # QtWebKit has trouble providing us with signals representing # page load progress at reasonable times, so we just load all # scripts on the same event. toload = scripts.start + scripts.end + scripts.idle if url.isEmpty(): # This happens during normal usage like with view source but may # also indicate a bug. log.greasemonkey.debug("Not running scripts for frame with no " "url: {}".format(frame)) assert not toload, toload for script in toload: if frame is self.mainFrame() or script.runs_on_sub_frames: log.webview.debug('Running GM script: {}'.format(script.name)) frame.evaluateJavaScript(script.code()) @pyqtSlot('QWebFrame*', 'QWebPage::Feature') def _on_feature_permission_requested(self, frame, feature): """Ask the user for approval for geolocation/notifications.""" if not isinstance(frame, QWebFrame): # pragma: no cover # This makes no sense whatsoever, but someone reported this being # called with a QBuffer... log.misc.error("on_feature_permission_requested got called with " "{!r}!".format(frame)) return options = { QWebPage.Notifications: 'content.notifications', QWebPage.Geolocation: 'content.geolocation', } messages = { QWebPage.Notifications: 'show notifications', QWebPage.Geolocation: 'access your location', } yes_action = functools.partial( self.setFeaturePermission, frame, feature, QWebPage.PermissionGrantedByUser) no_action = functools.partial( self.setFeaturePermission, frame, feature, QWebPage.PermissionDeniedByUser) question = shared.feature_permission( url=frame.url(), option=options[feature], msg=messages[feature], yes_action=yes_action, no_action=no_action, abort_on=[self.shutting_down, self.loadStarted]) if question is not None: self.featurePermissionRequestCanceled.connect( functools.partial(self._on_feature_permission_cancelled, question, frame, feature)) def _on_feature_permission_cancelled(self, question, frame, feature, cancelled_frame, cancelled_feature): """Slot invoked when a feature permission request was cancelled. To be used with functools.partial. """ if frame is cancelled_frame and feature == cancelled_feature: try: question.abort() except RuntimeError: # The question could already be deleted, e.g. because it was # aborted after a loadStarted signal. pass def on_save_frame_state_requested(self, frame, item): """Save scroll position and zoom in history. Args: frame: The QWebFrame which gets saved. item: The QWebHistoryItem to be saved. """ if frame != self.mainFrame(): return data = { 'zoom': frame.zoomFactor(), 'scroll-pos': frame.scrollPosition(), } item.setUserData(data) def on_restore_frame_state_requested(self, frame): """Restore scroll position and zoom from history. Args: frame: The QWebFrame which gets restored. """ if frame != self.mainFrame(): return data = self.history().currentItem().userData() if data is None: return if 'zoom' in data: frame.page().view().tab.zoom.set_factor(data['zoom']) if 'scroll-pos' in data and frame.scrollPosition() == QPoint(0, 0): frame.setScrollPosition(data['scroll-pos']) def userAgentForUrl(self, url): """Override QWebPage::userAgentForUrl to customize the user agent.""" ua = config.instance.get('content.headers.user_agent', url=url) if ua is None: return super().userAgentForUrl(url) else: return ua def supportsExtension(self, ext): """Override QWebPage::supportsExtension to provide error pages. Args: ext: The extension to check for. Return: True if the extension can be handled, False otherwise. """ return ext in self._extension_handlers def extension(self, ext, opt, out): """Override QWebPage::extension to provide error pages. Args: ext: The extension. opt: Extension options instance. out: Extension output instance. Return: Handler return value. """ try: handler = self._extension_handlers[ext] except KeyError: log.webview.warning("Extension {} not supported!".format(ext)) return super().extension(ext, opt, out) return handler(opt, out) def javaScriptAlert(self, frame, js_msg): """Override javaScriptAlert to use qutebrowser prompts.""" if self._is_shutting_down: return try: shared.javascript_alert(frame.url(), js_msg, abort_on=[self.loadStarted, self.shutting_down]) except shared.CallSuper: super().javaScriptAlert(frame, js_msg) def javaScriptConfirm(self, frame, js_msg): """Override javaScriptConfirm to use the statusbar.""" if self._is_shutting_down: return False try: return shared.javascript_confirm(frame.url(), js_msg, abort_on=[self.loadStarted, self.shutting_down]) except shared.CallSuper: return super().javaScriptConfirm(frame, js_msg) def javaScriptConsoleMessage(self, msg, line, source): """Override javaScriptConsoleMessage to use debug log.""" shared.javascript_log_message(usertypes.JsLogLevel.unknown, source, line, msg) def acceptNavigationRequest(self, frame: QWebFrame, request: QNetworkRequest, typ: QWebPage.NavigationType) -> bool: """Override acceptNavigationRequest to handle clicked links. Setting linkDelegationPolicy to DelegateAllLinks and using a slot bound to linkClicked won't work correctly, because when in a frameset, we have no idea in which frame the link should be opened. Checks if it should open it in a tab (middle-click or control) or not, and then conditionally opens the URL here or in another tab/window. """ type_map = { QWebPage.NavigationTypeLinkClicked: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.link_clicked, QWebPage.NavigationTypeFormSubmitted: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.form_submitted, QWebPage.NavigationTypeFormResubmitted: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.form_resubmitted, QWebPage.NavigationTypeBackOrForward: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.back_forward, QWebPage.NavigationTypeReload: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.reloaded, QWebPage.NavigationTypeOther: usertypes.NavigationRequest.Type.other, } is_main_frame = frame is self.mainFrame() navigation = usertypes.NavigationRequest(url=request.url(), navigation_type=type_map[typ], is_main_frame=is_main_frame) if navigation.navigation_type == navigation.Type.reloaded: self.reloading.emit(navigation.url) self.navigation_request.emit(navigation) return navigation.accepted