#!/usr/bin/python3 # vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2014 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Generate asciidoc source for qutebrowser based on docstrings.""" import os import sys import html import shutil import inspect import subprocess import collections import tempfile import argparse sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) import qutebrowser # We import qutebrowser.app so all @cmdutils-register decorators are run. import qutebrowser.app from qutebrowser import qutebrowser as qutequtebrowser from qutebrowser.commands import cmdutils from qutebrowser.config import configdata from qutebrowser.utils import utils class UsageFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): """Patched HelpFormatter to include some asciidoc markup in the usage. This does some horrible things, but the alternative would be to reimplement argparse.HelpFormatter while copying 99% of the code :-/ """ def _format_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, _prefix): """Override _format_usage to not add the 'usage:' prefix.""" return super()._format_usage(usage, actions, groups, '') def _metavar_formatter(self, action, default_metavar): """Override _metavar_formatter to add asciidoc markup to metavars. Most code here is copied from Python 3.4's argparse.py. """ if action.metavar is not None: result = "'{}'".format(action.metavar) elif action.choices is not None: choice_strs = [str(choice) for choice in action.choices] result = '{%s}' % ','.join('*{}*'.format(e) for e in choice_strs) else: result = "'{}'".format(default_metavar) def fmt(tuple_size): if isinstance(result, tuple): return result else: return (result, ) * tuple_size return fmt def _format_actions_usage(self, actions, groups): """Override _format_actions_usage to add asciidoc markup to flags. Because argparse.py's _format_actions_usage is very complex, we first monkey-patch the option strings to include the asciidoc markup, then run the original method, then undo the patching. """ old_option_strings = {} for action in actions: old_option_strings[action] = action.option_strings[:] action.option_strings = ['*{}*'.format(s) for s in action.option_strings] ret = super()._format_actions_usage(actions, groups) for action in actions: action.option_strings = old_option_strings[action] return ret def _open_file(name, mode='w'): """Open a file with a preset newline/encoding mode.""" return open(name, mode, newline='\n', encoding='utf-8') def _get_cmd_syntax(name, cmd): """Get the command syntax for a command. We monkey-patch the parser's formatter_class here to use our UsageFormatter which adds some asciidoc markup. """ old_fmt_class = cmd.parser.formatter_class cmd.parser.formatter_class = UsageFormatter usage = cmd.parser.format_usage().rstrip() cmd.parser.formatter_class = old_fmt_class return usage def _get_command_quickref(cmds): """Generate the command quick reference.""" out = [] out.append('[options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"]') out.append('|==============') out.append('|Command|Description') for name, cmd in cmds: desc = inspect.getdoc(cmd.handler).splitlines()[0] out.append('|<<{},{}>>|{}'.format(name, name, desc)) out.append('|==============') return '\n'.join(out) def _get_setting_quickref(): """Generate the settings quick reference.""" out = [] for sectname, sect in configdata.DATA.items(): if not getattr(sect, 'descriptions'): continue out.append(".Quick reference for section ``{}''".format(sectname)) out.append('[options="header",width="75%",cols="25%,75%"]') out.append('|==============') out.append('|Setting|Description') for optname, _option in sect.items(): desc = sect.descriptions[optname].splitlines()[0] out.append('|<>|{}'.format( sectname, optname, optname, desc)) out.append('|==============') return '\n'.join(out) def _get_command_doc(name, cmd): """Generate the documentation for a command.""" output = ['[[{}]]'.format(name)] output += ['=== {}'.format(name)] syntax = _get_cmd_syntax(name, cmd) if syntax != name: output.append('Syntax: +:{}+'.format(syntax)) output.append("") parser = utils.DocstringParser(cmd.handler) output.append(parser.short_desc) if parser.long_desc: output.append("") output.append(parser.long_desc) if cmd.pos_args: output.append("") output.append("==== positional arguments") for arg in cmd.pos_args: try: output.append("* +'{}'+: {}".format(arg, parser.arg_descs[arg])) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError("No description for arg {} of command " "'{}'!".format(e, cmd.name)) if cmd.opt_args: output.append("") output.append("==== optional arguments") for arg, (long_flag, short_flag) in cmd.opt_args.items(): try: output.append('* +*{}*+, +*{}*+: {}'.format( short_flag, long_flag, parser.arg_descs[arg])) except KeyError: raise KeyError("No description for arg {} of command " "'{}'!".format(e, cmd.name)) output.append("") output.append("") return '\n'.join(output) def _get_action_metavar(action): """Get the metavar to display for an argparse action.""" if action.metavar is not None: return "'{}'".format(action.metavar) elif action.choices is not None: choices = ','.join(map(str, action.choices)) return "'{{{}}}'".format(choices) else: return "'{}'".format(action.dest.upper()) def _format_action_args(action): """Get an argument string based on an argparse action.""" if action.nargs is None: return _get_action_metavar(action) elif action.nargs == '?': return '[{}]'.format(_get_action_metavar(action)) elif action.nargs == '*': return '[{mv} [{mv} ...]]'.format(mv=_get_action_metavar(action)) elif action.nargs == '+': return '{mv} [{mv} ...]'.format(mv=_get_action_metavar(action)) elif action.nargs == '...': return '...' else: return ' '.join([_get_action_metavar(action)] * action.nargs) def _format_action(action): """Get an invocation string/help from an argparse action.""" if not action.option_strings: invocation = '*{}*::'.format(_get_action_metavar(action)) else: parts = [] if action.nargs == 0: # Doesn't take a value, so the syntax is -s, --long parts += ['*{}*'.format(s) for s in action.option_strings] else: # Takes a value, so the syntax is -s ARGS or --long ARGS. args_string = _format_action_args(action) for opt in action.option_strings: parts.append('*{}* {}'.format(opt, args_string)) invocation = ', '.join(parts) + '::' return '{}\n {}\n'.format(invocation, action.help) def generate_commands(filename): """Generate the complete commands section.""" with _open_file(filename) as f: f.write('\n') f.write("= Commands\n") normal_cmds = [] hidden_cmds = [] debug_cmds = [] for name, cmd in cmdutils.cmd_dict.items(): if cmd.hide: hidden_cmds.append((name, cmd)) elif cmd.debug: debug_cmds.append((name, cmd)) else: normal_cmds.append((name, cmd)) normal_cmds.sort() hidden_cmds.sort() debug_cmds.sort() f.write("\n") f.write("== Normal commands\n") f.write(".Quick reference\n") f.write(_get_command_quickref(normal_cmds) + "\n\n") for name, cmd in normal_cmds: f.write(_get_command_doc(name, cmd)) f.write("\n") f.write("== Hidden commands\n") f.write(".Quick reference\n") f.write(_get_command_quickref(hidden_cmds)) for name, cmd in hidden_cmds: f.write(_get_command_doc(name, cmd)) f.write("\n") f.write("== Debugging commands\n") f.write("These commands are mainly intended for debugging. They are " "hidden if qutebrowser was started without the " "`--debug`-flag.\n") f.write("\n") f.write(".Quick reference\n") f.write(_get_command_quickref(debug_cmds)) for name, cmd in debug_cmds: f.write(_get_command_doc(name, cmd)) def generate_settings(filename): """Generate the complete settings section.""" with _open_file(filename) as f: f.write("\n") f.write("= Settings\n") f.write(_get_setting_quickref() + "\n") for sectname, sect in configdata.DATA.items(): f.write("\n") f.write("== {}".format(sectname) + "\n") f.write(configdata.SECTION_DESC[sectname] + "\n") if not getattr(sect, 'descriptions'): pass else: for optname, option in sect.items(): f.write("\n") f.write('[[{}-{}]]'.format(sectname, optname) + "\n") f.write("=== {}".format(optname) + "\n") f.write(sect.descriptions[optname] + "\n") f.write("\n") valid_values = option.typ.valid_values if valid_values is not None: f.write("Valid values:\n") f.write("\n") for val in valid_values: try: desc = valid_values.descriptions[val] f.write(" * +{}+: {}".format(val, desc) + "\n") except KeyError: f.write(" * +{}+".format(val) + "\n") f.write("\n") if option.default(): f.write("Default: +pass:[{}]+\n".format(html.escape( option.default()))) else: f.write("Default: empty\n") def _get_authors(): """Get a list of authors based on git commit logs.""" commits = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '--format=%aN']) cnt = collections.Counter(commits.decode('utf-8').splitlines()) return reversed(sorted(cnt, key=lambda k: cnt[k])) def _format_block(filename, what, data): """Format a block in a file. The block is delimited by markers like these: // QUTE_*_START ... // QUTE_*_END The * part is the part which should be given as 'what'. Args: filename: The file to change. what: What to change (authors, options, etc.) data; A list of strings which is the new data. """ what = what.upper() oshandle, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp() try: with _open_file(filename, mode='r') as infile, \ _open_file(oshandle, mode='w') as temp: found_start = False found_end = False for line in infile: if line.strip() == '// QUTE_{}_START'.format(what): temp.write(line) temp.write(''.join(data)) found_start = True elif line.strip() == '// QUTE_{}_END'.format(what.upper()): temp.write(line) found_end = True elif (not found_start) or found_end: temp.write(line) if not found_start: raise Exception("Marker '// QUTE_{}_START' not found in " "'{}'!".format(what, filename)) elif not found_end: raise Exception("Marker '// QUTE_{}_END' not found in " "'{}'!".format(what, filename)) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except os.remove(tmpname) raise else: os.remove(filename) shutil.move(tmpname, filename) def regenerate_authors(filename): """Re-generate the authors inside README based on the commits made.""" data = ['* {}\n'.format(author) for author in _get_authors()] _format_block(filename, 'authors', data) def regenerate_manpage(filename): """Update manpage OPTIONS using an argparse parser.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access parser = qutequtebrowser.get_argparser() groups = [] # positionals, optionals and user-defined groups for group in parser._action_groups: groupdata = [] groupdata.append('=== {}'.format(group.title)) if group.description is not None: groupdata.append(group.description) for action in group._group_actions: groupdata.append(_format_action(action)) groups.append('\n'.join(groupdata)) options = '\n'.join(groups) # epilog if parser.epilog is not None: options.append(parser.epilog) _format_block(filename, 'options', options) if __name__ == '__main__': regenerate_manpage('doc/qutebrowser.1.asciidoc') generate_settings('doc/settings.asciidoc') generate_commands('doc/commands.asciidoc') regenerate_authors('README.asciidoc')