# vim: ft=python fileencoding=utf-8 sts=4 sw=4 et: # Copyright 2015-2016 Florian Bruhin (The Compiler) # # This file is part of qutebrowser. # # qutebrowser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # qutebrowser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with qutebrowser. If not, see . """Steps for bdd-like tests.""" import re import time import json import os.path import logging import collections import textwrap import pytest import yaml import pytest_bdd as bdd from helpers import utils ## Given @bdd.given(bdd.parsers.parse("I set {sect} -> {opt} to {value}")) def set_setting_given(quteproc, httpbin, sect, opt, value): """Set a qutebrowser setting. This is available as "Given:" step so it can be used as "Background:". """ value = value.replace('(port)', str(httpbin.port)) quteproc.set_setting(sect, opt, value) @bdd.given(bdd.parsers.parse("I open {path}")) def open_path_given(quteproc, path): """Open a URL. This is available as "Given:" step so it can be used as "Background:". It always opens a new tab, unlike "When I open ..." """ quteproc.open_path(path, new_tab=True) quteproc.wait_for_load_finished(path) @bdd.given(bdd.parsers.parse("I run {command}")) def run_command_given(quteproc, command): """Run a qutebrowser command. This is available as "Given:" step so it can be used as "Background:". """ quteproc.send_cmd(command) @bdd.given("I have a fresh instance") def fresh_instance(quteproc): """Restart qutebrowser instance for tests needing a fresh state.""" quteproc.terminate() quteproc.start() ## When @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.parse("I open {path}")) def open_path(quteproc, path): """Open a URL. If used like "When I open ... in a new tab", the URL is opened in a new tab. With "... in a new window", it's opened in a new window. """ new_tab = False new_window = False wait_for_load_finished = True new_tab_suffix = ' in a new tab' new_window_suffix = ' in a new window' do_not_wait_suffix = ' without waiting' if path.endswith(new_tab_suffix): path = path[:-len(new_tab_suffix)] new_tab = True elif path.endswith(new_window_suffix): path = path[:-len(new_window_suffix)] new_window = True if path.endswith(do_not_wait_suffix): path = path[:-len(do_not_wait_suffix)] wait_for_load_finished = False quteproc.open_path(path, new_tab=new_tab, new_window=new_window) if wait_for_load_finished: quteproc.wait_for_load_finished(path) @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.parse("I set {sect} -> {opt} to {value}")) def set_setting(quteproc, httpbin, sect, opt, value): """Set a qutebrowser setting.""" value = value.replace('(port)', str(httpbin.port)) quteproc.set_setting(sect, opt, value) @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.parse("I run {command}")) def run_command(quteproc, httpbin, command): """Run a qutebrowser command. The suffix "with count ..." can be used to pass a count to the command. """ if 'with count' in command: command, count = command.split(' with count ') count = int(count) else: count = None command = command.replace('(port)', str(httpbin.port)) quteproc.send_cmd(command, count=count) @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.parse("I execute the userscript {userscript}")) def run_userscript(quteproc, userscript): """Run a userscript located in tests/integration/data/userscripts. Wrapper around :spawn --userscript {userscript} that uses an absolute path. """ abs_userscript_path = os.path.join(utils.abs_datapath(), 'userscripts', userscript) cmd = ':spawn --userscript {abs_userscript_path}' quteproc.send_cmd(cmd.format(abs_userscript_path=abs_userscript_path)) @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.parse("I reload")) def reload(qtbot, httpbin, quteproc, command): """Reload and wait until a new request is received.""" with qtbot.waitSignal(httpbin.new_request): quteproc.send_cmd(':reload') @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.parse("I wait until {path} is loaded")) def wait_until_loaded(quteproc, path): """Wait until the given path is loaded (as per qutebrowser log).""" quteproc.wait_for_load_finished(path) @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.re(r'I wait for (?Pregex )?"' r'(?P[^"]+)" in the log(?P or skip ' r'the test)?')) def wait_in_log(quteproc, is_regex, pattern, do_skip): """Wait for a given pattern in the qutebrowser log. If used like "When I wait for regex ... in the log" the argument is treated as regex. Otherwise, it's treated as a pattern (* can be used as wildcard). """ if is_regex: pattern = re.compile(pattern) line = quteproc.wait_for(message=pattern, do_skip=bool(do_skip)) line.expected = True @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.re(r'I wait for the (?Perror|message|warning) ' r'"(?P.*)"')) def wait_for_message(quteproc, httpbin, category, message): """Wait for a given statusbar message/error/warning.""" quteproc.log_summary('Waiting for {} "{}"'.format(category, message)) expect_message(quteproc, httpbin, category, message) @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.parse("I wait {delay}s")) def wait_time(quteproc, delay): """Sleep for the given delay.""" time.sleep(float(delay)) @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.re('I press the keys? "(?P[^"]*)"')) def press_keys(quteproc, keys): """Send the given fake keys to qutebrowser.""" quteproc.press_keys(keys) @bdd.when("selection is supported") def selection_supported(qapp): """Skip the test if selection isn't supported.""" if not qapp.clipboard().supportsSelection(): pytest.skip("OS doesn't support primary selection!") @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.re(r'I put "(?P.*)" into the ' r'(?Pprimary selection|clipboard)')) def fill_clipboard(quteproc, httpbin, what, content): content = content.replace('(port)', str(httpbin.port)) content = content.replace(r'\n', '\n') quteproc.send_cmd(':debug-set-fake-clipboard "{}"'.format(content)) @bdd.when(bdd.parsers.re(r'I put the following lines into the ' r'(?Pprimary selection|clipboard):\n' r'(?P.+)$', flags=re.DOTALL)) def fill_clipboard_multiline(quteproc, httpbin, what, content): fill_clipboard(quteproc, httpbin, what, textwrap.dedent(content)) ## Then @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse("{path} should be loaded")) def path_should_be_loaded(quteproc, path): """Make sure the given path was loaded according to the log. This is usally the better check compared to "should be requested" as the page could be loaded from local cache. """ quteproc.wait_for_load_finished(path) @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse("{path} should be requested")) def path_should_be_requested(httpbin, path): """Make sure the given path was loaded from the webserver.""" httpbin.wait_for(verb='GET', path='/' + path) @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse("The requests should be:\n{pages}")) def list_of_requests(httpbin, pages): """Make sure the given requests were done from the webserver.""" expected_requests = [httpbin.ExpectedRequest('GET', '/' + path.strip()) for path in pages.split('\n')] actual_requests = httpbin.get_requests() assert actual_requests == expected_requests @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse("The unordered requests should be:\n{pages}")) def list_of_requests_unordered(httpbin, pages): """Make sure the given requests were done (in no particular order).""" expected_requests = [httpbin.ExpectedRequest('GET', '/' + path.strip()) for path in pages.split('\n')] actual_requests = httpbin.get_requests() # Requests are not hashable, we need to convert to ExpectedRequests actual_requests = [httpbin.ExpectedRequest.from_request(req) for req in actual_requests] assert (collections.Counter(actual_requests) == collections.Counter(expected_requests)) @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.re(r'the (?Perror|message|warning) ' r'"(?P.*)" should be shown')) def expect_message(quteproc, httpbin, category, message): """Expect the given message in the qutebrowser log.""" category_to_loglevel = { 'message': logging.INFO, 'error': logging.ERROR, 'warning': logging.WARNING, } message = message.replace('(port)', str(httpbin.port)) quteproc.mark_expected(category='message', loglevel=category_to_loglevel[category], message=message) @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.re(r'(?Pregex )?"(?P[^"]+)" should ' r'be logged')) def should_be_logged(quteproc, httpbin, is_regex, pattern): """Expect the given pattern on regex in the log.""" if is_regex: pattern = re.compile(pattern) else: pattern = pattern.replace('(port)', str(httpbin.port)) line = quteproc.wait_for(message=pattern) line.expected = True @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse('"{pattern}" should not be logged')) def ensure_not_logged(quteproc, pattern): """Make sure the given pattern was *not* logged.""" quteproc.ensure_not_logged(message=pattern) @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse('the javascript message "{message}" should be ' 'logged')) def javascript_message_logged(quteproc, message): """Make sure the given message was logged via javascript.""" quteproc.wait_for_js(message) @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse('the javascript message "{message}" should not be ' 'logged')) def javascript_message_not_logged(quteproc, message): """Make sure the given message was *not* logged via javascript.""" quteproc.ensure_not_logged(category='js', function='javaScriptConsoleMessage', message='[*] {}'.format(message)) @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse("The session should look like:\n{expected}")) def compare_session(quteproc, expected): """Compare the current sessions against the given template. partial_compare is used, which means only the keys/values listed will be compared. """ # Translate ... to ellipsis in YAML. loader = yaml.SafeLoader(expected) loader.add_constructor('!ellipsis', lambda loader, node: ...) loader.add_implicit_resolver('!ellipsis', re.compile(r'\.\.\.'), None) data = quteproc.get_session() expected = loader.get_data() assert utils.partial_compare(data, expected) @bdd.then("no crash should happen") def no_crash(): """Don't do anything. This is actually a NOP as a crash is already checked in the log. """ pass @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse("the header {header} should be set to {value}")) def check_header(quteproc, header, value): """Check if a given header is set correctly. This assumes we're on the httpbin header page. """ content = quteproc.get_content() data = json.loads(content) print(data) assert data['headers'][header] == value @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse("the page source should look like {filename}")) def check_contents(quteproc, filename): """Check the current page's content. The filename is interpreted relative to tests/integration/data. """ content = quteproc.get_content(plain=False) path = os.path.join(utils.abs_datapath(), os.path.join(*filename.split('/'))) with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: file_content = f.read() assert content == file_content @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse('the page should contain the plaintext "{text}"')) def check_contents_plain(quteproc, text): """Check the current page's content based on a substring.""" content = quteproc.get_content().strip() assert text in content @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse('the json on the page should be:\n{text}')) def check_contents_json(quteproc, text): """Check the current page's content as json.""" content = quteproc.get_content().strip() expected = json.loads(text) actual = json.loads(content) assert actual == expected @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse("the following tabs should be open:\n{tabs}")) def check_open_tabs(quteproc, tabs): """Check the list of open tabs in the session. This is a lightweight alternative for "The session should look like: ...". It expects a list of URLs, with an optional "(active)" suffix. """ session = quteproc.get_session() active_suffix = ' (active)' tabs = tabs.splitlines() assert len(session['windows']) == 1 assert len(session['windows'][0]['tabs']) == len(tabs) for i, line in enumerate(tabs): line = line.strip() assert line.startswith('- ') line = line[2:] # remove "- " prefix if line.endswith(active_suffix): path = line[:-len(active_suffix)] active = True else: path = line active = False session_tab = session['windows'][0]['tabs'][i] assert session_tab['history'][-1]['url'] == quteproc.path_to_url(path) if active: assert session_tab['active'] else: assert 'active' not in session_tab @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.re(r'the (?Pprimary selection|clipboard) should ' r'contain "(?P.*)"')) def clipboard_contains(quteproc, httpbin, what, content): expected = content.replace('(port)', str(httpbin.port)) expected = expected.replace('\\n', '\n') quteproc.wait_for(message='Setting fake {}: {}'.format( what, json.dumps(expected))) @bdd.then(bdd.parsers.parse('the clipboard should contain:\n{content}')) def clipboard_contains_multiline(quteproc, content): expected = textwrap.dedent(content) quteproc.wait_for(message='Setting fake clipboard: {}'.format( json.dumps(expected))) @bdd.then("qutebrowser should quit") def should_quit(qtbot, quteproc): quteproc.wait_for_quit()