The test was failing because of two reasons:
First, the old code had filename questions in DownloadManager.get and
DownloadManager.fetch which were almost identical, thus the part in
DownloadManager.get was removed in an earlier commit. All filename
asking is now done by DownloadManager.fetch. The good part is code
deduplication, the bad part is slightly modified behavior: The new code
doesn't wait for a filename to start the download, instead it tries to
fill the buffer immediately. This made the test fail because qute:// has
no registered handler, so in order for the test to pass now, the "no
crash" part is not enough, we also need to expect the "No handler"
Secondly, and a rather rare (race) condition was the handling of errors
in the DownloadItem. If an error occured after the registration of
self.on_reply_error as error handler and before the check
reply.error() != QNetworkReply.NoError
at the end of the function, the error signal would be emitted twice:
Once by _die() (called by on_reply_error), and once by the init_reply
function directly (in the last if block). This lead to duplicated error
messages. This is also explained in a comment in the file (with small
"stack traces").
This way, all temporary downloads will end up in the same directory and
everything is cleaned up at program exit, not when the corresponding
window is closed.