We need to tell sqlite to convert the timestamps to localtime during
formatting, otherwise it formats them as though you are in UTC.
Also fix up a few uses of mktime.
For some reason, calling search.clear() while no search is displayed causes the
backends to un-focus inputs, and with QtWebKit, even hinting can't focus them
again after that.
For performance, re-introduce web-history-max-items.
As the history query has now become a very specific multi-part query and
history completion was the only consumer of SqlCategory, SqlCategory is
now replaced by a HistoryCategory class.
The javascript history page was requesting the new start_time in ms, but
the python code was expecting seconds. This is fixed by removing all the
millisecond translations in the python code and only translating to
milliseconds in the javascript code that formats dates.
- Fix flake8
- history.clear should also clear completion table
- call _resize_columns in set_model, not set_pattern
- add more unit-testing for the history completion table
- Ignore invalid variable name in flake8 (pylint already checks this and
we don't want to have to double-ignore)
- Fix and test completion bug with `:set asdf `
- Remove unused import
- Use `assert not func.called` instead of `func.assert_not_called` for
backwards compatibility
- Fix comment and empty line check in _parse_entry
- connect layoutAboutToBeChanged signal
- assert sort_order is None if sort_by is None
- modify sql init failure message to ask about Qt sqlite support.
Check for interval being positive instead of checking for it to be
non-zero. So if somehow some unexpected thing happend and made
message-timeout negative, the bug doesn't cascade.
- remove outdated comment
- fix sql init error message
- clean up history text import code
- fix test_history file path in coverage check
- use real web history, not stub, for completion model tests
- use qtmodeltester in sql/list_category tests
- test url encoding in history tests
- fix test_clear by using a callable mock
- remove test_debug_dump_history_oserror as the check is now the same as
for the file not existing
- rename nonempty to data in test_completionmodel
- add more delete_cur_item tests
- test empty option/value completion
If creating the sql database fails, show an error dialog assuming sqlite
is not installed.
This removes the isDriverAvailable check as it was true even with sqlite
sql.version now inits itself if sql is not already initialized and
prints 'UNAVAILABLE (<error message>)' if init fails. This is to avoid
cascading errors, where one error would create a crash dialog, which
calls sql.version, which would create another error.
This is also needed to make the docs environment work on Travis - as otherwise,
doc generation wasn't deterministic because of changing dict key order.
In Dict.to_str() and List.to_str() we use json.dump to get a value. However,
JSON includes surrogate escapes in the dumped values, which breaks round trips.
>>> yaml.load(json.dumps({'\U00010000': True}))
{'\ud800\udc00': True}
>>> yaml.load(json.dumps({'\U00010000': True}, ensure_ascii=False))
yaml.reader.ReaderError: unacceptable character #x10000: special characters are not allowed
Now that the StyleSheetObserver is a child of the object it observes, it should
get cleaned up properly when the object is deleted.
This means this is hopefully not needed anymore, even on Qt 5.2.
This gets called a lot, and caused some :bind calls to take ~3s.
Stats after starting with a bit of :bind:
CacheInfo(hits=25917, misses=139, maxsize=256, currsize=139)
Now the "object" kind of value (like in YAML) is stored internally, and that's
the canonical value. The methods changed their meaning slightly, see the
docstring in configtypes.py for details.
- Fix outdated comments
- Use mock specs when possible
- More precise error message check in test_import_txt_invalid.
- Fix copyright message
- Tweak missing pyqt error message
- Dead code: remove group_by and where from sqlcategory.
With the new separate completion table, these are no longer used.
- Move test_history out of webkit/. History is no longer purely webkit
related, it could be webengine.
Show a graphical error box with install instructions if PyQt.QtSql is
not found, rather than failing with CLI errors. Also show an error box
if the sqlite driver is not available.
This ensures we actually know when an AttributeError happens.
It also changes most external code to use the correct environment, rather than
simply creating a jinja2.Template, which wouldn't use the more tightened
When binding a key, the first row will be the current binding if the key
is already bound. This should make it easier for users to tell when they
are binding a key that is already bound, and what it is bound to.
There were two issues here:
- The comparison was backwards, causing scroller.at_bottom() to always return
- When zoomed in, jsret['px']['y'] can be a float, which means we can be
slightly off when checking the difference - math.ceil() fixes that.
With the new completion API, we no longer need a custom filterAcceptsRow
function. This was necessary to handle the tree structure of the model,
but now we use a separate QSortFilterProxyModel for each category, so
the data it filters is flat. We can simplify the code by using the
builtin setFilterRegExp.
This changes the behavior a little, as now all list categories filter on
all columns. This should be beneficial if anything. For example, help
topics are now filtered on description in addition to name.
This also seems to slightly speed up filtering, according to the url
model benchmark.
----------------------------------------------- benchmark: 1 tests ----------------------------------------------
Name (time in s) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers(*) Rounds Iterations
test_url_completion_benchmark 1.2806 1.3817 1.3195 0.0390 1.3068 0.0487 1;0 5 1
----------------------------------------------- benchmark: 1 tests ----------------------------------------------
Name (time in s) Min Max Mean StdDev Median IQR Outliers(*) Rounds Iterations
test_url_completion_benchmark 1.1183 1.1508 1.1281 0.0132 1.1241 0.0142 1;0 5 1
Taking the completion widget as an argument was overly complex.
The process now looks like:
1. CompletionView gets deletion request
2. CompletionView passes selected index to CompletionModel
3. CompletionModel passes the row data to the owning category
4. The category runs its custom completion function.
This also fixes a bug. With the switch to the hybrid (list/sql)
completion model, the view was no longer updating when items were
deleted. This fixes that by ensuring the correct signals are emitted.
The SQL model must be refreshed by running the query. We could try using
a SqlTableModel so we can call removeRows instead.
The test for deleting a url fails because qmodeltester claims the length
of the query model is still 3.
For QSqlQueryModel, the argument should always be an invalid index:
For a QStandardItemModel, it doesn't matter. Either way, passing the
top-level parent index was wrong.
_insert_query gets called with a query and dict of values such as:
{'val': 1, 'lucky': False, 'name': 'one'}
Via bindValues(), we only assign a placeholder in the query string to a value,
so we get a query with bindings like:
INSERT INTO Foo values(:lucky,:val,:name)
{':name': 'one', ':val': 1, ':lucky': False}
So what we're executing is something like:
INSERT INTO Foo values(false,1,"one")
However, if the column order in the database doesn't happen to be the order
we're passing the values in, we get the wrong values in the wrong columns.
Instead, we now do:
INSERT INTO Foo (lucky, val, name) values(false,1,"one")
Which inserts the values in the order we intended.
With Python 3.6, this just happened to work before because we always passed the
keyword arguments in the table column order, and in 3.6 dicts
(and thus **kwargs) happen to be ordered:
On Travis CI we are sometimes seeing:
argument 1 has unexpected type 'int'
Cast the data to a string before emitting it just to be safe.
This allows replace to be a named parameter and allows consolidating
some duplicate code between various insert methods.
This also fixes some tests that broke because batch insert was broken.
No longer needed with sql backend. Query results build their own
namedtuple from the returned columns, and inserting new entries is just
done with named parameters.
Fix the issue where pressing `o<esc>o` would show a url completion
dialog where attempting to <Tab> select items would do nothing but show
a Qt warning.
The fix is to ensure we set _last_completion_func to None whenever we
clear completion (there was a case I missed).
It also ensures we always delete the old model and adds a safety to
prevent deleting an in-use model is set_model is called with the current
This was changed during code review but was causing Qt errors while
TAB-completing in the selection view:
08:42:34 WARNING qt Unknown module:none:0 Can't select indexes from different model or with different parents
sqlite> SELECT * FROM History where not redirect and not url like "qute://%" and atime > ? and atime <= ? ORDER BY atime desc;
Run Time: real 0.072 user 0.063334 sys 0.010000
sqlite> explain query plan SELECT * FROM History where not redirect and not url like "qute://%" and atime > ? and atime <= ? ORDER BY atime desc;
0|0|0|SCAN TABLE History
sqlite> explain query plan select url, title, strftime('%Y-%m-%d', last_atime, 'unixepoch') from CompletionHistory where (url like "%qute%" or title like "%qute%") order by last_atime desc;
0|0|0|SCAN TABLE CompletionHistory
sqlite> SELECT * FROM History where not redirect and not url like "qute://%" and atime > ? and atime <= ? ORDER BY atime desc;
Run Time: real 0.000 user 0.000000 sys 0.000000
sqlite> explain query plan SELECT * FROM History where not redirect and not url like "qute://%" and atime > ? and atime <= ? ORDER BY atime desc;
0|0|0|SEARCH TABLE History USING INDEX AtimeIndex (atime>? AND atime<?)
sqlite> explain query plan select url, title, strftime('%Y-%m-%d', last_atime, 'unixepoch') from CompletionHistory where (url like "%qute%" or title like "%qute%") order by last_atime desc;
0|0|0|SCAN TABLE CompletionHistory USING INDEX CompletionAtimeIndex
When loading heise.de, for some crazy reason QtWebKit calls historyContains
about 16'000 times.
With this cache (which we simply clear when *any* page has been loaded, as then
the links which have been visited can change), that's down to 250 or so...
- Show an error message when import fails, not a generic crash dialog
- Raise CommandError when debug-dump-history fails
- Check that the path exists for debug-dump-history
This is called often, hopefully a prepared query will speed it up.
This also modifies Query.run to return self for easier chaining, so you
can use `query.run.value()` instead of `query.run` ; query.value()`.
For real this time. A mistake on the last commit like this meant models
were still spuriously instantiated.
Now that the completion model is reused, the layoutChanged signal needs
to be forwarded through, otherwise the view will not update.
This seemed to have a significant performance impact. Removing it means
that instead of just seeing the most recent atime for a given url, you
will see multiple entries.
If the completion model would stay the same, just keep it and update the
filter pattern rather than instantiating a new model each time the
pattern changes.
Instead set this on inidividual categories, as that is where it actually
gets used. This makes it easier for SqlCompletionCategory to reuse a
prepared query (as it gets the filter field names in its constructor).
Trying to read from the sql database from another process was flaky.
This adds a debug-dump-history command which is used by the history BDD
tests to validate the history contents.
It outputs history in the old pre-SQL text format, so it might be
useful for those who want to manipulate their history as text.
Returning "next" was no longer possible as the SQL query does not fetch
more items than necessary. This is solved by using a start time, a
limit, and an offset. The offset is needed to prevent fetching duplicate
items if multiple entries have the same timestamp.
Two of the history tests that relied on qute://history were changed to
rely on qute://history/data instead to make them less failure-prone.
The history completion query is extended to pick only the most recent item for
a given url.
The tests in test_models now check for ordering of elements.
The old implementation was looping through the whole history list, which for
SQL was selecting every row in the database. The history benchmark was taking
~2s. If this is rewritten as a specialized SQL query, the benchmark takes
~10ms, an order of magnitude faster than the original non-SQL implementation.
Vulture exposed the following dead code:
- AppendLineParse was only used for reading the history text file, which is now
a sql database (and the import code for the old text file is simpler and does
not need a complex line parser)
- async_read_done is no longer used as importing the history text file is
synchronous (and should only happen once)
- config._init_key_config is unused as it was moved to keyconf.init
Calling sql.init() in version.version() would replace the existing sql
connection and cause a crash when accessed by opening qute://version.
Now version relies on sql already being initted, and app.py inits sql early if
the --version arg is given.
Turns out historyContains was getting called for the webkit backend multiple
times when the browser starts. This was calling `url in history`, which was
enumerating the entire history as `__contains__` was not defined.
Instead of skipping bad history lines during the import to sql, fail hard. We
don't want to delete the user's old history file if we couldn't parse all of
the lines.
Now that sql is only used for history (not quickmarks/bookmarks) a number of
functions are no longer needed. In addition, primary key support was removed as
we actually need to support multiple entries for the same url with different
access times. The completion model will have to handle this by selecting
something like (url, title, max(atime)).
This also fixes up a number of tests that were broken with the last few
sql-related commits.
If qutebrowser detects a history text file when it starts
(~/.local/share/qutebrowser/history by default on Linux), it will import this
file into the new sqlite database, then delete it.
The read is done as a coroutine as it can take some time.
Instead of reading sqlite history from a file and storing it in an in-memory
database, just directly use an on-disk database. This resolves#755, where
history entries don't pop in to the completion menu immediately as they are
still being read asynchronously for a few seconds after the browser starts.
Instead of add_list and add_sqltable, the completion model now supports
add_category, and callees either pass in a SqlCategory or ListCategory. This
makes unit testing much easier.
This also folds CompletionFilterModel into the ListCategory class.
The RFC on moving from plaintext to SQL storage (#2340) showed that many would
be upset if bookmarks and quickmarks were no longer stored in plaintext.
This commit uses list-based completion for quickmarks and bookmarks. Now the
history storage can be moved from plaintext to an on-disk SQL database while
leaving bookmarks and quickmarks as-is.
Now all completion models are of a single type called CompletionModel.
This model combines one or more categories. A category can either be a
ListCategory or a SqlCategory.
This simplifies the API, and will allow the use of models that combine simple
list-based and sql sources. This is important for two reasons:
- Adding searchengines to url completion
- Using an on-disk sqlite database for history, while keeping bookmarks and
quickmars as text files.
This was a performance optimization that shouldn't be needed with the new SQL
history backend. This also removes support for the LIMIT feature from SqlTable
as it only existed to support web-history-max-items.
Respond to the low-hanging code review fruit:
- Clean up some comments
- Remove an acidentally added duplicate init_autosave
- Combine two test_history tests
- Move test_init cleanup into a fixture to ensure it gets called.
- Name the _ argument of bind(_) to _key
- Ensure index is valid for first_item/last_item
- Move SqlException to top of module
- Rename test_index to test_getitem
- Return QItemFlags.None instead of None
- Fix copyright dates (its 2017 now!)
- Use * to force some args to be keyword-only
- Make some returns explicit
- Add sql to LOGGER_NAMES
- Add a comment to explain the sql escape statement
newest_slice is no longer needed after the completion refactor. Now that
history is based on the SQL backend, LIMIT is used instead.
StatusBar._option is not used, though I'm not sure why vulture only caught it
The new function-based completion API introduced a circular import:
config -> keyconf -> miscmodels -> config.
config only depended on keyconf so it could initialize it as part of
config.init. This can be resolved by moving this to keyconf.init and
initializing keyconf as part of app.init.
Change the logging to report the completion function name and have the end2end
tests check for this.
Remove the tests for realtime completion, as it was decided this is not an
important feature and the code is much simpler without it.
This just forwards canFetchMore and fetchMore to the underlying tables.
It seems to be returning True and fetching in some cases (with a large
history), so I guess it is useful?
Instead of returning a regular tuple and trying to remember which index maps to
which field, return named tuples that allow accessing the fields by name.
Allow categories to specify a WHERE clause that applies in addition to the
pattern filter. This allows the url completion model to filter out redirect
This also fixed the usage of ESCAPE so it applies to all the LIKE statements.
A SQL completion category can now provide a customized column expression for
the select statement. This enables the url model to format timestamps, as well
as rearrange the name and url in the quickmark section.
This allows setting the query as a QSqlQuery instead of a string, which allows:
- Escaping quotes
- Using LIMIT (needed for history-max-items)
- Using ORDER BY (needed for sorting history)
- SELECTing columns (needed for quickmark completion)
- Creating a custom select (needed for history timestamp formatting)
From @TheCompiler:
To expand on this: I think it's fine to use KeyError on a lower level, i.e.
with the SqlTable object with a dict-like interface. However, on this higher
level, I think it makes sense to re-raise them as more specific exceptions.
For URL completion, time-based sorting is handled by the SQL model.
All the other models use simple alphabetical sorting. This allowed cleaning up
some logic in the sortfilter, removing DUMB_SORT, and removing the
This also removes the userdata completion field as it was only used in url
completion and is no longer necessary with the SQL model.
Store quickmarks and bookmarks in an in-memory sql database instead of a
python dict. Long-term storage is not affected, bookmarks and
quickmarks are still persisted in a text file.
The added and deleted signals were removed, as once sql completion
models are used the models will no longer need to update themselves.
This will set the stage for SQL-based history completion.
See #1765.
The browser-wide in-memory web history is now stored in an in-memory sql
database instead of a python dict. Long-term storage is not affected, it
is still persisted in a text file of the same format.
This will set the stage for SQL-based history completion.
See #1765.
When qutebrowser starts, it creates an in-memory sqlite database. One
can instantiate a SqlTable to create a new table in the database. The
object provides an interface to query and modify the table.
This intended to serve as the base class for the quickmark, bookmark,
and history manager objects in objreg. Instead of reading their data
into an in-memory dict, they will read into an in-memory sql table.
Eventually the completion models for history, bookmarks, and quickmarks
can be replaced with SqlQuery models for faster creation and filtering.
See #1765.
The new completion API no longer needs either of these. Instead of
referencing an enum member, cmdutils.argument.completion now points to
a function that returnsthe desired completion model.
This vastly simplifies the addition of new completion types. Previously
it was necessary to define the new model as well as editing usertypes
and completion.models.instances. Now it is only necessary to define a
single function under completion.models.
This is the next step of Completion Model/View Revamping (#74).
There was a circular import from
config -> keyconf -> miscmodels -> config.
This is resolved by scoping config's keyconf import to the one function
that uses it.
First step of Completion Model/View revamping (#74). Rewrite the
completion models as functions that each return an instance of a
CompletionModel class.
Caching is removed from all models except the UrlModel. Models other
than the UrlModel can be generated very quickly so caching just adds
needless complexity and can lead to incorrect results if one forgets to
wire up a signal.
When we open a background tab, it gets a hardcoded size (800x600 or so) because
it doesn't get resized by the layout yet.
By resizing it to the size it'll actually have later, we make sure scrolling to
an anchor in an background tab works, and JS also gets the correct size for
background tabs.
See #1417
This continues the spirit of my previous PR and allows formatting tab
titles to designate when private mode is enabled. I didn't even realize
that tab title-format was a separate thing from window-title-format
(yes, it's in the name.. silly craftyguy), until now.
With per-domain settings, having a getter for a setting gets really complicated,
as there isn't one true value for a setting.
The only reason we needed those getters is to save away the default values for
some settings where we were unsure what the defaults are.
- For font setters, we can get the defaults from QFont, like QtWeb{Kit,Engine}
- For font sizes, we hardcode the defaults QtWeb{Kit,Engine} hardcodes too.
- For maximum-page-in-cache, we hardcode 0, just like QtWebKit.
- For default-encoding, we hardcode iso-8559-1, like QtWeb{Kit,Engine}
- For offline-storage-default-quota, we hardcode 5MB, like QtWebKit
- For offline-web-application-cache-quota, we hardcode MAXINT as default value,
but we still keep the empty value in the config. It means "no quota"
internally in QtWebKit, but it's a too confusing value to have in the config.
- For object-cache-capacities it's a bit more complicated (the defaults are
calculated based on disk space), but let's just get rid of the setting
altogether in the next commit (see #1751).
This breaks things (with "ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list") on
PyQt 5.9 (probably due to the destroyed object tracking it introduces?).
This was originally added in 0abb5cf738 to fix
some segfaults on exit, but things look much better with recent Qt versions.