This really tripped me up yesterday, My "Vim default" is to use tabs.
This (where `!···` is a tab) does not work as you'll hope it works:
Scenario: Retrying a failed download when the directory didn't exist (issue 2445)
When I download http://localhost:(port)/data/downloads/download.bin to <path>
And I wait for the error "Download error: No such file or directory: *"
And I make the directory <mkdir>
And I run :download-retry
!···!···And I wait until the download is finished
Then the downloaded file <expected> should exist
| path | mkdir | expected |
| asd/zxc/ | asd/zxc | asd/zxc/download.bin |
Unfortunately, pytest-bdd uses the "Python 2 behaviour" of "expand all
tabs to 8 spaces", and doesn't give any errors on strange/inconsistent
whitespace. It can cause very confusing errors.
Add two extra tests for checking navigation on pages with rel "next" and
"prev" links which are also rel "nofollow" to test for the correct
functionality of navigating pages with rel "next" and "prev" links with
multiple rel attributes.