When pressing a key which doesn't exist as Qt.Key, we don't get Qt.Key_unknown
like we'd expect, but we get 0x0 instead...
Let's add that as a new "nil" key (to not conflict with None/unknown/zero/...)
and handle it appropriately.
This can be reproduced by doing:
setxkbmap -layout us,gr -option grp:alt_shift_toggle
and pressing Alt-Shift/Shift-Alt.
Turns out when we press yY, we get three events:
Qt.Key_Y, Qt.NoModifier
Qt.Key_Shift, Qt.ShiftModifier
Qt.Key_Y, Qt.ShiftModifier
If we don't ignore the second one, our keychain will be interrupted by the Shift
Now that we don't rely on str(KeyInfo) being empty anywhere, there's no reason
to return an empty string for only-modifier keypresses anymore.
While those keys can't be bound (QKeySequence('Shift') == Qt.Key_unknown)
there's also no reason to explicitly ignore them.
Generated by:
import key_data
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QKeySequence
for key in key_data.KEYS:
attr = key.attribute
member = getattr(Qt, 'Key_' + attr, None)
if member is None:
name = QKeySequence(member).toString()
if name != attr:
print(" Key('{}', '{}')".format(attr, name))
except UnicodeEncodeError:
print(" Key('{}', '{}') # FIXME".format(attr, name.encode('unicode-escape').decode('ascii')))
When min_chars is nonzero, if the first command that opens the
completion has < min_chars on the word under the cursor, it triggers a
check for a condition where last_cursor_pos is None.
By setting last_cursor_pos=-1 we ensure that the completer always
updates the first time it is opened, and that there is never a check
against None.
This adds a test for the min_chars feature.